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To systematically evaluate the literature on whether plaque-disclosing (PD) methods, applied by dental professionals (FQ1) or at-home (FQ2), combined with verbal oral hygiene instructions and brushing demonstration (standard OHI) lead to improvements in self-performed dental plaque control in comparison to standard OHI alone.

Seven databases were searched by two independent reviewers according to pre-specified eligibility criteria up to September 2020. No restrictions regarding language, date and type of report were imposed. The Cochrane Collaboration's Risk of Bias tool (RoB 2.0) was used for quality appraisal. Multiple comparisons referring to a single study were included if the articles evaluated different PD agents. Narrative synthesis using evidence tables were performed.

Seven eligible studies were retrieved, including data of 430 individuals (159 wearers of orthodontic appliances). The studies exhibited considerable heterogeneity regarding outcome assessments and follow-up. Eleven (eight corresponding to FQ1 and three to FQ2) out of 13 relevant comparisons found no significant difference between techniques for dental plaque outcomes and three (two corresponding to FQ1 and one to FQ2) out of five comparisons indicated a positive effect of standard OHI with aid of PD methods on gingival inflammation scores. With respect specifically to orthodontic patients, three out of four comparisons indicated significant improvements on gingival inflammation scores for individuals instructed with PD methods.

Clinicians should consider PD agents as adjunct to standard OHI in orthodontic patients. For those without appliances, PD methods can be used as an alternative.

Clinicians should consider PD agents as adjunct to standard OHI in orthodontic patients. Azaindole 1 datasheet For those without appliances, PD methods can be used as an alternative.Fungal infection is an emerging threat to reptiles. The main pathogens are fungi of the genera Nannizziopsis, Paranannizziopsis and Ophidiomyces. The clinical symptoms range from mild skin lesions to the dissemination of internal organs and even death. Most of the reported cases are from Europe, North America and Australia. In this study, we report the Nannizziopsis guarroi infection in one captive inland bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps), one captive green iguana (Iguana iguana) and Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola infection in one wild red-banded snake (Dinodon rufozonatum) and one wild Chinese cobra (Naja atra) in Taiwan. The infections were confirmed by the presence of fungal elements in the tissue. The pathogens were identified based on their morphological and DNA sequence characteristics. The susceptibility profiles of the fungal strains to nine antifungal drugs were obtained using broth microdilution methods. The presence of both fungal species in Asia highlights the urgent need for surveillance and close monitoring of reptile infections to prevent them from spreading and to the possible collapse of reptile populations in the wild.

To assess the relationship between out-of-pocket (OOP) payments and primary health care quality in six low-income countries Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Haiti, Nepal, Senegal and Tanzania.

We examined the association between OOP payments and quality of care during antenatal care and sick child care visits using Service Provision Assessments data. We defined four process quality outcomes from observations of clinical care visit duration, history-taking items asked, exam items performed, and counselling items delivered. The outcome is the total amount paid for services. We used multilevel models to test the relationship between OOP payments and each quality measure in public, private non-profit and private for-profit facilities controlling for patient, provider, and facility characteristics.

Across the six countries, an average of 42% of the 29677 observed clients paid for their visit. In the adjusted models, OOP payments were positively associated with the visit duration during sick child visits, with history-taking and exam items during antenatal care visits, and with counselling in private for-profit facilities for both visit types. These associations were strong particularly in Afghanistan, the DRC and Haiti; for example, a high-quality antenatal care visit in the DRC would cost approximately USD 1.12 more than a visit with median quality.

Provider effort was associated with higher OOP payments for sick child and antenatal care services in the six countries studied. While many families are already spending high amounts on care, they must often spend even more to receive higher quality care.

Provider effort was associated with higher OOP payments for sick child and antenatal care services in the six countries studied. While many families are already spending high amounts on care, they must often spend even more to receive higher quality care.We report on the Australian experience of blinatumomab for treatment of 24 children with relapsed/refractory precursor B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (B-ALL) and high-risk genetics, resulting in a minimal residual disease (MRD) response rate of 58%, 2-year progression-free survival (PFS) of 39% and 2-year overall survival of 63%. In total, 83% (n = 20/24) proceeded to haematopoietic stem cell transplant, directly after blinatumomab (n = 12) or following additional salvage therapy (n = 8). Four patients successfully received CD19-directed chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy despite prior blinatumomab exposure. Inferior 2-year PFS was associated with MRD positivity (20%, n = 15) and in KMT2A-rearranged infants (15%, n = 9). Our findings highlight that not all children with relapsed/refractory B-ALL respond to blinatumomab and factors such as blast genotype may affect prognosis.

To compare outcomes of a treatment algorithm that allows for switching treatment-resistant neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) eyes to aflibercept with continuing bevacizumab.

Retrospective study of nAMD patients who initiated treatment in 2012 (aflibercept unavailable) and 2018 (aflibercept available). Eyes were included in the case of residual macular fluid after a minimum of 4 monthly bevacizumab injections. Only eyes in the 2018 group could then switch to aflibercept.

The study included 40 eyes from 2012 and 88 eyes from 2018. Patient characteristics were similar across the groups at baseline and 4 months. In 2018, 59 eyes (67%) were switched to aflibercept after 4 months. Mean change in BCVA from 4 months to one year was +2.8 letters in 2018 versus -1.7 letters in 2012 (p = 0.043). Mean change in BCVA from baseline to one year was +9.4 letters in 2018 (p < 0.001) and +4.4 letters in 2012 (p = 0.073). Mean change in CRT from 4 months to one year was -36 µm in 2018 versus -23 µm in 2012 (p = 0.373). Mean change in CRT from baseline to one year was -100 µm in 2018 (p < 0.001) and -75 µm in 2012 (p < 0.001). Mean number of injections given in one year was 11.8 in 2018 versus 10.4 in 2012 (p < 0.001). After one year, a majority of eyes in both groups still received treatment at 4-week intervals.

The study suggests that the possibility of switching eyes with treatment-resistant nAMD to aflibercept leads to a modest visual benefit compared with continuing first-line bevacizumab therapy.

The study suggests that the possibility of switching eyes with treatment-resistant nAMD to aflibercept leads to a modest visual benefit compared with continuing first-line bevacizumab therapy.

The highly conserved Grainyhead-like (Grhl) family of transcription factors play critical roles in the development of the neural tube and craniofacial skeleton. In particular, deletion of family member Grainyhead-like 2 (Grhl2) leads to mid-gestational embryonic lethality, maxillary clefting, abdominoschisis, and both cranial and caudal neural tube closure defects. These highly pleiotropic and systemic defects suggest that Grhl2 plays numerous critical developmental roles to ensure correct morphogenesis and patterning.

Here, using four separate Cre-lox conditional deletion models, as well as one genetic epistasis approach (Grhl2


double heterozygous mice) we have investigated tissue-specific roles of Grhl2 in embryonic development, with a particular focus on the craniofacial skeleton. We find that loss of Grhl2 in the pharyngeal epithelium (using the Shh

driver) leads to low-penetrance micrognathia, whereas deletion of Grhl2 within the ectoderm of the pharynx (Nestin

) leads to small, albeit craniofacial skeleton, as well as an endoderm-specific role for Grhl2 in the formation and establishment of the mammalian lung.The visualization of diffusion MRI related properties in a comprehensive way is still a challenging problem. We propose a simple visualization technique to give neuroradiologists and neurosurgeons a more direct and personalized view of relevant connectivity patterns estimated from clinically feasible diffusion MRI. The approach, named SPECTRE (Subject sPEcific brain Connectivity display in the Target REgion), is based on tract-weighted imaging, where diffusion MRI streamlines are used to aggregate information from a different MRI contrast. Instead of using native MRI contrasts, we propose to use continuous template information as the underlying contrast for aggregation. In this respect, the SPECTRE approach is complementary to normative approaches where connectivity information is warped from the group level to subject space by anatomical registration. For the purpose of demonstration, we focus the presentation of the SPECTRE approach on the visualization of connectivity patterns in the midbrain regions at the level of subthalamic nucleus due to its importance for deep brain stimulation. The proposed SPECTRE maps are investigated with respect to plausibility, robustness, and test-retest reproducibility. Clear dependencies of reliability measures with respect to the underlying tracking algorithms are observed.

Between 40% and 65% of lung cancer patients report concern about maintaining valued activities and roles, yet few interventions address this concern. Hope, a patient's perceived ability to generate goals and identify ways to pursue them, may be a promising intervention target to support function among lung cancer patients. The goal of this study was to assess metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (mNSCLC) patient interest and preferences for a hope-enhancing intervention.

We conducted a sequential mixed-methods (survey followed by semi-structured interviews) study with patients with mNSCLC. Surveys assessed patient interest in, perceived helpfulness of, and preferences for a hope intervention. A subset of 12 patients (and caregivers, when present) completed semi-structured interviews to elicit feedback on proposed intervention content and procedures.

Survey data from 60 patients (40% male; Mean age=62.5; SD=9.3) suggested high perceived importance of pursuing personal goals during cancer treatment, moderate perceived helpfulness in discussing personal goals, and preference for a nurse-led intervention. Based on these data, a 5-session, nurse-led intervention protocol was drafted and reviewed with 12 patients. Interviewed patients and caregivers agreed working towards goals was beneficial, liked the intervention concept, and thought prompts and rating scales on handouts would facilitate discussion. The majority preferred nurse delivery during infusions.

A nurse-led hope-enhancing intervention delivered primarily during infusions may be acceptable to mNSCLC patients. Future work should test feasibility and identify ways to incorporate caregivers and oncology providers into hope interventions.

A nurse-led hope-enhancing intervention delivered primarily during infusions may be acceptable to mNSCLC patients. Future work should test feasibility and identify ways to incorporate caregivers and oncology providers into hope interventions.

Autoři článku: Vancehirsch5712 (Boje Hess)