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Post-translational modification of ribosomal proteins enables rapid and dynamic regulation of protein biogenesis. Site-specific ubiquitylation of 40S ribosomal proteins uS10 and eS10 plays a key role during ribosome-associated quality control (RQC). Distinct, and previously functionally ambiguous, ubiquitylation events on the 40S proteins uS3 and uS5 are induced by diverse proteostasis stressors that impact translation activity. Here, we identify the ubiquitin ligase RNF10 and the deubiquitylating enzyme USP10 as the key enzymes that regulate uS3 and uS5 ubiquitylation. Prolonged uS3 and uS5 ubiquitylation results in 40S, but not 60S, ribosomal protein degradation in a manner independent of canonical autophagy. We show that blocking progression of either scanning or elongating ribosomes past the start codon triggers site-specific ubiquitylation events on ribosomal proteins uS5 and uS3. This study identifies and characterizes a distinct arm in the RQC pathway, initiation RQC (iRQC), that acts on 40S ribosomes during translation initiation to modulate translation activity and capacity.The regulation of lipid homeostasis is not well understood. Using forward genetic screening, we demonstrate that the loss of dTBC1D22, an essential gene that encodes a Tre2-Bub2-Cdc16 (TBC) domain-containing protein, results in lipid droplet accumulation in multiple tissues. We observe that dTBC1D22 interacts with Rab40 and exhibits GTPase activating protein (GAP) activity. Overexpression of either the GTP- or GDP-binding-mimic form of Rab40 results in lipid droplet accumulation. We observe that Rab40 mutant flies are defective in lipid mobilization. The lipid depletion induced by overexpression of Brummer, a triglyceride lipase, is dependent on Rab40. Rab40 mutant flies exhibit decreased lipophagy and small size of autolysosomal structures, which may be due to the defective Golgi functions. Finally, we demonstrate that Rab40 physically interacts with Lamp1, and Rab40 is required for the distribution of Lamp1 during starvation. We propose that dTBC1D22 functions as a GAP for Rab40 to regulate lipophagy.Tubo-ovarian high-grade serous carcinoma (HGSC) is unresponsive to immune checkpoint blockade despite significant frequencies of exhausted T cells. Here we apply mass cytometry and uncover decidual-like natural killer (dl-NK) cell subpopulations (CD56+CD9+CXCR3+KIR+CD3-CD16-) in newly diagnosed HGSC samples that correlate with both tumor and transitioning epithelial-mesenchymal cell abundance. We show different combinatorial expression patterns of ligands for activating and inhibitory NK receptors within three HGSC tumor compartments epithelial (E), transitioning epithelial-mesenchymal (EV), and mesenchymal (vimentin expressing [V]), with a more inhibitory ligand phenotype in V cells. In cocultures, NK-92 natural killer cells acquire CD9 from HGSC tumor cells by trogocytosis, resulting in reduced anti-tumor cytokine production and cytotoxicity. Cytotoxicity in these cocultures is restored with a CD9-blocking antibody or CD9 CRISPR knockout, thereby identifying mechanisms of immune suppression in HGSC. CD9 is widely expressed in HGSC tumors and so represents an important new therapeutic target with immediate relevance for NK immunotherapy.The Piwi-interacting RNA (piRNA) pathway suppresses transposable elements and promotes fertility in diverse organisms. Maturation of piRNAs involves pre-piRNA trimming followed by 2'-O-methylation at their 3' termini. Here, we report that the 3' termini of Caenorhabditis elegans piRNAs are subject to nontemplated nucleotide addition, and piRNAs with 3' addition exhibit extensive base-pairing interaction with their target RNAs. Animals deficient for PARN-1 (pre-piRNA trimmer) and HENN-1 (2'-O-methyltransferase) accumulate piRNAs with 3' nontemplated nucleotides. In henn-1 mutants, piRNAs are shortened prior to 3' addition, whereas long isoforms of untrimmed piRNAs are preferentially modified in parn-1 mutant animals. Loss of either PARN-1 or HENN-1 results in modest reduction in steady-state levels of piRNAs. Deletion of both enzymes leads to depletion of piRNAs, desilenced piRNA targets, and impaired fecundity. Together, our findings suggest that pre-piRNA trimming and 2'-O-methylation act collaboratively to protect piRNAs from tailing and degradation.Somatic mutations in spliceosome genes are found in ∼50% of patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), a myeloid malignancy associated with low blood counts. Expression of the mutant splicing factor U2AF1(S34F) alters hematopoiesis and mRNA splicing in mice. Our understanding of the functionally relevant alternatively spliced target genes that cause hematopoietic phenotypes in vivo remains incomplete. Here, we demonstrate that reduced expression of H2afy1.1, an alternatively spliced isoform of the histone H2A variant gene H2afy, is responsible for reduced B cells in U2AF1(S34F) mice. Deletion of H2afy or expression of U2AF1(S34F) reduces expression of Ebf1 (early B cell factor 1), a key transcription factor for B cell development, and mechanistically, H2AFY is enriched at the EBF1 promoter. Induced expression of H2AFY1.1 in U2AF1(S34F) cells rescues reduced EBF1 expression and B cells numbers in vivo. Sotrastaurin research buy Collectively, our data implicate alternative splicing of H2AFY as a contributor to lymphopenia induced by U2AF1(S34F) in mice and MDS.Hendra virus and Nipah virus (NiV), members of the Henipavirus (HNV) genus, are zoonotic paramyxoviruses known to cause severe disease across six mammalian orders, including humans. We isolated a panel of human monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) from the B cells of an individual with prior exposure to equine Hendra virus (HeV) vaccine, targeting distinct antigenic sites. The most potent class of cross-reactive antibodies achieves neutralization by blocking viral attachment to the host cell receptors ephrin-B2 and ephrin-B3, with a second class being enhanced by receptor binding. mAbs from both classes display synergistic activity in vitro. In a stringent hamster model of NiV Bangladesh (NiVB) infection, antibodies from both classes reduce morbidity and mortality and achieve synergistic protection in combination. These candidate mAbs might be suitable for use in a cocktail therapeutic approach to achieve synergistic potency and reduce the risk of virus escape.In Alzheimer's disease, soluble oligomers of the amyloid-β peptide (Aβo) trigger a cascade of events that includes abnormal hyperphosphorylation of the protein tau, which is essential for pathogenesis. However, the mechanistic link between these two key pathological proteins remains unclear. Using hippocampal slices, we show here that an Aβo-mediated increase in glutamate release probability causes enhancement of synaptically evoked N-methyl-d-aspartate subtype glutamate receptor (NMDAR)-dependent long-term depression (LTD). We also find that elevated glutamate release probability is required for Aβo-induced pathological hyperphosphorylation of tau, which is likewise NMDAR dependent. Finally, we show that chronic, repeated chemical or optogenetic induction of NMDAR-dependent LTD alone is sufficient to cause tau hyperphosphorylation without Aβo. Together, these results support a possible causal chain in which Aβo increases glutamate release probability, thus leading to enhanced LTD induction, which in turn drives hyperphosphorylation of tau. Our data identify a mechanistic pathway linking the two critical pathogenic proteins of AD.Microbes employ sophisticated cellular networks encoded by complex genomes to rapidly adapt to changing environments. High-throughput genome engineering methods are valuable tools for functionally profiling genotype-phenotype relationships and understanding the complexity of cellular networks. However, current methods either rely on special homologous recombination systems and are thus applicable in only limited bacterial species or can generate only nonspecific mutations and thus require extensive subsequent screening. Here, we report a site-specific transposon-assisted genome engineering (STAGE) method that allows high-throughput Cas12k-guided mutagenesis in various microorganisms, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Exploiting the powerful STAGE technique, we construct a site-specific transposon mutant library that focuses on all possible transcription factors (TFs) in P. aeruginosa, enabling the comprehensive identification of essential genes and antibiotic-resistance-related factors. Given its broad host range activity and easy programmability, this method can be widely adapted to diverse microbial species for rapid genome engineering and strain evolution.Normal neurodevelopment relies on intricate signaling pathways that balance neural stem cell (NSC) self-renewal, maturation, and survival. Disruptions lead to neurodevelopmental disorders, including microcephaly. Here, we implicate the inhibition of NSC senescence as a mechanism underlying neurogenesis and corticogenesis. We report that the receptor for activated C kinase (Rack1), a family member of WD40-repeat (WDR) proteins, is highly enriched in NSCs. Deletion of Rack1 in developing cortical progenitors leads to a microcephaly phenotype. Strikingly, the absence of Rack1 decreases neurogenesis and promotes a cellular senescence phenotype in NSCs. Mechanistically, the senescence-related p21 signaling pathway is dramatically activated in Rack1 null NSCs, and removal of p21 significantly rescues the Rack1-knockout phenotype in vivo. Finally, Rack1 directly interacts with Smad3 to suppress the activation of transforming growth factor (TGF)-β/Smad signaling pathway, which plays a critical role in p21-mediated senescence. Our data implicate Rack1-driven inhibition of p21-induced NSC senescence as a critical mechanism behind normal cortical development.Alveolar epithelial type 2 cell (AEC2) dysfunction is implicated in the pathogenesis of adult and pediatric interstitial lung disease (ILD), including idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF); however, identification of disease-initiating mechanisms has been impeded by inability to access primary AEC2s early on. Here, we present a human in vitro model permitting investigation of epithelial-intrinsic events culminating in AEC2 dysfunction, using patient-specific induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) carrying an AEC2-exclusive disease-associated variant (SFTPCI73T). Comparing syngeneic mutant versus gene-corrected iPSCs after differentiation into AEC2s (iAEC2s), we find that mutant iAEC2s accumulate large amounts of misprocessed and mistrafficked pro-SFTPC protein, similar to in vivo changes, resulting in diminished AEC2 progenitor capacity, perturbed proteostasis, altered bioenergetic programs, time-dependent metabolic reprogramming, and nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) pathway activation. Treatment of SFTPCI73T-expressing iAEC2s with hydroxychloroquine, a medication used in pediatric ILD, aggravates the observed perturbations. Thus, iAEC2s provide a patient-specific preclinical platform for modeling the epithelial-intrinsic dysfunction at ILD inception.Germline development is sensitive to nutrient availability and environmental perturbation. Heat shock transcription factor 1 (HSF1), a key transcription factor driving the cellular heat shock response (HSR), is also involved in gametogenesis. The precise function of HSF1 (HSF-1 in C. elegans) and its regulation in germline development are poorly understood. Using the auxin-inducible degron system in C. elegans, we uncovered a role of HSF-1 in progenitor cell proliferation and early meiosis and identified a compact but important transcriptional program of HSF-1 in germline development. Interestingly, heat stress only induces the canonical HSR in a subset of germ cells but impairs HSF-1 binding at its developmental targets. Conversely, insulin/insulin growth factor 1 (IGF-1) signaling dictates the requirement for HSF-1 in germline development and functions through repressing FOXO/DAF-16 in the soma to activate HSF-1 in germ cells. We propose that this non-cell-autonomous mechanism couples nutrient-sensing insulin/IGF-1 signaling to HSF-1 activation to support homeostasis in rapid germline growth.

Autoři článku: Weissguthrie1753 (McConnell Kofoed)