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Precision health care plays a crucial role in an elderly society by providing personalized health care plans for improving an individual's health conditions and preventing disease. To realize precision health care, data science is key; it allows for analyses of health-related big data. In this article, an actual analysis of time-series health check-up data is presented and as is a discussion of how personalized simulation models of health conditions are constructed and used to modify individual behavior. Future directions for precision health care based on the integration of genetic variations and the microbiome are also discussed.This narrative review discusses how to preserve or increase health through personalized nutritional products and services using microbiome data. In contrast to other reviews, which discuss this subject in the light of metabolic disorders and/or with a nutrition-affects-the-microbiota view, this review takes the perspective that the gut microbiota (GM) affects nutrition. Gut microbes affect host nutritional status through their role in energy harvest and nutrient availability. Consequently, GM modulation could contribute to fulfil nutritional requirements and in this way conquer malnutrition and disease. This review provides an overview of microbiota modulation methods that could be used to improve nutritional status as well as the personalization of these approaches. While some of these methods are immediately applicable, others require more development to assess their feasibility and safety.Physical inactivity is a globally prevalent phenomenon even though the health benefits of physical activity are well-known. The development of population strategies that effectively promote physical activity is necessary to reduce the individual and social burden of physical inactivity. Quality evidence informing strategies to promote physical activity at scale, however, is limited. Among cluster randomized trials examining the effectiveness of multistrategic, community-wide interventions aimed at promoting physical activity, only 1 trial (the COMMUNICATE study) successfully achieved a population-level increase in physical activity. This trial adopted social marketing techniques and network intervention (eg, word of mouth) in close collaboration with the target population (community residents). Although most previous studies ended their interventions within 1 to 3 years, the COMMUNICATE study took 5 years to achieve a population-level increase in physical activity. NSC 641530 chemical structure These findings suggest the need for a more focused approach (1 behavior at a time) as a basic marketing principle. Promoting physical activity at scale is a tough challenge but not impossible. Sophisticated approaches are necessary.Working Group 2 of the Healthy Diet Research Committee of International Life Sciences Institute Japan (WG2) assessed the concept and practice of healthy eating in the ready-to-eat food/meal industry in Japan. WG2 interviewed 14 arbitrarily selected member companies that included "health" or "nutrition" in their management policy, and sent a questionnaire to 338 member companies of the Japan Ready-Made Meal Association. Ready-to-eat food/meal suppliers mainly referred to Dietary Reference Intakes for Japanese, the Japanese Food Guide, and/or Healthy Japan 21 for their menu construction. They increased dietary fiber, variety, vegetables, whole-grain cereals, millet rice, and soy bean products; and reduced energy, carbohydrates, and salt in "healthy" food. They tended to avoid making direct appeals to health. Many companies reduced the salt content without drawing attention to the practice. They continually strive to improve flavor as the single most important factor for selling healthy food. The cycling of menus is used to increase diversity in food consumption. These industries require both academia and the government to define priorities for increasing and decreasing particular nutrients as the main targets and to establish the maximum time for balancing each nutrient.Population aging is a global phenomenon, and Japan is one of the front-runners of rapidly aging societies. In 2030, one-third of the Japanese population will be at least 65 years of age and 20% will be at least 75 years of age. The working age population is shrinking. Healthy aging is a crucial issue for both individual well-being and the sustainability of society. Along with biomedical research, the importance of the living environment and lifestyle has been long recognized and extensively studied. The issues have been identified and now it is time to establish solutions and actions - action-targeted research. The Institute of Gerontology at the University of Tokyo launched a social experiment, redesigning existing communities where people could live for 100 years and remain healthy, active, and connected, while still maintaining a sense of security. This requires co-creation by citizens, researchers, government, and industry. The ultimate goal is to make linkages among longevity, health, and wealth, and to build a sustainable society.This paper reviews developments regarding the use of plasma-free amino acid (PFAA) profiles as biomarkers for detecting and predicting disease risk. This work was initiated and first published in 2006 and was subsequently developed by Ajinomoto Co., Inc. After commercialization in 2011, PFAA-based tests were adopted in over 1500 clinics and hospitals in Japan, and numerous clinician-led studies have been performed to validate these tests. Evidence is accumulating that PFAA profiles can be used for diabetes prediction and evaluation of frailty; in particular, decreased plasma essential amino acids could contribute to the pathophysiology of severe frailty. Integration of PFAA evaluation as a biomarker and effective essential amino acid supplementation, which improves physical and mental functions in the elderly, could facilitate the development of precision nutrition, including personalized solutions. This present review provides the background for the technology as well as more recent clinical findings, and offers future possibilities regarding the implementation of precision nutrition.Many issues regarding the social implementation of healthy diets remain to be solved. The structure of these issues and the route to achieve social implementation are not well organized. Working Group 3 of the Healthy Diet Research Committee of International Life Sciences Institute, Japan, surveyed some precedent cases aiming to establish a healthy diet and, by categorizing the success factors, developed recommendations for the social implementation of a healthy diet. Interviews were conducted with 8 "good health management" companies in various industries that target the "work area." In the hearing, the Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, Maintenance model was used as a reference for evaluating the intervention effects. Many problems in implementation were revealed, especially with respect to continuity in and approaches to addressing indifference to health. "Management intention," "Linking with their own business," and "Visualization" were cited as factors for successful implementation of the health measures.Most physiological functions and behaviors exhibit a robust approximately 24-hour rhythmicity (circadian rhythm) in the real world. These rhythms persist under constant conditions, but the period is slightly longer than 24 hours, suggesting that circadian rhythms are endogenously driven by an internal, self-sustained oscillator. In mammals, including humans, the central circadian pacemaker is located in the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus. The primary zeitgeber for this pacemaker is bright sunlight, but nonphotic time cues also affect circadian rhythms. The human circadian system uniquely exhibits spontaneous internal desynchronization between the sleep-wake cycle and core body temperature rhythm under constant conditions and partial entrainment of the sleep-wake cycle in response to nonphotic time cues. Experimental and clinical studies of human circadian rhythms must take into account these unique features. This review covers the basic concepts and unique features of the human circadian system, the mechanisms underlying phase adjustment of the circadian rhythms by light and nonphotic time cues (eg, physical exercise), and the effects of eating behavior (eg, chewing frequency) on the circadian rhythm of glucose metabolism.Why has Japan become the longest-lived country in the world? The longevity is often attributed to Japan's economic growth, but Japan experienced an extended life expectancy prior to achieving such economic growth. link2 During and after the Second World War when the General Headquarters of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers was occupying Japan, the welfare administration system was drastically reformed, resulting in dramatic improvements in the hygiene status, which led to an increase in the average life expectancy in Japan. Here, this background is reviewed, along with an explanation of how Japan has become the world's longest-lived country.The application of science to human nutrition over the centuries has served societies well. One example is the identification of key nutrients to overcome nutritional deficiencies, which has enhanced life expectancy. Enhanced life expectancy, however, is associated with an increased prevalence of chronic disorders related to food and nutrition. Findings of studies indicating that individual responses to nutrients differ substantially between individuals make it necessary to re-examine the relationship between nutrition and human health. The emergence of new genomic-based technologies illustrates the complexity and scale of the interactions between nutrition and genetic factors. Epigenetic modifications resulting from interactions of the genetic profile, aging, and lifestyle can influence the time course of chronic disorders and contribute to human variability in response to nutritional interventions. Developing a better understanding of human variability as it applies to human nutrition will involve embracing the approaches and principles of complex science.Japan's aging population and increasing medical costs threaten the sustainability of its healthcare system. Society 5.0, Japan's growth strategy, calls for a paradigm shift in healthcare based on digital technology. link3 Health is a topic of great public concern, and diet and nutrition are at the heart of health. Many different values are used to define health, and Society 5.0 focuses on creating personalized values for different styles of eating and health. Health is already at the core of global business, and Japan, which is ahead of the rest of the world in its super-aging society, has a unique opportunity to be the first to create new business solutions for diet and nutrition.The Life Science Symposium held by the Nutrition Research Committee of the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) Japan in 2018, "Fusion of Nutrition and Exercise Sciences Leading to Extension of Healthy Life Expectancy," covered current topics in the science of nutrition and exercise to address extending healthy life expectancy. Presentation topics included (1) lifestyle and gut microbiota; (2) how to use lipids in sports nutrition; (3) the effect and molecular mechanism of improvement of arteriosclerosis by exercise and nutrition; (4) physical activity and nutrition that support brain function; (5) skeletal muscles and food ingredients that support healthy longevity; (6) measures against sarcopenia by exercise and nutrient intake; (7) physical activity/exercise for disease prevention; (8) nutritional epidemiology research for the Japanese population; (9) new developments in health science in viewed from nutrition and intestinal flora; (10) why do Asians develop nonobese metabolic disease?; and (11) social implementation of the health promotion program by ILSI Japan.

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