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Osteoradionecrosis is one of the most severe complications of radiotherapy administered for head and neck tumors. We present the first two cases of advanced and refractory mandibular osteoradionecrosis treated by application of a novel autologous cross-linked 3D serum matrix. Patients were followed clinically and radiographically up to 24 months. Complete wound healing and intact mucosal cover were achieved in both cases. At 12 months, the radiographic values showed an almost complete regeneration of the bone defect, which continued a favourable progression increased to the maximum by 24 months after surgery. The use of an autologous serum-derived scaffold proved to be a quick, predictable, cost-effective and safe adjunct to the conservative surgical treatment of this pathology.Older adults (OA) evaluate faces to be more trustworthy than do younger adults (YA), yet the processes supporting these more positive evaluations are unclear. This study identified neural mechanisms spontaneously engaged during face perception that differentially relate to OA' and YA' later trustworthiness evaluations. We examined two mechanisms salience (reflected by amygdala activation) and reward (reflected by caudate activation) - both of which are implicated in evaluating trustworthiness. We emphasized the salience and reward value of specific faces by having OA and YA evaluate ingroup male White and outgroup Black and Asian faces. Participants perceived faces during fMRI and made trustworthiness evaluations after the scan. OA rated White and Black faces as more trustworthy than YA. OA had a stronger positive relationship between caudate activity and trustworthiness than YA when perceiving ingroup, but not outgroup, faces. Ingroup cues might intensify how trustworthiness is rewarding to OA, potentially reinforcing their overall positivity.

Synaptic plasticity is known to play role in pathogenesis of schizophrenia. Cognitive impairment is one of the complications of schizophrenia, leading to poor quality of life. Matrix metalloprotease-9 (MMP-9) and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) are markers of synaptic plasticity, widely investigated in neuropsychiatric disorders. The objective of the study was to investigate the levels of MMP-9 and NT-3 and their association with cognitive impairment in schizophrenia.

124 schizophrenia patients and 124 controls were enrolled in the study. MMP-9 and NT-3 were estimated in both the groups using ELISA. Cognition was assessed using Addenbrooke cognitive examination-III (ACE-III) and disease severity was assessed using PANSS.

MMP-9 (

 = .003) and NT -3 (

 < .001) were found to be elevated in schizophrenia cases compared to controls. There was significant association of MMP-9 with fluency (r = -0.195,

 = .030), language (r = -0.196,

 = .029) and total ACE-III scores (r = -0.197,

 = .029). Also we observed that MMP-9 increases the risk of cognitive impairment in schizophrenia patients (OR = 2.509, CI= 1.215 - 5.18,

 = .013).

MMP-9 and NT-3 are elevated in schizophrenia. MMP-9 was associated with fluency and language component of cognition and increases the risk of cognitive impairment in schizophrenia.

MMP-9 and NT-3 are elevated in schizophrenia. MMP-9 was associated with fluency and language component of cognition and increases the risk of cognitive impairment in schizophrenia.Mycoplasmas persist in the host for a long time, suggesting that they possess mechanisms for immune evasion. Factor H is a negative regulator of the complement system, which binds to host cells to avoid unexpected complement activation. In this study, we revealed that many mycoplasmas, such as Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, Mycoplasma hyorhinis, Mycoplasma hyosynoviae, Mycoplasma gallisepticum, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Mycoplasma genitalium, Mycoplasma flocculare, and Mycoplasma bovis could hijack factor H such that they present themselves as a host tissue and thus escape from complement attack. Furthermore, the mechanism of recruiting factor H was identified in M. hyopneumoniae. M. hyopneumoniae binds factor H via factor H binding proteins, such as elongation factor thermo unstable (EF-Tu), P146, pyruvate dehydrogenase (acetyl-transferring) E1 component subunit alpha (PdhA), P46, Pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 component subunit beta (PdhB), glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), and three different hypothetical proteins. The binding of factor H by EF-Tu further contributes to decreased C3 deposition on the M. hyopneumoniae surface and ultimately blocks further complement activation. In fact, binding of factor H occurs in a multifactorial manner; factor H is not only exploited by M. hyopneumoniae via its regulator activity to help mycoplasmas escape from complement killing, but also increases M. hyopneumoniae adhesion to swine tracheal epithelial cells, partially through EF-Tu. Meanwhile, the high sequence identity among EF-Tu proteins in the above-mentioned mycoplasmas implied the universality of the mechanism. This is the first report that mycoplasmas can escape complement killing by binding to factor H.As of July 22, 2020, more than 14.7 million infections of SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), have been confirmed globally. Serological assays are essential for community screening, assessing infection prevalence, aiding identification of infected patients, and enacting appropriate treatment and quarantine protocols in the battle against this rapidly expanding pandemic. Antibody detection by agglutination-PCR (ADAP) is a pure solution phase immunoassay that generates a PCR amplifiable signal when patient antibodies agglutinate DNA-barcoded antigen probes into a dense immune complex. Here, we present an ultrasensitive and high-throughput automated liquid biopsy assay based on the Hamilton Microlab ADAP STAR automated liquid-handling platform, which was developed and validated for the qualitative detection of total antibodies against spike protein 1 (S1) of SARS-CoV-2 that uses as little as 4 µL of serum. To assess the clinical performance of the ADAP assay, 57 PCR-confirmed COVID-19 patients and 223 control patients were tested. The assay showed a sensitivity of 98% (56/57) and a specificity of 99.55% (222/223). Notably, the SARS-CoV-2-negative control patients included individuals with other common coronaviral infections, such as CoV-NL63 and CoV-HKU, which did not cross-react. In addition to high performance, the hands-free automated workstation enabled high-throughput sample processing to reduce screening workload while helping to minimize analyst contact with biohazardous samples. Therefore, the ADAP STAR liquid-handling workstation can be used as a valuable tool to address the COVID-19 global pandemic.The cardiac voltage-gated sodium channel Nav1.5 conducts the rapid inward sodium current crucial for cardiomyocyte excitability. Loss-of-function mutations in its gene SCN5A are linked to cardiac arrhythmias such as Brugada Syndrome (BrS). Several BrS-associated mutations in the Nav1.5 N-terminal domain (NTD) exert a dominant-negative effect (DNE) on wild-type channel function, for which mechanisms remain poorly understood. We aim to contribute to the understanding of BrS pathophysiology by characterizing three mutations in the Nav1.5 NTD Y87C-here newly identified-, R104W, and R121W. In addition, we hypothesize that the calcium sensor protein calmodulin is a new NTD binding partner. Recordings of whole-cell sodium currents in TsA-201 cells expressing WT and variant Nav1.5 showed that Y87C and R104W but not R121W exert a DNE on WT channels. Biotinylation assays revealed reduction in fully glycosylated Nav1.5 at the cell surface and in whole-cell lysates. Localization of Nav1.5 WT channel with the ER did not change in the presence of variants, as shown by transfected and stained rat neonatal cardiomyocytes. We demonstrated that calmodulin binds the Nav1.5 NTD using in silico modeling, SPOTS, pull-down, and proximity ligation assays. Calmodulin binding to the R121W variant and to a Nav1.5 construct missing residues 80-105, a predicted calmodulin-binding site, is impaired. In conclusion, we describe the new natural BrS Nav1.5 variant Y87C and present first evidence that calmodulin binds to the Nav1.5 NTD, which seems to be a determinant for the DNE.Rose rosette virus (RRV) is a negative-sense RNA virus with a seven-segmented genome that is enclosed by a double membrane. We constructed an unconventional minireplicon system encoding the antigenomic (ag)RNA1 (encoding the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase [RdRp]), agRNA3 (encoding the nucleocapsid protein [N]), and a modified agRNA5 containing the coding sequence for the iLOV protein in place of the P5 open reading frame (R5-iLOV). iLOV expression from the R5-iLOV template was amplified by activities of the RdRp and N proteins in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves. A mutation was introduced into the RdRp catalytic domain and iLOV expression was eliminated, indicating RNA1-encoded polymerase activity drives iLOV expression from the R5-iLOV template. Fluorescence from the replicon was highest at 3 days postinoculation (dpi) and declined at 7 and 13 dpi. Addition of the tomato bushy stunt virus (TBSV) P19 silencing-suppressor protein prolonged expression until 7 dpi. A full-length infectious clone system was constructed of seven binary plasmids encoding each of the seven genome segments. Agro-delivery of constructs encoding RRV RNAs 1 through 4 or RNAs 1 through 7 to N. benthamiana plants produced systemic infection. Finally, agro-delivery of the full-length RRV infectious clone including all segments produced systemic infection within 60 dpi. This advance opens new opportunities for studying RRV infection biology.

To characterize vaso-occlusive crises (VOCs) and describe healthcare costs among commercially-insured, Medicaid-insured, and Medicare-insured patients with sickle cell disease (SCD).

The IBM Truven Health MarketScan Commercial (2000-2018), Medicaid Analytic eXtract (2008-2014), and Medicare Research Identifiable Files (2012-2016) databases were used to identify patients with ≥2 SCD diagnoses. Study measures were evaluated during a 12-month follow-up period, stratified by annual number of VOCs (i.e. 0, 1, and ≥2).

Among 16,092 commercially-insured patients (mean age = 36.7 years), 35.3% had 1+ VOCs. Mean annual total all-cause healthcare costs were $15,747, $27,194, and $64,555 for patients with 0, 1, and 2+ VOCs, respectively. Total all-cause healthcare costs were mainly driven by inpatient (0 VOC = 31.0%, 1 VOC = 53.1%, 2+ VOCs = 65.4%) and SCD-related costs (0 VOC = 56.4%, 1 VOC = 78.4%, 2+ VOCs = 93.9%). Among 18,287 Medicaid-insured patients (mean age = 28.5 years, fee-for-service = 50.2%), 63.9% haficant proportion of total all-cause healthcare costs, which increased with VOC frequency.

A high proportion of patients experienced VOCs across payers. Furthermore, inpatient and SCD-related costs accounted for a significant proportion of total all-cause healthcare costs, which increased with VOC frequency.The psychological burden experienced by people with diabetes prior to islet transplantation is recognized but has not been studied comprehensively, especially in relation to glycemia. Therefore, we conducted a rigorous pre-operative psychosocial profile of UK islet transplant recipients, and compared groups with higher/lower HbA1 c to test the null hypothesis that pre-transplant hypoglycemia awareness and psychosocial burden would not be related to baseline HbA1 c in this high-risk cohort. Pre-transplant, recipients (n = 44) completed validated hypoglycemia awareness questionnaires and generic/diabetes-specific measures of psychological traits and states. Scores were compared in groups, dichotomized by HbA1 c (≤8% versus >8%). Participants were aged (mean±SD) 53 ± 10 years; 64% were women; with HbA1 c 8.3 ± 1.7%. Median rate of severe hypoglycemia over the preceding 12 months was 13 events/person-year and 90% had impaired awareness of hypoglycemia (Gold/Clarke score ≥4). Participants had elevated fear of hypoglycemia (HFS-II Worry), impaired diabetes-specific quality of life (DQoL) and low generic health status (SF-36; EQ-5D).

Autoři článku: Woodruffdam9594 (Monaghan Adamsen)