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This was confirmed qualitatively by histological assessment. Addition of rhBMP-2 gave no additional benefit in this model. Local delivery of ZA performed better than systemic administration of ZA. Mechanical testing showed no differences between the groups, likely reflecting that the addition of bioactive molecules had limited effect on cortical bone or the choice of mechanical testing setup was not optimal. Scintillation counting revealed higher amounts of 14C-ZA present in the treated leg of G4 compared to its contralateral control and compared to G3 indicating that local ZA delivery can be used to achieve high local concentrations without causing a systemic effect. This long-term study shows that local delivery of ZA using a CaS/HA carrier can regenerate cancellous bone in the femoral neck canal and has clear implications for enhancing implant integration and fixation in fragile bone.Volitional sex is central to the sexual health and well-being of women and girls globally. To date, few studies have examined women's empowerment and its application to sexual health outcomes, including volitional sex. The aim of this study was to explore the relevance of a sexual and reproductive empowerment framework to volitional sex across four geographically and culturally diverse contexts in sub-Saharan Africa. Qualitative data were collected between July and August 2017 in four sites Ethiopia, Nigeria (Anambra and Kano states) and Uganda. selleck chemicals llc A total of 352 women aged 15-49 and 88 men aged 18 and older were interviewed through 120 in-depth interviews and 38 focus group discussions (n = 440 total participants). link2 Results describe the substantial barriers restraining women's sexual choices, particularly norms that stigmatise women's requests for sex, even within marriage. Results further highlight women's internal sexual motivations, particularly related to the enjoyment of sex and the role of sex in strengthening partner relationships. Future empowerment research and measurement should focus not only on sexual constraints, but also integrate internal motivations, in order to fully understand the factors that shape women's sexual health outcomes.Introduction Human papillomavirus (HPV) are the causative agent of mucosal neoplasia. Both cervical, anal and oropharyngeal cancers incidence is constantly increasing, making the HPV infection, a significant worldwide concern. Together, the CD8+ T cytotoxic cell-mediated response and the HPV-specific antibody response control most of the HPV infections before the development of cancers.Areas covered We searched the MEDLINE and EMBASE databases and identified 228 eligible studies from 1987 to 2019 which examines both naturally acquired and vaccine induced humoral immunity against HPV infection in female and male subjects from worldwide origin. Herein, we synthesize current knowledge on the features of systemic and mucosal humoral immunity against HPV. We discuss the issues of the balance between the viral clearance or the escape to the host immune response, the differences between natural and vaccine-induced HPV-specific antibodies and their neutralizing capability. We also discuss the protection afforded after natural infection or following prophylactic vaccination.Expert opinion Understanding the antibody response induced by HPV infection has led to the design of first-generation prophylactic vaccines. Now, prophylactic vaccination induces protective and long-lasting antibody response which would also strengthened the natural moderate humoral response in people previously exposed to the virus.STEP-UP is a capacity building and training programme for HIV community activists in Europe and Central Asia, led by the European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG). The programme aims to empower a new cohort of HIV activists each year to engage more deeply in HIV activism at local and national levels addressing key themes such as HIV treatment literacy, prevention technologies, living with HIV, project development, clinical trials, patient participation, advocacy and policy landscapes. The expected outcome of the project is that trainees become activists with knowledge of both policy and science who advocate for change to policy and or practice. To assess the impact of the programme on individual graduates, their organisations and the communities they work with, EATG conducted an evaluation of the programme for the period of 2013-2017. The methods used during the assessment were a desk review of information about the programme; interviews with implementers and trainees; a focus group with trainees; inputs from national and regional networks, activists and references given by trainees; and an online survey of trainees. This article evaluates the lessons learnt and forms a set of recommendations to implement in the design of future editions of STEP-UP.Beliefs about which sex lies more or is better at lying can have subtle but widespread effects on human interactions, yet little is known about such beliefs. In Study 1, an American sample of participants (N = 407, ages 18-64) completed a 12-item survey on perceptions of sex differences in deception. In Study 2, a Korean sample (N = 197, ages 19-58) completed the same survey. Men from both cultures and Korean women perceived no difference regarding which sex tells more white (i.e., relatively harmless or low-stakes) lies. American women perceived that women tell more white lies. Women from both cultures and American men perceived that men tell a greater number of serious (i.e., nonwhite or high-stakes) lies. Korean men perceived no difference regarding which sex tells a greater number of serious lies. Both sexes from both countries reported a perception that (1) men are more likely to lie about height, income, and sexual infidelity, (2) women are more likely to lie about weight and age, and (3) women are better at lying. The findings were mixed regarding perceptions about emotional infidelity. Results are interpreted in light of sex-different challenges to mating and parenting.Introduction Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is among the most frequent causative agents of acute bacterial skin and skin-structure infections (ABSSSI) and has been associated with increased risks of invasive disease and of treatment failure.Areas covered In this review, we focus on those novel anti-MRSA agents currently in phase I or II of clinical development that may enrich the armamentarium against ABSSSI caused by MRSA in the future.Expert opinion Promising agents belonging to either old or novel antibiotic classes are currently in early phases of clinical development and may become available in the future for the effective treatment of ABSSSI caused by MRSA. In particular, the future availability of agents belonging to novel classes will be important for guaranteeing an effective treatment and for allowing outpatient treatment/early discharge, with a consequent reduced impact on healthcare resources. However, this does not mean that we can relax our efforts directed toward improving the responsible use of already available agents. Indeed, preserving their activity in the long term is crucial for optimizing the use of healthcare resources.SIGNIFICANCE It is well established that lifestyle and dietary habits have a tremendous impact on lifespan, the rate of aging and the onset/progression of age-related diseases. Specifically, dietary restriction (DR) and other healthy dietary patterns are usually accompanied by physical activity and differ to Western diet which is rich in fat and sugars. Moreover, as the generation of reactive oxidative species is the major causative factor of aging, while DR could modify the level of oxidative stress, therefore it has been proposed that DR increases both survival and longevity. Recent Advances Despite the documented links between DR, aging and oxidative stress many issues remain to be addressed. For instance, the free radical theory of aging is under "re-evaluation", while, DR as a golden standard for prolonging lifespan and ameliorating the effects of aging is also under debate. CRITICAL ISSUES This review article pays special attention to highlight the link between DR and oxidative stress in both aging and in age-related diseases. We discuss in particular DR's capability to counteract the consequences of oxidative stress and the molecular mechanisms involved in these processes. FUTURE DIRECTIONS Although DR is undoubtedly beneficial several considerations must be taken into account when designing the best dietary intervention. Use of intermittent fasting, daily food reduction or, DR mimetics? Future research should unravel the pros and cons of all these processes.The rhotic sound /r/ is one of the latest-emerging sounds in English, and many children receive treatment for residual errors affecting /r/ that persist past the age of 9. Auditory-perceptual abilities of children with residual speech errors are thought to be different from their typically developing peers. This study examined auditory-perceptual acuity in children with residual speech errors affecting /r/ and the relation of these skills to production accuracy, both before and after a period of treatment incorporating visual biofeedback. Identification of items along an /r/-/w/ continuum was assessed prior to treatment. Production accuracy for /r/ was acoustically measured from standard/r/stimulability probes elicited before and after treatment. link3 Fifty-nine children aged 9-15 with residual speech errors (RSE) affecting /r/ completed treatment, and forty-eight age-matched controls who completed the same auditory-perceptual task served as a comparison group. It was hypothesized that children with RSE would show lower auditory-perceptual acuity than typically developing speakers and that higher auditory-perceptual acuity would be associated with more accurate production before treatment. It was also hypothesized that auditory-perceptual acuity would serve as a mediator of treatment response. Results indicated that typically developing children have more acute perception of the /r/-/w/ contrast than children with RSE. Contrary to hypothesis, baseline auditory-perceptual acuity for /r/ did not predict baseline production severity. For baseline auditory-perceptual acuity in relation to biofeedback efficacy, there was an interaction between auditory-perceptual acuity and gender, such that higher auditory-perceptual acuity was associated with greater treatment response in female, but not male, participants.Patients with Crohn's disease, an inflammatory bowel disease, struggle with chronic somatic symptoms that could bring about emotional distress. This study assessed the relative role of somatization, and depressive and anxiety symptoms in disease activity among 619 Crohn's patients (18-79 years; 58.3% women). Structural equation modeling revealed that somatization was the only unique predictor of disease activity beyond depression and anxiety. In addition, the effect of somatization on disease activity was stronger in men compared to women. Findings suggest that somatization represents a distinct domain of psychological distress that may play a role in the health of patients with Crohn's disease.Purpose To synthesize evidence on the effectiveness of mass media campaigns for the management of LBP on beliefs of the general public and health care providers, LBP-related disability, health utilization, and LBP clinical outcomes.Materials and Methods Five electronic databases were searched from inception to December 17, 2019. Any studies evaluating the effectiveness of mass media campaigns for LBP were eligible. Primary outcome was general public LBP beliefs, while secondary outcomes included health care provider beliefs as well as LBP-related disability, health utilization, and clinical outcomes.Results The search resulted in 4,164 unique records, of which 18 studies were included. These 18 studies predominantly used quasi-experimental methods to evaluate seven LBP mass media campaigns conducted in seven countries. All studies evaluating LBP beliefs in the general public detected positive effects. Health care provider beliefs also consistently improved. Results for behavioural outcomes (disability behaviour and health utilization) were mixed and appeared dependent on campaign characteristics and local context.

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