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The structural evidence introduces "structure-based recognition" as a new paradigm in substrate proteolysis by Mpro. In this concept, the binding space in subpockets of the enzyme varies in a non-cooperative manner, causing distinct conformations, which recognize and process different cleavage sites, as the N- and C-termini. Insights into the recognition basis of the protease provide explanation to the ordered processing of cleavage sites. The hypothesis expands the conformational space of the enzyme and consequently opportunities for drug development and repurposing efforts.It can be a diagnostic challenge to identify patients with coronavirus disease 2019 in whom antibiotics can be safely withheld. This study evaluated the effectiveness of a guideline implemented at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust that recommends withholding antibiotics in patients with low serum procalcitonin (PCT), defined as ≤0.25 ng/mL. Results showed reduced antibiotic consumption in patients with PCT ≤0.25 ng/mL with no increase in mortality, alongside a reduction in subsequent carbapenem prescriptions during admission. The results support the effectiveness of this guideline, and further research is recommended to identify the optimal cut-off value for PCT in this setting.

Several medical procedures involving the respiratory tract are considered as 'aerosol-generating procedures'. Aerosols from these procedures may be inhaled by bystanders, and there are consequent concerns regarding the transmission of infection or, specific to nebulized therapy, secondary drug exposure.

To assess the efficacy of a proprietary high-efficiency-particulate-air-filtering extractor tent on reducing the aerosol dispersal of nebulized bronchodilator drugs.

The study was conducted in an unoccupied outpatient room at St. James's Hospital, Dublin, Ireland. A novel real-time, fluorescent particle counter, the Wideband Integrated Bioaerosol Sensor (WIBS), monitored room air continuously for 3 h. Baseline airborne particle count and count during nebulization of bronchodilator drug solutions were recorded.

Nebulization within the tent prevented any increase over background level. Nebulization directly into room air resulted in mean fluorescent particle counts of 4.75 x 10


and 4.21 x 10


for Ventolin and Ipramol, respectively, representing more than 400-fold increases over mean background level. More than 99.3% of drug particles were <2 μm in diameter and therefore small enough to enter the lower respiratory tract.

The extractor tent was completely effective for the prevention of airborne spread of drug particles of respirable size from nebulized therapy. This suggests that extractor tents of this type would be efficacious for the prevention of airborne infection from aerosol-generating procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The extractor tent was completely effective for the prevention of airborne spread of drug particles of respirable size from nebulized therapy. This suggests that extractor tents of this type would be efficacious for the prevention of airborne infection from aerosol-generating procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Infection is the second highest cause of mortality in end-stage renal disease, with a significant proportion relating to haemodialysis (HD) vascular access-related infection (VARI).

To report the rate and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) of all-source bloodstream infections (BSIs) by vascular access type in a Scottish HD cohort.

Retrospective analysis was undertaken of data on adult patients attending seven HD units during 2017. Total HD days for each vascular access type were calculated. BSIs were analysed with rates expressed per 1000 HD days. AMR was verified using health board microbiology databases.

Excluding contaminant organisms, there was an overall BSI rate of 0.57 per 1000 HD days. The highest all-source and vascular access-related infection (VARI) BSI rates per 1000 HD days were in the non-tunnelled central venous catheter (CVC) group (3.11 and 2.07 respectively), followed by tunnelled CVC (1.10 and 0.67), arteriovenous graft (0.51 and 0.31), and finally arteriovenous fistula (0.29 and 0.02). of MDR organisms in this group are notable.Ticks, being obligate hematophagous arthropods, are exposed to various blood-borne pathogens, including arboviruses. Consequently, their feeding behavior can readily transmit economically important viral pathogens to humans and animals. With this tightly knit vector and pathogen interaction, the replication and transmission of tick-borne viruses (TBVs) must be highly regulated by their respective tick vectors to avoid any adverse effect on the ticks' biological development and viability. Knowledge about the tick-virus interface, although gaining relevant advances in recent years, is advancing at a slower pace than the scientific developments related to mosquito-virus interactions. The unique and complicated feeding behavior of ticks, compared to that of other blood-feeding arthropods, also limits the studies that would further elaborate the antiviral immunity of ticks against TBVs. Hence, knowledge of molecular and cellular immune mechanisms at the tick-virus interface, will further elucidate the successful viral replication of TBVs in ticks and their effective transmission to human and animal hosts.Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a fatal disease with limited therapeutic choices. The stroma-rich tumor microenvironment hinders the in vivo delivery of most nanomedicines. Ultra-small lipid nanoparticles (usLNPs) were designed for the selective co-delivery of the cytotoxic drug, sorafenib (SOR), and siRNA against the Midkine gene (MK-siRNA) to HCC in mice. The usLNPs composed of a novel pH-sensitive lipid, a diversity of phospholipids and a highly-selective targeting peptide. A microfluidic device, iLiNP, was used and a variety of factors were controlled to tune particle size aiming at maximizing tumor penetration efficiency. Optimizing the composition and physico-chemical properties of the usLNPs resulted in an enhanced tumor accumulation, selectivity and in vivo gene silencing. The optimized usLNPs exerted potent gene silencing in the tumor (median effective dose, ED50~0.1 mg/Kg) with limited effect on the healthy liver. The novel combination synergistically-eradicated HCC in mice (~85%) at a surprisingly-low dose of SOR (2.5 mg/Kg) which could not be achieved via individual monotherapy. Toxicity studies revealed the biosafety of the usLNPs upon either acute or chronic treatment. Furthermore, the SOR-resistant HCC established in mice was eradicated by 70% using this approach. We conclude that our strategy is promising for potential clinical applications in HCC treatment.Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide. Unfortunately, high recurrence rates and poor survival remain despite surgical resection and conventional chemotherapy. Local drug delivery systems are a promising intervention for lung cancer treatment with the potential for improved efficacy with reduced systemic toxicity. Here, we describe the development of a chemotherapy-loaded polymer buttress, to be implanted along the surgical margin at the time of tumor resection, for achieving local and prolonged release of a new anticancer agent, eupenifeldin. We prepared five different formulations of buttresses with varying amounts of eupenifeldin, and additional external empty polymer coating layers (or thicknesses) to modulate drug release. The in vitro eupenifeldin release profile depends on the number of external coating layers with the formulation of the greatest thickness demonstrating a prolonged release approaching 90 days. Similarly, the long-term cytotoxicity of eupenifeldin-loaded buttress formulations against murine Lewis lung carcinoma (LLC) and human lung carcinoma (A549) cell lines mirrors the eupenifeldin release profiles and shows a prolonged cytotoxic effect. Eupenifeldin-loaded buttresses significantly decrease local tumor recurrence in vivo and increase disease-free survival in a lung cancer resection model.The limitations of central nervous system (CNS) drug delivery conferred by the blood-brain barrier (BBB) have been a significant obstacle in the development of large molecule therapeutics for CNS disease. Though significantly safer than direct CNS administration via intrathecal (IT) or intracerebroventricular (ICV) injection, the topical intranasal delivery of CNS therapeutics has failed to become clinically useful due to a variety of practical and physiologic drawbacks leading to high dose variability and poor bioavailability. This study describes the minimally invasive nasal depot (MIND) technique, a novel method of direct trans-nasal CNS drug delivery which overcomes the dosing variability and efficiency challenges of traditional topical trans-nasal, trans-olfactory strategies by delivering the entire therapeutic dose directly to the olfactory submucosal space. We found that the implantation of a depot containing an AntagoNAT (AT) capable of de-repressing brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression enabled CNS distribution of ATs with significant and sustained upregulation of BDNF with efficiencies approaching 40% of ICV delivery. As the MIND technique is derived from common outpatient rhinological procedures routinely performed in Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) clinics, our findings support the significant translational potential of this novel minimally invasive strategy as a reliable therapeutic delivery approach for the treatment of CNS diseases.

Hepatitis E virus (HEV) infections are prevalent worldwide. Various viruses have been detected in the ejaculate and can outlast the duration of viremia, indicating replication beyond the blood-testis barrier. HEV replication in diverse organs, however, is still widely misunderstood. We aimed to determine the occurrence, features and morphology of HEV in the ejaculate.

The presence of HEV in testis was assessed in 12 experimentally HEV-genotype 3-infected pigs. We further tested ejaculate, urine, stool and blood from 3 chronically HEV genotype 3-infected patients and 6 immunocompetent patients with acute HEV infection by HEV-PCR. Morphology and genomic characterization of HEV particles from various human compartments were determined by HEV-PCR, density gradient measurement, immune-electron microscopy and genomic sequencing.

In 2 of the 3 chronically HEV-infected patients, we observed HEV-RNA (genotype 3c) in seminal plasma and semen with viral loads >2 logs higher than in the serum. Genomic sequencinghepatitis E virus particles could be identified by PCR and electron microscopy in the ejaculate of immunosuppressed chronically infected patients, but not in immunocompetent experimentally infected pigs or in patients with acute self-limiting hepatitis E.

Patients with primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) who have an incomplete response to ursodeoxycholic acid remain at risk of disease progression. We investigated the safety and efficacy of elafibranor, a dual PPARα/δ agonist, in patients with PBC.

This 12-week, double-blind phase II trial enrolled 45 adults with PBC who had incomplete response to ursodeoxycholic acid (alkaline phosphatase levels ≥1.67-fold the upper limit of normal (ULN). Patients were randomly assigned to elafibranor 80 mg, elafibranor 120 mg or placebo. The primary endpoint was the relative change of ALP at 12 weeks (NCT03124108).

At 12 weeks, ALP was reduced by -48.3±14.8% in the elafibranor 80 mg group (p <0.001 vs. placebo) and by -40.6±17.4% in the elafibranor 120 mg group (p <0.001) compared to a+3.2±14.8% increase in the placebo group. The composite endpoint of ALP ≤1.67-fold the ULN, decrease of ALP >15% and total bilirubin below the ULN was achieved in 67% patients in the elafibranor 80 mg group and 79% patients in the elafibranor 120 mg group, vs.

Autoři článku: Weinerbarrett2389 (English Blankenship)