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Tropical marine habitat-builders such as calcifying green algae can be susceptible to climate change (warming and acidification). This study evaluated the cumulative effects of ocean warming (OW), ocean acidification (OA) and the herbicide diuron on the calcifying green algae Halimeda opuntia. We also assessed the influence of acclimation history to experimental climate change conditions on physiological responses. H. opuntia were exposed for 15 days to orthogonal combinations of three climate scenarios [ambient (28 °C, pCO2 = 378 ppm), 2050 (29 °C, pCO2 = 567 ppm) and 2100 (30 °C, pCO2 = 721 ppm)] and to six diuron concentrations (up to 29 μg L-1). Half of the H. opuntia had been acclimated for eight months to the climate scenarios in a mesocosm approach, while the remaining half were not pre-acclimated, as is current practice in most experiments. Climate effects on quantum yield (ΔF/Fm'), photosynthesis and calcification in future climate scenarios were significantly stronger (by -24, -46 and +26%, respectiods in experimental studies to avoid exaggerated organism responses to OW and OA.The Ostreid herpesvirus 1 (OsHV-1) and variants, particularly the microvariants (μVars), are virulent and economically devastating viruses impacting oysters. Since 2008 OsHV-1 μVars have emerged rapidly having particularly damaging effects on aquaculture industries in Europe, Australia and New Zealand. We conducted field trials in Tomales Bay (TB), California where a non-μVar strain of OsHV-1 is established and demonstrated differential mortality of naturally exposed seed of three stocks of Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, and one stock of Kumamoto oyster, C. sikamea. Oysters exposed in the field experienced differential mortality that ranged from 64 to 99% in Pacific oysters (Tasmania>Midori = Willapa stocks), which was much higher than that of Kumamoto oysters (25%). Injection trials were done using French (FRA) and Australian (AUS) μVars with the same oyster stocks as planted in the field and, in addition, two stocks of the Eastern oyster, C. virginica. No mortality was observed in control oysters. One C. virginica stock suffered ~10% mortality when challenged with both μVars tested. Two Pacific oyster stocks suffered 75 to 90% mortality, while one C. gigas stock had relatively low mortality when challenged with the AUS μVar (~22%) and higher mortality when challenged with the French μVar (~72%). Conversely, C. sikamea suffered lower mortality when challenged with the French μVar (~22%) and higher mortality with the AUS μVar (~44%). All dead oysters had higher viral loads (~1000×) as measured by quantitative PCR relative to those that survived. However, some survivors had high levels of virus, including those from species with lower mortality. Field mortality in TB correlated with laboratory mortality of the FRA μVar (69% correlation) but not with that of the AUS μVar, which also lacked correlation with the FRA μVar. The variation in response to OsHV-1 variant challenges by oyster species and stocks demonstrates the need for empirical assessment of multiple OsHV-1 variants.Enjoying the potential climate benefits of restoration requires linking key forest-water and land-atmosphere interactions to the existential benefits provided on the ground. We apply what we call the "forest-water and land-atmosphere interaction lens" to current strategies for improving landscape resilience in the West African Sahel and the concept of the Great Green Wall (GGW). The severe and extensive drought of the 1970's-1990's led many to assess future climate and promote strategies to counter the gradual southward expansion of the Sahara. The idea for the GGW, a wall of trees intended to slow desert encroachment, grew out of this period of tremendous upheaval and human tragedy. Despite partial recovery in the local rainfall regime, we know far too little about whether the GGW strategy can even work. Further, it seems disingenuous to ignore the climatic envelope, which sets the boundaries within which forest-water and land-atmosphere interactions occur. Applying the "forest-water and land-atmosphere inteThe Leyes' Delta lies at the Middle Paraná River, the second-largest fluvial system in South America, and it is being quickly formed into the Setúbal fluvial lake, Argentina. In the context of the Fluvial Biogeomorphic Succession theory, our aim was to better understand interactions between physical and biotic processes contributing to the formation of the Leyes' Delta. We studied the genesis, morphologic development, and vegetation in three groups of its deltaic islands with contrasting formation ages. Different methodologies were applied. Genesis and morphologic development were interpreted from time-series of satellite images and aerial photography obtained from 1974 to 2014. Then landforms and vegetation communities were mapped on the most current images, and they were corroborated and characterized during fieldwork. Our results evidence that the three island groups (Channel crevasse splay islands, Delta bar-plain islands, and Delta front islands) were formed via two different geomorphic processes, determe considered during the studies of social ecological systems as the Leyes' Delta, in Santa Fe, Argentina.Drought forecasting is helpful for understanding the inherent mechanism of hydrological extremes and taking corresponding measures to mitigate drought impacts. Northeast China, which is an important, major grain-producing area in China, has been challenged by substantial losses due to frequent drought. In this study, to predict the spatiotemporal variation in drought events over Northeast China, a model-based simulation framework is proposed based on precipitation data at 70 meteorological stations from 1960 to 2018. The core of the model framework is run theory, modified Copula model- based Bayesian-MCMC, Gibbs sampling, and a new definition of drought intensity center and drought intensity accumulation area. The results showed that a total of 6408 drought events occurred at the 70 meteorological stations in Northeast China over the past 59 years. The empirical distribution functions of longitude, latitude, and time can be used to fit the edge distribution of the original variable. In comparison to the traditional maximum likelihood method, the Bayesian-MCMC method is more accurate for parameter estimation of the Copula model. The Frank Copula is the optimum joint function of longitude and latitude, while the Gaussian Copula is the optimum joint function of location and time. Gibbs sampling can provide a relatively larger sample size for predicting future drought conditions. The spatiotemporal variation in drought in Northeast China changes similarly throughout the year. Drought is mainly concentrated in southwestern Liaoning from February to April. The drought intensity center moves to the northeast from May to September. Western Heilongjiang is the main drought-stricken area from October to November. The drought intensity center moves southwest from December to January of the following year. This study provides a method for effectively predicting drought events and is of great significance to the protection, development, and utilization of water resources.Physical aging or degradation of amine-containing polymers and supported amine adsorbents is a critical issue that could limit the practical application of such materials for CO2 capture. However, to date, there is a scarcity of studies that evaluate the long-term stability of amine-based sorbents without the exclusive use of accelerated aging tests. Here, we demonstrate that extended aging (∼2 years) of linear poly(propylenimine) (LPPI) confined in mesoporous silica (SBA-15) supports does not drastically impact the CO2 adsorption performance under simulated flue gas (10% CO2) and direct air capture (DAC, 400 ppm CO2) conditions, although the behavior of the aged sorbents and polymers in the two CO2 concentration regimes differs. The sorbents made with aged LPPI have modestly decreased CO2 uptake performance (≲20% lower) compared to the fresh polymers, with overall good CO2 cycling performance. The data indicate that only slow degradation occurs under the deployed ambient storage conditions. Even after extended aging, the LPPI-based sorbents preserved their ability to display stable temperature-swing cycling performance. In parallel, the impact of blending LPPI polymers of different number-average molecular weights, Mn, is evaluated, seeking to understand its impact on adsorbent performance. The results demonstrate that the blends of two Mn aged LPPI give similar CO2 adsorption performance to adsorbents made from a single-Mn LPPI, suggesting that molecular weight will not negatively impact adsorbent performance in the studied Mn range. After an accelerated oxidation experiment, the aged LPPI sorbents retained a larger portion of the samples' original performance when cycling under simulated flue gas conditions than under DAC conditions. However, in each case, the oxidized sorbents could be cycled repeatedly with consistent uptake performance. Overall, these first of their kind extended aging tests suggest that LPPI-based amine adsorbents offer promise for long-term, stable use in carbon capture applications.Developing high performance bifunctional transition metal catalysts would be significantly beneficial for electrocatalytic oxidation of urea-rich wastewater. Herein, we synthesize a V2O3 nanosheet anchored N-doped-carbon encapsulated Ni heterostructure (Ni@C-V2O3/NF) for the reactions of urea oxidation (UOR) and hydrogen evolution (HER). Electrochemical results indicate that it exhibits small potentials of 1.32, 1.39, and 1.43 V for UOR and low overpotentials of 36, 254, and 355 mV for HER at ±10, ± 500 and ±1000 mA cm-2, respectively. It can work at 100 mA cm-2 for over 72 h as cathode and anode electrode without obvious attenuation, suggesting an outstanding durability. The reason for this behavior could be ascribed to the N-doped-carbon coating structure, the synergetic effects between Ni and V2O3, and the nano/micro nanosheets architecture self-supported on nickel foam. This work could provide a promising, inexpensive, and green method for the degradation of urea-rich wastewater and hydrogen production.Thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) sensitization of fluorescence is a promising strategy to improve the color purity and operational lifetime of conventional TADF organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs). Here, we propose a new design strategy for TADF-sensitized fluorescence based on acrylic polymers with a pendant energy-harvesting host, a TADF sensitizer, and fluorescent emitter monomers. read more Fluorescent emitters were rationally designed from a series of homologous polycyclic aromatic amines, resulting in efficient and color-pure polymeric fluorophores capable of harvesting both singlet and triplet excitons. Macromolecular analogues of blue, green, and yellow fourth-generation OLED emissive layers were prepared in a facile manner by Cu(0) reversible deactivation radical polymerization, with emission quantum yields up to 0.83 in air and narrow emission bands with full width at half-maximum as low as 57 nm. White-light emission can easily be achieved by enforcing incomplete energy transfer between a deep blue TADF sensitizer and yellow fluorophore to yield a single white-emissive polymer with CIE coordinates (0.

Autoři článku: Vestbengtsen9346 (Coffey Laustsen)