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Increasing healthcare consumerism has been proposed as a solution for rising U.S. healthcare costs. While price transparency initiatives aim to inform patients about out-of-pocket costs (OOPC), challenges remain regarding price transparency tools, including limited accuracy of estimates, accounting for multiple payers for the same service, need for quality measures, optimal OOPC delivery, and psychosocial consequences of OOPC information. As radiology practices consider implementing price transparency initiatives, improvements should address enhancing patients' experience with OOPC communication.Background COVID-19 vaccination may trigger reactive lymphadenopathy, confounding imaging interpretation. There has been limited systematic analysis of PET findings after COVID-19 vaccination. Objective To evaluate the frequency and characteristics of abnormal FDG and 11C-choline uptake on PET imaging performed after COVID-19 vaccination. Methods This retrospective study included 67 patients (mean age 75.6±9.2 years; 43 men, 24 women) who underwent PET examination (PET/CT in 66, PET/MRI in 1; FDG in 54, 11C-choline in 13) between December 14th 2020 and March 10th 2021 following COVID-19 vaccination (Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine in 52, Moderna vaccine in 15) and who had undergone pre-vaccination PET without visible axillary node uptake. PET was performed a median of 13 and 10 days after vaccination in patients who had received one (n = 44) and two (n = 23) doses, respectively. Two nuclear medicine physicians independently reviewed images, blinded to injection laterality and days since vaccination. Lymph node or delmeasurements ranged from intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.600 to 0.988. Conclusion Increased axillary lymph node or ipsilateral deltoid uptake is occasionally observed on FDG or 11C-choline PET performed after Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccination. Clinical impact Interpreting physicians should recognize characteristics of abnormal uptake on PET after COVID-19 vaccination to guide optimal follow-up management and reduce unnecessary biopsies.Background Hemoptysis is common following percutaneous image-guided cryoablation of pulmonary tumors. Objective To evaluate the effect of a final active thaw on the incidence, grade, and onset of hemoptysis following percutaneous cryoablation of pulmonary tumors. Methods This retrospective cohort study included 60 consecutive CT-guided cryoablation sessions targeting 95 pulmonary tumors in 47 patients from 2017 to 2020. The final thaw of a triple-freeze protocol was active (electrical, helium-free) in 27/60 sessions (45%, active group) and passive in 33/60 sessions (55%, passive group). Incidence, onset, and management of hemoptysis were recorded using prospectively collected data. Hemoptysis, pneumothorax, and hemothorax within 30 days post ablation were graded per Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events version 5.0 (CTCAE). Volume of immediate post-treatment changes on CT was quantified using semi-automated segmentation. Outcomes were compared between groups using generalized estimating equation modece and grade of hemoptysis and delays the onset of hemoptysis following percutaneous cryoablation of pulmonary tumors without adversely affecting other procedural complications and local tumor control. Clinical Impact Active thaw following the final freeze improves the safety profile of triple-freeze cryoablation of pulmonary tumors by reducing the incidence and grade of hemoptysis and by delaying the onset of hemoptysis beyond the immediate recovery period.Background Despite numerous published studies, management of benign papillomas without atypia remains controversial. Objective To determine the malignancy upgrade rate of benign papillomas, identify risk factors for upgrade, and formulate criteria for selective surgery. Methods This retrospective study included benign papillomas without atypia diagnosed on percutaneous biopsy between 12/01/2000 and 12/31/2019. Papillomas that did not undergo surgical excision or at least 2 years of imaging and/or clinical follow-up were excluded. Clinical, imaging, and histopathologic features were extracted from the electronic medical record. Features associated with upgrade to malignancy were identified. Multivariable logistic regression was performed. Results The study included 612 benign papillomas in 543 women (mean age 54.5 ± 12.1 years); 466 papillomas were excised, and 146 underwent imaging/clinical surveillance. The upgrade rate to malignancy was 2.3% (14/612). Upgrade rate was associated (p less then .05) with radio, while identifying all 14 upgraded lesions. Conclusion Benign non-atypical papillomas have a low malignancy upgrade rate; routine surgical excision may not be necessary. Selective excision is recommended for lesions satisfying any of the 5 criteria. Incidental papillomas or papillomas completely excised on histopathology may undergo imaging follow-up. Clinical Impact The proposed criteria for selective surgery of benign papillomas on core biopsy would reduce surgeries without delaying diagnosis of malignancy.Background Extension of type A aortic dissection (TAAD) from the sinus of Valsalva (SV) into the coronary arteries is associated with worse prognosis and requires direct coronary repair or coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) depending on extent of involvement. Objectives To assess the diagnostic performance of ECG-gated aortic CTA for detection and classification of coronary artery involvement in patients with TAAD involving the SV, using surgical findings as reference. Methods This retrospective study included 112 patients who underwent preoperative ECG-gated aortic CTA demonstrating TAAD with SV involvement. Two radiologists independently reviewed CTA images for right coronary artery (RCA) and left coronary artery (LCA) involvement. Involvement was classified using a previously described system as type A (coronary ostial dissection), B (dissection with coronary false channel), or C (complete detachment from aortic root with dissection encircling the coronary artery). Diagnostic performance of CTA was calculV involvement alone (55.7%-63.6%), coronary artery repair for types A and B (53.3%-87.5%), and CABG for type C (86.7%). Conclusions ECG-gated CTA has high diagnostic performance for detecting and classifying coronary involvement from TAAD with SV involvement. Clinical Impact CTA findings may help guide presurgical planning in these patients.You are consulted regarding an 83-year-old healthy woman who underwent renal protocol CT for a 3.6 cm renal mass. The CT was degraded by motion artifact but showed indeterminate (17 HU) enhancement in the mass, reported as suspicious for papillary renal cell carcinoma. What do you recommend for further management?

food intake records are a useful resource for diet assessment, as well as for self-evaluation, self-control, and self-motivation to change an eating behavior. New technologies based on mobile phones permit a different way of recording food intake.

to validate and assess food photographic record (FPR) as a useful instrument in professional practice for assessing food intake.

forty nutrition professionals participated. In a first stage, food variables obtained through FPR were analyzed and correlated with data from the frequency of food consumption questionnaire (FFQ) and a 24-hour recall (24HR). In a second stage, FPR was applied again to evaluate temporal stability (FPR 1 versus FPR 2). Wilcoxon's test and Spearman's correlation test were applied.

a moderate and significant positive association was found for total caloric intake (TCI) and total fat between FPR and 24HR (r = 0.68, p = 0.0008, and r = 0.52, p = 0.01, respectively). In addition, a positive and moderate association was found for TCI, proteins and fats between FPR 1 and FPR 2 (r = 0.61, p = 0.0004; r = 0.60, p = 0.0005; r = 0.64, p = 0.0002, respectively).

FPR is a valid method for professional practice to estimate dietary intake, with greater consistency with 24HR data than FFQ, and presents temporal stability for TCI, protein and fat recordings. In addition, FPR may facilitate the adoption of positive eating habits such as more conscious intakes, among other benefits.

FPR is a valid method for professional practice to estimate dietary intake, with greater consistency with 24HR data than FFQ, and presents temporal stability for TCI, protein and fat recordings. In addition, FPR may facilitate the adoption of positive eating habits such as more conscious intakes, among other benefits.Stroke is one of most common causes of death and disability. Most of neuroprotective agents fail to rescue neurons from cerebral ischemic insults, mainly because of targeting downstream cascading events, such as excitotoxicity, oxidative and nitrosative stress, and inflammation, rather than improving hypoxia that initially occurs. Here, we report a near-infrared light (NIR)-driven nanophotosynthesis biosystem capable of generating oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide, thus rescuing neurons from ischemia toward treating stroke. Through cerebral delivery of S. elongatus that spontaneously photosynthesize and upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs), NIR with excellent tissue penetrating capability is converted to visible light by UCNPs to activate S. elongatus generating oxygen in vivo, enhancing angiogenesis, reducing infarction, and facilitating repair of brain tissues, thus improving neuronal function recovery. The combination of cell-biological, biochemical, and animal-level behavioral data provides compelling evidence demonstrating that this oxygen-generating biosystem through jointly utilizing microorganism and nanotechnology represents a novel approach to stroke treatment.New ink compositions for direct ink writing (DIW) printing of hydrogels, combining superior rheological properties of cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) and a water-compatible photoinitiator, are presented. Rapid fixation was achieved by photopolymerization induced immediately after the printing of each layer by 365 nm light for 5 s, which overcame the common height limitation in DIW printing of hydrogels, and enabled the fabrication of objects with a high aspect ratio. CNCs imparted a unique rheological behavior, which was expressed by orders of magnitude difference in viscosity between low and high shear rates and in rapid high shear recovery, without compromising ink printability. Compared to the literature, the presented printing compositions enable the use of low photoinitiator concentrations at a very short build time, 6.25 s/mm, and are also curable by 405 nm light, which is favorable for maintaining viability in bioinks.Our goal was to measure the absolute differential abundance of key drug transporters in human epileptogenic brain tissue and to compare them between patients and at various distances from the epileptogenic zone within the same patient. Transporter protein abundance was quantified in brain tissue homogenates from patients who underwent epilepsy surgery, using targeted proteomics, and correlations with clinical and tissue characteristics were assessed. Fourteen brain samples (including four epileptogenic hippocampal samples) were collected from nine patients. Among the quantifiable drug transporters, the abundance (median, range) ranked breast cancer resistance protein (ABCG2/BCRP; 0.55, 0.01-3.26 pmol/g tissue) > P-glycoprotein (ABCB1/MDR1; 0.30, 0.02-1.15 pmol/g tissue) > equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1 (SLC29A1/ENT1; 0.06, 0.001-0.35 pmol/g tissue). The ABCB1/ABCG2 ratio (mean 0.27, range 0.08-0.47) was comparable with literature values from nonepileptogenic brain tissue (mean 0.5-0.8). Transporter abundance was lower in the hippocampi than in the less epileptogenic neocortex of the same patients.

Autoři článku: Wallslohse0172 (McMillan Phillips)