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Phenotypic analysis of the potential of the isolates to promote early plant growth showed that wheat seeds inoculated with either P. moraviensis J12 or B. cereus J156 remarkably increased germination rate and seedlings growth. Lastly, antibiotic resistance profiling revealed that except for Pseudomonas sp. J11 and B. cereus J156, remaining strains displayed resistance at least to one of tested antibiotics. Collectively, Pseudomonas sp. J10, P. moraviensis J12, Pseudomonas sp. J153 and B. cereus J156, represent potential biofertilizers suitable for soils that are poor in P, and/or heavy metals contaminated.To continue releasing San Cristóbal Galápagos tortoises housed in managed-care facilities at the Giant Tortoise Breeding Center of Galápagos National Park (Galapaguera de Cerro Colorado) to the Otoy Ecological Farm, health assessments and physical examinations were conducted. As a part of these wellness examinations, blood was drawn from 11 tortoises to analyze fatty acid concentrations. Fatty acid levels can provide insight into the nutritional profiles, immune status, and reproductive health of vertebrates. To the co-author's knowledge, there is no current information about fatty acids in this species. It was hypothesized that there would be inherent differences based on the different geographic ranges, diets, sex, and age of turtles. It was noted that the ω-6/ω-3 ratio was higher for the breeding center than for the ecological farm and that overall polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) did not have any significant differences. The ω-6/ω-3 findings can contribute to a global picture of these fatty acids across taxa, as reptiles are underrepresented in this area of research. Additional results are a resourceful starting point for future investigations into how fatty acids are affected in Galápagos tortoises.High throughput sequencing is improving the efficiency of monitoring diatoms, which inhabit and support aquatic ecosystems across the globe. In this study, we explored the potential of a standard V4 515F-806RB primer pair in recovering diatom plastid 16S rRNA sequences. We used PhytoREF to classify the 16S reads from our freshwater biofilm field sampling from three stream segments across two streams in south-eastern Australia and retrieved diatom community data from other, publicly deposited, Australian 16S amplicon datasets. When these diatom operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were traced using the default RDPII and NCBI databases, 68% were characterized as uncultured cyanobacteria. We analysed the 16S rRNA sequences from 72 stream biofilm samples, separated the chloroplast OTUs, and classified them using the PhytoREF database. After filtering the reads attributed to Bacillariophyta (relative abundance >1%), 71 diatom OTUs comprising more than 90% of the diatom reads in each stream biofilm sample were identi.Five specimens of brittle star were collected from a deep-sea seamount in the Northwest Pacific, and identified into three species. One which is new to science, Ophioplinthaca grandisquama n. sp., can be easily distinguished from its congeners by the distinctly elongated and stout tentacle scales, stout and long disc spines, capitate with typically elongate to flaring head bearing numerous distinct thorns, radial shields roughly triangular and contiguous distally. One specimen was identified as Ophioplinthaca semele (Clark, 1949), which had been reported in Hawaii seamounts, is a new record of this species in the Northwest Pacific. The remaining specimen was an unknown species of Ophioplinthaca, with some different characteristics from other species of Ophioplinthaca. However, we, herein, prefer not to attach a name to this specimen until more morphological characteristics are available. The finding of this new species and two new records further enriches the distribution of Ophioplinthaca in the seamount of Northwest Pacific, providing useful information for marine protection in the cobalt-rich area.

detection in asymptomatic children with suspected infection or with symptoms that suggest gastric pathology is problematic, since most of the methods depend on the endoscopic study, an invasive and expensive method. Non-invasive methods can be a feasible alternative but must be validated. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the concordance between

DNA detection in saliva and dental plaque by PCR, with antigen detection in stool by immunochromatography, among asymptomatic children in the state of Guerrero, Mexico.

Dental plaque, saliva, and stool samples were obtained from 171 children between 6 and 12 years old.

detection in saliva and dental plaque was performed by PCR using specific primers for the 16S rRNA gene, while the detection in stool samples was performed by immunochromatography using the CerTest kit.

We found an overall

prevalence of 59.6% (102/171). Of the

positive children 18% (20/111) were positive in saliva samples, 28.1% (34/121) in dental plaque samples, and 50.4% (71/141) in stool samples. A higher prevalence was found in girls (64.7%,

= 0.002). Although some of the children declared some dyspeptic symptoms, these were no related to

. In conclusion, we found a high prevalence of

in asymptomatic children and the highest proportion was detected by stool antigen test, which was the most feasible method to detect


We found an overall H. pylori prevalence of 59.6% (102/171). Of the H. pylori positive children 18% (20/111) were positive in saliva samples, 28.1% (34/121) in dental plaque samples, and 50.4% (71/141) in stool samples. A higher prevalence was found in girls (64.7%, p = 0.002). Although some of the children declared some dyspeptic symptoms, these were no related to H. pylori. In conclusion, we found a high prevalence of H. pylori in asymptomatic children and the highest proportion was detected by stool antigen test, which was the most feasible method to detect H. pylori infection.Biological invasions are on the rise, with each invader carrying a plethora of associated microbes. These microbes play important, yet poorly understood, ecological roles that can include assisting the hosts in colonization and adaptation processes or as possible pathogens. Understanding how these communities differ in an invasion scenario may help to understand the host's resilience and adaptability. The Asian common toad, Duttaphrynus melanostictus is an invasive amphibian, which has recently established in Madagascar and is expected to pose numerous threats to the native ecosystems. We characterized the skin and gut bacterial communities of D. melanostictus in Toamasina (Eastern Madagascar), and compared them to those of a co-occurring native frog species, Ptychadena mascareniensis, at three sites where the toad arrived in different years. Microbial composition did not vary among sites, showing that D. melanostictus keeps a stable community across its expansion but significant differences were observed between these two amphibians. Moreover, D. melanostictus had richer and more diverse communities and also harboured a high percentage of total unique taxa (skin 80%; gut 52%). These differences may reflect the combination of multiple host-associated factors including microhabitat selection, skin features and dietary preferences.Individual identification is fundamental to the study of captive and wild animals but can have adverse impacts if the method of identification is inappropriate for the species or question of interest. We conducted a randomised controlled trial to test whether passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags reduced the growth or survival of pythons. We randomly allocated 200 captive-bred Burmese python (Python bivittatus) hatchlings into two groups, tagged versus untagged. Hatchlings were individually identified using a combination of PIT tags and unique colour patterns, and their mass, snout-vent length (SVL) and body condition measured at 9, 73, 134, 220, 292 and 385 days of age. We recorded the date of all mortalities. Python morphometrics and their rate of change increased or fluctuated non-linearly with age. The impact of PIT tagging on python body mass and body mass growth over the 376 day study period was insignificant. PIT tagging additionally had an insignificant impact on python survival. However, we found minor differences in SVL growth between tagged and untagged pythons. These differences peaked at approximately 0.5 mm/day and appeared to drive similar, but more pronounced, differences between tagged and untagged pythons in their rate of change in body condition; peaking at approximately 3-4 g/day. While we cannot be certain that these small differences are, or are not, biologically meaningful, they nonetheless appear to be short-term and readily resolved. Unsurprisingly, the strongest driver of python growth was their age, with growth rapidly increasing or highest amongst younger snakes for all measures of size. Python sex was associated with their body mass and survival, with higher mass but lower survival amongst females. Python size at hatching did not impact on their growth or survival. Our results confirm that PIT tags are a valuable and effective tool for the identification and tracking of captive pythons, and snakes generally, and meet high safety and animal welfare standards.Temnothorax is a large myrmicine ant genus with a range spanning the northern hemisphere, including the northern half of the Neotropics. Many of the Neotropical species were originally placed in the now defunct genus Macromischa. Recent molecular work has revealed that distinct lineages of Neotropical Temnothorax have arrived by evolutionary convergenceat a morphological syndrome with characteristics that were used to diagnose the former genus Macromischa. One such lineage is the salvini clade, which in this study is redefined to contain 63 species, 35 of which are described as new. A key to all species of the salvini clade based on the worker caste is provided; additionally, a worker-based key to all clades of the New World is provided. The following species are redescribed T. albispinus (Wheeler), T. androsanus (Wheeler), T. annexus (Baroni Urbani), T. augusti (Baroni Urbani), T. aztecus (Wheeler), T. ciferrii (Menozzi & Russo), T. flavidulus (Wheeler & Mann), T. fuscatus (Mann), T. goniops (Baroni Urbani),d T. longicaulis stat. nov., nom. nov. The following species are described as new T. achii sp. nov., T. acuminatus sp. nov., T. acutispinosus sp. nov., T. agavicola sp. nov., T. altinodus sp. nov., T. arbustus sp. nov., T. aureus sp. nov., T. aztecoides sp. nov., T. bahoruco sp. nov., T. balaclava sp. nov., T. balnearius sp. nov., T. bison sp. nov., T. casanovai sp. nov., T. fortispinosus sp. nov., T. harlequina sp. nov., T. hippolytus sp. nov., T. laticrus sp. nov., T. leucacanthoides sp. nov., T. longinoi sp. nov., T. magnabulla sp. nov., T. misomoschus sp. nov., T. nebliselva sp. nov., T. obtusigaster sp. nov., T. paraztecus sp. nov., T. parralensis sp. nov., T. parvidentatus sp. nov., T. pilicornis sp. nov., T. quercicola sp. nov., T. quetzal sp. nov., T. rutabulafer sp. nov., T. terraztecus sp. nov., T. tuxtlanus sp. nov., T. wettereri sp. nov., T. wilsoni sp. nov., T. xincai sp. nov.

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