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Opioid peptides exhibit a wide-ranging tissue distribution and control multiple tissue functions not only through reflex mechanisms involving the central nervous system or the modulation of neurotransmitter release, but also by acting directly at the cellular level by targeting selected receptor subtypes (μ, δ, and κ are among the most frequently expressed) [...].Ageing is associated with an increase in the incidence of heart failure, even if the existence of a real age-related cardiomyopathy remains controversial. Effective contraction and relaxation of cardiomyocytes depend on efficient production of ATP (handled by mitochondria) and on proper Ca2+ supply to myofibrils during excitation-contraction (EC) coupling (handled by Ca2+ release units, CRUs). Here, we analyzed mitochondria and CRUs in hearts of adult (4 months old) and aged (≥24 months old) mice. Analysis by confocal and electron microscopy (CM and EM, respectively) revealed an age-related loss of proper organization and disposition of both mitochondria and EC coupling units (a) mitochondria are improperly disposed and often damaged (percentage of severely damaged mitochondria adults 3.5 ± 1.1%; aged 16.5 ± 3.5%); (b) CRUs that are often misoriented (longitudinal) and/or misplaced from the correct position at the Z line. Immunolabeling with antibodies that mark either the SR or T-tubules indicates that in aged cardiomyocytes the sarcotubular system displays an extensive disarray. This disarray could be in part caused by the decreased expression of Cav-3 and JP-2 detected by western blot (WB), two proteins involved in formation of T-tubules and in docking SR to T-tubules in dyads. By WB analysis, we also detected increased levels of 3-NT in whole hearts homogenates of aged mice, a product of nitration of protein tyrosine residues, recognized as marker of oxidative stress. Finally, a detailed EM analysis of CRUs (formed by association of SR with T-tubules) points to ultrastructural modifications, i.e., a decrease in their frequency (adult 5.1 ± 0.5; aged 3.9 ± 0.4 n./50 μm2) and size (adult 362 ± 40 nm; aged 254 ± 60 nm). The changes in morphology and disposition of mitochondria and CRUs highlighted by our results may underlie an inefficient supply of Ca2+ ions and ATP to the contractile elements, and possibly contribute to cardiac dysfunction in ageing.Huntington's disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative disorder caused by a CAG expansion in the HD gene. The disease is characterized by neurodegeneration, particularly in the striatum and cortex. The first symptoms usually appear in mid-life and include cognitive deficits and motor disturbances that progress over time. Despite being a genetic disorder with a known cause, several mechanisms are thought to contribute to neurodegeneration in HD, and numerous pre-clinical and clinical studies have been conducted and are currently underway to test the efficacy of therapeutic approaches targeting some of these mechanisms with varying degrees of success. Although current clinical trials may lead to the identification or refinement of treatments that are likely to improve the quality of life of those living with HD, major efforts continue to be invested at the pre-clinical level, with numerous studies testing novel approaches that show promise as disease-modifying strategies. This review offers a detailed overview of the currently approved treatment options for HD and the clinical trials for this neurodegenerative disorder that are underway and concludes by discussing potential disease-modifying treatments that have shown promise in pre-clinical studies, including increasing neurotropic support, modulating autophagy, epigenetic and genetic manipulations, and the use of nanocarriers and stem cells.Peptaibols, by disturbing the permeability of phospholipid membranes, can overcome anticancer drug resistance, but their natural hydrophobicity hampers their administration. By a green peptide synthesis protocol, we produced two water-soluble analogs of the peptaibol trichogin GA IV, termed K6-Lol and K6-NH2. To reduce production costs, we successfully explored the possibility of changing the naturally occurring 1,2-aminoalcohol leucinol to a C-terminal amide. Peptaibol activity was evaluated in ovarian cancer (OvCa) and Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) cell lines. Peptaibols exerted comparable cytotoxic effects in cancer cell lines that were sensitive-and had acquired resistance-to cisplatin and doxorubicin, as well as in the extrinsic-drug-resistant OvCa 3-dimensional spheroids. Peptaibols, rapidly taken up by tumor cells, deeply penetrated and killed OvCa-spheroids. They led to cell membrane permeabilization and phosphatidylserine exposure and were taken up faster by cancer cells than normal cells. They were resistant to proteolysis and maintained a stable helical structure in the presence of cancer cells. In conclusion, these promising results strongly point out the need for further preclinical evaluation of our peptaibols as new anticancer agents.In this paper, we assess the nephroprotective effects of thyrotropin and follitropin during ischaemia. The studies were performed in vitro in a model of isolated porcine kidneys stored in Biolasol (FZNP, Biochefa, Sosnowiec, Poland) and modified Biolasol (TSH 1 µg/L; FSH 1 µg/L). We used the static cold storage method. The study was carried out based on 30 kidneys. The kidneys were placed in 500 mL of preservation solution chilled to 4 °C. The samples for biochemical tests were collected during the first kidney perfusion (after 2 h of storage) and during the second perfusion (after 48 h of storage). The results of ALT, AST, and LDH activities confirm the effectiveness of Biolasol + p-TSH in maintaining the structural integrity of renal cell membranes. Significantly reduced biochemical parameters of kidney function, i.e., creatinine and protein concentrations were also observed after 48 h storage. The protective effect of Biasol + p-TSH is most pronounced after 2 h of storage, suggesting a mild course of damage thereafter. A mild deterioration of renal function was observed after 48 h. The results of our analyses did not show any protective effect of Biolasol + p-FSH on the kidneys during ischaemia.Zebrafish is a vertebrate teleost widely used in many areas of research. As embryos, they develop quickly and provide unique opportunities for research studies owing to their transparency for at least 48 h post fertilization. Zebrafish have many ciliated organs that include primary cilia as well as motile cilia. Using zebrafish as an animal model helps to better understand human diseases such as Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD), an autosomal recessive disorder that affects cilia motility, currently associated with more than 50 genes. The aim of this study was to validate zebrafish motile cilia, both in mono and multiciliated cells, as organelles for PCD research. For this purpose, we obtained systematic high-resolution data in both the olfactory pit (OP) and the left-right organizer (LRO), a superficial organ and a deep organ embedded in the tail of the embryo, respectively. For the analysis of their axonemal ciliary structure, we used conventional transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron tomography (ET). We characterised the wild-type OP cilia and showed, for the first time in zebrafish, the presence of motile cilia (9 + 2) in the periphery of the pit and the presence of immotile cilia (still 9 + 2), with absent outer dynein arms, in the centre of the pit. In addition, we reported that a central pair of microtubules in the LRO motile cilia is common in zebrafish, contrary to mouse embryos, but it is not observed in all LRO cilia from the same embryo. We further showed that the outer dynein arms of the microtubular doublet of both the OP and LRO cilia are structurally similar in dimensions to the human respiratory cilia at the resolution of TEM and ET. We conclude that zebrafish is a good model organism for PCD research but investigators need to be aware of the specific physical differences to correctly interpret their results.Tumor microenvironments are often characterized by an increase in oxidative stress levels. We studied the response to oxidative stimulation in human primary (IGR39) or metastatic (IGR37) cell lines obtained from the same patient, performing patch-clamp recordings, intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) imaging, and RT-qPCR gene expression analysis. In IGR39 cells, chloramine-T (Chl-T) activated large K+ currents (KROS) that were partially sensitive to tetraethylammonium (TEA). A large fraction of KROS was inhibited by paxilline-a specific inhibitor of large-conductance Ca2+-activated BK channels. The TEA-insensitive component was inhibited by senicapoc-a specific inhibitor of the Ca2+-activated KCa3.1 channel. Both BK and KCa3.1 activation were mediated by an increase in [Ca2+]i induced by Chl-T. Both KROS and [Ca2+]i increase were inhibited by ACA and clotrimazole-two different inhibitors of the calcium-permeable TRPM2 channel. Surprisingly, IGR37 cells did not exhibit current increase upon the application of Chl-T. Expression analysis confirmed that the genes encoding BK, KCa3.1, and TRPM2 are much more expressed in IGR39 than in IGR37. click here The potassium currents and [Ca2+]i increase observed in response to the oxidizing agent strongly suggest that these three molecular entities play a major role in the progression of melanoma. Pharmacological targeting of either of these ion channels could be a new strategy to reduce the metastatic potential of melanoma cells, and could complement classical radio- or chemotherapeutic treatments.Postmortem studies reveal that the brain pH in schizophrenia patients is lower than normal. The exact cause of this low pH is unclear, but increased lactate levels due to abnormal energy metabolism appear to be involved. Schizophrenia patients display distinct changes in mitochondria number, morphology, and function, and such changes promote anaerobic glycolysis, elevating lactate levels. pH can affect neuronal activity as H+ binds to numerous proteins in the nervous system and alters the structure and function of the bound proteins. There is growing evidence of pH change associated with cognition, emotion, and psychotic behaviors. Brain has delicate pH regulatory mechanisms to maintain normal pH in neurons/glia and extracellular fluid, and a change in these mechanisms can affect, or be affected by, neuronal activities associated with schizophrenia. In this review, we discuss the current understanding of the cause and effect of decreased brain pH in schizophrenia based on postmortem human brains, animal models, and cellular studies. The topic includes the factors causing decreased brain pH in schizophrenia, mitochondria dysfunction leading to altered energy metabolism, and pH effects on the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. We also review the acid/base transporters regulating pH in the nervous system and discuss the potential contribution of the major transporters, sodium hydrogen exchangers (NHEs), and sodium-coupled bicarbonate transporters (NCBTs), to schizophrenia.Photoreceptors are critical components of the retina and play a role in the first step of the conversion of light to electric signals. With the discovery of the intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells, which regulate non-image-forming visual processes, our knowledge of the photosensitive cell family in the retina has deepened. Photoreceptor development is regulated by specific genes and proteins and involves a series of molecular processes including DNA transcription, post-transcriptional modification, protein translation, and post-translational modification. Single-cell sequencing is a promising technology for the study of photoreceptor development. This review presents an overview of the types of human photoreceptors, summarizes recent discoveries in the regulatory mechanisms underlying their development at single-cell resolution, and outlines the prospects in this field.

Autoři článku: Velasquezbojesen5460 (Shelton Glover)