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A second pmoCAB operon and xoxF2 gene were not expressed. The physiology of strain AP8 was further investigated and revealed an optimal growth in a pH range of 3-5 at 50°C, representing the first thermophilic strain of the genus Methylacidimicrobium. Moreover, strain AP8 had a KS(app) for methane of 8 ± 1 μM. Beside methane, a type 1b [NiFe] hydrogenase enabled hydrogen oxidation at oxygen concentrations up to 1%. Taken together, our results expand the knowledge on the characteristics and adaptations of verrucomicrobial methanotrophs in hydrothermal environments and add a new thermophilic strain to the genus Methylacidimicrobium.Extracytoplasmic function (ECF) sigma factors underpin the ability of bacteria to adapt to changing environmental conditions, a process that is particularly relevant in human pathogens that inhabit niches where human immune cells contribute to high levels of extracellular stress. Here, we have characterized the previously unstudied RpoE2 ECF sigma factor from the human respiratory pathogen H. selleckchem influenzae (Hi) and its role in hypochlorite-induced stress. Exposure of H. influenzae to oxidative stress (HOCl, H2O2) increased rpoE2 gene expression, and the activity of RpoE2 was controlled by a cytoplasmic 67-aa anti-sigma factor, HrsE. RpoE2 regulated the expression of the periplasmic MsrAB peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase that, in H. influenzae, is required for HOCl resistance, thus linking RpoE2 to HOCl stress. Interestingly, a HiΔrpoE2 strain had wild-type levels of resistance to oxidative stress in vitro, but HiΔrpoE2 survival was reduced 26-fold in a mouse model of lung infection, demonstrating the relevance of this sigma factor for H. influenzae pathogenesis. The HiRpoE2 system has some similarity to the ECF sigma factors described in Streptomyces and Neisseria sp. that also control the expression of msr genes. However, HiRpoE2 regulation extended to genes encoding other periplasmic damage repair proteins, an operon containing a DoxX-like protein, and also included selected OxyR-controlled genes. Based on our results, we propose that the highly conserved HiRpoE2 sigma factor is a key regulator of H. influenzae responses to oxidative damage in the cell envelope region that controls a variety of target genes required for survival in the host.The sustainable utilization of black soldier fly (BSF) for recycling organic waste into nutrient-rich biomass, such as high-quality protein additive, is gaining momentum, and its microbiota is thought to play important roles in these processes. Several studies have characterized the BSF gut microbiota in different substrates and locations; nonetheless, in-depth knowledge on community stability, consistency of member associations, pathogenic associations, and microbe-microbe and host-microbe interactions remains largely elusive. In this study, we characterized the bacterial and fungal communities of BSF larval gut across four untreated substrates (brewers' spent grain, kitchen food waste, poultry manure, and rabbit manure) using 16S and ITS2 amplicon sequencing. Results demonstrated that substrate impacted larval weight gain from 30 to 100% gain differences among diets and induced an important microbial shift in the gut of BSF larvae fungal communities were highly substrate dependent with Pichia being the only prevalent genus across 96% of the samples; bacterial communities also varied across diets; nonetheless, we observed six conserved bacterial members in 99.9% of our samples, namely, Dysgonomonas, Morganella, Enterococcus, Pseudomonas, Actinomyces, and Providencia. Among these, Enterococcus was highly correlated with other genera including Morganella and Providencia. Additionally, we showed that diets such as rabbit manure induced a dysbiosis with higher loads of the pathogenic bacteria Campylobacter. Together, this study provides the first comprehensive analysis of bacterial and fungal communities of BSF gut across untreated substrates and highlights conserved members, potential pathogens, and their interactions. This information will contribute to the establishment of safety measures for future processing of BSF larval meals and the creation of legislation to regulate their use in animal feeds.Insect resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) insecticidal proteins has rapidly evolved with the expansion of the planting area of transgenic Bt crops. Pyramiding RNA interference (RNAi) and Bt in crops is urgently needed to counter the rapid increase in pest resistance. The ideal "pyramid" strategy simultaneously targets different action pathways that exert synergetic effects on each other. Here, we identified a dephosphatase, namely, Helicoverpa armigera calcineurin (HaCAN), which might enhance the insecticidal activity of Cry1Ac against Helicoverpa armigera by regulating immune gene expression via dephosphatase activity, but not by acting as a receptor. Notably, blocking enzyme activity or knocking down endogenous HaCAN significantly promoted the enhancement in Cry1Ac toxicity to insect larvae and cells. Correspondingly, the increase in HaCAN activity reduced the cytotoxicity of Cry1Ac as shown by the heterologous expression of HaCAN. Our results provide a probable that HaCAN is an important candidate gene for pyramiding RNAi and Cry1Ac crops to control cotton bollworm.Previously, we identified that a cyclic hexapeptide AOA-2 inhibited the interaction of Gram-negative bacilli (GNB) like Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Escherichia coli to host cells thereby preventing the development of infection in vitro and in a murine sepsis peritoneal model. In this work, we aimed to evaluate in vitro a library of AOA-2 derivatives in order to improve the effect of AOA-2 against GNB infections. Ten AOA-2 derivatives were synthetized for the in vitro assays. Their toxicities to human lung epithelial cells (A549 cells) for 24 h were evaluated by determining the A549 cells viability using 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay. The effect of these peptide derivatives and AOA-2 at 250, 125, 62.5, and 31.25 μg/mL on the attachment of A. baumannii ATCC 17978, P. aeruginosa PAO1 and E. coli ATCC 25922 strains to A549 cells was characterized by adherence and viability assays. None of the 10 derivatives showed toxicity to A549 cells. RW01 and RW06 have reduced more the adherence of ATCC 17978, PAO1 and ATCC 2599 strains to A549 cells when compared with the original compound AOA-2. Moreover, both peptides have increased slightly the viability of infected A549 cells by PAO1 and ATCC 25922 than those observed with AOA-2. Finally, RW01 and RW06 have potentiated the activity of colistin against ATCC 17978 strain in the same level with AOA-2. The optimization program of AOA-2 has generated two derivatives (RW01 and RW06) with best effect against interaction of GNB with host cells, specifically against P. aeruginosa and E. coli.Vaccination is the most effective method to date to prevent viral diseases. It intends to mimic a naturally occurring infection while avoiding the disease, exposing our bodies to viral antigens to trigger an immune response that will protect us from future infections. Among different strategies for vaccine development, recombinant vaccines are one of the most efficient ones. Recombinant vaccines use safe viral vectors as vehicles and incorporate a transgenic antigen of the pathogen against which we intend to generate an immune response. These vaccines can be based on replication-deficient viruses or replication-competent viruses. While the most effective strategy involves replication-competent viruses, they must be attenuated to prevent any health hazard while guaranteeing a strong humoral and cellular immune response. Several attenuation strategies for adenoviral-based vaccine development have been contemplated over time. In this paper, we will review them and discuss novel approaches based on the principle that protein synthesis from individual genes can be modulated by codon usage bias manipulation. We will summarize vaccine approaches that consider recoding of viral proteins to produce adenoviral attenuation and recoding of the transgene antigens for both viral attenuation and efficient viral epitope expression.Cold seeps and hydrothermal vents are seafloor habitats fueled by subsurface energy sources. Both habitat types coexist in Guaymas Basin in the Gulf of California, providing an opportunity to compare microbial communities with distinct physiologies adapted to different thermal regimes. Hydrothermally active sites in the southern Guaymas Basin axial valley, and cold seep sites at Octopus Mound, a carbonate mound with abundant methanotrophic cold seep fauna at the Central Seep location on the northern off-axis flanking regions, show consistent geochemical and microbial differences between hot, temperate, cold seep, and background sites. The changing microbial actors include autotrophic and heterotrophic bacterial and archaeal lineages that catalyze sulfur, nitrogen, and methane cycling, organic matter degradation, and hydrocarbon oxidation. Thermal, biogeochemical, and microbiological characteristics of the sampling locations indicate that sediment thermal regime and seep-derived or hydrothermal energy sources structure the microbial communities at the sediment surface.Fungal pathogens kill approximately 1.5 million individuals per year and represent a severe disease burden worldwide. It is estimated over 150 million people have serious fungal disease such as recurrent mucosal infections or life-threatening systemic infections. Disease can ensue from commensal fungi or new infection and involves different fungal morphologies and the expression of virulence factors. Therefore, anti-fungal immunity is complex and requires coordination between multiple facets of the immune system. IL-1 family cytokines are associated with acute and chronic inflammation and are essential for the innate response to infection. Recent research indicates IL-1 cytokines play a key role mediating immunity against different fungal infections. During mucosal disease, IL-1R and IL-36R are required for neutrophil recruitment and protective Th17 responses, but function through different mechanisms. During systemic disease, IL-18 drives protective Th1 responses, while IL-33 promotes Th2 and suppresses Th1 immunity. The IL-1 family represents an attractive anti-fungal immunotherapy target. There is a need for novel anti-fungal therapeutics, as current therapies are ineffective, toxic and encounter resistance, and no anti-fungal vaccine exists. Furthering our understanding of the IL-1 family cytokines and their complex role during fungal infection may aid the development of novel therapies. As such, this review will discuss the role for IL-1 family cytokines in fungal infections.The microbial composition of the rhizosphere soil could be an important determinant of crop yield, pathogen resistance, and other beneficial attributes in plants. However, little is known about the impact of cropping sequences on microbial community dynamics, especially in economically important species like soybean. Using 2-year crop sequences of corn-soybean, canola-soybean, and soybean-soybean, we investigated how crops from the previous growing season influenced the structure of the microbiome in both the bulk soil and soybean rhizosphere. A combination of marker-based Illumina sequencing and bioinformatics analyses was used to show that bacterial species richness and evenness in the soybean rhizosphere soil were similar following canola and soybean compared to a previous corn sequence. However, fungal species richness and evenness remained unaffected by crop sequence. In addition, bacterial and fungal species diversity in both the bulk and soybean rhizosphere soil were not influenced by crop sequence. Lastly, the corn-soybean sequence significantly differed in the relative abundance of certain bacterial and fungal classes in both the soybean rhizosphere and bulk soil.

Autoři článku: Wootensiegel0984 (Leach Haley)