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About 7 million people in Poland receive pensions. The amount of benefits paid to pensioners is reflected in the income at their households and expenses, including food expenses.

The aim of the study was to evaluate the dietary patterns of Polish seniors in the retirees` households on the basis of an analysis of food consumption and energy and nutrient intake.

Food consumption evaluation was based on household budget survey conducted by Statistics Poland in 2019 throughout the whole country. Energy and nutrient intake were calculated using the conversion factors.

The consumption of unprocessed red meat in retirees' households was 1.83 kg/person/month, meat products - 2.90 kg and kitchen salt - 0.24 kg. 6.52 kg of vegetables and 5.99 kg of fruit were consumed per person per month. The mean energy intake in members of these households was 2387 kcal/day. The proportion of energy from fat was high - 36.6%. 14.2% of energy was derived from protein and 49.6% from digestible carbohydrates. The share of anima saturated fatty acids. However, the intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids was low. Calcium and vitamin D intake was lower than Reference Intakes.

People following a vegetarian diet can obtain all the essential nutrients from a variety of foods. Among the nutrients, protein, iron, calcium, zinc, and vitamins B12 and D3 require special attention.

To assess the knowledge of dietary recommendations among different groups of vegetarians and the diet they follow.

The study involved a total of 390 subjects (360 women and 30 men), aged 18-60 years, who were following different vegetarian diets. The study was conducted in November 2020 via Facebook using the Computerassisted web interviewing (CAWI) method. Participation in the study was voluntary and anonymous, and sample selection was intentional (participants were members of groups for vegetarians in Facebook). Statistical analysis was carried out using the Chi2 test, using Statistica 13.3 (at p=0.05).

To develop the results, the respondents were divided into 4 groups according to their diet vegan, pescovegetarian, lactovegetarian, and people following other types of diets. The body mass index of nearollowed, the participants seemed to be aware of how to balance their diet and the ingredients that should be supplemented, even though a vast majority of them did not consult a diet specialist.

Regardless of the type of vegetarian diet followed, the participants seemed to be aware of how to balance their diet and the ingredients that should be supplemented, even though a vast majority of them did not consult a diet specialist.

Vitamin C is one of the most important water-soluble vitamins. It is responsible for many important functions in the body, including it has a positive effect on maintaining immunity, protects the body against free radicals, and also participates in the synthesis of hormones. Juices can be a good source of this vitamin. Most of the juices available on the market are processed products. Untreated juices, which do not contain added preservatives, sugar and are not pasteurized, constitute a smaller group on the market. Therefore, this group of juices can be a valuable product in human nutrition.

The aim of the study was t o analyze the content of ascorbic acid (AA), dehydroascorbic acid (DHAA) and vitamin C (TAA) in non-preserved juices, depending on their type and storage time.

The analysis of T AA, AA and DHAA content in juices was carried out in ten types of nonpreserved juices from two companies (A and B), purchased in a chain of retail outlets. The analyzed juices in company A were sauerkraut and carroa mild technology in the production process.

In the production of non-preserved apple juice, consideration should be given to the natural protection of ascorbic acid by the addition of citrus or other fruit juice, vegetable juice or by using a mild technology in the production process.

Globalisation is the direct or indirect source and cause of many economic, social, political and cultural processes and phenomena. These processes also affect agribusiness and food production. One of the important developments in recent decades is the ever-increasing scale of food adulteration. Its consequence is a reduction in the level of food safety, both in its health and economic aspects. The latter is due to the presence of impaired, or even adulterated, food on the market, which exposes consumers to non-equivalent exchanges. Sectors particularly vulnerable to these illegal trade practices include meat and fish products.

The aim of the article is to identify the dominating methods/categories of food adulteration using the example of the Polish market for the food production sectors of meat and fish.

The research was conducted using data from the Agricultural and Food Quality Inspection (AFQI), the official food control institution responsible for quality and food adulteration controls in Poland. Tlevel of adulteration.

Fruit and fruit products are important part of our daily diet. In addition to the ingredients necessary for the proper functioning of the body, these products can also be a source of intake elements harmful to human health.

Analysis of the results of monitoring studies conducted in Poland in 2015 concerning contamination of lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), arsenic (As), mercury (Hg) and tin (Sn) in fruit and fruit products and exposure assessment.

Approximately 600 samples of fresh, frozen, dried fruits, fruit preserves and canned fruits were tested. The laboratories of State Sanitary Inspection were involved in testing. Accredited and validated analytical methods were used. The test samples were prepared in accordance with the standard PN-EN 138042013. The contents of lead, cadmium and tin were determined by using flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) or flameless with electrothermal atomization spectrometry (GFAAS); arsenic by using hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry method (HGAAS) and med results, it was found that content of Pb, Cd, As, Hg and Sn in the tested samples of fruit and their products does not pose a risk to consumer health. Estimated exposure of consumers does not exceed tolerable doses established by EFSA and JECFA for these elements.

Based on the obtained results, it was found that content of Pb, Cd, As, Hg and Sn in the tested samples of fruit and their products does not pose a risk to consumer health. Estimated exposure of consumers does not exceed tolerable doses established by EFSA and JECFA for these elements.A 16-years old boy with diagnosis of Grave's disease was treated with methimazole for one year before radical total thyroidectomy treatment due to persistence of clinical hormonal hyperthyroidism. Histological analysis revealed the presence of a papillary microcarcinoma. The management of Grave's disease in pediatric age is still under discussion. Therefore, close monitoring of the disease is required, as well as case-by-case tailored decision on how to manage treatment and when to perform the radical one, taking into account the association of Grave's disease with differentiated thyroid cancer in adults and the higher malignancy of thyroid cancer in childhood.The coexistence of 2 genetic diseases can mutually modify their course. We describe the case of a 10-year-old boy with Sliver-Russell syndrome (SRS) and Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). The patient's short stature, which is part of the clinical picture of both diseases, has been additionally aggravated by the steroid therapy, which is necessary to delay the progression of DMD. From the age of 9 years, the patient was treated with recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) for 18 months. The following study discusses whether rhGH therapy in a child with SRS and DMD may alleviate or worsen the course of DMD, and how it affects carbohydrate metabolism disorders.

Wolcott-Rallison syndrome (WRS) is arare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by neonatal diabetes mellitus (NDM), epiphyseal dysplasia, and hepatic and renal dysfunction. Although neuro-psychological features are common in patients with WRS, malformations of cortical development(MCDs) are rarely reported.

A 3-month-old boy, born to non-consanguineous parents, presented with right focal seizures since two months of age and recently detected diabetes mellitus. He also had asmall head and lissencephaly-pachygyria spectrum on brain imaging. Genetic testing confirmed the diagnosis of WRS by identifying abiallelic homozygous deletion of exon 1 in the EIF2AK3 gene. The child achieved reasonable glycemic control on the basal-bolus insulin regimen.

Presentation of WRS may occur with neurological manifestations such as lissencephaly-pachygyria spectrum. Early confirmation of the genetic diagnosis of WRS by screening for pathogenic variants in the EIF2AK3 gene is important in children with NDM and associated syndromic features. find more Establishing the diagnosis of WRS helps in predicting the development of subsequent clinical features, guides management, and may improve patient outcomes.

Presentation of WRS may occur with neurological manifestations such as lissencephaly-pachygyria spectrum. Early confirmation of the genetic diagnosis of WRS by screening for pathogenic variants in the EIF2AK3 gene is important in children with NDM and associated syndromic features. Establishing the diagnosis of WRS helps in predicting the development of subsequent clinical features, guides management, and may improve patient outcomes.

People who inject drugs (PWID) face multiple health problems, including infectious diseases and drug overdoses. Applying syndemic and risk environment frameworks, this paper aims to examine the co-occurrence and clustering of drug-related harms and their association with incarceration experience with or without in-prison drug injection.

The authors used data from a cross-sectional survey conducted in 2015 among 557 active opioid injectors. Self-reported data were collected through face-to-face or online questionnaires. They distinguished three harm categories, namely, viral infections, bacterial infections and overdoses, and built an index variable by summing the number of harm categories experienced, yielding a score from 0 to 3. Association between incarceration experience and co-occurrence of harms was modelled using a multinomial logistic regression.

Of the 557 participants, 30% reported lifetime experience of drug-related viral infection, 46% bacterial infection and 22% drug overdose. Multinomial logistic models showed that those who injected drugs during incarceration were more likely to report two (aOR = 2.35, 95% CI 1.03-5.36) and three (aOR = 9.72, 95% CI 3.23-29.22) harm categories than those who had never been incarcerated. They were also more likely to report three harm categories than formerly incarcerated respondents who did not inject drugs in prison (aOR = 5.14, 95% CI 1.71-15.48).

This study provides insights of the syndemic nature of drug-related harms and highlights that drug injection during incarceration is associated with co-occurring harms. Public health interventions and policy changes are needed to limit the deleterious impact of prison on PWID.

This study provides insights of the syndemic nature of drug-related harms and highlights that drug injection during incarceration is associated with co-occurring harms. Public health interventions and policy changes are needed to limit the deleterious impact of prison on PWID.

Autoři článku: Vindbates8702 (Prater Morton)