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2 ± 1.1) bohrs3 or (6.10 ± 0.16) × 10-30 m3. A handful of density functional theory methods are tested and found generally within 10% of our best values.Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are widely distributed in environments, and some of them are causative agents of human cancer. Previous studies concluded that benzo[a]pyrene-7,8-dione (BPQ), which is one kind of carcinogenic PAH metabolites, forms covalently bonded adducts with DNA, and the major adduct formed is a deoxyguanosine adduct. In this work, we investigate the interactions between BPQ and DNA molecules via first-principles calculations. We identify six possible DNA adducts with BPQ. In addition to the four adducts forming covalent bonds, there are two adducts bound purely by van der Waals (vdW) interactions. Remarkably, the two vdW-bound adducts have comparable, if not larger, binding energies as the covalent adducts. The results may help us gain more understanding of the interactions between PAH metabolites and DNA.The energy landscape of ZrO2-doped amorphous Ta2O5 is explored in this work. With models corresponding to experimental concentrations of 50% Zr and 50% Ta cations, we search for, gather, and analyze two-level systems (TLSs) from molecular dynamic simulations. The mechanical loss function is calculated for each TLS individually. The results show that TLS with low asymmetry and large elastic coupling constants contribute the most to mechanical loss. We identify these as "bad actors." The higher barriers relate to the mechanical loss at higher temperatures. The concept of the oxygen cage that describes the local structural environment surrounding a metal ion is introduced. The existence of a drastic change in local environment, or a cage-breaking process, enables us to understand the double peaks present in the asymmetry distribution and provides a pictorial interpretation to distinguish two types of TLS. Quantitatively, a cage-breaking event is related to at least one large distance change in an atom-atom pair, and non-cage-breaking transitions have only small rearrangements. The majority of TLSs are cage-breaking transitions, but non-cage-breaking TLS transitions show higher average mechanical loss in ZrO2-doped Ta2O5. Wnt peptide By decomposing the contributions to mechanical loss, we find that the low temperature loss peak near 40 K mainly comes from non-cage-breaking TLS transitions and the second loss peak near 120 K originates from cage-breaking TLS transitions. This finding is important for understanding the interplay between the atomic structure of TLS and mechanical loss.Surfactant science has historically emphasized bulk, thermodynamic measurements to understand the microemulsion properties of greatest industrial significance, such as interfacial tensions, phase behavior, and thermal stability. Recently, interest in the molecular properties of surfactants has grown among the physical chemistry community. This has led to the application of cutting-edge spectroscopic methods and advanced simulations to understand the specific interactions that give rise to the previously studied bulk characteristics. In this Perspective, we catalog key findings that describe the surfactant-oil and surfactant-water interfaces in molecular detail. We emphasize the role of ultrafast spectroscopic methods, including two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy and sum-frequency-generation spectroscopy, in conjunction with molecular dynamics simulations, and the role these techniques have played in advancing our understanding of interfacial properties in surfactant microemulsions.In this work, we propose an improved methodology to compute the intrinsic friction coefficient at the liquid-solid (L-S) interface based on the theoretical model developed by Hansen et al. [Phys. Rev. E 84, 016313 (2011)]. Using equilibrium molecular dynamics, we apply our method to estimate the interfacial friction for a simple Lennard-Jones system of argon confined between graphene sheets and a system of water confined between graphene sheets. Our new method shows smaller statistical errors for the friction coefficient than the previous procedure suggested by Hansen et al. Since we only use the interfacial particles, the interfacial friction calculated using our method is solely due to the wall-fluid interactions and is devoid of bulk fluid contributions. The intrinsic nature of the friction coefficient has been validated by measuring the friction coefficient at different interfaces and channel sizes and against direct non-equilibrium molecular dynamics measurements. Our improved methodology is found to be more reliable than the existing equilibrium and non-equilibrium methods and does not suffer from the well-known convergence and correlation-time ambiguities in the methods formulated along Green-Kubo-like ideas.Spatial stochastic models of single cell kinetics are capable of capturing both fluctuations in molecular numbers and the spatial dependencies of the key steps of intracellular regulatory networks. The spatial stochastic model can be simulated both on a detailed microscopic level using particle tracking and on a mesoscopic level using the reaction-diffusion master equation. However, despite substantial progress on simulation efficiency for spatial models in the last years, the computational cost quickly becomes prohibitively expensive for tasks that require repeated simulation of thousands or millions of realizations of the model. This limits the use of spatial models in applications such as multicellular simulations, likelihood-free parameter inference, and robustness analysis. Further approximation of the spatial dynamics is needed to accelerate such computational engineering tasks. We here propose a multiscale model where a compartment-based model approximates a detailed spatial stochastic model. The compartment model is constructed via a first-exit time analysis on the spatial model, thus capturing critical spatial aspects of the fine-grained simulations, at a cost close to the simple well-mixed model. We apply the multiscale model to a canonical model of negative-feedback gene regulation, assess its accuracy over a range of parameters, and demonstrate that the approximation can yield substantial speedups for likelihood-free parameter inference.

Autoři článku: Udsenbuck5037 (Bille Duus)