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Quantifying the replication-competent HIV reservoir is essential for evaluating curative strategies. Viral outgrowth assays (VOAs) underestimate the reservoir because they fail to induce all replication-competent proviruses. Single- or double-region HIV DNA assays overestimate it because they fail to exclude many defective proviruses. We designed two triplex droplet digital PCR assays, each with 2 unique targets and 1 in common, and normalize the results to PCR-based T cell counts. Both HIV assays are specific, sensitive, and reproducible. Together, they estimate the number of proviruses containing all five primer-probe regions. Our 5-target results are on average 12.1-fold higher than and correlate with paired quantitative VOA (Spearman's ρ = 0.48) but estimate a markedly smaller reservoir than previous DNA assays. In patients on antiretroviral therapy, decay rates in blood CD4+ T cells are faster for intact than for defective proviruses, and intact provirus frequencies are similar in mucosal and circulating T cells.Essential E3 ubiquitin ligase HUWE1 (HECT, UBA, and WWE domain containing 1) regulates key factors, such as p53. Although mutations in HUWE1 cause heterogenous neurodevelopmental X-linked intellectual disabilities (XLIDs), the disease mechanisms common to these syndromes remain unknown. In this work, we identify p53 signaling as the central process altered in HUWE1-promoted XLID syndromes. By focusing on Juberg-Marsidi syndrome (JMS), one of the severest XLIDs, we show that increased p53 signaling results from p53 accumulation caused by HUWE1 p.G4310R destabilization. This further alters cell-cycle progression and proliferation in JMS cells. Modeling of JMS neurodevelopment reveals majorly impaired neural differentiation accompanied by increased p53 signaling. The neural differentiation defects can be successfully rescued by reducing p53 levels and restoring the expression of p53 target genes, in particular CDKN1A/p21. In summary, our findings suggest that increased p53 signaling underlies HUWE1-promoted syndromes and impairs XLID JMS neural differentiation.Neutrophils are often considered terminally differentiated and poised for bacterial killing. In chronic diseases such as cystic fibrosis (CF), an unexplained paradox pits massive neutrophil presence against prolonged bacterial infections. Here, we show that neutrophils recruited to CF airways in vivo and in an in vitro transmigration model display rapid and broad transcriptional firing, leading to an upregulation of anabolic genes and a downregulation of antimicrobial genes. Newly transcribed RNAs are mirrored by the appearance of corresponding proteins, confirming active translation in these cells. Treatment by the RNA polymerase II and III inhibitor α-amanitin restores the expression of key antimicrobial genes and increases the bactericidal capacity of CF airway neutrophils in vitro and in short-term sputum cultures ex vivo. Broadly, our findings show that neutrophil plasticity is regulated at the site of inflammation via RNA and protein synthesis, leading to adaptations that affect their canonical functions (i.e., bacterial clearance).Improved stem cell-derived pancreatic islet (SC-islet) differentiation protocols robustly generate insulin-secreting β cells from patient induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). These advances are enabling in vitro disease modeling studies and the development of an autologous diabetes cell replacement therapy. SC-islet technology elucidates key features of human pancreas development and diabetes disease progression through the generation of pancreatic progenitors, endocrine progenitors, and β cells derived from diabetic and nondiabetic iPSCs. Combining disease modeling with gene editing and next-generation sequencing reveals the impact of diabetes-causing mutations and diabetic phenotypes on multiple islet cell types. In addition, the supply of SC-islets, containing β and other islet cell types, is unlimited, presenting an opportunity for personalized medicine and overcoming several disadvantages posed by donor islets. This review highlights relevant studies involving iPSC-β cells and progenitors, encompassing new conclusions involving cells from patients with diabetes and the therapeutic potential of iPSC-β cells.The failure to mount an antibody response following viral infection or seroconversion failure is a largely underappreciated and poorly understood phenomenon. Here, we identified immunologic markers associated with robust antibody responses after influenza virus infection in two independent human cohorts, SHIVERS and FLU09, based in Auckland, New Zealand and Memphis, Tennessee, USA, respectively. In the SHIVERS cohort, seroconversion significantly associates with (1) hospitalization, (2) greater numbers of proliferating, activated CD4+ T cells, but not CD8+ T cells, in the periphery during the acute phase of illness, and (3) fewer inflammatory monocytes (CD14hiCD16+) by convalescence. In the FLU09 cohort, fewer CD14hiCD16+ monocytes during early illness in the nasal mucosa were also associated with the generation of influenza-specific mucosal immunoglobulin A (IgA) and IgG antibodies. Our study demonstrates that seroconversion failure after infection is a definable immunological phenomenon, associated with quantifiable cellular markers that can be used to improve diagnostics, vaccine efficacy, and epidemiologic efforts.Cranial irradiation (IR) is an effective adjuvant therapy in the treatment of childhood brain tumors but results in long-lasting cognitive deficits associated with impaired neurogenesis, as evidenced in rodent models. Metformin has been shown to expand the endogenous neural stem cell (NSC) pool and promote neurogenesis under physiological conditions and in response to neonatal brain injury, suggesting a potential role in neurorepair. Here, we assess whether metformin pretreatment, a clinically feasible treatment for children receiving cranial IR, promotes neurorepair in a mouse cranial IR model. Using immunofluorescence and the in vitro neurosphere assay, we show that NSCs are depleted by cranial IR but spontaneously recover, although deficits to proliferative neuroblasts persist. Metformin pretreatment enhances the recovery of neurogenesis, attenuates the microglial response, and promotes recovery of long-term olfactory memory. These findings indicate that metformin is a promising candidate for further preclinical and clinical investigations of neurorepair in childhood brain injuries.Utilizing T cells expressing chimeric antigen receptors (CARs) to identify and attack solid tumors has proven challenging, in large part because of the lack of tumor-specific targets to direct CAR binding. Tumor selectivity is crucial because on-target, off-tumor activation of CAR T cells can result in potentially lethal toxicities. This study presents a stringent hypoxia-sensing CAR T cell system that achieves selective expression of a pan-ErbB-targeted CAR within a solid tumor, a microenvironment characterized by inadequate oxygen supply. Using murine xenograft models, we demonstrate that, despite widespread expression of ErbB receptors in healthy organs, the approach provides anti-tumor efficacy without off-tumor toxicity. This dynamic on/off oxygen-sensing safety switch has the potential to facilitate unlimited expansion of the CAR T cell target repertoire for treating solid malignancies.Tissue-specific mechanisms prompting obesity-related development complications in humans remain unclear. We apply multiomics analyses of subcutaneous adipose tissue and skeletal muscle to examine the effects of acquired obesity among 49 BMI-discordant monozygotic twin pairs. Overall, adipose tissue appears to be more affected by excess body weight than skeletal muscle. In heavier co-twins, we observe a transcriptional pattern of downregulated mitochondrial pathways in both tissues and upregulated inflammatory pathways in adipose tissue. In adipose tissue, heavier co-twins exhibit lower creatine levels; in skeletal muscle, glycolysis- and redox stress-related protein and metabolite levels remain higher. Furthermore, metabolomics analyses in both tissues reveal that several proinflammatory lipids are higher and six of the same lipid derivatives are lower in acquired obesity. Finally, in adipose tissue, but not in skeletal muscle, mitochondrial downregulation and upregulated inflammation are associated with a fatty liver, insulin resistance, and dyslipidemia, suggesting that adipose tissue dominates in acquired obesity.After centuries of pestilence and decades of global vaccination, measles virus (MeV) genotypes capable of evading vaccine-induced immunity have not emerged. Here, by systematically building mutations into the hemagglutinin (H) glycoprotein of an attenuated measles virus strain and assaying for serum neutralization, we show that virus evolution is severely constrained by the existence of numerous co-dominant H glycoprotein antigenic sites, some critical for binding to the pathogenicity receptors SLAMF1 and nectin-4. We further demonstrate the existence in serum of protective neutralizing antibodies targeting co-dominant fusion (F) glycoprotein epitopes. Lack of a substantial reduction in serum neutralization of mutant measles viruses that retain even one of the co-dominant antigenic sites makes evolution of pathogenic measles viruses capable of escaping serum neutralization in vaccinated individuals extremely unlikely.Genetic manipulation of neural precursor cells is an important tool to study mechanisms underlying proliferation, fate specification, and neuron formation. The CRISPR/Cas9 system enables efficient genome editing but requires the clonal expansion of cells containing the desired mutation. Here, we describe a protocol for the effective generation of clonal mouse hippocampal neural precursor lines with CRISPR/Cas9-based gene knockouts. Edited cell lines can be used to investigate gene regulatory networks driving neuronal differentiation and for modeling of diseases that involve hippocampal neurogenesis. For complete details on the use and execution of this protocol, please refer to Pötzsch et al. Saracatinib mouse (2021).Hydrocolloids are often added as functional ingredients in foods, to better design the structure of the matrix and ensure food quality and optimal sensory properties. However, much less is known about their influence on the physical and chemical changes during gastric digestion. In this study, semi-continuous in vitro gastric digestion was applied on a model food system, prepared with milk protein concentrate (MPC) (3% w/v) and 1% alginate, pectin, guar gum, as well as a 11 mixture of alginate and pectin. The dynamics during simulated gastric digestion were observed by measuring particle size distributions, structuring at various length scales, as well as by evaluating differences in protein breakdown. Immediately after contact with the simulated gastric fluids, all samples showed extensive aggregation and formation of different structures. MPC control dispersions (no polysaccharide) and MPC containing alginate formed large inhomogeneous aggregates. The lack of structural homogeneity affected the simulated gaion model, structuring with polysaccharides has a significant impact on gastric emptying and protein digestion kinetics.

Autoři článku: Weissfleming4705 (Albert Glud)