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Saururus chinensis is a perennial herb found in the northeastern regions of Asia, including Korea, China, and Japan, and is used in traditional medicine. Studies have identified the four major constituents in Saururus chinensis water extract (LHF618®) as miquelianin (11.75 ± 0.092 mg/g), rutin (1.20 ± 0.008 mg/g), quercitrin (2.38 ± 0.389 mg/g), and quercetin (0.068 ± 0.017 mg/g). Saururus chinensis can improve the symptoms of ovalbumin- or fine dust-induced allergic pulmonary disease by suppressing the effects of WBCs and neutrophils in BALF and IgE in the serum. Saururus chinensis dose-dependently recovered morphological changes such as mucous hyper secretion (from 2.7 ± 0.46 to 0.6 ± 0.65), pulmonary epithelial cell hyperplasia (from 2.4 ± 0.55 to 0.7 ± 0.67), and inflammatory cell infiltration (from 2.3 ± 0.45 to 0.6 ± 0.43), and effectively controlled cDNA levels and protein levels of IL-13. It inhibited NF-κB translocation and COX-2 protein synthesis and suppressed the expression of PGE2. Our results show that Saururus chinensis controlled allergic pulmonary disease via the anti-inflammatory pathways, NF-κB/COX-2 and PGE2. Saururus chinensis may be a promising drug candidate against fine dust-induced allergic pulmonary disease.

Various perceptions and practices have been associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. In this study, we assessed the perception and practices regarding COVID-19 among residents in selected urban communities of Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria.

A descriptive cross-sectional study design using a multi-stage sampling technique was used to recruit 360 respondents (Mean age 33.2 ± 10.6 years; 62.5% females) from households in Ibadan. Data were collected using an interviewer-administered questionnaire from 3rd to 6th June 2020. Those who demonstrated washing of the palm, back of the hand, spaces between the fingers, fingernails, wrist, and thumbs had six points and were categorized to have had a good practice of handwashing. Descriptive statistics were conducted. Bivariate analyses of sociodemographic characteristics and good handwashing practices were conducted using Chi-square test. Logistic regression was conducted to identify the determinants of good handwashing practices.

-values < 0.05 were statistically signhing, use of face masks and other practices that prevent COVID-19. Implications across public health communication and policies were stated.Many biological studies require the capture of individuals for sampling, for example for measurement of morphological or physiological traits, or for marking individuals for later observations. Capture methods employed often vary both within and between studies, and these differing methods could be more or less effective in capture of different individuals based on their morphology or behavior. If individuals that are prone to capture by the selected method differ with respect to traits of interest, such sampling bias could generate misleading or simply inaccurate results. The selection of capture methods could introduce two different forms of sampling bias, with the individuals that are sampled differing from the population at large or with individuals sampled via one method differing from individuals that could be sampled using a different method. We investigated this latter form of sampling bias by comparing individual birds sampled using two common capture techniques. We caught free-ranging black-capped cither of these two common capture methods can similarly sample mean trait values of a population of interest. To accurately assess individual variation, particularly in behavior, mist nets might be preferable.Insect olfaction and vision play important roles in survival and reproduction. Diurnal butterflies mainly rely on visual cues whereas nocturnal moths rely on olfactory signals to locate external resources. Histia rhodope Cramer (Lepidoptera Zygaenidae) is an important pest of the landscape tree Bischofia polycarpa in China and other Southeast Asian regions. As a diurnal moth, H. rhodope represents a suitable model for studying the evolutionary shift from olfactory to visual communication. However, only a few chemosensory soluble proteins have been characterized and information on H. rhodope chemoreceptor genes is currently lacking. In this study, we identified 45 odorant receptors (ORs), nine ionotropic receptors (IRs), eight gustatory receptors (GRs) and two sensory neuron membrane proteins (SNMPs) from our previously acquired H. rhodope antennal transcriptomic data. The number of chemoreceptors of H. rhodope was less compared with that found in many nocturnal moths. Some specific chemoreceptors such as OR co-receptor (ORco), ionotropic receptors co-receptor, CO2 receptors, sugar receptors and bitter receptors were predicted by phylogenetic analysis. Notably, two candidate pheromone receptors (PRs) were identified within a novel PR lineage. qRT-PCR results showed that almost all tested genes (22/24) were predominantly expressed in antennae, indicating that they may be important in olfactory function. Among these antennae-enriched genes, six ORs, five IRs and two GRs displayed female-biased expression, while two ORs displayed male-biased expression. Additionally, HrhoIR75q.2 and HrhoGR67 were more highly expressed in heads and legs. This study enriches the olfactory gene inventory of H. rhodope and provides the foundation for further research of the chemoreception mechanism in diurnal moths.Primates have relatively larger brains than other mammals even though brain tissue is energetically costly. Comparative studies of variation in cognitive skills allow testing of evolutionary hypotheses addressing socioecological factors driving the evolution of primate brain size. However, data on cognitive abilities for meaningful interspecific comparisons are only available for haplorhine primates (great apes, Old- and New World monkeys) although strepsirrhine primates (lemurs and lorises) serve as the best living models of ancestral primate cognitive skills, linking primates to other mammals. To begin filling this gap, we tested members of three lemur species (Microcebus murinus, Varecia variegata, Lemur catta) with the Primate Cognition Test Battery, a comprehensive set of experiments addressing physical and social cognitive skills that has previously been used in studies of haplorhines. We found no significant differences in cognitive performance among lemur species and, surprisingly, their average performance was not different from that of haplorhines in many aspects. Specifically, lemurs' overall performance was inferior in the physical domain but matched that of haplorhines in the social domain. These results question a clear-cut link between brain size and cognitive skills, suggesting a more domain-specific distribution of cognitive abilities in primates, and indicate more continuity in cognitive abilities across primate lineages than previously thought.No Mow May is a community science initiative popularized in recent years that encourages property owners to limit their lawn mowing practices during the month of May. The goal of No Mow May is to provide early season foraging resources for pollinators that emerge in the spring, especially in urban landscapes when few floral resources are available. We worked with the city council of Appleton, Wisconsin, USA. to allow No Mow May to take place in May 2020. Four hundred and thirty-five property owners registered for No Mow May in Appleton. We measured floral and bee richness and abundance in the yards of a subset of homes (N = 20) located near regularly mowed urban parks (N = 15) at the end of the month. We found that homes that participated in No Mow May had more diverse and abundant flora than regularly mowed green spaces throughout the city. No Mow May homes had three times higher bee richness and five times higher bee abundances than frequently mowed greenspaces. Using generalized linear models, we found that the best predictor of bee richness was the size of the designated unmowed area, and the best predictors of bee abundances were the size of the unmowed area as well as floral richness. While our findings cannot conclusively attribute increases in bee abundances and richness to the No Mow May efforts, our data does show that bee pollinators make use of no mow spaces as key floral resources during early spring in the upper midwestern United States. A post-No Mow May survey revealed that the participants were keen to increase native floral resources in their yards, increase native bee nesting habitat, reduce mowing intensities, and limit herbicide, pesticide, and fertilizer applications to their lawns. The No Mow May initiative educated an engaged community on best practices to improve the conservation of urban pollinators in future years.Pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.) is an important tropical fruit with high economic value. The quality and yield of pineapple will be affected by various environmental conditions. Under adverse conditions, plants can produce a complex reaction mechanism to enhance their resistance. It has been reported that the member of ethylene responsive transcription factors (ERFs) plays a crucial role in plant developmental process and stress response. However, the function of these proteins in pineapple remains limited. In this study, a total of 74 ERF genes (AcoERFs) were identified in pineapple genome, named from AcoERF1 to AcoERF74, and divided into 13 groups based on phylogenetic analysis. We also analyzed gene structure, conserved motif and chromosomal location of AcoERFs, and the AcoERFs within the same group possess similar gene structures and motif compositions. Three genes (AcoERF71, AcoERF73 and AcoERF74) were present on unanchored scaffolds, so they could not be conclusively mapped on chromosome. Synteny and cis-elements analysis of ERF genes provided deep insight into the evolution and function of pineapple ERF genes. Furthermore, we analyzed the expression profiling of AcoERF in different tissues and developmental stages, and 22 AcoERF genes were expressed in all examined tissues, in which five genes (AcoERF13, AcoERF16, AcoERF31, AcoERF42, and AcoERF65) had high expression levels. Additionally, nine AcoERF genes were selected for functional verification by qRT-PCR. These results provide useful information for further investigating the evolution and functions of ERF family in pineapple.

The highest rate of cancer-related deaths worldwide is from lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) annually. Metabolism was associated with tumorigenesis and cancer development. Metabolic-related genes may be important biomarkers and metabolic therapeutic targets for LUAD.

In this study, the gleaned cohort included LUAD RNA-SEQ data from the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and corresponding clinical data (

=445). The training cohort was utilized to model construction, and data from the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO, GSE30219 cohort,

=83; GEO, GSE72094,

=393) were regarded as a testing cohort and utilized for validation. First, we used a lasso-penalized Cox regression analysis to build a new metabolic-related signature for predicting the prognosis of LUAD patients. Next, we verified the metabolic gene model by survival analysis, C-index, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. Univariate and multivariate Cox regression analyses were utilized to verify the gene signature as an independent prognostic factor. IOX2 HIF modulator Finally, we constructed a nomogram and performed gene set enrichment analysis to facilitate subsequent clinical applications and molecular mechanism analysis.

Autoři článku: Vittrupfournier0573 (Egan Lundgaard)