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RATIONALE We report the unsolved molecular structure of the complex biopolymer sporopollenin exine extracted from Lycopodium clavatum pollen grains. METHODS TOF-SIMS and CID-MS/MS, MALDI-TOF-MS and CID-TOF/TOF-MS/MS were used for the analysis of this complex biopolymer sporopollenin exine extracted from Lycopodium clavatum pollen grains. Solid-state 1 H- and 13 C-NMR, 2D 1 H-1 H NOESY, Rotor-synchronized 13 C1 H HSQC, and 13 C1 H multi CP-MAS NMR experiments were used to confirm the structural assigments revealed by MS and MS/MS studies. Finally, high-resolution XPS was used to check for the presence of aromatic components in sporopollenin. RESULTS The combined MS and NMR analyses showed that sporopollenin contained poly(hydroxy acid) dendrimer-like networks with glycerol as a core unit, which accounted for the sporopollenin empirical formula. In addition, these analyses showed that the hydroxy acid monomers forming this network contained a β-diketone moiety. Moreover, MALDI-TOF-MS and MS/MS allowed us to identify a unique macrocyclic oligomeric unit composed of polyhydroxylated tetraketide-like monomers. Lastly, high-resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HR-XPS) showed the absence of aromaticity in sporopollenin. CONCLUSIONS We report for the first time the two main building units that form the Lycopodium clavatum sporopollenin exine. The first building unit is a macrocyclic oligomer and/or polymer composed of polyhydroxylated tetraketide-like monomeric units, which represents the main rigid backbone of the sporopollenin biopolymer. The second building unit is the poly(hydroxy acid) network in which the hydroxyl end groups can be covalently attached by ether links to the hydroxylated macrocyclic backbone to form the sporopollenin biopolymer, a spherical dendrimer. Such spherical dendrimers are a typical type of microcapsule that have been used for drug delivery applications. Finally, HR-XPS indicated the total absence of aromaticity in the sporopollenin exine. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.KEY POINTS Muscular dystrophy patients suffer from progressive degeneration of skeletal muscle fibres, sudden spontaneous falls, balance problems, as well as gait and posture abnormalities. Dystrophin- and dysferlin-deficient mice, models for different types of muscular dystrophy with different aetiology and molecular basis, were characterized to investigate if muscle spindle structure and function are impaired. The number and morphology of muscle spindles were unaltered in both dystrophic mouse lines but muscle spindle resting discharge and their responses to stretch were altered. In dystrophin-deficient muscle spindles, the expression of the paralogue utrophin was substantially upregulated, potentially compensating for the dystrophin deficiency. The results suggest that muscle spindles might contribute to the motor problems observed in patients with muscular dystrophy. ABSTRACT Muscular dystrophies comprise a heterogeneous group of hereditary diseases characterized by progressive degeneration of extrafusal discharge and a higher action potential firing rate during sinusoidal vibrations, particularly at low frequencies. The response to ramp-and-hold stretches appeared unaltered compared to the respective wildtype mice. We observed no exacerbated functional changes in dystrophin and dysferlin double mutant mice compared to the single mutant animals. These results show alterations in muscle spindle afferent responses in both dystrophic mouse lines, which might cause an increased muscle tone, and might contribute to the unstable gait and frequent falls observed in patients with muscular dystrophy. © 2020 The Authors. The Journal of Physiology © 2020 The Physiological Society.It is attractive but highly challenging to achieve controllable regulation of photophysical properties of pure organic luminogens, due to distinct work mechanisms and molecular structures. Here, a strategy to regulate in a controllable way the emission behavior of luminogens is reported, according to which long-lived aggregation-induced emission (AIE) can be switched to short-lived dual-state emission (DSE) by an isomer-based substitution reaction. Three luminogens with sharply different photophysical behaviors, including aggregation-induced phosphorescence and dual-state fluorescence emission, were obtained through a substitution reaction with three isomers. Freely rotating structures are attributed to aggregation-induced phosphorescence behavior, whereas twisted rigidification of the molecule greatly contributes to its dual-state emission phenomenon. This work contributes to the controlled regulation of photophysical behaviors through simple reactions and provides a solid evidence to support the key role of the prohibition of intramolecular rotation in aggregation-induced emission process and molecular design of dual-state emitters. © 2020 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.OBJECTIVE To follow-up the radiographic changes in peri-implant bone of short (6 mm, test group) and long (10 mm, control group) single-unit implants five years after loading. MATERIALS AND METHODS Forty-three implants of the test and 44 implants of the control group could be reassessed from 96 originally included implants. Standardized areas of interest (AOI) were defined in the peri-implant bone at pre-defined locations at mid-length on both sides of the implants, and at the apex. An arbitrary mean grey scale value (GSV) was calculated for the AOI after brightness calibration of the radiographs. Changes for GSV were calculated and tested for possible inter- and intra-group differences using the Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon tests. RESULTS The calculated intra-group differences between baseline and 5 years in the test group accounted for 2.4 ± 19.6 (i.e. slight brightening) and -6.2 ± 20.2 for the control group (i.e. slight shading), which resulted in a statistically significant difference in GSV change (p  less then  .05). Crown-to-implant ratio was the only parameter showing an effect on GSV change (p = .001). CONCLUSIONS Assessing conventional radiographs, longer implants showed a slightly stronger change of radiopacity of the peri-implant bone (slight loss of density) than short ones (slightly enhanced density) after five years of loading. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.BACKGROUND Hidradenitis suppurativa is a debilitating disease related to a great psychosocial burden in affected patients and subsequently also people around them. Patients' partners as caregivers may indirectly experience wide range of devastating effects of the disease on their emotional and social life. OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study was to determine the QoL impairment in HS patients' partners and to identify its aspects that are affected the most. Correlation between QoL burden and disease severity, duration, sex, age and smoking was also assessed. METHODS A total of 50 HS sufferers were assessed according to disease severity and their partners' QoL was determined using the Family Dermatology Life Quality Index questionnaire. Heptadecanoic acid Apoptosis related activator RESULTS The mean FDLQI for patients' partners was 8.7 ± 6.8 points, indicating generally a moderate effect of HS on their life. Quality of partners' life correlated significantly with disease severity but no correlation was found according to other factors. CONCLUSION Hidradenitis suppurativa is a highly psychologically devastating disease not only for patients but also for their partners. It occurred to diminish partners' QoL mostly by increasing daily expenditure but also other problems were often reported. Clinicians should be aware of these psychosocial implications, in order to provide optimal therapy of HS affected families by a multidisciplinary specialized management addressing both, patients and their cohabitants simultaneously. © 2020 European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology.A formal C-H carboxylation of unactivated arenes using CO2 in green solvents is described. The present strategy combines a sterically controlled Ir-catalyzed C-H borylation followed by a Cu-catalyzed carboxylation of the in situ generated organoboronates. The reaction is highly regioselective for the C-H carboxylation of 1,3-disubstituted and 1,2,3-trisubstituted benzenes, 1,2- or 1,4-symmetrically substituted benzenes, fluorinated benzenes and different heterocycles. The developed methodology was applied to the late-stage C-H carboxylation of commercial drugs and ligands. © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.While artificial cyclases hold great promise in chemical synthesis, this work presents the first example of a DNA-catalyzed inverse electron-demand hetero-Diels-Alder (IEDHDA) between dihydrofuran and various α,β-unsaturated acyl imidazoles. The resulting fused bicyclic O,O-acetals containing three contiguous stereogenic centers are obtained in high yields (up to 99 %) and excellent diastereo- (up to >991 dr) and enantioselectivities (up to 95 % ee) using a low catalyst loading. Most importantly, these results show that the concept of DNA-based asymmetric catalysis can be expanded to new synthetic transformations offering an efficient, sustainable, and highly selective tool for the construction of chiral building blocks. © 2020 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.NEW FINDINGS What is the central question of this study? In heat-stressed individuals, does high-intensity interval exercise reduce tolerance to a simulated haemorrhagic challenge (lower body negative pressure, LBNP) relative to steady state exercise? What is the main finding and its importance? LBNP tolerance was lower in heat-stressed individuals following high-intensity interval exercise relative to steady state exercise. This was likely owing to the greater cardiovascular strain required to maintain arterial blood pressure prior to and early during LBNP following high-intensity interval exercise. These findings are of importance for individuals working in occupations in which combined heat stress and intense intermittent exercise are common and where the risk of haemorrhagic injury is increased. ABSTRACT This study investigated whether tolerance to a simulated haemorrhagic challenge (lower body negative pressure, LBNP) was lower in heat-stressed individuals following high-intensity interval exercise relat= 0.0085). In heat-stressed individuals, tolerance to a simulated haemorrhagic challenge is reduced following high-intensity interval exercise relative to steady state exercise. © 2020 The Authors. Experimental Physiology © 2020 The Physiological Society.PURPOSE Cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIEDs) were believed to possess a tolerance dose to malfunction during radiotherapy. Although recent studies have qualitatively suggested neutrons as a cause of malfunction, numerical understanding has not been reached. The purpose of this work is to quantitatively clarify the contribution of secondary neutrons from out-of-field irradiation to the malfunction of CIEDs as well as to deduce the frequency of malfunctions until completion of prostate cancer treatment as a typical case. MATERIALS AND METHODS Measured data were gathered from the literature and were re-analyzed. Firstly, linear relationship for a number of malfunctions to the neutron dose was suggested by theoretical consideration. Secondly, the accumulated number of malfunctions of CIEDs gathered from the literature was compared with the prescribed dose, scattered photon dose, and secondary neutron dose for analysis of their correlation. Thirdly, the number of malfunctions during a course of prostate treatment with high-energy X-ray, passive proton, and passive carbon-ion beams was calculated while assuming the same response to malfunctions, where X-rays consisted of 6-MV, 10-MV, 15-MV, and 18-MV beams.

Autoři článku: Whitneytroelsen5074 (Burris Poe)