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The Cats trailer has received more online criticism for the CGI 'whitewashing' of its black female lead in the live-action film. Francesca Hayward, 27, who plays the main character in the adaptation is seen pirouetting and frolicking with a white face of fur in the clip released on Thursday. Fans believe Hayward's feline form should have been portrayed using fur to match her natural skin tone.youtube.com So how come you can clearly see this is taylor swift/the entire bottom half of her face is visible, but you wouldn’t know the black lead was black unless you knew her already,' one critic tweeted.youtube.com Wow. You cannot tell.

Just don't don't whitewash people. A cast to die fur! Share One Twitter user countered: 'It's hard for me to understand claims of whitewashing when you can really clearly see that's not the case here. Why whitewash exactly one person on the cast and nobody else? If Victoria wasn't a white cat and they made her white then I'd understand completely! Hayward, who was the principal ballerina for the British Royal Ballet, moved from Nairobi, Kenya, to England at the age of two. This is her first appearance on the silver screen alongside a star-studded cast including Jennifer Hudson, Taylor Swift, Idris Elba, Jason Derulo and Dame Judi Dench. Fans of the ballerina have also called-out the film for the 'introducing Francesca Hayward' text in the trailer, stating that she is already accomplished and well known.

CatsMovie trailer: What do you mean, ‘introducing’ Francesca Hayward? Outside of the ballet world Hayward was also known for collaborating with active wear brand Lululemon last year. Since the trailer's release the claws have truly been out, with viewers mocking the CGI creations for numerous reasons. Some have dubbed cat representations 'more terrifying than IT' referring to the character Pennywise in the horror flick that also released a trailerr for its sequel 'IT Chapter Two' this week. CATS trailer,' one person tweeted. Show my wife the Cats trailer and she said "this is the final straw" and left the house,' another commented. One shot from the trailer lead to a more unusual theory from one user, Eleanor Mason, claiming a Soviet conspiracy. Communist Ahoy: Taylor Swift),' she wrote. Writer-editor Noah Harald joked, 'Show us the anthropomorphic cat buttholes you cowards. CatsMovie,' referring to the tail seemingly coming directly out of it's hind end, not above it. CATS is our punishment for Snapchat filters,' wrote Cosmopolitan TV editor Emily Tannenbaum. The film which is due to be released in December, will also feature James Corden, Rebel Wilson and others.

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Your elevator speech should tell a story about who you are and what drives you. I am on a mission to assist microbusiness owners in using the Internet to grow their business, interact with customers and clients, and level the playing field against much larger competition. The term "small business" is a misnomer -- there is a vast difference in resources between a small-business with as many as 500 employees, and the entrepreneur who is going it alone. I have first-hand knowledge of the challenges that face these solopreneurs and I help them use Web 2.0 technologies to reach huge audiences with nothing but a great product, a laptop, and a pile of creativity.

Finally, create an awesome online bio to be used primarily on LinkedIn and your blog.youtube.com Judi Young is a writer and entrepreneur on a mission to assist small and micro businesses worldwide in joining the online conversation. If you connect with someone who likes and respects you, and has a need for your services, they will seek you out. You may already have a personal Facebook page. It is acceptable, even encouraged, to provide your professional contacts a glimpse into your personal life-to a degree. If you use Facebook regularly to keep up with friends and family, post pictures, and make political statements, you may want to consider whether your Facebook activity puts you in the best possible light with your clients.

Maintaining a Facebook page is not critical to your success as a consultant, so you may wish to continue using Facebook as your personal site and rely on LinkedIn to socialize professionally. Tip: Farmville, MafiaWars, and other Facebook applications are generally considered to be in bad form in a professional environment.youtube.com LinkedIn is the most important site for a consultant to be active on. How did we connect with past colleagues, current business contacts, and other professionals prior to LinkedIn? Once you have your resume and marketing plan completed, sign up for a LinkedIn personal account (free) and start connecting. The initial LinkedIn process will walk you through connecting to colleagues already in their database.youtube.com You cannot have too many connections on LinkedIn, so reach out to everyone you have worked with no matter how long ago.