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285). The high GTR rates in Group A could be explained by smaller tumor sizes (mean = 0.98cc/4.08cc/4.92cc for Group A/B/C, respectively, p  = 0.031) and lack of invasiveness. Group A tumors were also more frequently diagnosed in young people ( p  = 0.002) as asymptomatic lesions ( p  = 0.001), suggesting that they could be precursors to tumors in higher risk groups. Conclusion  Genotypic grouping by 1p36 and homozygous 9p21(p16) deletions can predict prognosis in SBC and guide management. GTR remains the cornerstone of SBC treatment and can be sufficient without AdjXRT in low and intermediate risk tumors. Low-risk tumors are associated with a less invasive phenotype, which makes them more amenable to GTR.The COVID-19 pandemic is a global crisis that has been testing every society and exposing the critical role of local politics in crisis response. In the United States, there has been a strong partisan divide between the Democratic and Republican party's narratives about the pandemic which resulted in polarization of individual behaviors and divergent policy adoption across regions. As shown in this case, as well as in most major social issues, strongly polarized narrative frameworks facilitate such narratives. To understand polarization and other social chasms, it is critical to dissect these diverging narratives. Here, taking the Democratic and Republican political social media posts about the pandemic as a case study, we demonstrate that a combination of computational methods can provide useful insights into the different contexts, framing, and characters and relationships that construct their narrative frameworks which individual posts source from. Leveraging a dataset of tweets from the politicians in thejds/s13688-021-00308-4.

The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1140/epjds/s13688-021-00308-4.The main objective of this study is to assess determinant factors for the continuous operations of micro and small enterprises during COVID-19 pandemic. The study adopted a cross-sectional design, with both descriptive and explanatory research design. To achieve the objectives of the study, 276 respondents were selected from 890 micro and small enterprise owners. The sample of the study was selected through proportional stratified random sampling technique from the business types (manufacturing, construction, urban agriculture, service and trade). click here To collect the primary data, questionnaires were dispatched to owners/operators of micro and small enterprises. The collected data were analyzed through descriptive, correlation and regression analysis techniques. link2 The finding of the study revealed that people and administrative factors, regulatory factors, economic factors, partnerships, leadership of owner have a positive relationship to micro-small enterprise continuous operations during COVID-19 pandemic with the value of r = 0.457, 0.558, 0.572, 0.519 and 0.654, respectively. The study regression analysis result assured that partnership, economic factors, and leadership of the owner has a positive statistical significant effect on the continuous operations of the micro and small enterprise during COVID-19 pandemic with the value of (p  less then  0.05). The researcher recommended that strenghtening partnership with stakeloders and excersing best leadership practices are essential to ensure the continuous operations of the micro and small enterpreses.Podcasting is considered to be a communication medium with minimal barriers to entry, making it an attractive method for people, especially from historically underrepresented communities, to tell their own stories. Using the "Breaking Green Ceilings" podcast as a case study, we explore how podcasting serves as an ideal approach to effectively amplify the voices of environmentalists from historically underrepresented communities, specifically Disabled, Queer, Trans, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. By sharing these stories, the podcast aims to challenge misconceptions and highlight the contributions that environmentalists from historically underrepresented communities make toward environmental sustainability at all levels-grassroots, academia, nonprofit, and government. The "Breaking Green Ceilings" podcast also helps address the lack of diversity in mainstream environmental media and organizations. We use an interdisciplinary, intersectional lens in this article to demonstrate how environmental issues are interconnected with race, religion, socio-economic status, and politics as relates to historically underrepresented communities. We explore four main themes that have emerged on the podcast environmental justice, structural racism and conservation, traditional ecological knowledge, and access to nature and the outdoors. Finally, strategies are provided to show how the podcast goes beyond the airwaves to build an inclusive community, raising awareness on the issues discussed and moving people to action to undo and unlearn some of the harmful practices and attitudes that have divided the environmental movement for decades.

The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13412-021-00723-z.

The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13412-021-00723-z.Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV) causing bunchy top disease, is one of the most devastating diseases of banana and plantain. All the six genomic components of isolates from different parts of the world have been well characterised, with most of the studies focusing on replicase gene and coat protein gene. Overexpression of coat protein (CP) in Escherichia coli system can contribute significantly in structural as well as immunological studies. In the present investigation, the full length BBTV CP was cloned to pGEX-4T-2 expression vector and overexpressed in various Escherichia coli strains to obtain high quality and quantity of the CP. An augmented overexpression and stability of recombinant coat protein was achieved by molecular manipulation of the clone by restriction-free (RF) cloning platform. The RF cloning was employed to replace the thrombin cleavage site in the vector backbone, which was also present in the protein of interest, and to incorporate TEV protease site to cleave fusion protein at this specific site, and separate the affinity tag. The RF method allows direct transformation of the PCR product to undergo ligation in vivo and obtain the transformants thereby avoiding the restriction digestion and ligation of the product to the linearized plasmid. From a litre culture, 1.084 mg/ml of fusion protein with GST tag was obtained after GSH sepharose affinity column chromatography. The fluorescence spectra indicated partial disordered tertiary structure of the fusion protein. Cleavage of tag was attempted using TEV protease overexpressed and purified in the laboratory.

The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13205-021-03017-x.

The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13205-021-03017-x.Duck circovirus (DuCV) is widespread across the world and causes feather disorders in young ducks. It was identified as the causative pathogen of duck beak atrophy and dwarfism syndrome and primary sclerosing cholangitis. In this study, we aimed to establish a TaqMan-based real-time PCR assay to detect DuCV. The primers and probe were designed based on the conserved region of the DuCV Rep gene. After optimizing the reaction conditions, the minimum virus detection limit of the designed PCR technique was 39.4 copies/μL, 100 times that of conventional PCR (cPCR). No cross-reaction with six other common duck viruses was observed. The intra- and inter-assay variations were less than 1%. The detection rate of DuCV-positive clinical samples using TaqMan-based real-time PCR was higher than that using SYBR Green-based real-time PCR and cPCR. Collectively, these results showed that the established TaqMan-based real-time PCR detected DuCV with high sensitivity and specificity, and significant repeatability, making it suitable for clinical use. Hence, it may be used as a novel tool for the diagnosis and epidemiological investigation of DuCV.Dry tubers of Pinellia ternata (Thunb.) Breit are used in traditional Chinese medicine. Commonly known as "banxia" in China, the tubers contain valuable compounds, including alkaloids and polysaccharides that are widely used in pharmaceuticals. The quantity and quality of these important compounds are affected by whether P. ternata is grown as a sole crop or as an intercrop, and P. ternata cultivation has become challenging in recent years. By intercropping P. ternata, its maximum yield, as well as large numbers of chemical components, can be realized. Here, a large data set derived from next-generation sequencing was used to compare changes in the bacterial communities in rhizosphere soils of P. ternata and maize grown as sole crops and as intercrops. The overall microbial population in the rhizosphere of intercropped P. ternata was significantly larger than that of sole-cropped P. ternata, whereas the numbers of distinct microbial genera, ranging from 552 to 559 among treatments, were not significantly different between the two rhizospheres. The relative abundances of the genera differed. Specifically, the numbers of Acidobacteria and Anaerolineaceae species were significantly greater, and those of Bacillus were significantly lower, in the intercropped P. ternata rhizosphere than in the sole-cropped rhizosphere.

The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13205-021-03011-3.

The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13205-021-03011-3.Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) is one of the most widespread viruses that infects a large number of cultivated crops worldwide and causes severe losses. Besides vegetables and ornamental crops, it is also spreading on medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) at an alarming rate. Natural occurrence of green mosaic, leaf curling, necrosis, and distortion were observed on the leaves of Salvia sclarea in the experimental field of CSIR-CIMAP, Lucknow, India. Mechanical transmission assay, morphological features, CP gene, and RNA3-based genomic characterization revealed the association of a new CMV isolate with the present disease. Virus is mechanically sap transmissible to the test plants. Transmission electron microscopy showed the presence of isodiametric particles of ~ 28 nm in diameter. Phylogenetic studies revealed that RNA3 (~ 2.2 kb) belongs to the subgroup IA of CMV. Multiple sequence alignment of amino acid sequences showed that MP possesses two unique changes in the RNA-binding domain and CP was found to be the conserved one with one change only. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of a CMV isolate infecting S. sclarea.β-Glucosidases have been extensively investigated to integrate the enzyme complex for cellulose fiber saccharification and for improving the aroma of wine. To produce these enzymes, greater attention has been given to filamentous fungi and bacteria, and few investigations have targeted the potential applications of enzymes secreted by yeasts. Addressing this issue, in this study, β-glucosidases were produced by the Pichia ofunaensis and Trichosporon multisporum yeasts, via solid state fermentation with wheat bran as a substrate. When using p-Nitrophenyl β-d-glucopyranoside (pNPG) as an enzyme substrate, maximum β-glucosidase activities were detected at pH 5.5-6.0 and 50-60 °C for P. ofunaensis, and pH 5-6 and 55 °C for T. multisporum. Both enzymes were able to hydrolyze cellobiose and exhibited stability over a wide range of pH (3.5-9.0) for 24 h at 4 °C, thermostability up to 50 °C for 1 h and tolerance to 10 mM phenolic compounds. link3 Negative modulation on enzyme activity was observed in the presence of Cu2+, Fe3+, Zn2+, Al3+ and Hg2+, while both β-glucosidases were tolerant to 30% methanol, isopropanol and acetone.

Autoři článku: Vancekemp4696 (Stephens Gylling)