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We observed a long-lived charge transfer (CT) state in a novel orthogonal compact electron donor-acceptor dyads, with closed form of rhodamine (Rho) as electron donor and pyromellitimide (PI),or thionated PI, as electron acceptor. The two parts in the dyads are connected via a spiro quaternary carbon atom, thus the torsion between the donor and acceptor is completely inhibited, which is beneficial to reduce the reorganization energy and to exploit the Marcus inverted region effect to prolong the CT state lifetime. Femtosecond transient absorption spectra show that the charge separation is rather fast, while nanosecond transient absorption spectra confirmed the formation of long-lived CT state (2.6 μs). Time-resolved electron paramagnetic resonance (TREPR) spectra determined the spin multiplicity of the long living state and assigned it to a 3 CT state. Replacement of an oxygen atom in the PI part with a sulfur atom favoring classical intersystem crossing processes, causes a consistently shortening of the lifetime of the 3 CT state (0.29 μs).As a new path to "green" ammonia production, photoelectrochemical nitrate reduction reaction (PEC NO3 RR) is investigated for the first time. An Au-decorated ordered silicon nanowire (O_SiNW) array photocathode demonstrates 95.6 % of Faradaic efficiency (FE) to ammonia at 0.2 VRHE , which represents a more positive potential than the thermodynamic reduction potential of nitrate by utilizing photovoltage. The high FE is possible because both Si and Au surfaces are inactive for competing water reduction to hydrogen. The O_SiNW array structure is favorable to promote the PEC NO3 RR relative to planar Si or randomly-grown Si nanowire, by enabling the uniform distribution of small Au nanoparticles as an electrocatalyst and facilitating the mass transport during the reaction. The results demonstrate the feasibility of PEC nitrate conversion to ammonia and would motivate further studies and developments.We report on the discovery of the first two examples of cationic palladium(II)-oxo clusters (POCs) containing f-metal ions, [PdII6 O12 M8 (CH3 )2 AsO2 16 (H2 O)8 ]4+ (M=CeIV , ThIV ), and their physicochemical characterization in the solid state, in solution and in the gas phase. The molecular structure of the two novel POCs comprises an octahedral Pd6 O12 12- core that is capped by eight MIV ions, resulting in a cationic, cubic assembly Pd6 O12 MIV8 20+ , which is coordinated by a total of 16 terminal dimethylarsinate and eight water ligands, resulting in the mixed PdII -CeIV /ThIV oxo-clusters [PdII6 O12 M8 (CH3 )2 AsO2 16 (H2 O)8 ]4+ (M=Ce, Pd6 Ce8 ; Th, Pd6 Th8 ). We have also studied the formation of host-guest inclusion complexes of Pd6 Ce8 and Pd6 Th8 with anionic 4-sulfocalix[n]arenes (n=4, 6, 8), resulting in the first examples of discrete, enthalpically-driven supramolecular assemblies between large metal-oxo clusters and calixarene-based macrocycles. The POCs were also found to be useful as pre-catalysts for electrocatalytic CO2 -reduction and HCOOH-oxidation.Integrating different types of supramolecular interactions opens the possibility to generate nanoparticle surfactants (NPSs) at the liquid-liquid interface that are responsive to multiple stimuli. Here we develop a covalently modified polyoxometalate/β-cyclodextrin (POM/β-CD) organic-inorganic hybrid, consisting of a negatively charged POM cluster with β-CD host groups. The POM/β-CD hybrid can be dispersed in water and interacts at a water/oil interface with ligands dissolved in an oil phase through electrostatic or host-guest interactions, thereby generating POM-surfactants (POMSs) having pH, redox, and guest-competitive responsiveness, respectively. By taking advantage of the jamming of POMSs at the interface, a reconfigurable all-liquid system could be produced that is responsive to orthogonal changes in the external environment.While supramolecular hosts capable of binding and transporting anions and ion pairs are now widely available, self-assembled architectures are still rare, even though they offer an inherent mechanism for the release of the guest ion(s). In this work, we report the dynamic covalent self-assembly of tripodal, urea-based anion cryptates that are held together by two orthoester bridgeheads. These hosts exhibit affinity for anions such as Cl- , Br- or I- in the moderate range that is typically advantageous for applications in membrane transport. In unprecedented experiments, we were able to dissociate the Cs⋅Cl ion pair by simultaneously assembling suitably sized orthoester hosts around the Cs+ and the Cl- ion.Defect passivation via post-treatment of perovskite films is an effective method to fabricate high-performance perovskite solar cells (PSCs). However, the passivation durability is still an issue due to the weak and vulnerable bonding between passivating functional groups and perovskite defect sites. NS 105 concentration Here we propose a cholesterol derivative self-assembly strategy to construct crosslinked and compact membranes throughout perovskite films. These supramolecular membranes act as a robust protection layer against harsh operational conditions while providing effective passivation of defects from surface toward inner grain boundaries. The resultant PSCs exhibit a power conversion efficiency of 23.34 % with an impressive open-circuit voltage of 1.164 eV. The unencapsulated devices retain 92 % of their initial efficiencies after 1600 h of storage under ambient conditions, and remain almost unchanged after heating at 85 °C for 500 h in a nitrogen atmosphere, showing significantly improved stability.Inferior contact interface and low charge transfer efficiency seriously restrict the performance of heterojunctions. Herein, chemically bonded α-Fe2 O3 /Bi4 MO8 Cl (M=Nb, Ta) dot-on-plate Z-scheme junctions with strong internal electric field are crafted by an in situ growth route. Experimental and theoretical results demonstrate that the internal electric field provides a powerful driving force for vectorial migration of photocharges between Bi4 MO8 Cl and α-Fe2 O3 , and the interfacial Fe-O bond not only serves as an atomic-level charge flow highway but also lowers the charge transfer energy barrier, thereby accelerating Z-scheme charge transfer and realizing effective spatial charge separation. Impressively, α-Fe2 O3 /Bi4 MO8 Cl manifests a significantly improved photocatalytic activity for selective oxidation of aromatic alcohols into aldehydes (Con. ≥92 %, Sel. ≥96 %), with a performance improvement of one to two orders of magnitude. This work presents atomic-level insight into interfacial charge flow steering.Peroxodicarbonates are of substantial interest as potentially powerful and sustainable oxidizers but have so far been accessible only in low concentrations with unsatisfactory energy efficiency. Concentrated (> 0.9 mol L-1 ) peroxodicarbonate solutions have now been made accessible by the electrolysis of aqueous K2 CO3 /Na2 CO3 /KHCO3 solutions at high current density of 3.33 A cm-2 in an efficiently cooled circular flow reactor equipped with a boron-doped diamond anode and a stainless-steel cathode. Their synthetic potential as platform oxidizers was clearly demonstrated in transformations including sulfoxidation, N-oxidation, and epoxidation.The ambient pressure cation disordered InVO3 bixbyite has been predicted to form a GdFeO3 -type perovskite phase under high pressure and high temperature. Contrary to the expectation, InVO3 was found to crystallize in the polar LiNbO3 -type structure with a calculated spontaneous polarization as large as 74 μC cm-2 . Antiferromagnetic coupling of V3+ magnetic moments and a cooperative magnetic ground state below about 10 K coupled with a polar structure suggest an intriguing ground state of the novel LiNbO3 -type high-pressure InVO3 structure.Separation of olefins from their paraffin analogs relies on energy-intensive cryogenic distillation. Facilitated transport-based membranes that reversibly and selectively bind olefins, but not paraffins, could save considerable amounts of energy. However, the chemical instability of the silver ion olefin-binding carriers in such membranes has been a longstanding roadblock for this approach. We discovered long-term carrier stability against extended exposure to hydrogen, a common contaminant in such streams. Based on UV/Vis absorption and Raman spectroscopy, along with XRD analysis results, certain ionic liquids solubilize silver ions, and anion aggregates surrounding the silver ion carriers greatly attenuate their reduction by hydrogen. Here, we report the stability of olefin/paraffin separation properties under continuous exposure to high pressure hydrogen, which addresses a critical technical roadblock in membrane-based olefin/paraffin separation.

The curriculum of the three dental schools in the Netherlands consists of a three-year bachelor's and three-year master's course. The education programmes focus inter alia on clinical dental reasoning, thinking and acting scientifically, general oral healthcare activities, and communication and (inter)professional cooperation. This study examined how recently graduated dentists, in the light of their work experience, evaluate their education in retrospect.

All 1074 dentists who graduated between 2012 and mid-2017 were invited by e-mail to answer a web survey. Of those, 314 (29%) took part in the study.

The majority of dentists were positive about their knowledge of general and clinical oral healthcare fields when they graduated (70% and 68%, respectively). Fewer dentists were satisfied with their skills in terms of some specific procedures (50%) and clinical professional areas (33%). By far, the majority (85%) were satisfied with the educational skills of their teachers. The majority (70%) felt that their education fitted in well with their professional practice. Nevertheless, 60% thought a year's trainee work experience would be a good idea. The overall evaluation of dentists who have their own practices was less positive than those who do not.

Knowledge and skills relating to managing a practice were not sufficiently addressed in the programme. The introduction of a practical internship would be desirable, preferably during the education. But when they look back, the majority of recently graduated dentists in the Netherlands are generally positive about the education they received.

Knowledge and skills relating to managing a practice were not sufficiently addressed in the programme. The introduction of a practical internship would be desirable, preferably during the education. But when they look back, the majority of recently graduated dentists in the Netherlands are generally positive about the education they received.Metabolic adaptations can help cancer cells to escape from chemotherapeutics, mainly involving autophagy and ATP production. Herein, we report a new rhein-based cyclometalated IrIII complex, Ir-Rhein, that can accurately target mitochondria and effectively inhibit metabolic adaptations. The complex Ir-Rhein induces severe mitochondrial damage and initiates mitophagy to reduce the number of mitochondria and subsequently inhibit both mitochondrial and glycolytic bioenergetics, which eventually leads to ATP starvation death. Moreover, Ir-Rhein can overcome cisplatin resistance. Co-incubation experiment, 3D tumor spheroids experiment and transcriptome analysis reveal that Ir-Rhein shows promising antiproliferation performance for cisplatin-resistant cancer cells with the regulation of platinum resistance-related transporters. To our knowledge, this is a new strategy to overcome metallodrug resistance with a mitochondria-relevant treatment.

Autoři článku: Woodruffunderwood3839 (Henson Raun)