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In the last decades more and more children survive with complex health conditions, requiring a transition from pediatric to adult care. It is essential to have instruments that provide information on the level of preparation of patients for this process.

To create and validate a questionnaire to measure the readiness status of adolescent patients with chronic diseases in the transition process.

Based on international questionnaires, a self-report instrument was designed which was subjected to content validity by experts, and then to comprehension and feasibility tests in a pilot group. Subsequently, construct and reliability validation were performed through a factorial analysis after applied it to adolescents living with a chronic illness.

After the analysis made by 11 experts and the pilot group with 8 patients, we obtained an instrument that was fully answered by 168 teenagers (Average age 14.4 years). After construct validation, a 24-items instrument of high clinical relevance was developed, with 9 items with acceptable psychometric properties, which were highlighted in the final questionnaire.

a self-report instrument aimed to measure the readiness of adolescents during the transition process to adult care is presented. The reported psycho metric properties of the instrument were insufficient to consider it validated since the construct vali dity and reliability were only checked for 9 of the 24 items.

a self-report instrument aimed to measure the readiness of adolescents during the transition process to adult care is presented. The reported psycho metric properties of the instrument were insufficient to consider it validated since the construct vali dity and reliability were only checked for 9 of the 24 items.

Adequate nutrition during the first two years of life is crucial for the full development of human potential. Inadequate, early, or late introduction of complementary feeding has consequences in the short- and long-term. Complementary feeding depends largely on the knowledge of the caregiver who, in Latin American countries, is usually the mother.

To create and validate an ins trument to measure knowledge about complementary feeding.

Observational study in which 80 community mothers and 12 expert pediatricians participated. It was carried out in two stages, the creation of the instrument (following the 7 phases proposed by Sampieri) and the va lidation through the evaluation of the apparent validity, construct and content validity, internal con sistency, and intra-observer reliability.

A self-administered instrument was created that ini tially included 14 questions about maternal and caregiver's knowledge. During the validation of the construct, 3 domains were identified and four questions were eliminated. In the content validation, 10 questions of the final instrument scored higher than 9 (on a scale of 0-10) in the characteristics of quality, vocabulary, relevance, and topicality. The global internal consistency of the instrument was moderate (Cronbach's alpha 0.64) and the intra-observer reliability was acceptable (k 0.21-0.40) for 80% of its items.

the first self-administered instrument validated in the region to measure the knowledge of mothers and caregivers about complementary feeding is presented. It will allow to design and develop strategies in relation to maternal and caregiver's knowledge of comple mentary feeding.

the first self-administered instrument validated in the region to measure the knowledge of mothers and caregivers about complementary feeding is presented. It will allow to design and develop strategies in relation to maternal and caregiver's knowledge of comple mentary feeding.

There has been an increase in the popularity of vegetarian diets, especially among adolescents and young adults. These diets seem to be healthy and balanced, but the recommendations are contro versial regarding potential nutritional deficits.

To identify the frequency and types of ve getarian diet used, their motivation, and sources of information.

Cross-sec tional analytical study in freshmen students from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (PUC). Through an online survey, we collected demographic information and diet characterization of those who considered themselves as vegetarians. Variables were analyzed using IDM SPSS Statistics® soft ware and in Excel® spreadsheet in a quantitative way.

152 students answered the survey (15.2% of the sample) and, out of these, 49.4% were vegetarian. 32.4% started this eating pattern bet ween the ages 12 and 18 and among their most frequent motivations were environmentalists (91.9%) and animalists (72.9%). 52.9% of vegetarians take vitamin B 12 supplementation but only 15.9% reported having this deficiency. 75.7% obtain information related to vegetarian diets through digital media.

In the surveys answered, we found a high percentage of vegetarian students, the refore, health professionals need to be trained in this area to assure adequate nutritional education, supplementation if necessary, and follow-up.

In the surveys answered, we found a high percentage of vegetarian students, the refore, health professionals need to be trained in this area to assure adequate nutritional education, supplementation if necessary, and follow-up.

Epilepsy affects 0.5 to 1% of the population. 25% of pediatric patients have drug-resistant epilepsy (DRE). Ketogenic Diet (KD) emerges as an effective, non-pharmacological treatment in this group.

To describe the effect of KD on seizure control and nutritional status in children whit DRE.

We reviewed the medical records of patients with DRE treated with KD, between 2008 and 2018, evaluating age, diagnosis, number of seizures, number of antiepileptic drugs used, clinical outcomes, and complications. The KD was initiated in all patients hospitalized for a period no longer than seven days, who were evaluated for their nutritional and anthropometric sta tus, with weight and height measurements according to the clinical condition.

We analyzed 35 KD in 33 cases. The median age of KD initiation was 4.8 years with an interquartile range (IQR) of 2-3 to 6.8 years. selleck chemicals llc Classical KD was used in 49% of patients, Modified Atkins Diet (MAD) in 37%, and Low-Glycemic Index Treatment (LGIT) in 14% of cases. The average duration was 13 months (SD 11 months).

Autoři článku: Warenorman4815 (Stougaard Willumsen)