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Visible-light-induced, iridium catalyzed, para-selective C-H difluoroalkylation of aniline derivatives under mild reaction conditions is reported. Various substrates and bioactive compounds, such as precursors of vorinostat and chlorpropham, were all well tolerated. This protocol features a wide substrate scope, high regioselectivity, low catalyst usage, and operational simplicity.Freshwater is considered an essential need for humanity. Moreover, it is important to collect and make full use of rainwater. This work utilizes a femtosecond laser to fabricate micro-nanostructures on aluminum alloy substrates as molds. Then, the structures are imprinted on cheap and wildly used polypropylene (PP) materials. The just-imprinted PP surfaces with instinctive surface energy and replicated micro-nanostructures have an excellent superhydrophobic property with contact angles greater than 160° and anisotropic sliding angles smaller than 5° in parallel directions and smaller than 10° in the vertical directions. A small-scale rain collection device formed by a combination of the superhydrophobic PP surfaces is used to investigate the effects of the rain collection efficiency and total surface area relating to manufacturing cost. The rain collection device formed by the imprinted PP surfaces has high rain collection efficiency in terms of the volume of the collected water per square centimeter. For the light rain, the rain collection efficiency can reach an approximated maximum of 90%, more than 100% efficiency improvement of the device formed by flat PP surfaces in some cases. Therefore, the rain collection device is helpful in collecting water from rains in arid areas.Diabetes mellitus is a physiological and metabolic disorder affecting millions of people worldwide, associated with global morbidity, mortality, and financial expenses. Long-term complications can be avoided by frequent, continuous self-monitoring of blood glucose. Therefore, this review summarizes the current state-of-art glycemic control regimes involving measurement approaches and basic concepts. Following an introduction to the significance of continuous glucose sensing, we have tracked the evolution of glucose monitoring devices from minimally invasive to non-invasive methods to present an overview of the spectrum of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) technologies. The conveniences, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness of the real-time CGM systems (rt-CGMs) are the factors considered for discussion. Transdermal biosensing and drug delivery routes have recently emerged as an innovative approach to substitute hypodermal needles. This work reviews skin-patchable glucose monitoring sensors for the first time, providing specifics of all the major findings in the past 6 years. Skin patch sensors and their progressive form, i.e., microneedle (MN) array sensory and delivery systems, are elaborated, covering self-powered, enzymatic, and non-enzymatic devices. The critical aspects reviewed are material design and assembly techniques focusing on flexibility, sensitivity, selectivity, biocompatibility, and user-end comfort. The review highlights the advantages of patchable MNs' multi-sensor technology designed to maintain precise blood glucose levels and administer diabetes drugs or insulin through a "sense and act" feedback loop. Subsequently, the limitations and potential challenges encountered from the MN array as rt-CGMs are listed. Furthermore, the current statuses of working prototype glucose-responsive "closed-loop" insulin delivery systems are discussed. Finally, the expected future developments and outlooks in clinical applications are discussed.Nanoelectromechanical resonators have been successfully used for a variety of sensing applications. Their extreme resolution comes from their small size, which strongly limits their capture area. This leads to a long analysis time and the requirement for large sample quantity. Moreover, the efficiency of the electrical transductions commonly used for silicon resonators degrades with increasing frequency, limiting the achievable mechanical bandwidth and throughput. Multiplexing a large number of high-frequency resonators appears to be a solution, but this is complex with electrical transductions. We propose here a route to solve these issues, with a multiplexing scheme for very high-frequency optomechanical resonators. We demonstrate the simultaneous frequency measurement of three silicon microdisks fabricated with a 200 mm wafer large-scale process. The readout architecture is simple and does not degrade the sensing resolutions. This paves the way toward the realization of sensors for multiparametric analysis with an extremely low limit of detection and response time.Single-atom catalysts have received widespread attention for their fascinating performance in terms of metal atom efficiency as well as their special catalysis mechanisms compared to conventional catalysts. Here, we prepared a high-performance catalyst of single-Cu-atom-decorated boron nitride nanofibers (BNNF-Cu) via a facile calcination method. The as-prepared catalyst shows high catalytic activity and good stability for converting different nitro compounds into their corresponding amines both with and without photoexcitation. By combined studies of synchrotron radiation analysis, high-resolution high-angle annular dark-field transmission electron microscopy studies, and DFT calculations, dispersion and coordination of Cu atoms as well as their catalytic mechanisms are explored. The BNNF-Cu catalyst is found to have a record high turnover frequency compared to previously reported non-precious-metal-based catalysts. While the performance of the BNNF-Cu catalyst is only of the middle range level among the state-of-the-art precious-metal-based catalysts, due to the much lower cost of the BNNF-Cu catalyst, its cost efficiency is the highest among these catalysts. This work provides a choice of support material that can promote the development of single-atom catalysts.Radical S-adenosyl-l-methionine (SAM) enzymes are found in all domains of life and catalyze a wide range of biochemical reactions. Recently, an organometallic intermediate, Ω, has been experimentally implicated in the 5'-deoxyadenosyl radical generation mechanism of the radical SAM superfamily. In this work, we employ broken-symmetry density functional theory to evaluate several structural models of Ω. The results show that the calculated hyperfine coupling constants (HFCCs) for the proposed organometallic structure of Ω are inconsistent with the experiment. In contrast, a near-attack conformer of SAM bound to the catalytic [4Fe-4S] cluster, in which the distance between the unique iron and SAM sulfur is ∼3 Å, yields HFCCs that are all within 1 MHz of the experimental values. These results clarify the structure of the ubiquitous Ω intermediate and suggest a paradigm shift reversal regarding the mechanism of SAM cleavage by members of the radical SAM superfamily.Cyclodextrins (CDs) have a hollow structure with a hydrophobic interior and hydrophilic exterior. Forming inclusion complexes with CDs will maximize the bioavailability of natural compounds and enable active components to be processed into functional foods, medicines, additives, and so forth. However, experimental methods cannot explain CD-guest binding at the atomic level. Different models have been recently developed to simulate the interaction between CDs and guests to study the binding conformation and analyze noncovalent forces. This review paper summarizes modeling methods of CD-natural compound complexes. The methods include quantitative structure-activity relationships, molecular docking, molecular dynamics simulations, and quantum-chemical calculations. The applications of these methods to enhance the solubility and bioactivities of guest molecules, assist material transportation, and promote compound extraction are also discussed. The purpose of this review is to explore interaction mechanisms of CDs and guests and to help expand new applications of CDs.Despite the wealth of knowledge gained about intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) since their discovery, there are several aspects that remain unexplored and, hence, poorly understood. A living cell is a complex adaptive system that can be described as a wetware─a metaphor used to describe the cell as a computer comprising both hardware and software and attuned to logic gates─capable of "making" decisions. In this focused Review, we discuss how IDPs, as critical components of the wetware, influence cell-fate decisions by wiring protein interaction networks to keep them minimally frustrated. Because IDPs lie between order and chaos, we explore the possibility that they can be modeled as attractors. Further, we discuss how the conformational dynamics of IDPs manifests itself as conformational noise, which can potentially amplify transcriptional noise to stochastically switch cellular phenotypes. Finally, we explore the potential role of IDPs in prebiotic evolution, in forming proteinaceous membrane-less organelles, in the origin of multicellularity, and in protein conformation-based transgenerational inheritance of acquired characteristics. Together, these ideas provide a new conceptual framework to discern how IDPs may perform critical biological functions despite their lack of structure.The electronic structures in solid-state transition-metal compounds can be represented by two parameters the charge-transfer energy (Δ), which is the energy difference between the p-band of an anion and an upper Hubbard band contributed by transition-metal d-orbitals, and the onsite Coulomb repulsion energy (U), which represents the energy difference between lower and upper Hubbard bands composed of split d-orbitals in transition metals. These parameters can facilitate the classification of various types of electronic structures. In this study, the dependences of anion species (N3-, P3-, As3-, O2-, S2-, Se2-, Te2-, F-, Cl-, Br-, and I-) on Δ and U of 566 different binary and ternary 3d transition-metal compounds were investigated using ionic-model calculations. We were able to identify the systematic chemical trends in the variations in Δ and U values with the anion species of 11 different families of 3d transition-metal compounds in a comprehensive manner. The effective use of Δ-U diagrams given here, to facilitate the discovery and development of functional compounds, was demonstrated on thermoelectric compounds by classifying the thermoelectric properties of 3d transition-metal compounds and by predicting unrealized high-performance thermoelectric compounds.Surfactant adsorption loss seriously hinders the economy of surfactant binary flooding technology for enhancing oil recovery, especially for biosurfactants with higher manufacturing costs. Here, biosurfactant rhamnolipid (RL) is chemically modified to develop a more efficient surfactant, rhamnolipid monoethanol amide (RL-MEA), which is characterized by decreased adsorption loss and increased oil-washing efficiency for enhanced oil recovery at a laboratory scale. Synthesis and characterization of the rhamnolipid monoethanol amide are carried out using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), HPLC/MS, 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The aggregation behavior is disclosed by surface tension, dynamic light scattering, and fluorescence spectra with pyrene as the probe. The applied performances of RL-MEA in the simulated enhanced oil recovery are researched, including the efficiency of oil washing, wettability to crude oil, and adsorption isotherms on silicates.

Autoři článku: Wongleach4557 (Oliver Kenney)