Wander Alarms Elderly

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Wander Alarms Elderly

As a result of dementia, people can become lost and confused as they lose their sense of where they are. The Alzheimer’s Association reports that six in 10 patients will go wandering at some point during the disease, and it can be a frightening experience for both caregivers and patients.

The first step in preventing wandering is to know where your loved one might go. Make a list of potential destinations, including past homes, places of worship, former jobs and favorite restaurants. This can help neighbors and police locate your loved one if they wander.

There are several ways to track your senior’s location if they wander, but the most effective is a wearable tracking device that can be detected using GPS technology or a online location management service. Alternatively, some communities have voluntary programs to help locate wanderers.

personal alarms Bed / Chair Alarms

If your patient moves from their bed, chair or wheelchair and you don’t hear them, it can be an extremely dangerous situation. A patient safety alarm can be a simple way to prevent this from occurring, and it can also provide peace of mind for your loved one. These can be worn around the neck or on the wrist and have a call button to summon assistance.

Door Exit Alarms

Leaving a safe area or building can be an extremely dangerous act for those with dementia and other cognitive issues, and a door exit alarm can prevent them from leaving a designated space without being noticed. The system can be activated with the touch of a button and will alert you when your loved one moves from the alarmed doorway.

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