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The Benefits of a Stand Alone Electric Fireplace

Installing electric fireplaces that are stand-alone is simple. They do not require mounting brackets or building into walls and can be moved from room to room.

They also don't release any dangerous emissions, and can be connected to outlets in any room in the house. They can also be activated using Amazon Alexa.

Safety Features

Unlike traditional wood-burning fireplaces, electric ones do not require venting, and are much simpler to install. They can be wall-mounted or freestanding and can be used in various styles of homes. They're also a safe option for families with young children, thanks to their low heating output. It is important to make sure that the fireplace is UL (Underwriters Laboratories) or ETL (Electrical Testing Laboratory) certified for safety. You should also select a fireplace with child lock for children or pets.

Another advantage of electric fireplaces is that they don't release harmful byproducts, such as carbon monoxide or creosote. However, you must be aware of the way your local power company produces energy to determine if the electricity used to run your fireplace is renewable.

The electric fireplace comes with two switches, one for the flames, and the other for heating. You can alter the height and brightness of the flames as well as the ember glow for an ambient look. You can also switch off the flames and not use the heat to create a summery fake-fire effect. Installing this device can be difficult for some but the heating power and realistic fire display make it worth it.

This model has flames that are multi-colored, which adds to the realism. The heater is capable of warming up to a 1,000-square foot space. coal effect electric fires freestanding is ideal for large areas since we can feel it up to 6 feet away. However, it is important to keep other items such as blankets, toys and furniture at a distance from the fireplace for safety reasons.

The fireplace is contemporary and can be hung on the wall or freestanding. The glass of the heater stays cool when it is used, but the front gets hot. To prevent airflow from being blocked, it's essential to keep draperies and other items away. This fireplace has an integrated timer that shuts off the heating after 30 minutes or 9 hours if you're worried about overheating. It is recommended to read the user's manual prior to using the fireplace to make sure that the timer is activated.

Heat Output

Electric fireplaces can provide additional heat and ambience, without the need for a gas line, chimney or ventilation. Electric fireplaces can be moved around the house making them a perfect option for any home. If you're looking to purchase a freestanding model make sure you choose one that has different heating settings to meet your preferences and an auto-shutoff option when the unit reaches a desired temperature. Some models include an alarm clock and a remote, as well.

It's easy to use

In our tests, we discovered that most electric fireplaces are simple to operate and use. The majority of electric fireplaces can be plugged directly into the standard socket of a household. However, it is important to check your user's guide to make sure that the one you own is connected to a dedicated fuse or circuit breaker. A shared breaker can overload the outlet, posing a fire risk.

Some of our picks, like the Costway electric fireplace, are small and portable. They also have flames that can be switched on separately from the heat. Others, like the Real Flame Highland FP-360-PEL are spacious, with a flat top that can hold the largest screen TV and built-in shelf for storage or décor.

Think about an electric fireplace that has a mantel that has an old-fashioned appearance. Some come with log sets that replicate the look of a burning fire.

Flame Effects

If you decide to go with an electric fireplace that is freestanding, you can experience flame effects that look quite realistic. They produce a natural-looking fire that's virtually identical to a real wood fire without any of the hassle. They don't require chimneys, special venting or produce any ash or fumes. They are able to be used throughout the year and even in the event of burning restrictions in place.

You can select from a wide range of flame styles. Some models come with multiple settings for heat which allows you to alter the mood in any space. Certain models come with a remote and some are compatible with smartphones and other smart devices. This allows you to adjust settings on-the-go. You can set a fireplace timer and some have several modes.

Many companies produce different types of flames that can be used with their electric fireplaces. Some are more realistic, and others look more whimsical. GreatCo and Dimplex provide a range of choices. GreatCo's Linear Wall Mount units, for instance, come with the "multi-fire" technology that makes use of various flame colors and combinations to create a stunning display. Dimplex has its OptiV flame effect that is both highly realistic and magical at the same at the same time.

The flames of an electric fireplace aren't hot and therefore aren't an issue for safety concerns for pets or children. You don't have to be concerned about damage or cleaning when you move furniture or arrange the room. Plus, you can easily turn them off whenever the mood strikes.


If you're looking for a new electric fireplace it is important to think about your choices. There are a variety of models as well as brands and styles to choose from. If you're not careful, you may end up with a product that isn't working or doesn't meet your needs. The best unit for your house will depend on the amount of heat it needs and whether you're looking for an appliance that can be moved around or a permanent fixture.

One of the most significant advantages of an electric fireplace is its ease of installation. The majority of fireplaces can be connected to a standard 120-volt outlet and positioned against the wall. This makes them an excellent choice for homeowners who don't want to buy a recessed model or can't install one because of an insufficient space in the room.

Some models can also be hardwired, however this requires the assistance of a professional. It's important that you follow the manufacturer's instructions and allow ample time to complete the electrical work. Typically, this involves running a 12- gauge wire through the wall's frame and connecting it to a designated 20-amp circuit breaker following the local code requirements. Make sure that the breaker is not turned off until you've completed the wiring.

When you're done, your electric fireplace is now ready to use. The majority of fireplaces come with easy to follow instructions that will guide you through the procedure of connecting it to an electrical source. After that, you need to connect it and switch it on to take in the flickering flames and warm air. The logs can be replaced at any time, as well as the color of the flames. This makes it a flexible option to use in your living room or bedroom. The flames are also cool to feel, which is great if you have pets or children living in your home. This is a safer alternative to a traditional wood-burning fireplace and it will save you money on your heating costs.

Autoři článku: Valenzuelaovesen3971 (Peterson Moos)