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Organelles within the cell are highly dynamic entities, requiring dramatic morphological changes to support their function and maintenance. As a result, organelle membranes are also highly dynamic, adapting to a range of topologies as the organelle changes shape. In particular, peroxisomes-small, ubiquitous organelles involved in lipid metabolism and reactive oxygen species homeostasis-display a striking plasticity, for example, during the growth and division process by which they proliferate. During this process, the membrane of an existing peroxisome elongates to form a tubule, which then constricts and ultimately undergoes scission to generate new peroxisomes. Dysfunction of this plasticity leads to diseases with developmental and neurological phenotypes, highlighting the importance of peroxisome dynamics for healthy cell function. What controls the dynamics of peroxisomal membranes, and how this influences the dynamics of the peroxisomes themselves, is just beginning to be understood. In this review, we consider how the composition, biophysical properties, and protein-lipid interactions of peroxisomal membranes impacts on their dynamics, and in turn on the biogenesis and function of peroxisomes. In particular, we focus on the effect of the peroxin PEX11 on the peroxisome membrane, and its function as a major regulator of growth and division. Understanding the roles and regulation of peroxisomal membrane dynamics necessitates a multidisciplinary approach, encompassing knowledge across a range of model species and a number of fields including lipid biochemistry, biophysics and computational biology. Here, we present an integrated overview of our current understanding of the determinants of peroxisome membrane dynamics, and reflect on the outstanding questions still remaining to be solved.

Exercise training increases muscle VO

by increasing O

transport and O

uptake while cardiac output increase might be limited by the conformation of the chest in subjects with pectus excavatum (PE).

The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of physical activity (PA) on functional parameters of cardiopulmonary performance and stroke volume obtained at Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test (CPET) in PE.

A cohort of adolescents (15 with PE and 15 age- and sex-matched healthy controls, HC) underwent Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test (CPET) and administration of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire - Short Form (IPAQ-SF) with estimation of weekly PA (METs h


). Determinants of CPET parameters were investigated with multivariable linear regression analysis.

As expected, when compared to HC, PE had lower VO

max (37.2 ± 6.6 vs. 45.4 ± 6.4 mL⋅kg



< 0.05), and VO

/HR max (O

pulse, 12.1 ± 2.4 vs. 16.2 ± 3.6 mL⋅min



< 0.05). Importantly, physical activity level was a predictor of VO

max (adjusted for sex, body mass index, FEV

 %, and presence of PE, β = 0.085; 95% Cl 0.010 to 0.160,

= 0.029) whereas O

pulse was independent from PA level (β = 0.035; 95% Cl -0.004 to 0.074).

Physical activity is a determinant of VO

max (cardiopulmonary performance), whereas it appears not to affect O

pulse (a measure of stroke volume at peak exercise) related to constrained diastolic filling in PE.

Physical activity is a determinant of VO2 max (cardiopulmonary performance), whereas it appears not to affect O2 pulse (a measure of stroke volume at peak exercise) related to constrained diastolic filling in PE.

This study evaluates the effect of hyperoxia on cerebral oxygenation and neuromuscular fatigue mechanisms of the elbow flexor muscles following ergometer rowing.

In 11 competitive male rowers (age, 30 ± 4 years), we measured near-infrared spectroscopy determined frontal lobe oxygenation (ScO

) and transcranial Doppler ultrasound determined middle cerebral artery mean flow velocity (MCA

) combined with maximal voluntary force (MVC), peak resting twitch force (

) and cortical voluntary activation (VA

) of the elbow flexor muscles using electrical motor point and magnetic motor cortex stimulation, respectively, before, during, and immediately after 2,000 m all-out effort on rowing ergometer with normoxia and hyperoxia (30% O


Arterial hemoglobin O

saturation was reduced to 92.5 ± 0.2% during exercise with normoxia but maintained at 98.9 ± 0.2% with hyperoxia. The MCA

increased by 38% (

 < 0.05) with hyperoxia, while only marginally increased with normoxia. Similarly, ScO

was not affected with hyperoxia but decreased by 7.0 ± 4.8% from rest (

 = 0.04) with normoxia. The MVC and

were reduced (7 ± 3% and 31 ± 9%, respectively,

 = 0.014), while VA

was not affected by the rowing effort in normoxia. With hyperoxia, the deficit in MVC and

was attenuated, while VA

was unchanged.

These data indicate that even though hyperoxia restores frontal lobe oxygenation the resultant attenuation of arm muscle fatigue following maximal rowing is peripherally rather than centrally mediated.

These data indicate that even though hyperoxia restores frontal lobe oxygenation the resultant attenuation of arm muscle fatigue following maximal rowing is peripherally rather than centrally mediated.Previous studies found that seawater immersion combined with hemorrhagic shock (SIHS) induced serious organ function disorder, and lethal triad was a critical sign. There were no effective treatments of SIHS. Fluid resuscitation was the initial measurement for early aid following hemorrhagic shock, while the proper fluid for SIHS is not clear. Effects of different osmotic pressures [lactated Ringer's (LR) solution, 0.3% saline, 0.6% saline, and 0.9% normal saline] on the lethal triad, mitochondrial function, vital organ functions, and survival were observed following SIHS in rats. The results showed that SIHS led to an obvious lethal triad, which presented the decrease of the body temperature, acidosis, and coagulation functions disorder in rats. Fluid resuscitation with different osmotic pressures recovered the body temperature and corrected acidosis with different levels; effects of 0.6% normal saline were the best; especially for the coagulation function, 0.6% normal saline alleviated the lethal triad signed the survival time, the 72 h survival rate was 7/16, as compared with the LR group (3/16). The results indicate that appropriate hypotonic fluid is suitable after SIHS, which alleviates the lethal triad, protects the mitochondrial function and organ functions, and prolongs the survival time.

Currently, many systematic reviews (SRs) of moxibustion as a treatment of KOA have been published. However, the evidence of different SRs of moxibustion to treat KOA has not been comprehensively evaluated.

This overview aimed to evaluate the existing results and provide scientific evidence of the effectiveness and safety of moxibustion in the treatment of KOA.

We conducted a comprehensive search of Embase, PubMed, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, SinoMed, CNKI, Wanfang, VIP, and other databases until October 31, 2021. A Measurement Tool to Assess Systematic Reviews 2 (AMSTAR-2) was used to assess the methodological quality of SRs. Preferred Reporting Item for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses was used to evaluate the reporting quality, and the risk of bias in SRs was evaluated by ROBIS Tool. We used the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) tool to determine the strength of evidence and conducted a meta-analysis of the total effectiveness rate.

Finally, 10 qualiefore, future studies should pay more attention to the quality of the original study and the evidence quality of the SRs to provide more powerful and scientific evidence of the effectiveness and safety of moxibustion treatment of KOA.We aimed to determine whether voluntary exercise or surface neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) could enhance recovery after a high-intensity functional training (HIFT) session compared with total rest. The study followed a crossover design. Fifteen male recreational CrossFit athletes (29 ± 8 years) performed a HIFT session and were randomized to recover for 15 min with either low-intensity leg pedaling ("Exercise"), NMES to the lower limbs ("NMES"), or total rest ("Control"). Perceptual [rating of perceived exertion (RPE) and delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) of the lower-limb muscles], physiological (heart rate, blood lactate and muscle oxygen saturation) and performance (jump ability) indicators of recovery were assessed at baseline and at different time points during recovery up to 24 h post-exercise. A significant interaction effect was found for RPE (p = 0.035), and although post hoc analyses revealed no significant differences across conditions, there was a quasi-significant (p = 0.061) trend toward a lower RPE with NMES compared with Control immediately after the 15-min recovery. No significant interaction effect was found for the remainder of outcomes (all p > 0.05). 17-DMAG inhibitor Except for a trend toward an improved perceived recovery with NMES compared with Control, low-intensity exercise, NMES, and total rest seem to promote a comparable recovery after a HIFT session.The diversity in solute carriers arose from evolutionary pressure. Here, we surmised that the adaptive search for optimizing the rate of substrate translocation was also shaped by the ambient extracellular and intracellular concentrations of substrate and co-substrate(s). We explored possible solutions by employing kinetic models, which were based on analytical expressions of the substrate uptake rate, that is, as a function of the microscopic rate constants used to parameterize the transport cycle. We obtained the defining terms for five reaction schemes with identical transport stoichiometry (i.e., Na+ substrate = 21). We then utilized an optimization algorithm to find the set of numeric values for the microscopic rate constants, which provided the largest value for the substrate uptake rate The same optimized rate was achieved by different sets of numerical values for the microscopic rate constants. An in-depth analysis of these sets provided the following insights (i) In the presence of a low extracellular substrate concentration, a transporter can only cycle at a high rate, if it has low values for both, the Michaelis-Menten constant (KM) for substrate and the maximal substrate uptake rate (Vmax). (ii) The opposite is true for a transporter operating at high extracellular substrate concentrations. (iii) Random order of substrate and co-substrate binding is superior to sequential order, if a transporter is to maintain a high rate of substrate uptake in the presence of accumulating intracellular substrate. Our kinetic models provide a framework to understand how and why the transport cycles of closely related transporters differ.Stochastic resonance has been successfully used to improve human movement when using subthreshold vibration. Recent work has shown promise in improving mobility in individuals with unilateral lower limb amputations. Furthering this work, we present an investigation of two different signal structures in the use of stochastic resonance to improve mobility in individuals with unilateral lower limb amputations. Cutaneous somatosensation and standing balance measures using spatial and temporal analysis were assessed. There were no differences in the somatosensation measures, but differences in the temporal characteristics of the standing measures were seen with the various vibration structures when compared to no vibration, one of which suggesting mass may play an important role in determining who may or may not benefit from this intervention. Stochastic resonance employed with subthreshold vibration influences mobility in individuals with unilateral amputations, but the full direction and extent of influence is yet to be understood.

Autoři článku: Winklerarthur9817 (Wall Merritt)