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The clinical course, comorbidity, and management of symptoms after the acute phase of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) remain controversial.

This was a descriptive case series study, examining the characteristics of patients with longstanding symptoms related to COVID-19 who visited our outpatient clinic between 1 June and 31 December 2021. We analyzed patients' background, chief complaints, clinical course after COVID-19 onset, and clinical examination results.

A total of 90 patients with a mean age of 39.8 years were confirmed as having long COVID. The median time between diagnosis of COVID-19 and visiting our clinic was 66.8 days, and 89 patients (98.9%) were unvaccinated. Depression was the most common comorbidity (nine patients, 10.0%). The most common chief complaint was disturbance of smell and/or taste (35, 38.9%), followed by memory disturbance (22, 24.4%) and fatigue (29, 31.1%). Head MRI was performed for 42 (46.7%) patients, and the most common finding was sinusitis (four patients). Olfactory testing was conducted in 25 patients (27.8%) using a T&T olfactometer, and 14 patients (56%) had mild olfactory impairment. Of the five odors in the T&T, recognition of β-phenylethyl alcohol was most impaired.

This study describes the basic characteristics of long COVID in Japan. It suggests that long COVID is complex because it results in a wide range of symptoms.

This study describes the basic characteristics of long COVID in Japan. It suggests that long COVID is complex because it results in a wide range of symptoms.

Emotional problems such as anxiety and low mood have been associated with sleep problems in children. The study's objectives were to 1) assess the association between sleep duration and internalizing symptoms (anxiety and low mood) in children aged 5-12 years (y), and 2) evaluate whether insufficient sleep according to the National Sleep Foundation (NSF) guidelines is associated with internalizing symptoms.

A cross-sectional study of N =796 children aged 5-12y, recruited from primary care physicians' offices in Toronto, Canada was conducted through the TARGet Kids! research network. Using linear regression, we investigated 1) the cross-sectional association between parent reported 24-hour sleep duration (hours) and parent reported symptoms using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), controlling for child age, sex, family income, maternal education, family composition, and standardized body-mass index (zBMI). The analysis was repeated using insufficient sleep per NSF guideline as the independent variable.

Sleep duration was inversely associated with internalizing symptoms, B estimate = -0.33 (95%CI -0.57, -0.07), p=0.012. Twenty-eight (14%) children aged 5 y, and 36 (6%) of those aged 6-12y, experienced insufficient sleep. There was a trend toward association between insufficient sleep and internalizing symptoms, B estimate = 0.64 (-0.09, 1.38), p=0.086.

The relationship between insufficient sleep and internalizing symptoms among children requires further elucidation. Children who show internalizing symptoms may benefit from interventions supporting sleep.

The relationship between insufficient sleep and internalizing symptoms among children requires further elucidation. Children who show internalizing symptoms may benefit from interventions supporting sleep.Transactional models employing cross-lagged panels have been used for over 40 years to examine the longitudinal relations and directional associations between variables of interest to child and adolescent mental health. Through a narrative synthesis of the literature, we provide an accessible overview of cross-lagged panels with attention to developing a research question, study design and assumptions, dynamic effects (including the random-intercept cross-lagged panel model), and reporting and interpretation of results. Implications and critical appraisal guidelines for readers are discussed throughout. Overall, several key points are highlighted, with particular emphasis on the intended level of inference, model and measure selection, and timing of assessments. Despite limitations in establishing causation, cross-lagged panel models are fundamental to non-experimental epidemiologic research in child mental health and development.

Several studies have linked neighbourhood environment to preschool-aged children's behavioural problems. Income inequality is an identified risk factor for mental health among adolescents, however, little is known as to whether this relationship extends to younger children.

To explore the association between neighbourhood-level income inequality and general psychopathology problems among preschool-aged children.

We analyzed data from the All Our Families (AOF) longitudinal cohort located in Calgary, Canada at 3-years postpartum. The analytical sample consisted of 1615 mother-preschooler dyads nested within 184 neighbourhoods. Mothers completed the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth Child Behaviour Checklist (NLSCY-CBCL), which assessed internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Income inequality was assessed via the Gini coefficient, which quantifies the unequal distribution of income in society. Mixed effects linear regression assessed the relationship between neighbourhood income inequality and preschooler's general psychopathology.

The mean Gini coefficient across the 184 neighbourhoods was 0.33 (SD = 0.05; min, max 0.20-0.56). In the fully adjusted model income inequality was not associated with general psychopathology in children β = 0.07 (95%CI -0.29, 0.45). Neighbourhood environment accounted for 0.5% of the variance in psychopathology in children.

The lack of significant findings may be due to a lack of statistical power in the study. read more Future studies should investigate this relationship with appropriately powered studies, and over time, to assess if income inequality is a determinant of preschooler psychopathology in Canada.

The lack of significant findings may be due to a lack of statistical power in the study. Future studies should investigate this relationship with appropriately powered studies, and over time, to assess if income inequality is a determinant of preschooler psychopathology in Canada.During the COVID-19 pandemic, several countries have observed an unexpected increase in the number of adolescents and young adults presenting with rapid onset functional tic-like behaviours after being exposed to social media content of others displaying a similar pattern of functional tics. Many of these patients have been referred to Movement Disorders Clinics with misdiagnoses of late-onset refractory Tourette Syndrome after failing different pharmacological treatments for tics. Tourette Syndrome is a well-known condition with clear clinical diagnostic criteria and which presents with the insidious onset of simple motor and phonic tics in a rostro-caudal evolution starting in early childhood. Clinical and demographic aspects can differentiate rapid onset functional tic-like behaviours from Tourette Syndrome, including the former having abrupt and explosive presentation of severe symptoms, later age of onset, female gender predominance, lack of suppressibility, comorbid anxiety and depression, atypical premonitory urge and history of exposure to social media content displaying tic-like behaviours. This new presentation of a functional neurological disorder may be explained in part by the relationship between social media exposure to tic-like behaviours, and maladaptive response to anxiety caused by life stressors (e.g. COVID-19 pandemic), especially in young individuals. Rapid onset functional tic-like behaviours may be considered a spreading neuropsychiatric disorder that is potentially fostered by the psychosocial impact caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.We employ a time-varying parameter vector autoregression (TVP-VAR) in combination with an extended joint connectedness approach to study interlinkages between four markets, namely the crude oil, gold, stock, and cryptocurrency markets, by characterizing the connectedness of these four markets, from January 1, 2018, to August 1, 2021. Our results demonstrate that health shocks appear to influence the system-wide dynamic connectedness, which reaches a peak during the COVID-19 pandemic. Net total directional connectedness suggests that the gold and stock markets consistently appear to be net receivers of spillover shocks. Crude oil appears to be a critical net transmitter of shocks for almost the whole pre-COVID-19 pandemic period, but it turns into an important net receiver during the COVID-19 pandemic. The cryptocurrency market acts as the time-varying net receiver and net transmitter of our network, and it has the most inconsiderable role within our studied network. Pairwise connectedness reveals that crude oil and stock are mostly receiving spillover effects from all the other markets, while gold could be either a net transmitter or a net receiver, depending on the types of market considered. Cryptocurrency is a volatile market, and its role varies constantly over time.

Surgery for zygomatic complex fractures primarily aims to obtain facial symmetry. We investigated facial symmetry specific to lower eyelid bulges following zygomatic complex fractures approached through the lower eyelid.

Forty-one consecutive patients underwent treatment of zygomatic complex fractures by swinging eyelid approach or subciliary approach. In both approaches, the periosteum was incised 2 mm caudal to the inferior orbital rim and the orbicularis retaining ligament (ORL) was released. The orbital rim periosteum was interruptedly sutured and reconstruction of the orbital septum or ORL was not performed at the time of closure. In cases with a lower eyelid bulge on the nonfractured side, in a frontal photograph 6 months after the operation, the degree of loss of the lower eyelid bulge on the fractured side was classified as either "none," "mild," or "severe."

Lower eyelid bulge was present on the nonfractured side in 19 of 41 patients, all of whom were over 50 years old. Loss of lower eyelid bulge was observed on the fractured side in all cases 15 cases following the swinging eyelid approach (mild/severe; 6/9) and four cases following the subciliary approach (mild/severe; 2/2).

In reconstruction after zygomatic complex fractures, lower eyelid bulges were lost in both the swinging eyelid and subciliary approaches in patients over 50 years old. The cause was thought to be an ORL release or an unintended septal reset-like effect.

In reconstruction after zygomatic complex fractures, lower eyelid bulges were lost in both the swinging eyelid and subciliary approaches in patients over 50 years old. The cause was thought to be an ORL release or an unintended septal reset-like effect.Standard abdominoplasty scars may extend beyond the boundaries of the abdomen. Contemporary styles of body exposure and bathing suits demand that those incisions be hidden inside the "bikini line." Although a smaller incision used for a mini abdominoplasty might be confined to the abdomen, larger incisions to remove massive amounts of fat and skin excess from the abdomen routinely require extensions toward the groin or iliac areas. Preoperative marking of the incision in an abdominoplasty procedure plays a key role in the shape, length, and position of the resulting scar. Undermining, traction, and resection of redundant tissue also influence these outcomes; therefore, we aim to standardize the abdominoplasty excision pattern. A uniform hexagon design for skin excision was used in 22 patients, with measures that may be used universally, for all patients with moderate skin redundancy. The design was applied successfully to decrease the ultimate scar width, and asymmetry and increase waist definition. All patients' wounds healed uneventfully.

Autoři článku: Weinsteinglass6329 (Gould Mooney)