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The risk factors for dementia trigger widespread inflammation and oxidative stress; these two processes involve pathophysiological cascades which lead to neuronal Ca2+ increase, neurodegeneration, gradual cognitive/memory decline, and eventually (late-onset) dementia. In particular, more recent research indicates that chronic inflammatory stimulus in the gut may induce (e.g., via serum amyloid A (SAA)) the release of proinflammatory cytokines. Hence, an effective preventive and therapeutic strategy could be based upon drug targeting toward a major SAA receptor responsible for the SAA-mediated cell signaling events leading to cognitive decline and eventually Alzheimer's disease or (late-onset) dementia.Primary neuroendocrine carcinoma of the breast (NECB) as defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2012 is a rare, but possibly under-diagnosed entity. It is heterogeneous as it entails a wide spectrum of diseases comprising both well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumors of the breast as well as highly aggressive small cell carcinomas. Retrospective screening of hospital charts of 612 patients (2008-2019) from our specialized outpatient unit for neuroendocrine neoplasia revealed five patients diagnosed with NECB. Given the low prevalence of these malignancies, correct diagnosis remains a challenge that requires an interdisciplinary approach. Specifically, NECB may be misclassified as carcinoma of the breast with neuroendocrine differentiation, carcinomas of the breast of no special type/invasive ductal carcinoma, or a metastasis to the breast. Therefore, this study presents multifaceted characteristics as well as the clinical course of these patients and discusses the five cases from our institution in the context of available literature.Sub-lethal high-pressure homogenization treatments applied to Lactobacillus paracasei A13 demonstrated to be a useful strategy to enhance technological and functional properties without detrimental effects on the viability of this strain. Modification of membrane fatty acid composition is reported to be the main regulatory mechanisms adopted by probiotic lactobacilli to counteract high-pressure stress. This work is aimed to clarify and understand the relationship between the modification of membrane fatty acid composition and the expression of genes involved in fatty acid biosynthesis in Lactobacillus paracasei A13, before and after the application of different sub-lethal hyperbaric treatments. Our results showed that Lactobacillus paracasei A13 activated a series of reactions aimed to control and stabilize membrane fluidity in response to high-pressure homogenization treatments. In fact, the production of cyclic fatty acids was counterbalanced by the unsaturation and elongation of fatty acids. BlasticidinS The gene expression data indicate an up-regulation of the genes accA, accC, fabD, fabH and fabZ after high-pressure homogenization treatment at 150 and 200 MPa, and of fabK and fabZ after a treatment at 200 MPa suggesting this regulation of the genes involved in fatty acids biosynthesis as an immediate response mechanism adopted by Lactobacillus paracasei A13 to high-pressure homogenization treatments to balance the membrane fluidity. Although further studies should be performed to clarify the modulation of phospholipids and glycoproteins biosynthesis since they play a crucial role in the functional properties of the probiotic strains, this study represents an important step towards understanding the response mechanisms of Lactobacillus paracasei A13 to sub-lethal high-pressure homogenization treatments.The role of thioredoxin-1 (TRX), a small redox-active protein with antioxidant effects, during hyperoxic lung injury in newborns remains undetermined. We investigated TRX impact on hyperoxic lung injury in newborn TRX transgenic (TRX-Tg) and wildtype (WT) mice exposed to 21% or 95% O2 for four days, after which some mice were allowed to recover in room air for up to 14 days. Lung morphology was assessed by hematoxylin/eosin and elastin staining, as well as immunostaining for macrophages. The gene expression levels of proinflammatory cytokines were evaluated using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. During recovery from hyperoxia, TRX-Tg mice exhibited an improved mean linear intercept length and increased number of secondary septa in lungs compared with the WT mice. Neonatal hyperoxia enhanced the mRNA expression levels of proinflammatory cytokines in the lungs of both TRX-Tg and WT mice. However, interleukin-6, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, and chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 2 mRNA expression levels were reduced in the lungs of TRX-Tg mice compared with the WT mice during recovery from hyperoxia. Furthermore, TRX-Tg mice exhibited reduced macrophage infiltration in lungs during recovery. These results suggest that in newborn mice TRX ameliorates hyperoxic lung injury during recovery likely through the suppression of proinflammatory cytokines.Our study aims to measure outpatient waiting times at Vietnam health facilities according to the socioeconomic characteristics. We employed the 2015 Vietnam District and Commune Health Facility Survey which was a cross-sectional study designed by the World Bank in collaboration with the Vietnam Health Strategy and Policy Institute. This survey was designed to be representative of six provinces (Dien Bien, Hanoi, Binh Dinh, Dak Lak, Dong Nai, and Dong Thap) drawn from six distinct geographical regions of Vietnam. Data from 4949 outpatients at district hospitals (DHs) and 1724 outpatients at commune health centers (CHCs) were extracted for final analysis. We recorded average outpatient waiting times of 32.58 min at DHs and of 11.58 min at CHCs. Four hundred and forty-five outpatients at DHs (9.0%) and 720 those at CHCs (42.8%) were examined immediately (waiting time = 0 min). Outpatient waiting times were various in six distinct geographical regions. With an investigation according to several socioeconomic characteristics, significant differences in outpatient waiting times were observed at both two levels of health facilities as measured by province, age, self-reported health status, patient's wealth, ethnicity, and health insurance. Conclusions. Outpatient waiting times from arrival at health facility until receiving care were significantly distinct amongst two health facility levels, revealing longer at DHs compared to at CHCs. There was significantly higher proportion of outpatients examined immediately at CHCs compared to at DHs. Our study suggests that, vulnerable populations, with longer outpatient waiting time, should be dealt with in appropriate models towards each medical facility according to key socioeconomic factors to contribute to simplify the process of medical examination and treatment for outpatients.With an aging population, there is a proportional increase in the prevalence of intervertebral disc diseases. Intervertebral disc diseases are the leading cause of lower back pain and disability. With a high prevalence of asymptomatic intervertebral disc diseases, there is a need for accurate diagnosis, which is key to management. A thorough understanding of the pathophysiology and clinical manifestation aids in understanding the natural history of these conditions. Recent developments in radiological and biomarker investigations have potential to provide noninvasive alternatives to the gold standard, invasive discogram. There is a large volume of literature on the management of intervertebral disc diseases, which we categorized into five headings (a) Relief of pain by conservative management, (b) restorative treatment by molecular therapy, (c) reconstructive treatment by percutaneous intervertebral disc techniques, (d) relieving compression and replacement surgery, and (e) rigid fusion surgery. This review article aims to provide an overview on various current diagnostic and treatment options and discuss the interplay between each arms of these scientific and treatment advancements, hence providing an outlook of their potential future developments and collaborations in the management of intervertebral disc diseases.Virus-like particles (VLPs) are multimeric nanostructures composed of one or more structural proteins of a virus in the absence of genetic material. Having similar morphology to natural viruses but lacking any pathogenicity or infectivity, VLPs have gradually become a safe substitute for inactivated or attenuated vaccines. VLPs can achieve tissue-specific targeting and complete and effective cell penetration. With highly ordered epitope repeats, VLPs have excellent immunogenicity and can induce strong cellular and humoral immune responses. In addition, as a type of nanocarrier, VLPs can be used to display antigenic epitopes or deliver small molecules. VLPs have thus become powerful tools for vaccinology and biomedical research. This review highlights the versatility of VLPs in antigen presentation, drug delivery, and vaccine technology.Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b is an obligate aerobic methane-utilizing alpha-proteobacterium. Since its isolation, M. trichosporium OB3b has been established as a model organism to study methane metabolism in type II methanotrophs. M. trichosporium OB3b utilizes soluble and particulate methane monooxygenase (sMMO and pMMO respectively) for methane oxidation. While the source of electrons is known for sMMO, there is less consensus regarding electron donor to pMMO. To investigate this and other questions regarding methane metabolism, the genome-scale metabolic model for M. trichosporium OB3b (model ID iMsOB3b) was reconstructed. The model accurately predicted oxygen methane molar uptake ratios and specific growth rates on nitrate-supplemented medium with methane as carbon and energy source. The redox-arm mechanism which links methane oxidation with complex I of electron transport chain has been found to be the most optimal mode of electron transfer. The model was also qualitatively validated on ammonium-supplemented medium indicating its potential to accurately predict methane metabolism in different environmental conditions. Finally, in silico investigations regarding flux distribution in central carbon metabolism of M. trichosporium OB3b were performed. Overall, iMsOB3b can be used as an organism-specific knowledgebase and a platform for hypothesis-driven theoretical investigations of methane metabolism.Deficits in the cerebral microcirculation contribute to age-related cognitive decline. In a pilot study of postmenopausal women, we found that supplementation with a low dose of resveratrol, a phytoestrogen, for 14 weeks improved cerebrovascular and cognitive functions. We have since undertaken a larger, longer term study to confirm these benefits. Postmenopausal women aged 45-85 years (n = 129) were randomized to take placebo or 75 mg trans-resveratrol twice daily for 12 months. Effects on cognition, cerebral blood flow, cerebrovascular responsiveness (CVR) and cardiometabolic markers (blood pressure, diabetes markers and fasting lipids) were assessed. Compared to placebo, resveratrol improved overall cognitive performance (P less then 0.001) and attenuated the decline in CVR to cognitive stimuli (P = 0.038). The latter effect was associated with reduction of fasting blood glucose (r = -0.339, P = 0.023). This long-term study confirms that regular consumption of resveratrol can enhance cognitive and cerebrovascular functions in postmenopausal women, with the potential to slow cognitive decline due to ageing and menopause.

Autoři článku: Upchurchdodson5486 (Robb Knudsen)