When developing an intelligent digital interviewer it is essential to define its concrete purpose, specify information to be collected, design the user interface, consider data security and conduct a practice-oriented evaluation.Practice efficiency is influenced by its operations management. We aim at studying implementation of operations management in Swiss medical practices and we develop a dashboard that allows controlling and managing resources. To study operations management and relevant indicators in ambulant care, we distributed questionnaires by e-mail and conducted 6 interviews. In collaboration with a group practice, we collected requirements regarding a dashboard for operations management, developed a mockup and finally a prototype. This prototype was deployed and implemented in daily routine. From the assessments we learned that practice information systems (PIS) are not sufficiently supporting production planning and control. Relevant indicators include processing time per patient or waiting time for quantifying efficiency and identify potential improvements in production. Within 5 weeks of implementation of our dashboard in a group practice, we learned that calculating indicators and support of operations management by means of a dashboard is well appreciated by practice employees. Indicators are considered extremely useful for operations management.The benefits of eHealth interventions for people with dementia and their informal caregivers have been demonstrated in several studies. In times of contact restrictions, digital solutions have become increasingly important, especially for people with dementia and their mostly elderly caregiving relatives, which are at increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19. As in many other health areas, there is a lack of digital interventions in the dementia landscape that are successfully implemented (i.e., put into practice), especially digital interventions that are scientifically evaluated. Evaluated and proven effective digital interventions exist, but these often do not find their way from research into practice and stay on low-level implementation readiness. Within the project digiDEM Bayern, a digital platform with digital services and interventions for people affected by dementia (people with dementia, caregivers, volunteers and interested citizens) is established. As one digital intervention for informal caregivers, the 'Angehörigenampel' (caregivers' traffic-light) was developed, which is able to assess the physical and psychological burden of caregivers. This can help to counteract the health effects of caregiving burden early on before it is too late. The development of the digital intervention as a WordPress-plugin was kept generic so that it can easily be adapted to other languages on further websites. The 'intervention as a plugin' approach demonstrates an easy and flexible way of deploying eHealth interventions to other service providers, especially from other countries. The implementation barriers for other service providers are low enough for them to be able to easily integrate the eHealth intervention on their website, enabling more caregivers to benefit from the disseminated eHealth intervention.Összefoglaló. A cystás fibrosis az egyik leggyakoribb veleszületett genetikai rendellenesség, előfordulása Magyarországon 14000. Az érintett szervekben a mirigyek által termelt nyák emelkedett viszkozitása krónikus gyulladáshoz vezet. A progressziót a pulmonalis folyamat határozza meg, súlyos esetben a tüdőtranszplantáció az egyetlen megoldás. A betegek instabil állapota és a hosszú várólista miatt a megfelelő előkészítés kihívásokkal teli, a műtét sokszor sikertelen. A szerzők egy eset segítségével ismertetik a személyre szabott, pozitív nyomású légzésterápia szerepét a transzplantációra való előkészítésben cystás fibrosisban. A 13 éves serdülőt csecsemőkorában történt jobb tüdőcsúcs-reszekciót, majd verejtékvizsgálatot és genetikai tipizálást követően 8 hónapos korától gondoztuk a Heim Pál Országos Gyermekgyógyászati Intézetben cystás fibrosissal. Fokozatosan romló klinikai állapota miatt 11 éves korától otthoni oxigénterápiát igényelt, 13 éves korára tüdőtranszplantáció vált szükségessé. A transzplantációiand systemic treatment - personalised positive airway pressure therapy was indicated. selleck inhibitor At the pressure of 4 cmH2O and an oxygen flow rate of 1 l/min, oxygen saturation was higher than 90% during 100% of the total sleep time. Improvement was registered in both general condition and respiratory function, followed by a successful lung transplantation. In patients with cystic fibrosis, personalized positive airway pressure therapy improves respiratory function, general condition and elevates the success rate of lung transplantation. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(19) 760-765.Összefoglaló. Bevezetés A hiatus hernia egy anatómiai betegség; gyakoribb előfordulása idősebbeknél jelezheti, hogy a betegség idővel előrehalad, súlyosbodik. Elhanyagolt esetben szövődmények alakulhatnak ki, melyek növelhetik a perioperatív mortalitást. Célkitűzés A laparoszkópos hiatusrekonstrukciók sebészetében szerzett műtéti tapasztalataink ismertetése mellett igyekeztünk statisztikailag alátámasztható korrelációt találni a rekeszizom-defektus anatómiai paraméterei, valamint a betegek életkora között. Módszer Retrospektív tanulmányunk keretében elemeztük azon betegeinket, akik laparoszkópos hiatus hernia műtéten estek át egy 58 hónapos (2016. január-2020. október) vizsgálati periódus során. A rekeszi defektus méreteit endoszkópos vonalzóval a műtét közben megmértük, a hiatus oesophagei felszínét standard matematikai formula segítségével számoltuk ki. A sürgősséggel műtétre kerülő betegeink adatait külön elemeztük. Statisztikai analízis A defektus mérete és a betegek életkora és magassága közötti korrelácts were women, and the mean BMI was 28.8 ± 5.5 kg/m2. Patient age showed significant positive correlation with the transverse dimension and the size of the hiatal defect. 5 patients underwent surgery due to acute indications. We found similarities in the size of the defects; at 2 patients we documented severe complications.
A better understanding of the underlying anatomical disorders and the consecutively modified surgical technique will hopefully reduce the long-term recurrencies in the future. The elective surgery performed in the right time results in lower mortality, less complications and shorter hospitalization time. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(19) 754-759.
A better understanding of the underlying anatomical disorders and the consecutively modified surgical technique will hopefully reduce the long-term recurrencies in the future. The elective surgery performed in the right time results in lower mortality, less complications and shorter hospitalization time. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(19) 754-759.