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Achieving high-efficiency photoelectrochemical water splitting requires a better understanding of ion kinetics, e.g., diffusion, adsorption and reactions, near the photoelectrode's surface. However, with macroscopic three-dimensional electrodes, it is often difficult to disentangle the contributions of surface effects to the total photocurrent from that of various factors in the bulk. Here, we report a photoanode made from a InSe crystal monolayer that is encapsulated with monolayer graphene to ensure high stability. We choose InSe among other photoresponsive two-dimensional (2D) materials because of its unique properties of high mobility and strongly suppressing electron-hole pair recombination. Using the atomically thin electrodes, we obtained a photocurrent with a density >10 mA cm-2 at 1.23 V versus reversible hydrogen electrode, which is several orders of magnitude greater than other 2D photoelectrodes. In addition to the outstanding characteristics of InSe, we attribute the enhanced photocurrent to the strong coupling between the hydroxide ions and photo-generated holes near the anode surface. As a result, a persistent current even after illumination ceased was also observed due to the presence of ions trapped holes with suppressed electron-hole recombination. Our results provide atomically thin materials as a platform for investigating ion kinetics at the electrode surface and shed light on developing next-generation photoelectrodes with high efficiency.Microtubule-associated protein Tau can form protein aggregates transmissible within the brain, correlating with the progression of tauopathies in humans. The transmission of aggregates requires neuron-released Tau to interact with surface receptors on target cells. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms in astrocytes and downstream effects are unclear. Here, using a spatially resolved proteomic mapping strategy, we show that integrin αV/β1 receptor binds recombinant human Tau, mediating the entry of Tau fibrils in astrocytes. The binding of distinct Tau species to the astrocytic αV/β1 receptor differentially activate integrin signaling. Furthermore, Tau-mediated activation of integrin signaling results in NFκB activation, causing upregulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, induction of a sub-group of neurotoxic astrocytic markers, and release of neurotoxic factors. Our findings suggest that filamentous recombinant human Tau-mediated activation of integrin signaling induces astrocyte conversion towards a neurotoxic state, providing a mechanistic insight into tauopathies.With the increasing prevalence of obesity in women of reproductive age, there is an urgent need to understand the metabolic impact on the fetus. Sex-related susceptibility to liver diseases has been demonstrated but the underlying mechanism remains unclear. Here we report that maternal obesity impacts lipid metabolism differently in female and male offspring. Males, but not females, gained more weight and had impaired insulin sensitivity when born from obese mothers compared to control. Although lipid mass was similar in the livers of female and male offspring, sex-specific modifications in the composition of fatty acids, triglycerides and phospholipids was observed. These overall changes could be linked to sex-specific regulation of genes controlling metabolic pathways. Our findings revised the current assumption that sex-dependent susceptibility to metabolic disorders is caused by sex-specific postnatal regulation and instead we provide molecular evidence supporting in utero metabolic adaptations in the offspring of obese mothers.Citrullination is a post-translational modification (PTM) of arginine that is crucial for several physiological processes, including gene regulation and neutrophil extracellular trap formation. Despite recent advances, studies of protein citrullination remain challenging due to the difficulty of accessing proteins homogeneously citrullinated at a specific site. Herein, we report a technology that enables the site-specific incorporation of citrulline (Cit) into proteins in mammalian cells. This approach exploits an engineered E. coli-derived leucyl tRNA synthetase-tRNA pair that incorporates a photocaged-citrulline (SM60) into proteins in response to a nonsense codon. Subsequently, SM60 is readily converted to Cit with light in vitro and in living cells. To demonstrate the utility of the method, we biochemically characterize the effect of incorporating Cit at two known autocitrullination sites in Protein Arginine Deiminase 4 (PAD4, R372 and R374) and show that the R372Cit and R374Cit mutants are 181- and 9-fold less active than the wild-type enzyme. This technology possesses the potential to decipher the biology of citrullination.Urban expansion can fundamentally alter wildlife movement and gene flow, but how urbanization alters pathogen spread is poorly understood. Here, we combine high resolution host and viral genomic data with landscape variables to examine the context of viral spread in puma (Puma concolor) from two contrasting regions one bounded by the wildland urban interface (WUI) and one unbounded with minimal anthropogenic development (UB). We found landscape variables and host gene flow explained significant amounts of variation of feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) spread in the WUI, but not in the unbounded region. The most important predictors of viral spread also differed; host spatial proximity, host relatedness, and mountain ranges played a role in FIV spread in the WUI, whereas roads might have facilitated viral spread in the unbounded region. Our research demonstrates how anthropogenic landscapes can alter pathogen spread, providing a more nuanced understanding of host-pathogen relationships to inform disease ecology in free-ranging species.Intratumoural heterogeneity (ITH) contributes to local recurrence following radiotherapy in prostate cancer. Recent studies also show that ecological interactions between heterogeneous tumour cell populations can lead to resistance in chemotherapy. Here, we evaluated whether interactions between heterogenous populations could impact growth and response to radiotherapy in prostate cancer. Using mixed 3D cultures of parental and radioresistant populations from two prostate cancer cell lines and a predator-prey mathematical model to investigate various types of ecological interactions, we show that reciprocal interactions between heterogeneous populations enhance overall growth and reduce radiation sensitivity. The type of interaction influences the time of regrowth after radiation, and, at the population level, alters the survival and cell cycle of each population without eliminating either one. These interactions can arise from oxygen constraints and from cellular cross-talk that alter the tumour microenvironment. These findings suggest that ecological-type interactions are important in radiation response and could be targeted to reduce local recurrence.Scanning photoelectron microscopy (SPEM) and photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM) allow local surface analysis and visualising ongoing reactions on a µm-scale. These two spatio-temporal imaging methods are applied to polycrystalline Rh, representing a library of well-defined high-Miller-index surface structures. The combination of these techniques enables revealing the anisotropy of surface oxidation, as well as its effect on catalytic hydrogen oxidation. In the present work we observe, using locally-resolved SPEM, structure-sensitive surface oxide formation, which is summarised in an oxidation map and quantitatively explained by the novel step density (SDP) and step edge (SEP) parameters. In situ PEEM imaging of ongoing H2 oxidation allows a direct comparison of the local reactivity of metallic and oxidised Rh surfaces for the very same different stepped surface structures, demonstrating the effect of Rh surface oxides. Employing the velocity of propagating reaction fronts as indicator of surface reactivity, we observe a high transient activity of Rh surface oxide in H2 oxidation. The corresponding velocity map reveals the structure-dependence of such activity, representing a direct imaging of a structure-activity relation for plenty of well-defined surface structures within one sample.Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is a major complication of diabetes. Expression of members of the microRNA (miRNA) miR-379 cluster is increased in DKD. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/BKM-120.html miR-379, the most upstream 5'-miRNA in the cluster, functions in endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress by targeting EDEM3. However, the in vivo functions of miR-379 remain unclear. We created miR-379 knockout (KO) mice using CRISPR-Cas9 nickase and dual guide RNA technique and characterized their phenotype in diabetes. We screened for miR-379 targets in renal mesangial cells from WT vs. miR-379KO mice using AGO2-immunopreciptation and CLASH (cross-linking, ligation, sequencing hybrids) and identified the redox protein thioredoxin and mitochondrial fission-1 protein. miR-379KO mice were protected from features of DKD as well as body weight loss associated with mitochondrial dysfunction, ER- and oxidative stress. These results reveal a role for miR-379 in DKD and metabolic processes via reducing adaptive mitophagy. Strategies targeting miR-379 could offer therapeutic options for DKD.Cryptochromes (CRYs) are evolutionarily conserved photoreceptors that mediate various light-induced responses in bacteria, plants, and animals. Plant cryptochromes govern a variety of critical growth and developmental processes including seed germination, flowering time and entrainment of the circadian clock. CRY's photocycle involves reduction of their flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)-bound chromophore, which is completely oxidized in the dark and semi to fully reduced in the light signaling-active state. Despite the progress in characterizing cryptochromes, important aspects of their photochemistry, regulation, and light-induced structural changes remain to be addressed. In this study, we determine the crystal structure of the photosensory domain of Arabidopsis CRY2 in a tetrameric active state. Systematic structure-based analyses of photo-activated and inactive plant CRYs elucidate distinct structural elements and critical residues that dynamically partake in photo-induced oligomerization. Our study offers an updated model of CRYs photoactivation mechanism as well as the mode of its regulation by interacting proteins.The intrinsic aerobic capacity of an organism is thought to play a role in aging and longevity. Maximal respiratory rate capacity, a metabolic performance measure, is one of the best predictors of cardiovascular- and all-cause mortality. Rats selectively bred for high-(HCR) vs. low-(LCR) intrinsic running-endurance capacity have up to 31% longer lifespan. We found that positive changes in indices of mitochondrial health in cardiomyocytes (respiratory reserve, maximal respiratory capacity, resistance to mitochondrial permeability transition, autophagy/mitophagy, and higher lipids-over-glucose utilization) are uniformly associated with the extended longevity in HCR vs. LCR female rats. Cross-sectional heart metabolomics revealed pathways from lipid metabolism in the heart, which were significantly enriched by a select group of strain-dependent metabolites, consistent with enhanced lipids utilization by HCR cardiomyocytes. Heart-liver-serum metabolomics further revealed shunting of lipidic substrates between the liver and heart via serum during aging.

Autoři článku: Weinsteinmackay4808 (Penn Birk)