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Regional analysis revealed diminished nodal efficiency in the right amygdala in the CD-HCU group compared with HCs. The present results suggest that disrupted global efficiency, together with a regional abnormality affecting the amygdala, may contribute to abnormal information processing and integration in adolescents with CD and high CU traits.Bombyx mori was used to study the molecular mechanism of fluoride induced reproductive toxicity. In our previous study, we confirmed the physiological and biochemical effects of NaF on reproductive toxicity, and we found that the molecular mechanism of NaF induced reproductive damage may be associated with the oxidative phosphorylation pathway. To further study the function of NaF exposure on the oxidative phosphorylation pathway in the testis in Bombyx mori, and the relationship between oxidative phosphorylation and oxidative stress, we measured the changes in the main ROS (O2- and H2O2) in the testis, the activity of the main electron transport chain complex enzymes in the oxidative phosphorylation pathway and the transcription levels of the corresponding genes; we additionally performed pathological observations of the silkworm testis after exposure to 200 mg/L NaF solution for different times. The content of O2- and H2O in the silkworm gonads increased significantly at 24 h, 72 h and 120 h after NaF stress. The activity of mitochondrial complexes I, III, IV and V in the silkworm testis was significantly greater than that in the control group. RT-PCR analysis suggested that the mRNA transcription levels of NADH-CoQ1, Cyt c reductase, Cyt c oxidase and ATP synthase genes were up-regulated significantly. Histopathological investigation showed that the damage to the silkworm testis was more severe with increasing NaF exposure times. These results indicated that NaF stress affects the NADH respiratory chain of the mitochondrial electron transport chain and increases the activity of related enzyme complexes, thus destroying the balance of the electron transport chain. Subsequently, the content of ROS in cells significantly increases, thus resulting in oxidative stress reactions in cells. These results enable better understanding of the testis-damaging molecular toxicological mechanism of NaF.Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) symptoms typically onset early and persist into adulthood for many. Robust investigation of symptom continuity and discontinuity requires repeated assessments using the same measure, but research is lacking into whether measures used to assess ADHD symptoms in childhood are also valid in adulthood. The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) is widely used to assess ADHD symptoms in children, but little is known about its utility in adulthood. The aim of this study was to assess the validity of the SDQ hyperactivity/ADHD subscale to distinguish between cases and non-cases of DSM-5 ADHD at age 25 years in a UK population cohort (N = 4121). ADHD diagnosis was derived using the Barkley Adult ADHD Rating Scale-IV. Analyses suggested that the self-rated SDQ ADHD subscale had high validity in distinguishing ADHD cases/non-cases in young adulthood (area under the curve=0.90, 95% CI=0.87-0.93) and indicated a lower cut-point for identifying those who may have an ADHD diagnosis in this age group compared to that currently recommended for younger ages. Findings were similar for parent-reports. Our findings suggest that the SDQ is suitable for ADHD research across different developmental periods, which will aid the robust investigation of ADHD from childhood to young adulthood.To improve knowledge of the relationships of human activities with microplastic pollution in the urban estuary in Phuket province, which has a densely populated city on the western coast of Thailand, a total of 463 plastic-like items from 24 sediment samples in the dry and the rainy seasons were identified by micro-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The microplastic abundance ranged in 300-900 and 33-400 items/kg dry weight in the dry and the rainy seasons, respectively, indicating that the estuary is moderately contaminated with microplastics. The most abundant polymer types were rayon and polyester with colored fibers, suggesting that the microplastics deposited in this area originate mainly from washing effluents. Additionally, our findings show that the microplastic distribution is significantly governed by hydrodynamic energy in the estuary. This provides basic information for a better understanding of the fate of microplastics within estuary, and for management actions to address microplastics in urban estuary.During the monitoring of Caretta caretta nests on the island of Linosa, 30 unhatched eggs from four nests were collected to study the presence of phthalates in their three components (shell, yolk, and albumen). Four phthalates, namely diethyl (DEP), dibutyl (DBP), di-(2-ethylhexyl) (DEHP), and dioctyl (DOTP) phthalic acid esters (PAE), which are widely used as additives in plastics, were detected in all egg components. The most frequently found phthalate was DBP, followed by DEHP in eggshell and yolk. Dimethyl- (DMP) and butylbenzyl-phthalate (BBP) were below the limits of detection for all samples. The high total phthalate recorded in the yolk suggests that contamination could arise by vitellogenesis. PERMANOVA analysis (p = 0.01) confirmed significant differences in the PAEs contamination profiles in the eggs from the four nests. This study confirms the negative impact of plastic related compounds posing questions about the potential adverse effects on organisms and their conservation status.The presence of microplastics (MPs) in the marine environment is a concerning topic due to the ecotoxicological effects and possible seafood contamination. Data is needed to evaluate human exposure and assess risks, in the context of a healthy and beneficial seafood consumption. While microplastic ingestion by wild fish has been reported since the early 70's, farmed fish are rarely investigated. Here, for the first time the presence of microplastics in fish cultivated in the coastal water of Tenerife (Canary Island, Spain) was evaluated. From 83 examined individuals, 65% displayed microplastics in their gastrointestinal tracts, with averages between 0.6 ± 0.8 (SD) and 2.7 ± 1.85 (SD) particles per fish. The total number of microplastics detected was 119. Fibres (81%) and fragments (12%) were the predominant shapes. FTIR analysis showed that fibres were mostly composed by Cellulose (55%) and Nylon (27%), whereas fragments by PE (25%) and PP (25%).Logging and plantation agriculture are vital to economies and livelihoods in tropical nations, including Papua New Guinea. To meet global demand, hundreds of thousands of ha of diverse natural habitat have been logged, cleared and replaced with monoculture crops. Resulting hydrological changes have increased sediment, nutrient and pesticide runoff, impacting down-stream habitats. Here, case studies from Kimbe Bay (New Britain) and Mullins Harbour (Milne Bay), examine effects on nearshore coral reefs. In both places, logging and oil palm development had destabilized soils and removed or degraded riparian vegetation. Downstream, nearshore reefs had high silt levels, which, coincident with minor coral bleaching and predation by crown-of-thorns starfish, were correlated with high levels of coral mortality and low coral species richness. Sediment and related impacts can be reduced by effective catchment management, such as avoiding steep slopes, expanding stream and coastal buffer zones, minimizing fertilizer and pesticide use, monitoring and reactive management.Millions of tons of water cross the oceans inside ships' ballast tanks every day. Planktonic species hitch-hike with water and some may pose risks to ecosystems and economies if get released and establish outside their native range. We monitored ballast water in different trans-equatorial travels, visually and using molecular techniques, and found significant increases of potential nuisance taxa over travel duration, despite evident diversity depletion. Thus, less diverse but more resistant and potentially more harmful communities persist in ballast water over long voyages. If we consider the enormous volume transported every day, the persistence of resistant species in ballast water would be threating the global marine biodiversity. This should be taken into account when modeling and assessing the bioinvasion risks associated with the ballast water and transfer considered in the future research.A thresher shark poached by fishermen in the stretch of sea between the island of Ponza and the coast of Terracina (Lazio, Central Italy, Mediterranean Sea) and confiscated by the Italian health authorities was evaluated for the presence of chemical contaminants. Hg mean concentration of 2.1 mg kg-1 was found in muscle; speciation analysis confirmed it was almost in the toxic organic form of MeHg (2.0 mg kg-1). The SeHg molar ratio was less then 1 not protective against the toxic effect of Hg. 137Cs was detected at a mean concentration of 0.53 Bq kg-1, and 40K, radioisotope of natural origin was found at 91 Bq kg-1. Dioxins and PCBs were found in the common thresher shark at mean concentrations of 0.012 and 0.088 pg TEQ-WHO g-1 w.w. while NDL PCBs at 4.5 ng g-1 w.w., lower than limits set by European Regulation. The major concern is constituted by the presence of Hg twice the maximum limit set by EU Regulation, then the consumption of thresher shark flesh should be strongly discouraged.Climate change will increase energetic demands on marine invertebrate larvae and make planktonic food more unpredictable. This study determined the impact of ocean acidification on larval energetics of the oysters Saccostrea glomerata and Crassostrea gigas. Larvae of both oysters were reared until the 9-day-old, umbonate stage under orthogonal combinations of ambient and elevated p CO 2 (340 and 856 μatm) and food was limited. Elevated p CO 2 reduced the survival, size and larval energetics, larvae of C. gigas being more resilient than S. glomerata. When larvae were fed, elevated p CO 2 reduced lipid levels across all lipid classes. When larvae were unfed elevated p CO 2 resulted in increased lipid levels and mortality. Ocean acidification and food will interact to limit larval energetics. Larvae of S. glomerata will be more impacted than C. gigas and this is of concern given their aquacultural status and ecological function.This study assesses the frequency, distribution, characteristics, and chemical composition of microplastics (MPs) in the gut of highly consumed fish species, namely leaping mullet (Chelon saliens), common carp (Cyprinus carpioi), and Caspian kutum (Rutilus caspicus), in the southern Caspian Sea biome. Fibers are found to be the only shape of MPs. Dihydromyricetin Black MPs and polystyrene, polypropylene, and polyethylene terephthalate polymers are dominant. MP frequency is highest in leaping mullet's gut, while kutum specimens exhibited the lowest MP frequency, reflecting that leaping mullet is a neritic species and thus highly exposed to MP influx in shallow coastal water, while the other species are benthopelagic. The estimated condition index reflected a significant difference between the species, implying that MPs may pose adverse health impacts on leaping mullet and common carp, with no undesirable effect on Caspian kutum. No significant relationship exists between biological parameters and the MP frequency in the fish gut.

Autoři článku: Wentworthskovgaard2976 (Owens Rosendal)