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Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma (ATC) is an orphan disease with a fatal outcome. Surgery to the primary tumor in metastatic ATC is controversial. Determination of specific surgical techniques may help facilitate local control and, hence, beneficial overall and disease-specific survival.

Using individualized patient data derived from our systematic review of literature and our single center study (n = 123), conducting a Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results register (SEER)-based study (n = 617) we evaluated surgery, its combination with systemic and local therapies in metastatic ATC.

Pooled cohort study showed surgery (p < 0.001), RT ≥ 30Gy (p < 0.001), ChT (p < 0.001) and multimodal treatment (p = 0.014) to result in improved OS univariately. In the multivariate analysis, surgery (1.997 [1.162-3.433], p = 0.012) and RT ≥ 30Gy (1.877 [1.232-2.843], p = 0.012) were independent predictors for OS. In SEER-based study of patients undergoing any tumor-directed treatment (n = 445) total thyroidectory to the primary tumor with the aim of R0/R1 resection, but not debulking, is associated with a significant OS and DSS benefit even in systemically metastasized disease.

Surgery to the primary tumor with the aim of R0/R1 resection, but not debulking, is associated with a significant OS and DSS benefit even in systemically metastasized disease.The COVID-19 pandemic and its mobility restrictions have been an external shock, influencing mental wellbeing. However, does risk exposure to COVID-19 affect the mental wellbeing effect of lockdowns? This paper examines the 'welcomed lockdown' hypothesis, namely the extent to which there is a level of risk where mobility restrictions are not a hindrance to mental wellbeing. We exploit the differential timing of exposure the pandemic, and the different stringency of lockdown policies across European countries and we focus on the effects on two mental health conditions, namely anxiety and depression. We study whether differences in the individual symptoms of anxiety and depression are explained by the combination of pandemic mortality and stringency of lockdown. We draw on an event study approach, complemented with a Difference-in-Difference (DiD), and Regression Discontinuity Design (RDD). Our estimates suggest an average increase in depression (3.95%) and anxiety (10%) symptoms relative to the mean level on the day that lockdown took effect. However, such effects are wiped out when a country's exhibits high mortality ('pandemic category 5'). Hence, we conclude that in an environment of high mortality, lockdowns no longer give rise to a reduction in mental wellbeing consistent with the 'welcome lockdown' hypothesis.Cases of suicidal hanging are a common death referred for medico-legal autopsy throughout the world. Although some advocate using postmortem computed tomography (PMCT) without traditional invasive autopsy (TIA) to investigate such deaths, others reject this approach. There is currently limited evidence to guide practice. In this context, the TIA reports and PMCT images of 50 cases of suspected suicidal hanging during an 11-month period were reviewed. The reviewers were blinded to the findings of the other modality. A Cohen's Kappa coefficient (K) was calculated to assess agreement between TIA and PMCT across a range of pertinent findings. This analysis demonstrated perfect agreement for identification of a ligature (K = 1.00) and a strong level of agreement for identification of a ligature suspension point (K = 0.832) but only a minimal level of agreement for overall ligature mark (K = 0.223). PMCT demonstrated a weak level of agreement for fractures of hyoid bone (K = 0.555) and thyroid cartilage (K = 0.538). Three probable fractures not identified at TIA were identified on PMCT. TIA was shown to be superior in the identification of intramuscular and laryngeal fracture-related haemorrhage/bruising whereas PMCT was superior to TIA in identifying body gas deposition. There was overall good correlation between the natural disease and trauma identified elsewhere in the body during the TIA and PMCT. The study demonstrates that PMCT can assist the investigation of suspected suicidal hangings. However, the accuracy of many findings is limited, and if it is used as an alternative to the TIA, potentially pertinent findings, such as fractures of the laryngeal cartilages, could be missed.

To assess the cross-sectional association between dietary indexes (DI) that underlie, respectively, the Nutri-score (NS), the proposed Canadian 'High In' Symbol (CHIL) and the Diabetes Canada Clinical Practice Guidelines (DCCP) with food consumption, nutrient intakes and metabolic markers.

1836 adults (18-74years) participating in the representative ESTEBAN study, conducted in mainland France in 2014-2016, were included in the analysis. Food consumption was assessed with three repeated 24h dietary recalls. Cytosporone B order Anthropometric measurements and biomarkers of metabolic risk (cholesterol-total, LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein), HDL (High Density Lipoprotein)-triglycerides, glucose) were obtained through a clinical examination and fasting blood draw. The DI were assessed for their association with food consumption, dietary intakes and metabolic biomarkers as quintiles and continuous variables using multi-adjusted linear regression. Heathier diets were assigned to lower scores.

Correlations between scores ranged from + 0.62 between CHIL-DI and NS-DI to + 0.75 between NS-DI and DCCP-DI. All DIs discriminated individuals according to the nutritional quality of their diets through food consumption and nutrient intakes (healthier diets were associated with lower intakes of energy, added sugars and saturated fat; and with higher intakes of fiber, vitamins and minerals). NS-DI was associated with blood glucose (adjusted mean in Q1 = 5 vs. Q5 = 5.46mmol/dl, p

 = 0.001) and DCCP-DI was associated with BMI (Q1 = 24.8kg/m

vs. Q5 = 25.8kg/m

, p

 = 0.025), while CHIL showed no significant association with any anthropometric measures or biomarkers.

This study provides elements supporting the validity of the nutrient profiling systems underlying front-of-package nutrition labellings (FOPLs) to characterize the healthiness of diets.

This study provides elements supporting the validity of the nutrient profiling systems underlying front-of-package nutrition labellings (FOPLs) to characterize the healthiness of diets.Although ecological networks are typically constructed based on a single type of interaction, e.g. trophic interactions in a food web, a more complete picture of ecosystem composition and functioning arises from merging networks of multiple interaction types. In this work, we consider tripartite networks constructed by merging two bipartite networks, one mutualistic and one antagonistic. Taking the interactions within each sub-network to be distributed randomly, we consider the stability of the dynamics of the network based on the spectrum of its community matrix. In the asymptotic limit of a large number of species, we show that the spectrum undergoes an eigenvalue phase transition, which leads to an abrupt destabilisation of the network as the ratio of mutualists to antagonists is increased. We also derive results that show how this transition is manifest in networks of finite size, as well as when disorder is introduced in the segregation of the two interaction types. Our random-matrix results will serve as a baseline for understanding the behaviour of merged networks with more realistic structures and/or more detailed dynamics.Amplification and overexpression of the target site glutamine synthetase, specifically the plastid-located isoform, confers resistance to glufosinate in Amaranthus palmeri. This mechanism is novel among glufosinate-resistant weeds. Amaranthus palmeri has recently evolved resistance to glufosinate herbicide. Several A. palmeri populations from Missouri and Mississippi, U.S.A. had survivors when sprayed with glufosinate-ammonium (GFA, 657 g ha-1). One population, MO#2 (fourfold resistant) and its progeny (sixfold resistant), were used to study the resistance mechanism, focusing on the herbicide target glutamine synthetase (GS). We identified four GS genes in A. palmeri; three were transcribed one coding for the plastidic protein (GS2) and two coding for cytoplasmic isoforms (GS1.1 and GS1.2). These isoforms did not contain mutations associated with resistance. The 17 glufosinate survivors studied showed up to 21-fold increase in GS2 copies. GS2 was expressed up to 190-fold among glufosinate survivors. GS1.1 was overexpressed > twofold in only 3 of 17, and GS1.2 in 2 of 17 survivors. GS inhibition by GFA causes ammonia accumulation in susceptible plants. Ammonia level was analyzed in 12 F1 plants. GS2 expression was negatively correlated with ammonia level (r =  - 0.712); therefore, plants with higher GS2 expression are less sensitive to GFA. The operating efficiency of photosystem II (ϕPSII) of Nicotiana benthamiana overexpressing GS2 was four times less inhibited by GFA compared to control plants. Therefore, increased copy and overexpression of GS2 confer resistance to GFA in A. palmeri (or other plants). We present novel understanding of the role of GS2 in resistance evolution to glufosinate.Since Darwin's theory of evolution, adaptationism is frequently invoked to explain cognition and cultural processes. Adaptationism can be described as a prescriptive view, as phenotypes that do not optimize fitness should not be selected by natural selection. From an epistemological perspective, the principle of a prescriptive definition of adaptation seems incompatible with recent advances in epigenetics, evolutionary developmental biology, ethology, and genomics. From these challenges, a proscriptive view of adaptation has emerged, postulating that phenotypes that are not deleterious will be evolutionary maintained. In this epistemological investigation, we examine how the shift from adaptationism to a proscriptive view changes our view of cognition and culture. We argue that, while adaptationism leads to cognitivism and a view of culture as strategies to optimize overall fitness, the proscriptive definition favors embodied theories of cognition and a view of culture as the cumulative diffusion of behaviors allowed by the constraints of reproduction.African swine fever (ASF) is a dangerous infectious disease of domestic pigs and wild boar caused by African swine fever virus (ASFV). In Vietnam, the ASF epidemic is gradually turning into an endemic status with several recovered pigs post infection, but there were not many studies evaluating the role of these pigs in the epidemiological context in Vietnam. The aim of this study was to evaluate the viral antigen distribution and lesions in recovered pigs post ASFV infection. Ten pigs recovered from ASF at 6 weeks of age were monitored and assessed for anti-ASFV antibodies and viremia until slaughter. The five major organs (lung, liver, spleen, kidney, and lymph nodes) of these pigs were evaluated for microscopic lesions and viral antigen distribution. Anti-ASFV antibody was consistently observed to be high (S/P% ≥ 80) until slaughter, while viremia levels were very high (7 log10 copies/mL) at 6 weeks of age and gradually decreased to undetectable levels at 12 weeks of age (6th week post-infection). At slaughter, the ASFV-associated lesions in the organs of these pigs were mild and nonspecific.

Autoři článku: Walshmueller4631 (Bak Mosley)