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An unresolved issue in the vegetation ecology of the Indian subcontinent is whether its savannas, characterized by relatively open formations of deciduous trees in C4-grass dominated understories, are natural or anthropogenic. Historically, these ecosystems have widely been regarded as anthropogenic-derived, degraded descendants of deciduous forests. Despite recent work showing that modern savannas in the subcontinent fall within established bioclimatic envelopes of extant savannas elsewhere, the debate persists, at least in part because the regions where savannas occur also have a long history of human presence and habitat modification. Here we show for the first time, using multiple proxies for vegetation, climate and disturbances from high-resolution, well-dated lake sediments from Lonar Crater in peninsular India, that neither anthropogenic impact nor fire regime shifts, but monsoon weakening during the past ~ 6.0 kyr cal. BP, drove the expansion of savanna at the expense of forests in peninsular India. Our results provide unambiguous evidence for a climate-induced origin and spread of the modern savannas of peninsular India at around the mid-Holocene. We further propose that this savannization preceded and drove the introduction of agriculture and development of sedentism in this region, rather than vice-versa as has often been assumed.We propose a simple phenomenological theory for quantum tunneling of Cooper pairs, in superconductor/insulator/superconductor tunnel junctions, for a regime where the system can be modeled as bosonic particles. Indeed, provided there is an absence of quasiparticle excitations (fermions), our model reveals a rapid increase in tunneling current, around zero bias voltage, which rapidly saturates. This manifests as a zero bias conductance peak that strongly depends on the superconductors temperature in a non-monotonic way. PF-06873600 This low energy tunneling of Cooper pairs could serve as an alternative explanation for a number of tunneling experiments where zero bias conductance peak has been observed.In gut, Akkermansia muciniphila (A. muciniphila) probably exerts its probiotic activities by the positive modulation of mucus thickness and gut barrier integrity. However, the potential mechanisms between A. muciniphila and mucin balance have not been fully elucidated. In this study, we cultured the bacterium in a BHI medium containing 0% to 0.5% mucin, and transcriptome and gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analyses were performed. We found that 0.5% (m/v) mucin in a BHI medium induced 1191 microbial genes to be differentially expressed, and 49 metabolites to be changed. The metabolites of sorbose, mannose, 2,7-anhydro-β-sedoheptulose, fructose, phenylalanine, threonine, lysine, ornithine, asparagine, alanine and glutamic acid were decreased by 0.5% mucin, while the metabolites of leucine, valine and N-acetylneuraminic acid were increased. The association analysis between transcriptome and metabolome revealed that A. muciniphila gave strong responses to energy metabolism, amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism, and galactose metabolism pathways to adapt to high mucin in the medium. This finding showed that only when mucin reached a certain concentration in a BHI medium, A. muciniphila could respond to the culture environment significantly at the level of genes and metabolites, and changed its metabolic characteristics by altering the effect on carbohydrates and amino acids.The cholinergic midbrain is involved in a wide range of motor and cognitive processes. Cholinergic neurons of the pedunculopontine (PPN) and laterodorsal tegmental nucleus (LDT) send long-ranging axonal projections that target sensorimotor and limbic areas in the thalamus, the dopaminergic midbrain and the striatal complex following a topographical gradient, where they influence a range of functions including attention, reinforcement learning and action-selection. Nevertheless, a comprehensive examination of the afferents to PPN and LDT cholinergic neurons is still lacking, partly due to the neurochemical heterogeneity of this region. Here we characterize the whole-brain input connectome to cholinergic neurons across distinct functional domains (i.e. PPN vs LDT) using conditional transsynaptic retrograde labeling in ChATCre male and female rats. We reveal that input neurons are widely distributed throughout the brain but segregated into specific functional domains. Motor related areas innervate preferentially the PPN, whereas limbic related areas preferentially innervate the LDT. The quantification of input neurons revealed that both PPN and LDT receive similar substantial inputs from the superior colliculus and the output of the basal ganglia (i.e. substantia nigra pars reticulata). Notably, we found that PPN cholinergic neurons receive preferential inputs from basal ganglia structures, whereas LDT cholinergic neurons receive preferential inputs from limbic cortical areas. Our results provide the first characterization of inputs to PPN and LDT cholinergic neurons and highlight critical differences in the connectome among brain cholinergic systems thus supporting their differential roles in behavior.Synthetic CpG-ODNs can promote antimicrobial immunity in neonatal chicks by enriching immune compartments and activating immune cells. Activated immune cells undergo profound metabolic changes to meet cellular biosynthesis and energy demands and facilitate the signaling processes. We hypothesize that CpG-ODNs induced immune activation can change the host's metabolic demands in neonatal chicks. Here, we used NMR-based metabolomics to explore the potential of immuno-metabolic interactions in the orchestration of CpG-ODN-induced antimicrobial immunity. We administered CpG-ODNs to day-old broiler chicks via intrapulmonary (IPL) and intramuscular (IM) routes. A negative control group was administered IPL distilled water (DW). In each group (n = 60), chicks (n = 40) were challenged with a lethal dose of Escherichia coli, two days post-CpG-ODN administration. CpG-ODN administered chicks had significantly higher survival (P  less then  0.05), significantly lower cumulative clinical scores (P  less then  0.05), and lod by the innate immune response. Our study revealed for the first time that CpG-ODNs change the metabolomic landscape to establish antimicrobial immunity in neonatal chicks. The metabolites highlighted in the present study can help future targeted studies to better understand immunometabolic interactions and pinpoint the key molecules or pathways contributing to immunity.Although multisensory integration is crucial for sensorimotor function, it is unclear how visual and proprioceptive sensory cues are combined in the brain during motor behaviors. Here we characterized the effects of multisensory interactions on local field potential (LFP) activity obtained from the superior parietal lobule (SPL) as non-human primates performed a reaching task with either unimodal (proprioceptive) or bimodal (visual-proprioceptive) sensory feedback. Based on previous analyses of spiking activity, we hypothesized that evoked LFP responses would be tuned to arm location but would be suppressed on bimodal trials, relative to unimodal trials. We also expected to see a substantial number of recording sites with enhanced beta band spectral power for only one set of feedback conditions (e.g. unimodal or bimodal), as was previously observed for spiking activity. We found that evoked activity and beta band power were tuned to arm location at many individual sites, though this tuning often differed between unimodal and bimodal trials. Across the population, both evoked and beta activity were consistent with feedback-dependent tuning to arm location, while beta band activity also showed evidence of response suppression on bimodal trials. The results suggest that multisensory interactions can alter the tuning and gain of arm position-related LFP activity in the SPL.In this work, the electromagnetic response of a mathematically interesting shape-a Möbius strip-is presented, along with a ring resonator for comparison. Both resonators consist of a central lossy dielectric layer bounded by perfectly conducting layers. For the case of the Möbius strips, the computational results show that there are a family of half-integer wavelength modes within the dielectric layer. These additional modes result in increased absorption, and a corresponding reduction in the radar cross section. Interestingly, rotational scans show that these modes can be excited over a large angular range. This investigation gives an understanding of the electromagnetic response of these structures, paving the way for future experiments on Möbius strip resonators.Neurodevelopmental disorders arise from combined defects in processes including cell proliferation, differentiation, migration and commissure formation. The evolutionarily conserved tumor-suppressor protein Scribble (Scrib) serves as a nexus to transduce signals for the establishment of apicobasal and planar cell polarity during these processes. Human SCRIB gene mutations are associated with neural tube defects and this gene is located in the minimal critical region deleted in the rare Verheij syndrome. In this study, we generated brain-specific conditional cKO mouse mutants and assessed the impact of the Scrib deletion on brain morphogenesis and behavior. We showed that embryonic deletion of Scrib in the telencephalon leads to cortical thickness reduction (microcephaly) and partial corpus callosum and hippocampal commissure agenesis. We correlated these phenotypes with a disruption in various developmental mechanisms of corticogenesis including neurogenesis, neuronal migration and axonal connectivity. Finally, we show that Scrib cKO mice have psychomotor deficits such as locomotor activity impairment and memory alterations. Altogether, our results show that Scrib is essential for early brain development due to its role in several developmental cellular mechanisms that could underlie some of the deficits observed in complex neurodevelopmental pathologies.To evaluate the effect of photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) on painful temporomandibular disorders (TMD) patients in a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled manner. Participants were divided into a masseter myalgia group (n = 88) and a temporomandibular joint (TMJ) arthralgia group (n = 87) according to the Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (DC/TMD). Both groups randomly received PBMT or placebo treatment once a day for 7 consecutive days, one session. The PBMT was applied with a gallium-aluminum-arsenide (GaAlAs) laser (wavelength = 810 nm) at pre-determined points in the masseter muscle (6 J/cm2, 3 regions, 60 s) or TMJ region (6 J/cm2, 5 points, 30 s) according to their most painful site. Pain intensity was rated on a 0-10 numerical rating scale (NRS) and pressure pain thresholds (PPT) and mechanical sensitivity mapping were recorded before and after the treatment on day 1 and day 7. Jaw function was assessed by pain free jaw opening, maximum unassisted jaw opening, maximum assisted jaw opening, maximum protrusion and right and left excursion. Data were analyzed with a mixed model analysis of variance (ANOVA). Pain intensity in arthralgia patients decreased over time (P  less then  0.001) for both types of interventions, however, PBMT caused greater reduction in pain scores than placebo (P = 0.014). For myalgia patients, pain intensity decreased over time (P  less then  0.001) but without difference between interventions (P = 0.074). PPTs increased in both myalgia (P  less then  0.001) and TMJ arthralgia patients over time (P  less then  0.001) but without difference between interventions (P ≥ 0.614). Overall, PBMT was associated with marginally better improvements in range of motion compared to placebo in both myalgia and arthralgia patients. Pain intensity, sensory function and jaw movements improve after both PBMT and placebo treatments in myalgia and arthralgia patients indicating a substantial non-specific effect of PBMT.

Autoři článku: Webbsun6696 (Choate Kokholm)