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Adaptive Disclosure (AD) is a new emotion-focused psychotherapy for combat-related PTSD. As a second step in the evaluation process, we conducted a non-inferiority (NI) trial of AD, relative to Cognitive Processing Therapy - Cognitive Therapy version (CPT-C), an established first-line psychotherapy. Participants were 122 U.S. Marines and Sailors. The primary endpoint was PTSD symptom severity change from pre- to posttreatment, using the Clinician Administered PTSD Scale for DSM-IV. Secondary endpoints were depression (Patient Health Questionnaire-9; PHQ-9) and functioning (Veterans Rand Health Survey-12; VR-12). For cases with complete data, the mean difference in CAPS-IV change scores was 0.33 and the confidence interval (CI) did not include the predefined NI margin (95% CI =-10.10, 9.44). The mean difference in PHQ-9 change scores was -1.01 and the CI did not include the predefined margin (95% CI = -3.31, 1.28), as was the case for the VR-12 Physical Component and VR-12 Mental Component subscale scores (0.27; 95% CI = -4.50, 3.95, and -2.10; 95% CI = -7.03, 2.83, respectively). A series of intent-to-treat sensitivity analyses confirmed these results. The differential effect size for CAPS-IV was d = 0.01 (nonsignificant). As predicted, Adaptive Disclosure was found to be no less effective than a first-line psychotherapy.Few studies have investigated barriers to mobile phone use for health purposes among patients with serious mental illness. In an inpatient psychiatric adult sample, we examined (a) patterns and perceptions of mobile phone use and (b) the role of psychiatric diagnoses on mobile phone use for mental health purposes. Participants completed questionnaires after using a psychometrically validated scale to determine capacity for consent. Descriptive analyses revealed that most participants owned a smartphone (94%), data plan (94%), and frequently accessed the internet (75%). Only 27% used their mobile phones daily for health purposes and 47% had used their mobile phone to access their electronic medical record (EMR). Participants with psychotic disorders were significantly less likely to have mobile access to their EMR and expressed difficulty in using a mobile app for mental health purposes; whereas participants with depressive disorders expressed low interest in using their mobile devices to monitor their mental health. Adult psychiatric inpatients may have access to and be willing to use mobile phones for purposes related to mental health. However, key barriers may include frequency of mobile phone use for health purposes and lack of mobile access to the EMR, particularly among those with psychotic disorders.

The relationships between different insomnia symptom subtypes and the onset of depression among older adults are inconsistent. It may be that each subtype has a distinct temporal effect on depression not easily captured by the different follow-up intervals used in past studies. We systemically investigated the temporal effects by examining the links between subtypes and the onset of depression at different follow-up intervals among community-dwelling older adults.

We used the 2006 wave of the Health and Retirement Study as baseline (n=9151). The outcome was the onset of depression at 2-year (2008 wave), 4-year (2010 wave), and 6-year (2012 wave) follow-ups. The independent variables were difficulty with falling asleep (initial insomnia), waking up during the night (middle insomnia), waking up too early and being unable to fall asleep again (late insomnia), and nonrestorative sleep at baseline. Factors known to be related to depression among older adults were included as covariates.

Our findings showed that each insomnia symptom subtype had distinct temporal effects on the onset of depression. It appeared that the effects of initial insomnia may take longer to emerge than indicated in previous studies. Middle insomnia and late insomnia had weak relationships with depression. Nonrestorative sleep predicted the onset of depression at every follow-up period.

We found that documenting the temporal effects of insomnia symptom subtypes helps both to classify individuals' insomnia symptoms and predict the onset of depression. We recommend taking temporal effects of insomnia symptom subtypes into account in future investigations and clinical practice.

We found that documenting the temporal effects of insomnia symptom subtypes helps both to classify individuals' insomnia symptoms and predict the onset of depression. We recommend taking temporal effects of insomnia symptom subtypes into account in future investigations and clinical practice.Landfills in the United States are a significant source of pollution to ground and surface water. Current environmental regulations require detection and/or monitoring assessments of landfill leachate for contaminants that have been deemed particularly harmful. However, the lists of contaminants to be monitored are not comprehensive. Further, landfill leachate composition varies over space and time, and thus the contaminants, and their corresponding toxicity, are not consistent across or within landfills. One of the main objectives of this study was to prioritize contaminants found in landfill leachate using a systematic, toxicity-based prioritization scheme. A literature review was conducted, and from it, 484 landfill leachate contaminants with available CAS numbers were identified. In vitro, in vivo, and predicted human toxicity data were collected from ToxCast, ECOTOX, and CTV Predictor, respectively. These data were integrated using the Toxicological Priority Index (ToxPi) for the 322 contaminants which had available toxicity data from at least two of the databases. Four modifications to this general prioritization scheme were developed to demonstrate the flexibility of this scheme for addressing varied research and applied objectives. The general scheme served as a basis for comparison of the results from the modified schemes, and allowed for identification of contaminants uniquely prioritized in each of the schemes. The schemes outlined here can be used to identify the most harmful contaminants in environmental media in order to design the most relevant mitigation strategies and monitoring plans. Finally, future research directions involving the combination of these prioritization schemes and non-target global metabolomic profiling are discussed.The rapid development of China's manufacturing industry since China's accession to WTO in 2001 has dramatically increased China's carbon emissions. To inform the carbon policy development of China's manufacturing industry, this study constructed a DEA-GS (data envelopment analysis and grid search) model from a cost perspective to understand the their emission reduction characteristics. Using a large sample of manufacturing firms from 2008 to 2011, the carbon pricing and reduction potential of China's manufacturing firms was explored by analyzing the firms' marginal abatement costs. The results showed that (a) with increasing marginal abatement costs, the growth rates of both cumulative emission reduction activities and emission reduction of these firms gradually slowed down. When the marginal abatement cost exceeds 200 Yuan/ton, neither the number of reduction activities nor the amount of reduced emissions increase. (b) The impact of marginal abatement costs on the numbers of reduction activities and firms in each sub-sector is heterogeneous. (c) The emission reduction behaviors of manufacturting firms, determined by carbon pricing, are mostly concentrated in developed areas or around large cities. In contrast, areas with substantial emission reductions are more scattered. The results suggest that The emission reduction characteristics of sub-sectors should be fully considered when formulating carbon policies for China's manufacturing industry. The carbon price for the China's manufacturing industry should not exceed 200 Yuan/ton. Furthermore, the carbon policy of China's manufacturing industry should have broader coverage, rather than merely covering developed areas.Drought disaster is one of the major factors restricting the development of vegetation across a wide variety of environments. Monitoring the temporal and spatial dynamics of drought episodes in the study area is crucial for environmental and ecosystem conservation. This study assesses drought disaster by utilising space-based data and R programming for drought years 2003, 2007, 2012 and 2019 in the Free State Province, South Africa. Results revealed that the study area witnessed drought events in the year 2003 where March, August, September, October, November and December were more affected by drought disaster events. It was further observed that February and March were affected by extreme drought conditions in the year 2007. In year 2012, January, October, November and December, there exist moderate to severe drought conditions in the study area where some regions were more affected than the other. Finally, year 2019 witnessed variations in drought event distributions across the months with January, October and November witnessing severe to extreme drought conditions from about 0 to 30% drought values. Overall, this study shows that the 16-day Terra-MODIS composite and EVI products are sensitive to stressors associated with drought. Veliparib cost The Vegetation Condition Monitoring Index (VCI) based on MODIS is suited for monitoring drought disasters. The technique used in this study revealed the suitability of MODIS data for assessing drought conditions and their potential environmental impacts.The coastal aquifers of Sundarbans, an UNESCO world biodiversity heritage site, are highly vulnerable due to changing climatic conditions, intensification and increasing frequency of extreme climate events and uncontrolled abstraction of groundwater. The exchange of solutes between hydraulically connective shallow and deep aquifers, the seawater intrusion and the role of growing population are poorly understood in the Sundarbans. This study aims to address the solute exchange (Cl-, Sr2+, and salinity) process between surface water and groundwater (SW-GW) at local to regional scale under variable hydraulic head conditions, where annual rainfall is declining and population density is increasing [population 573 (1991) to 819 (2011)/Km2]. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) in combination with salinity and δ18O data was used to address the exchange of solutes between SW-GW in a hydraulic continuation. The results revealed that regionally, the Cl- concentration of Sundarbans shows an increasing trend (average threat in present-day and in imminent future for millions of inhabitants near the coastal area.This study aimed to investigate consumer behaviour towards food waste in Ireland by analysing their attitudes and quantities of food waste generated. Global warming potential of the food waste generated weekly is then assessed. A total of 2115 participants from all over the Republic of Ireland contributed to the survey (of which 2062 were included in this research). Using factor and cluster analysis, two clusters of consumers were formed based on their attitudes towards food waste, and it was found that 62.56% of the sample were 'uncaring' consumers and 37.44% were 'caring' consumers. The uncaring consumers consisted of more young males and were relatively unphased by food waste and take minimal precautions to reduce food waste at all stages of consumption. In contrast, caring consumers consisted of older and female consumers and were deeply disturbed by food waste, taking all precautions to reduce food waste at every stage of consumption. Regarding food waste quantities, uncaring consumers produced on average, 0.

Autoři článku: Wilsondalton2348 (Ernstsen Han)