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Results were validated against MODIS-derived leaf area index (LAI) and evapotranspiration (ET), as well as field observations of total biomass. The re-parameterized model outperformed the default model in simulating LAI, biomass accumulation, and ET at all sites. The two parametrizations also resulted in substantially different mean annual water budgets for all sites, with reductions in water yield ranging from 13 to 45% under the new parameterization, highlighting the importance of properly parameterizing forest dynamics in watershed models. Importantly, our re-parameterization methodology does not require alteration to the SWAT code, allowing it to be readily adapted and applied in ongoing and future watershed modeling studies.Long-term variations in aerosol optical properties, types, and radiative forcing over the Sichuan Basin (SCB) and surrounding regions in Southwest China were investigated based on two-decade data (2001-2020) from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer, Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation, and the Santa Barbara DISORT Atmospheric Radiative Transfer model. The results showed that the aerosol optical depth (AOD550nm) in the SCB, a major polluted region in Southwest China, experienced an increasing tendency at a rate of +0.052 yr-1 during 2001-2006; thereafter, it decreased speedy up from -0.020 to -0.058 yr-1 over recent years, whereas the interannual variation in Ångström exponent (AE470-660nm) presented a persistently increasing trend during 2001-2020, with a rate of +0.014 yr-1. An improved atmospheric environment but an enhanced fine particle contribution to regional aerosols in the SCB was observed. Over the polluted SCB region, the dominant aerosol types were biomasy aerosol variation, could alter the atmospheric thermal structure over the SCB and surrounding areas for regional changes of environment and climate in recent years.To clarify the roles of biochar in the anaerobic co-digestion of waste activated sludge (WAS) and food waste (FW), batch tests were conducted coupled with thermodynamics, extracellular electron transfer flux and microbial community analysis. Compared with the control group, biochar significantly facilitated the co-digestion at three periods, but its sustainable facilitation was mainly in the syntrophic methanogenesis of volatile fatty acids (VFAs). The thermodynamic analysis confirmed that biochar could alleviate limitations imposed by high hydrogen partial pressure during interspecies hydrogen transfer (IHT), the thermodynamic windows was expanded 137% and 92% in the syntrophic methanogenesis of acetate and propionate, respectively. Meanwhile, due to the redox capacity of biochar (4.85 and 0.35 μmol e-/g biochar), the equivalent current of direct interspecies electron transfer (DIET) flux for syntrophic methanogenesis of acetate and propionate obtained were 1.0 × 10-4 A and 0.9 × 10-4 A, which were 108 times than that of IHT. It should be noticed that the functional microorganisms like Methanosarcina which could participate DIET were only enriched on the surface of biochar, the dominant Methanothermobacter in suspended sludge probably indicate IHT was still the main pathway for syntrophic methanogenesis. Nevertheless, the DIET triggered by the redox-active moieties on the surface of biochar and the enhanced IHT by alleviating thermodynamic restrictions, promoted the syntrophic methanogenesis synergistically.Particulate matter (PM), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), and total hydrocarbons (THC) in gasoline exhaust affect atmospheric quality, and hence human health. Ethanol produced from corn grain is a renewable resource with favorable anti-knock properties for gasoline blending. Refiners alter petroleum composition to produce a finished blend that meets specifications. Ethanol blending affects emissions from market fuels both directly and indirectly since aromatics are typically removed from the BOB as ethanol is added to reach a constant octane rating. Numerous studies have been conducted to assess the effect of ethanol blending on light duty vehicle emissions. However, few studies have examined market fuel blends directly and small studies yield insufficient information to be generally applicable. If blending of fuels for a study does not yield gasoline that adequately resembles the composition of a market blend, the generalizability of study results may be impacted by nonlinear blending effects.spect to ethanol level. For all emissions, the effects differed between port fuel injection (PFI) and gasoline direct injection (GDI) powered vehicles and for NOx, CO and THC there were differences between comphrehensive and split models. NOx results varied over blend levels and THC results were scattered for the higher blends. CO emissions were lower with higher ethanol content in nearly all cases for PFI but only the hot-running GDI. Results did not differ between summer regular and premium fuels. To the extent that PFI and GDI models differ, an emissions inventory calculation should treat them separately. There is uncertainty directly associated with the regression process, and with model inputs since study methods vary and compositions are reported differently between laboratories and test methods. Small changes in modeled emissions should be considered in this light.The Ok Tedi mine discharges waste rock and tailings into the Ok Tedi River in Papua New Guinea. This has resulted in elevated copper concentrations throughout the Ok Tedi/Fly River system, which can potentially impact aquatic biota. Ten years of measured copper and toxicity monitoring data were used to assess the risk of chronic effects from the mine-derived copper. Cumulative probability plots of dissolved and labile copper were compared to a species sensitivity distribution (SSD) of published copper toxicity data for four regions of the river. The Cu-SSD was used to estimate the risk of chronic effects to aquatic organisms in the Ok Tedi/Fly River at a range of potential copper exposure scenarios. The risk to species at the median labile copper concentration for each region showed a gradient effect with distance downstream from the mine and only the most sensitive (0.2-11%) species were at risk. There were copper exceedances of the region-specific guideline values (GV) and default guideline value (DGV) 88% and 74% of the time, respectively, in the Ok Tedi region (closest to the mine) and this is considered a high risk of chronic effects. Measured copper concentrations in the middle Fly River, lower Fly River (farthest downstream of the mine) and the river at Kiunga (reference site) exceeded the region-specific GVs and DGVs less frequently to rarely and present a lower risk of chronic effects from copper. The risk was supported using toxicity tests with the local microalgal species Chlorella sp. Comparison of recent (2010-2020) and historical (1996-2004) copper monitoring data from the Ok Tedi/Fly River indicates a decrease in the labile copper concentrations (30-76%) at key sites from impacted regions and a subsequent decrease in risk. This coincides with improved mining practices aimed at reducing the copper load into the Ok Tedi/Fly River.Understanding the mechanisms that govern microbial community assembly across soil-plant continuum is crucial for predicting the response of ecosystems to environmental changes. However, the impact of the health status of plant on microbial assembly across this continuum still remain poorly understood. Here, we investigated how wheat yellow mosaic (WYM), caused by the wheat mosaic virus transmitted by Polymyxa graminis, affected microbial assembly across soil (bulk soil, rhizosphere soil), and plant (roots and leaves) continuum in a winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) system in northern China, using null model analysis. The results showed that deterministic processes dominated the bacterial community assembly, whereas stochastic processes were primarily responsible for the assembly of the fungal communities. Vorinostat mw With increasing levels of WYM, deterministic processes were greatly enhanced for bacterial community assembly, accompanied by a decrease in community niche breadth. Intensified competition between bacteria and fungi and increased soil total nitrogen (TN) and soil organic carbon (SOC) contents were mainly responsible for the enhanced deterministic processes for bacterial community assembly. Random forest modeling indicated a strong potential of rhizosphere bacterial community assembly for predicting the pathological conditions of wheat. Structural equation modeling showed that disease level was positively correlated with SOC and TN contents, competitions between bacteria and fungi, and the contribution of variable selection processes to the bacterial community assembly in the wheat rhizosphere. Our study revealed the ecological mechanisms underlying the associations between microbial communities and soil-borne disease, and highlighted the significance of microbial community assembly for maintaining soil and plant health.The internal Fe2+/Fe3+ cycle is important for peroxymonosulfate (PMS) activation by iron-based materials to produce the reactive oxidative species (ROS) for the breakdown of organic contaminants. Previous studies have focused on the contribution of heterogeneous sulfur species to the Fe2+/Fe3+ cycle such as lattice S(-II) and surface SO32- of iron sulfides. In this study, we found that the dissolved S(-II) from mackinawite (FeS) had a substantial contribution to the Fe2+/Fe3+ cycle. Furthermore, the oxidation intermediates of the dissolved S(-II) such as S2O32- and SO32- ions could convert Fe3+ to Fe2+ in solution. The elimination of target organic pollutant bisphenol A (BPA) derived from PMS activation triggered by the dissolved Fe2+ might be enhanced by the equivalent dissolved S(-II) in the FeS/PMS system. These results revealed that previous studies underestimated the significance of PMS activation by dissolved Fe2+ of iron sulfides to organic pollutant degradation. Moreover, SO4•- and •OH were more likely to be the main ROS for BPA degradation in the FeS/PMS system compared with FeO2+. Considering that the metal sulfides have been widely used to activate PMS, H2O2 and peroxydisulfate, this study offers a new perspective on the function of sulfur in these advanced oxidation processes.Forest canopies buffer macroclimatic temperature fluctuations. However, we do not know if and how the capacity of canopies to buffer understorey temperature will change with accelerating climate change. Here we map the difference (offset) between temperatures inside and outside forests in the recent past and project these into the future in boreal, temperate and tropical forests. Using linear mixed-effect models, we combined a global database of 714 paired time series of temperatures (mean, minimum and maximum) measured inside forests vs. in nearby open habitats with maps of macroclimate, topography and forest cover to hindcast past (1970-2000) and to project future (2060-2080) temperature differences between free-air temperatures and sub-canopy microclimates. For all tested future climate scenarios, we project that the difference between maximum temperatures inside and outside forests across the globe will increase (i.e. result in stronger cooling in forests), on average during 2060-2080, by 0.27 ± 0.16 °C (RCP2.

Autoři článku: Woodsommer8214 (Ray Kirkpatrick)