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subtussulcata and Jeanneretia spp. are closely related. As such, it remains to be decided whether Guladentia Clench & Aguayo, 1951 and Jeanneretia should continue to be treated as separate genera.Morphological characteristics, including male and female genitalia, combined with DNA barcodes were used to identify 470 Anaplecta specimens sampled from China. Ten Anaplecta species are new to science, including three cryptic species A.paraomei Zhu & Che, sp. nov., A.condensa Zhu & Che, sp. nov., and A.longihamata Zhu & Che, sp. nov., which are distinguished mainly by their female genitalia. The other seven new species are as follows A.bicruris Zhu & Che, sp. nov., A.spinosa Zhu & Che, sp. nov., A.ungulata Zhu & Che, sp. nov., A.anomala Zhu & Che, sp. nov., A.serrata Zhu & Che, sp. nov., A.bombycina Zhu & Che, sp. nov., and A.truncatula Zhu & Che, sp. nov. This study illustrates that differences in female genitalia can be used to distinguish among species of Anaplecta. The female genitalia of 19 Chinese Anaplecta species are described and illustrated in this paper.Leaf beetles (Coleoptera Chrysomelidae) constitute a family of abundant, diverse, and ecologically important herbivorous insects, due to their high specificity with host plants, a close association with vegetation and a great sensitivity to microclimatic variation (factors that are modified gradually during the rainy and dry seasons). Therefore, the effects of seasonality (rainy and dry seasons) and microclimate on the community attributes of chrysomelids were evaluated in a semideciduous tropical forest fragment of northeastern Mexico. Monthly sampling was conducted, between March 2016 and February 2017, with an entomological sweep net in 18 plots of 20 × 20 m, randomly distributed from 320 to 480 m a.s.l. Seven microclimatic variables were simultaneously recorded during each of the samplings, using a portable weather station. In total, 216 samples were collected at the end of the study, of which 2,103 specimens, six subfamilies, 46 genera, and 71 species were obtained. The subfamily Galerucinae had the high suggests that the species may exhibit modifications in their niche requirements according to abiotic conditions. However, the investigations must be replicated in other regions, in order to obtain a better characterization of the seasonal and microclimatic influence on the family Chrysomelidae.Bamboo plays an important role in the animal world, including providing a nutritious food source, shelter, and habitat. Inside of bamboo culm, we discovered a new genus of tarantula, which we describe here as Taksinus gen. nov. (♂♀). Specimens of this new tarantula were collected from Mae Tho, Mueang Tak district, Tak province, in Thailand, making it geographically distant from any other arboreal genera. Genital morphology was used to diagnose its genus, which is supported by distributional data, natural history, morphological characters, and photographic illustrations of the male and female. Diagnosis of the new genus was determined by distinguishing its different characters from those of other arboreal theraphosid spiders distributed throughout Southeast Asia. This tarantula's specialization is that it lives in the stalks of the Asian bamboo Gigantochloa sp.SCUBA diving explorations of three islands off Dumont d'Urville Station at the coast of Adélie Land, East Antarctica, enabled the observation of marine ice caves. Sampling in this unusual habitat yielded a total of three species of Mysidae, altogether previously poorly known or unknown to science. Pseudommakryotroglodytum sp. nov. is described, based on the structure of the antennal scale, telson and on cornea-like lateral portions set off against the main body of eyeplates. Mysidetesilligi is re-established at species level after almost a century in synonymy. Re-descriptions are provided for M.illigi and M.hanseni, based on types and ice cave materials. Keys to the Southern Ocean species of Pseudomma and to the world-wide species of Mysidetes are given. Phylogenetic trees are provided for the genera Pseudomma and Mysidetes. 18S rDNA sequences of P.kryotroglodytum differ from GenBank sequences of other Pseudomma species. First sequence data are given for species of the genus Mysidetes 18S differs between the ditions along the continental coast of Antarctica.An ampithoid species, previously known as A.tarasovi in Korea, is assigned as a new species, A.changbaensis sp. nov. based on the reexamination of the holotype of A.tarasovi. The new species shows different morphological characteristics compared to A.tarasovi, especially in male gnathopods 1 and 2. The type material of A.tarasovi is redescribed and illustrated here and a key to the Korean species of Ampithoe is provided.A comprehensive taxonomic assessment of the most agriculturally important and highly diverse spider mite genus, Oligonychus Berlese (Acari Tetranychidae) was performed. The sub-generic division, species groups, doubtful species, species complexes and the interpretation of a key generic character are discussed. Based on the orientation of the male aedeagus, only two subgenera, namely Oligonychus Berlese (aedeagus downturned) and Reckiella Tuttle & Baker (aedeagus upturned), are valid in the genus Oligonychus. The subgenera Homonychus Wainstein, Metatetranychoides Wainstein, and Wainsteiniella Tuttle & Baker are considered to be synonyms of the subgenus Oligonychus, whereas the subgenus Pritchardinychus Wainstein is proposed as a synonym of the subgenus Reckiella. Moreover, based on female morphological characters, four species groups (coffeae, exsiccator, iseilemae, and peruvianus) and 11 species subgroups (aceris, biharensis, coffeae, comptus, exsiccator, gossypii, iseilemae, peruvianus, pritchardi, smithi, and subnudus) are suggested in the subgenera Oligonychus and Reckiella. Fourteen Oligonychus species are proposed as species inquirendae, and potential cryptic species complexes in the genus Oligonychus are briefly highlighted. It is agreed that the clunal seta h1 is always absent, while the para-anal setae h2 and h3 are always present in the genus Oligonychus. A key to subgenera, species groups, and species subgroups of the genus Oligonychus is provided.This article reviews the species of the genus Heterospilus Haliday from South Korea. Nine species, Heterospiluschinjuensis sp. nov., H.gajwaensis sp. read more nov., H.heulriensis sp. nov., H.hyungkeunleei sp. nov., H.maseongus sp. nov., H.suriensis sp. nov., H taehoani sp. nov., H.weolchulsanus sp. nov., and H.yeogiensis sp. nov., are described as new to science. The species Heterospilusfujianensis Tang, Belokobylskij, He & Chen, 2013 is recorded for the fauna of Korea for the first time; H.ater Fischer, 1960 is synonymised under H.austriacus (Szépligeti, 1906). Heterospilusrubicola Fischer, 1960 and H.corsicus (Marshall, 1888) are excluded from the fauna of Korea. A key to all Heterospilus species known from the Korean Peninsula is compiled.Telmatobiushalli was the first representative of its genus to be described exclusively for Chile, yet for 85 years no new individuals could be located due to the vagueness with which its type locality was described. The type series was collected by one of the members of the International High Altitude Expedition to Chile (IHAEC) of 1935. Recently, three studies successively claimed to have located the type locality in different places. The third study proved, according to the chronicles of the IHAEC, that the actual locality is Miño, at the origin of the Loa River, where currently there are no published records of Telmatobius. In this study, additional documentary antecedents and graphic material are provided that corroborate that Miño is indeed the type locality of T.halli. Additionally, the recently rediscovered Telmatobius population from Miño and the environment it inhabits are described. The external characteristics of the frogs are consistent with the description of T.halli. Furthermore, molecular phylogenetic analyses were performed that showed that T.halli, T.dankoi, and T.vilamensis, all known only from their type localities in Chile, comprise a clade without internal resolution. A detailed comparison of the diagnoses of the three species revealed that the few phenotypic differences between these taxa were based on characteristics that vary widely within and between populations of the genus, hence their conspecificity is proposed. The implications of this synonymy for the taxonomy, biogeography, and conservation of the Telmatobius from the extreme south of its distribution in Chile are discussed.Keys to all levels of the subfamily Deltocephalinae (Hemiptera Cicadellidae) of Pakistan are provided based on published records and original data from recent research. Checklists to the genera and species of Deltocephalinae are also given. A total of 49 genera with more than 100 species are now known from Pakistan. Two new synonyms are proposed, i.e., Cicadulinastriata Ahmed, 1986 a junior synonym of Cicadulinachinai Ghauri, 1965, syn. nov. and Macrostelesparafalcatus Naveed & Zhang, 2018 a new junior synonym of Macrostelesindrina (Pruthi, 1930), syn. nov.Establishing species boundaries is one of the challenges taxonomists around the world have been tackling for centuries. The relation between intraspecific and interspecific variability is still under discussion and in many taxa it remains understudied. Here the hypothesis of single versus multiple species of the crab spider Synemaglobosum (Fabricius) is tested. The wide distribution range as well as its high morphological variability makes this species an interesting candidate for re-evaluation using an integrative approach. This study combines information from barcoding, phylogenetic reconstruction based on mitochondrial CO1 and ITS2 of more than 60 specimens collected over a wide range of European localities, and morphology. The findings show deep clades with up to 6% mean pairwise distance in the CO1 barcode without any biogeographical pattern. The nuclear ITS2 gene did not support the CO1 clades. Morphological assessment of somatic and genital characters in males and females and a morphometric analysis of the male palp uncovered high intraspecific variation that does not match the CO1 or ITS2 phylogenies or biogeography either. Screening for endosymbiotic Wolbachia bacteria was conducted and only a single infected specimen was found. Several scenarios might explain these inconsistent patterns. While the deep divergences in the barcoding marker might suggest cryptic or ongoing speciation or geographical isolation in the past, the lack of congruent variation in the nuclear ITS2 gene or the studied morphological character systems, especially the male palp, indicates that S.globosum might simply be highly polymorphic both in terms of its mtDNA and morphology. Therefore, more data on ecology and behaviour and full genome sequences are necessary to ultimately resolve this taxonomically intriguing case.A new species of the Yellow Sally genus (Isoperla Banks, 1906) is described, based on morphological (males and females adults, larval and egg) and molecular (the barcode region of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene (COI)) features. Popijač's Yellow Sally, I.popijaci Hlebec & Sivec, sp. nov. inhabits two karstic sources of the Krasulja rivulet in Croatia. Male and female of the new species are characterised by colouration patterns of the head and pronotum; the dimensions of the female subgenital plate; the medial penial armature and oval-shaped egg without collar and anchor. The larvae differ from their congeners by the uniquely coloured head and pronotum. Based on morphological characteristics I.popijaci sp. nov. belongs to the I.tripartita species group. Phylogenetic and taxonomic relationships were reconstructed using three methods of phylogenetic inference and three species delimitation methods. As I.popijaci sp. nov. occurs at a narrow area of the Krasulja rivulet in Krbava field, the study puts emphasis on the conservation and hotspot importance of the temporary rivers in the Dinaric karst.

Autoři článku: Wibergfreedman7228 (Haynes McCleary)