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BACKGROUND Differing evolutionary interests of males and females may result in sexual conflict, whereby traits or behaviours that are beneficial for male reproductive success (e.g., traits related to male-male competition) are costly for females. Since sexual conflict may play an important role in areas such as speciation, population persistence or evolution of life history traits, understanding what factors modulate the intensity of sexual conflict is important. This study aims to examine juvenile diet quality as one of the underestimated ecological factors that may affect the intensity of sexual conflict via individual conditions. I used food manipulation during the development of the mite Sancassania berlesei to investigate the effects on male reproductive behaviour and competitiveness, male-induced harm to female fitness and female resistance to this harm. RESULTS Males that were exposed to low-quality food started mating later than the control males, and number of their mating attempts were lower compared to those of control males. Moreover, males from the low-quality diet treatment sired fewer offspring under competition than males from the control treatment. However, the fitness of females exposed to males reared on a poor diet did not differ from that of females mated with control males. Furthermore, female diet quality did not alter their resistance to male-induced harm. CONCLUSION Overall, diet quality manipulation affected male reproductive behaviour and mating success. However, I found no evidence that the intensity of sexual conflict in S. berlesei depends on male or female conditions. Investigating a broader range of environmental factors will provide a better understanding of sexual conflict dynamics and its feedback into associated evolutionary mechanisms.BACKGROUND Melanoma results in the vast majority of skin cancer deaths during the last decades, even though this disease accounts for only one percent of all skin cancers' instances. The survival rates of melanoma from early to terminal stages is more than fifty percent. Therefore, having the right information at the right time by early detection with monitoring skin lesions to find potential problems is essential to surviving this type of cancer. RESULTS An approach to classify skin lesions using deep learning for early detection of melanoma in a case-based reasoning (CBR) system is proposed. This approach has been employed for retrieving new input images from the case base of the proposed system DePicT Melanoma Deep-CLASS to support users with more accurate recommendations relevant to their requested problem (e.g., image of affected area). The efficiency of our system has been verified by utilizing the ISIC Archive dataset in analysis of skin lesion classification as a benign and malignant melanoma. The kernel of DePicT Melanoma Deep-CLASS is built upon a convolutional neural network (CNN) composed of sixteen layers (excluding input and ouput layers), which can be recursively trained and learned. Our approach depicts an improved performance and accuracy in testing on the ISIC Archive dataset. CONCLUSIONS Our methodology derived from a deep CNN, generates case representations for our case base to use in the retrieval process. Integration of this approach to DePicT Melanoma CLASS, significantly improving the efficiency of its image classification and the quality of the recommendation part of the system. The proposed method has been tested and validated on 1796 dermoscopy images. Analyzed results indicate that it is efficient on malignancy detection.BACKGROUND In biomedicine, infrared thermography is the most promising technique among other conventional methods for revealing the differences in skin temperature, resulting from the irregular temperature dispersion, which is the significant signaling of diseases and disorders in human body. Given the process of detecting emitted thermal radiation of human body temperature by infrared imaging, we, in this study, present the current utility of thermal camera models namely FLIR and SEEK in biomedical applications as an extension of our previous article. RESULTS The most significant result is the differences between image qualities of the thermograms captured by thermal camera models. In other words, the image quality of the thermal images in FLIR One is higher than SEEK Compact PRO. However, the thermal images of FLIR One are noisier than SEEK Compact PRO since the thermal resolution of FLIR One is 160 × 120 while it is 320 × 240 in SEEK Compact PRO. CONCLUSION Detecting and revealing the inhomogeneous temperature distribution on the injured toe of the subject, we, in this paper, analyzed the imaging results of two different smartphone-based thermal camera models by making comparison among various thermograms. Utilizing the feasibility of the proposed method for faster and comparative diagnosis in biomedical problems is the main contribution of this study.BACKGROUND Genomic micro-satellites are the genomic regions that consist of short and repetitive DNA motifs. Estimating the length distribution and state of a micro-satellite region is an important computational step in cancer sequencing data pipelines, which is suggested to facilitate the downstream analysis and clinical decision supporting. Although several state-of-the-art approaches have been proposed to identify micro-satellite instability (MSI) events, they are limited in dealing with regions longer than one read length. Moreover, based on our best knowledge, all of these approaches imply a hypothesis that the tumor purity of the sequenced samples is sufficiently high, which is inconsistent with the reality, leading the inferred length distribution to dilute the data signal and introducing the false positive errors. RESULTS In this article, we proposed a computational approach, named ELMSI, which detected MSI events based on the next generation sequencing technology. ELMSI can estimate the specific lengmicro-satellite regions, the read length and the sequencing coverage to separately test the performance of ELMSI on estimating the longer ones from the mixed samples. ELMSI performed well on mixed samples, and thus ELMSI was of great value for improving the recognition effect of micro-satellite regions and supporting clinical decision supporting. The source codes have been uploaded and maintained at https// for academic use only.BACKGROUND All-Food-Sequencing (AFS) is an untargeted metagenomic sequencing method that allows for the detection and quantification of food ingredients including animals, plants, and microbiota. While this approach avoids some of the shortcomings of targeted PCR-based methods, it requires the comparison of sequence reads to large collections of reference genomes. The steadily increasing amount of available reference genomes establishes the need for efficient big data approaches. RESULTS We introduce an alignment-free k-mer based method for detection and quantification of species composition in food and other complex biological matters. It is orders-of-magnitude faster than our previous alignment-based AFS pipeline. In comparison to the established tools CLARK, Kraken2, and Kraken2+Bracken it is superior in terms of false-positive rate and quantification accuracy. Furthermore, the usage of an efficient database partitioning scheme allows for the processing of massive collections of reference genomes with reduced memory requirements on a workstation (AFS-MetaCache) or on a Spark-based compute cluster (MetaCacheSpark). CONCLUSIONS We present a fast yet accurate screening method for whole genome shotgun sequencing-based biosurveillance applications such as food testing. By relying on a big data approach it can scale efficiently towards large-scale collections of complex eukaryotic and bacterial reference genomes. AFS-MetaCache and MetaCacheSpark are suitable tools for broad-scale metagenomic screening applications. They are available at https// (C++ version for a workstation) and https// (Spark version for big data clusters).BACKGROUND Disease gene prediction is a critical and challenging task. Many computational methods have been developed to predict disease genes, which can reduce the money and time used in the experimental validation. Since proteins (products of genes) usually work together to achieve a specific function, biomolecular networks, such as the protein-protein interaction (PPI) network and gene co-expression networks, are widely used to predict disease genes by analyzing the relationships between known disease genes and other genes in the networks. However, existing methods commonly use a universal static PPI network, which ignore the fact that PPIs are dynamic, and PPIs in various patients should also be different. RESULTS To address these issues, we develop an ensemble algorithm to predict disease genes from clinical sample-based networks (EdgCSN). The algorithm first constructs single sample-based networks for each case sample of the disease under study. Then, these single sample-based networks are merged to sevluable for identifying new disease genes.BACKGROUND Sand burial plays an irreplaceable and unique role in the growth and distribution of vegetation on the Shell Dike Island in the Yellow River Delta. There are still some unknown on the effects of sand burial on the morphology, biomass, and especially the stoichiometry of Periploca sepium, as well as the relationship between these factors. RESULTS Shell sand burial depth had a significant influence on seedling emergence, growth, and biomass of P. sepium. Shallow sand burial shortened the emergence time and improved the emergence rate, morphological and biomass of P. sepium compared to deep burial and the control. Burial depth significantly affected the nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) contents of the leaves. With deep burial, the carbon/nitrogen (C/N) and carbon/phosphorus (C/P) ratios decreased firstly and then increased with depth, while the nitrogen/phosphorus ratio (N/P) presented the contrary trend. Correlation analysis showed that the stoichiometry of N/P was positively correlated to morphology and biomass of P. sepium at different burial depths. Structural equation model analysis revealed that N was the largest contributor to P. sepium biomass. CONCLUSIONS Optimal burial depth is beneficial to the seedling emergence, growth and nutritional accumulation of P. sepium. Stoichiometry has an important influence on the morphological formation and biomass accumulation.BACKGROUND The current study's purpose is to compare hip structural analysis variables in a group of postmenopausal women with sarcopenia and another group of postmenopausal women with normal skeletal muscle mass index. To do so, the current study included 8 postmenopausal women (whose ages ranged between 65 and 84 years) with sarcopenia and 60 age-matched controls (with normal skeletal muscle mass index (SMI)). Body composition and bone parameters were evaluated by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). RESULTS Weight, lean mass, body mass index, femoral neck cross-sectional area (FN CSA), FN section modulus (Z), FN cross sectional moment of inertia (CSMI), intertrochanteric (IT) CSA, IT Z, IT CSMI, IT cortical thickness (CT), femoral shaft (FS) CSA, FS Z and FS CSMI were significantly greater (p  less then  0.05) in women with normal SMI compared to women with sarcopenia. In the whole population, SMI was positively associated with IT CSA, IT Z, IT CSMI, IT CT, FS CSA, FS Z, FS CSMI, FS CT but negatively correlated to IT buckling ratio (BR) and FS BR.

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