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The measurement of two-particle angular correlation functions in high-multiplicity e^+e^- collisions at sqrt[s]=10.52  GeV is reported. In this study, the 89.5  fb^-1 of hadronic e^+e^- annihilation data collected by the Belle detector at KEKB are used. Two-particle angular correlation functions are measured in the full relative azimuthal angle (Δϕ) and three units of pseudorapidity (Δη), defined by either the electron beam axis or the event-shape thrust axis, and are studied as a function of charged-particle multiplicity. The measurement in the thrust axis analysis, with mostly outgoing quark pairs determining the reference axis, is sensitive to the region of additional soft gluon emissions. No significant anisotropic collective behavior is observed with either coordinate analyses. Near-side jet correlations appear to be absent in the thrust axis analysis. The measurements are compared to predictions from various event generators and are expected to provide new constraints to the phenomenological models in the low-energy regime.In contexts ranging from embryonic development to bacterial ecology, cell populations migrate chemotactically along self-generated chemical gradients, often forming a propagating front. Here, we theoretically show that the stability of such chemotactic fronts to morphological perturbations is determined by limitations in the ability of individual cells to sense and thereby respond to the chemical gradient. Specifically, cells at bulging parts of a front are exposed to a smaller gradient, which slows them down and promotes stability, but they also respond more strongly to the gradient, which speeds them up and promotes instability. We predict that this competition leads to chemotactic fingering when sensing is limited at too low chemical concentrations. Guided by this finding and by experimental data on E. coli chemotaxis, we suggest that the cells' sensory machinery might have evolved to avoid these limitations and ensure stable front propagation. Finally, as sensing of any stimuli is necessarily limited in living and active matter in general, the principle of sensing-induced stability may operate in other types of directed migration such as durotaxis, electrotaxis, and phototaxis.Figuring out the physical rationale behind natural selection of quantum theory is one of the most acclaimed quests in quantum foundational research. This pursuit has inspired several axiomatic initiatives to derive a mathematical formulation of the theory by identifying the general structure of state and effect space of individual systems as well as specifying their composition rules. selleck chemical This generic framework can allow several consistent composition rules for a multipartite system even when state and effect cones of individual subsystems are assumed to be quantum. Nevertheless, for any bipartite system, none of these compositions allows beyond quantum spacelike correlations. In this Letter, we show that such bipartite compositions can admit stronger-than-quantum correlations in the timelike domain and, hence, indicates pragmatically distinct roles carried out by state and effect cones. We discuss consequences of such correlations in a communication task, which accordingly opens up a possibility of testing the actual composition between elementary quanta.Probing the universal low-temperature magnetic-field scaling of Kondo-correlated quantum dots via electrical conductance has proved to be experimentally challenging. Here, we show how to probe this in nonlinear thermocurrent spectroscopy applied to a molecular quantum dot in the Kondo regime. Our results demonstrate that the bias-dependent thermocurrent is a sensitive probe of universal Kondo physics, directly measures the splitting of the Kondo resonance in a magnetic field, and opens up possibilities for investigating nanosystems far from thermal and electrical equilibrium.We report on the experimental realization and detection of dynamical currents in a spin-textured lattice in momentum space. Collective tunneling is implemented via cavity-assisted Raman scattering of photons by a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate into an optical cavity. The photon field inducing the tunneling processes is subject to cavity dissipation, resulting in effective directional dynamics in a non-Hermitian setting. We observe that the individual tunneling events are superradiant in nature and locally resolve them in the lattice by performing real-time, frequency-resolved measurements of the leaking cavity field. The results can be extended to a regime exhibiting a cascade of currents and simultaneous coherences between multiple lattice sites, where numerical simulations provide further understanding of the dynamics. Our observations showcase dynamical tunneling in momentum-space lattices and provide prospects to realize dynamical gauge fields in driven-dissipative settings.Out-of-time-ordered correlators (OTOCs) are a key observable in a wide range of interconnected fields including many-body physics, quantum information science, and quantum gravity. Measuring OTOCs using near-term quantum simulators will extend our ability to explore fundamental aspects of these fields and the subtle connections between them. Here, we demonstrate an experimental method to measure OTOCs at finite temperatures and use the method to study their temperature dependence. These measurements are performed on a digital quantum computer running a simulation of the transverse field Ising model. Our flexible method, based on the creation of a thermofield double state, can be extended to other models and enables us to probe the OTOC's temperature-dependent decay rate. Measuring this decay rate opens up the possibility of testing the fundamental temperature-dependent bounds on quantum information scrambling.We find that the triplet Higgs of the type-II seesaw mechanism can simultaneously generate the neutrino masses and observed baryon asymmetry while playing a role in inflation. We survey the allowed parameter space and determine that this is possible for triplet masses as low as a TeV, with a preference for a small vacuum expectation value for the triplet v_Δ less then 10  keV. This requires that the triplet Higgs must decay dominantly into the leptonic channel. Additionally, this model will be probed at the future 100 TeV collider, upcoming lepton flavor violation experiments such as Mu3e, and neutrinoless double beta decay experiments. Thus, this simple framework provides a unified solution to the three major unknowns of modern physics-inflation, the neutrino masses, and the observed baryon asymmetry-while simultaneously providing unique phenomenological predictions that will be probed terrestrially at upcoming experiments.The energies of valley-orbit states in silicon quantum dots are determined by an as yet poorly understood interplay between interface roughness, orbital confinement, and electron interactions. Here, we report measurements of one- and two-electron valley-orbit state energies as the dot potential is modified by changing gate voltages, and we calculate these same energies using full configuration interaction calculations. The results enable an understanding of the interplay between the physical contributions and enable a new probe of the quantum well interface.The singly Cabibbo-suppressed decay Λ_c^+→nπ^+ is observed for the first time with a statistical significance of 7.3σ by using 3.9  fb^-1 of e^+e^- collision data collected at center-of-mass energies between 4.612 and 4.699 GeV with the BESIII detector at BEPCII. The branching fraction of Λ_c^+→nπ^+ is measured to be (6.6±1.2_stat±0.4_syst)×10^-4. By taking the upper limit of branching fractions of Λ_c^+→pπ^0 from the Belle experiment, the ratio of branching fractions between Λ_c^+→nπ^+ and Λ_c^+→pπ^0 is calculated to be larger than 7.2 at the 90% confidence level, which disagrees with most predictions of the available phenomenological models. In addition, the branching fractions of the Cabibbo-favored decays Λ_c^+→Λπ^+ and Λ_c^+→Σ^0π^+ are measured to be (1.31±0.08_stat±0.05_syst)×10^-2 and (1.22±0.08_stat±0.07_syst)×10^-2, respectively, which are consistent with previous results.The thermodynamic and kinetic uncertainty relations indicate trade-offs between the relative fluctuation of observables and thermodynamic quantities such as dissipation and dynamical activity. Although these relations have been well studied for classical systems, they remain largely unexplored in the quantum regime. In this Letter, we investigate such trade-off relations for Markovian open quantum systems whose underlying dynamics are quantum jumps, such as thermal processes and quantum measurement processes. Specifically, we derive finite-time lower bounds on the relative fluctuation of both dynamical observables and their first passage times for arbitrary initial states. The bounds imply that the precision of observables is constrained not only by thermodynamic quantities but also by quantum coherence. We find that the product of the relative fluctuation and entropy production or dynamical activity is enhanced by quantum coherence in a generic class of dissipative processes of systems with nondegenerate energy levels. Our findings provide insights into the survival of the classical uncertainty relations in quantum cases.A many-mode laser with nonlinear modal interaction could serve as a model system to study many-body physics. However, precise and continuous tuning of the interaction strength over a wide range is challenging. Here, we present a unique method for controlling lasing mode structures by introducing random phase fluctuation to a nearly degenerate cavity. We show numerically and experimentally that as the characteristic scale of phase fluctuation decreases by two orders of magnitude, the transverse modes become fragmented and the reduction of their spatial overlap suppresses modal competition for gain, allowing more modes to lase. The tunability, flexibility, and robustness of our system provides a powerful platform for investigating many-body phenomena.The long-standing 4.2σ muon g-2 anomaly may be the result of a new particle species which could also couple to dark matter and mediate its annihilations in the early Universe. In models where both muons and dark matter carry equal charges under a U(1)_L_μ-L_τ gauge symmetry, the corresponding Z^' can both resolve the observed g-2 anomaly and yield an acceptable dark matter relic abundance, relying on annihilations which take place through the Z^' resonance. Once the value of (g-2)_μ and the dark matter abundance are each fixed, there is very little remaining freedom in this model, making it highly predictive. We provide a comprehensive analysis of this scenario, identifying a viable range of dark matter masses between approximately 10 and 100 MeV, which falls entirely within the projected sensitivity of several accelerator-based experiments, including NA62, NA64μ, M^3, and DUNE. Furthermore, portions of this mass range predict contributions to ΔN_eff which could ameliorate the tension between early and late time measurements of the Hubble constant, and which could be tested by stage 4 CMB experiments.

Autoři článku: Wongchaney5693 (Gentry Kenny)