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Postoperative follow-up after hemiarthroplasty is part of routine based practice. However, these visits appear to be a significant burden since it concerns a frail population. The aim of this study was to confirm the current common practice regarding postoperative visits of patients treated with hemiarthroplasty and to evaluate the complication detection rate at these visits.

A national short survey was conducted among orthopedic surgeons working in 26 large Dutch teaching hospitals to test the hypothesis that postoperative follow-up is indeed common practice. Furthermore, a retrospective patient review was performed in all hemiarthroplasties implanted between January 2014 and December 2019.

The response of the national survey was complete and showed that postoperative follow-up in patients treated with hemiarthroplasty is part of standard care according to 89% of respondents. A total of 1055 hips (1026 patients) were implanted with hemiarthroplasty during the studied period. Implant-related complicatiof patients treated with hemiarthroplasty could be abandoned in this frail population.

Evaluate the Scratch Collapse Test in an objective way, by replacing the subjective evaluation made by the physician with an objective evaluation measure, made with a digital dynamometer.

Observational study carried out, in 90 patients divided into three groups of 30 patients, taking into account the electromyographic study of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel (no alteration, moderate, severe).The external rotation of the shoulder was measured in four different situations (no scratch, scratch over the carpal tunnel, scratch in the dorsum of the wrist and scratch in the shoulder).

There were no statistical differences in the result of the strength in any of the four different situations in patients without carpal tunnel of with moderate carpal tunnel syndrome. selleck chemical However, there were statistical differences between the basal measurement (without scratching) and the measurement after tunnel scratching in patients with severe carpal tunnel syndrome. But this statistical difference was only 0.08 kg in the average measure, and this difference is clinically undetectable and far for producing a real collapse of the external rotation of the shoulder.

The Scratch Collapse Test is not a valid diagnostic exam for carpal tunnel syndrome if the strength is measured in an objective manner.

The Scratch Collapse Test is not a valid diagnostic exam for carpal tunnel syndrome if the strength is measured in an objective manner.

Operative fixation of pelvic ring injuries is associated with a high risk of hardware failure and loss of reduction. The purpose of this study was to determine whether preoperative radiographs can predict failure after operative treatment of pelvic ring injuries and if the method of fixation effects their risk.

We conducted a retrospective cohort study of 143 patients with pelvic ring injuries treated with operative fixation at a level 1 trauma center. Preoperative radiographs were examined for the presence of the following characteristics bilateral rami fractures, segmental or comminuted rami fractures, contralateral anterior and posterior injuries, complete sacral fracture, and displaced inferior ramus fractures. The method of fixation was classified based on the presence of anterior, posterior, or combined anterior and posterior fixation as well as whether or not posterior fixation was performed at a single or multiple sacral levels. Post-operative radiographs were examined for hardware failure or loss of reduction.

Twenty-one patients (14.7%) demonstrated either hardware complication or fracture displacement within 6 months of surgery. Male sex was associated with a decreased risk of hardware complication (OR 0.11 [0.014, 0.86]; p=0.03). Posterior pelvic ring fixation at multiple sacral levels was associated with a decreased risk of fracture displacement (OR 0.21 [0.056, 0.83]; p=0.02). We were unable to demonstrate a significant association between preoperative radiographic characteristics and risk of hardware failure or fracture displacement.

Our study demonstrates that both gender and the method of posterior fixation are associated with hardware failure or displacement.

Our study demonstrates that both gender and the method of posterior fixation are associated with hardware failure or displacement.Non-compressible hemorrhage in the junctional areas and torso could be life-threatening and its prehospital control remains extremely challenging. The aim of this review was to compare commonly used techniques for the control of non-compressible hemorrhage in prehospital settings, and thereby provide evidence for further improvements in emergency care of traumatic injuries. Three techniques were reviewed including external aortic compression (EAC), abdominal aortic junctional tourniquet (AAJT), and resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta (REBOA). In prehospital settings, all three techniques have demonstrated clinical effectiveness for the control of severe hemorrhage. EAC is a cost- and equipment-free, easy-to-teach, and immediately available technique. In contrast, AAJT and REBOA are expensive and require detailed instructions or systematic training. Compared with EAC, AAJT and REBOA have greater potentials in the management of traumatic hemorrhage. AAJT can be used not only in the junctional areas but also in pelvic and bilateral lower limb injuries. However, both AAJT and REBOA should be used for a limited time (less than 1 hour) due to possible consequences of ischemia and reperfusion. Compared with EAC and AAJT, REBOA is invasive, requiring femoral arterial access and intravascular guidance and inflation. Mortality from non-compressible hemorrhage could be reduced through the prehospital application of aortic blood flow control techniques. EAC should be considered as the first-line choice for many non-compressible injuries that cannot be managed with conventional junctional tourniquets. In comparison, AAJT or REBOA is recommended for better control of the aorta blood flow in prehospital settings. Although these three techniques each have advantages, their use in trauma is not widespread. Future studies are warranted to provide more data about their safety and efficacy.In this article, a hybrid control approach is provided to control the micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) triaxial gyroscope as a multi-input multi-output (MIMO) system. Control design includes a fast non-singular terminal sliding mode control (FNTSMC) as a main part of the proposed hybrid control method and since the MEMS gyroscope performance is affected by parameter variations, quadrature errors, and external disturbances in the core of the main controller, adaptive interval type-2 recurrent fuzzy radial basis function neural network (IT2-RFRBF-NN) is employed to estimate the lumped uncertainties. The proposed hybrid approach has four main attributes (1) it lies in the category of model-free control structures; (2) There is no negative power involved. Hence, the suggested method does not have the singularity problem; (3) to enhance the capability of the proposed method in the present of noise the ellipsoidal membership functions are employed to design adaptive IT2-RFRBF-NN; (4) the Fourier series expansion as a function approximation technique is efficiently used to online estimate the discontinuous component by establishing a soft switching in the proposed controller. With the help of the Lyapunov stability theory, guaranteeing the closed-loop control system stability by the suggested control design is confirmed. The findings of the simulations and comparison with other approaches confirm the superiority of the suggested hybrid approach.This paper addresses the energy minimised operation of seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) desalination process by simultaneous manipulation of feed pressure and reject valve opening. The specific energy consumption (SEC) analysis of SWRO desalination process for maintaining constant permeate flow during feed salinity variation is performed. The analysis is carried out to identify the suitable manipulating variables that can reduce the energy requirement for regulating permeate flow during feed salinity variation. Based on the analysis, a multi-loop control strategy using event-driven programming paradigm aided by regression based predictive model is proposed. The proposed methodology is more desirable than traditional event-driven multi-loop PID control due to smoother control transition and energy reduction. The investigation of SEC and analysis of proposed control strategy were performed using a previously validated dynamic model for SWRO desalination process. The simulation results show that the proposed methodology is superior to conventional PID control by enabling energy-minimised operation of RO process with significant reduction of feed pressure. The analysis shows that the proposed control approach reduces the feed pressure requirement by approximately 300 kPa during feed salinity variation.Chronic pain and functional impairment associated with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders (TMD) considerably reduce oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL). In the present study we have assessed the influence of prolotherapy in patients with TMD by the subjective measurement of QoL using the Oral Health Impact Profile-14 (OHIP-14). Twenty-five patients diagnosed with TMD (mean (range) age 38 (18 - 70) years) were included. They had all undergone dextrose prolotherapy to the TMJ at regular time intervals (four times at intervals of two weeks) using the method suggested by Hemwall-Hackett. They were asked to answer the OHIP-14 questionnaire before and two years after prolotherapy. Seven domains of OHRQoL were rated on a 5-point Likert scale from 0 (never) to 4 (very often). Domain scores and total OHIP-14 scores were compared using inferential statistics (chi squared and Wilcoxon signed rank tests). Prolotherapy was effective over time, as all the domains' mean scores decreased considerably after treatment. The total mean score before prolotherapy was 21.20, which was extensively reduced to 13.08 after prolotherapy (p=0.001). There was statistically significant improvement in all domains, including functional limitation, physical pain, psychological discomfort, physical disability, psychological disability, social disability, and handicap (p≤0.005 in all cases). We concluded that prolotherapy has a promising role in the improvement of OHRQoL of patients with TMD, and its beneficial effects persist at least two years after treatment.Day/night cycle controls neurogenesis; melatonin released from pineal gland in darkness stimulates intracellular Ca2+ dynamics thus decreasing proliferation of neural stem cells. In the daylight intracellular Ca2+ activity subsides, which stimulates neural stem cells division and increases generation of newborn neurones.

In order to tackle the issue of physical inactivity, local governments have implemented population-level programmes to promote exercise. While evidence is accumulating on the cost-effectiveness of these interventions, studies have typically adopted a health sector perspective for economic evaluation. This approach has been challenged as it does not allow for key concerns by local governments, which are primary stakeholders, to be addressed.

To show how taking a local government perspective for economic evaluation can be implemented in practice and this may affect the economic conclusions.

Based on data from a case study, the health equity impact of the intervention and its opportunity cost from a service provider viewpoint were assessed. The cost-effectiveness implications of a change in perspective were subsequently estimated by means of scenario analysis.

The intervention was found to provide adult residents living in the most deprived city areas with greater health benefits compared with the rest of the population.

Autoři článku: Vangcantrell7823 (Booth Fuglsang)