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University students need memory to manage the learning processes based on metacognition and in this way they can respond to future demands as professionals.

was structured with a quantitative approach, comparative type, non-experimental cross-sectional design, the sample consisted of 237 responses from students.

the age was 26.45 ± 8.96 years, 66% female and 34% male, students older than 27 years had a higher average in the use of memory strategies (p = 0.003); a longer semester was obtained, the average perception of the strategy increased (p = 0.027). When using ICT, the perception of satisfaction (p = 0.014), competence (p <0.001), strategy (p = 0.004) and general memory (p = 0.001) decrease.

the subjects showed a perception of memory approximately the same according to sex, it was found that, at an older age, there was a better perception of the strategy and in terms of regions of origin, the students of the University of Los Andes reported an average of satisfaction lower than that of students from other study houses, and a higher average in relation to the perception of competence. Regarding the use of ICT and the perception of memory, it shows that students who do not use mobile devices before going to sleep have a more satisfactory perception of their general memory, as well as their perception of competence and strategy.

the subjects showed a perception of memory approximately the same according to sex, it was found that, at an older age, there was a better perception of the strategy and in terms of regions of origin, the students of the University of Los Andes reported an average of satisfaction lower than that of students from other study houses, and a higher average in relation to the perception of competence. Regarding the use of ICT and the perception of memory, it shows that students who do not use mobile devices before going to sleep have a more satisfactory perception of their general memory, as well as their perception of competence and strategy.During menopausal transition, mild clinical signs of hyperandrogenism may appear as part of the normal aging process, but the development of frank virilization suggests a specific source of androgen excess. In this context, androgen-secreting tumors at both adrenal and ovarian levels should be ruled out. this website We present the case of a 51-year-old postmenopausal woman with signs of 12 month period virilization, associated with personal history of type 2 diabetes and arterial hypertension, poorly managed in the past year. Laboratory tests showed elevation of serum androgen levels and hyperinsulinemia. Images were requested, revealing both enlarged homogeneous and solid ovaries, with preserved adrenal glands, which led to suspicion of a possible thecal hyperplasia of the ovarian stroma. Laparoscopic bilateral adnexectomy was performed and the pathological report confirmed the presumptive diagnosis. One month later after surgery, serum testosterone levels returned to values close to spected for a postmenopausal woman. Finding the source of virilization in postmenopausal women is challenging, and they are usually associated with rare pathologies. A detailed medical history is essential to differentiate the progressive development of virilization that characterizes benign causes from the rapid progression that characterizes malignant tumors. The adequate interpretation of laboratory tests with complementary images, as well as looking for the association of pathologies causing elevated cardiovascular risk such as diabetes and hypertension are essential to establish a right diagnosis and treatment.Introducción La Red Internacional para la Investigación, Monitoreo y Apoyo a la Acción para la Alimentación, Obesidad y Enfermedades No Transmisibles (INFORMAS por su sigla en inglés) ha desarrollado el Protocolo para evaluar la Disponibilidad de Alimentos en Supermercados. Objetivos Describir el proceso de adaptación del protocolo para utilizarlo en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (BA) y evaluar la variabilidad inter-observador al aplicarlo en supermercados de la ciudad. Metodología El principal indicador del protocolo es la disponibilidad relativa de alimentos saludables (AS) vs. no saludables (ANS), calculado como el cociente entre la longitud (m) de estantes asignados a AS y ANS (longitudAS/ANS). Se adaptó la selección de alimentos a incluir en el indicador para utilizarlo en BA. Para explorar el funcionamiento del indicador se construyó una referencia, midiendo todos los alimentos y bebidas ofrecidos en 5 supermercados, que se clasificaron en AS y ANS según las guías alimentarias argentinas. El indicador se comparó con la disponibilidad relativa calculada a partir de la referencia. Para evaluar la confiabilidad inter-observador dos observadores realizaron mediciones en tres supermercados y se calculó el coeficiente de correlación intra-clase (CCI). Resultados Según la referencia, el cociente longitudAS/ANS varió entre 0,16 y 0,61, con una media de 0,34 (DE 0,18). El indicador adaptado produjo resultados similares con una diferencia media de -0,05 (DE 0,04). El CCI entre la mediciones de ambos observadores resultó 0,92 (IC95% 0,86-0,98). Conclusión Se adaptó el protocolo para aplicarlo en BA, con modificaciones en los alimentos a evaluar y una adecuada confiabilidad inter-observador.The COVID-19 pandemic is pronounced as a turning point in our professional health practice, from which new opportunities will arise with which we must promote the rights of children and people with disabilities.

The specific objective of this investigation is to explore the impact of miR-198 on proliferation, migration as well as invasion of ovarian cancer (OC) cells.

OC tissue and adjacent normal tissue samples from OC patients were collected, and normal human ovarian epithelial cell IOSE80 and OC cell lines SKOV3, Caov3, A2780 and OVCAR3 were selected in this study for investigation. MiR-198 expression level was assessed using RT-qPCR. MTT, colony formation assay, Transwell and wound healing assay, and flow cytometry were adopted to analyze the role of miR-198 in OVCAR cell proliferation, invasion, migration, as well as apoptosis. Meanwhile, the levels of P13K/Akt signaling pathway-related proteins were determined by western blotting.

A significant decrease in miR-198 level was revealed in the OC tissues and cells, contributing to the promotion of OVCAR3 cells in terms of proliferation, migration, invasion, and inhibition of apoptosis. MiR-198 overexpression had an opposite effect on these biological processes of OVCAR3 cells.

Autoři článku: Turnerklinge2067 (Moore Mays)