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From a mechanistic point of view, we speculated that the imine intermediate, synthesized by oxidases or dehydrogenases, could be converted into primary α-aminonitrile by nucleophilic addition of cyanide in aqueous solutions. Nitriles and some unnatural amino acids were synthesized through a cascade reaction by oxidative cyanation reaction with the variant and a wide substrate specificity nitrilase.Flavin-dependent enzymes catalyze a wide variety of biological reactions that are important for all types of living organisms. Knowledge gained from studying the chemistry and biological functions of flavins and flavin-dependent enzymes has continuously made significant contributions to the development of the fields of enzymology and metabolism from the 1970s until now. The enzymes have been applied in various applications such as use as biocatalysts in synthetic processes for the chemical and pharmaceutical industries or in the biodetoxification and bioremediation of toxic or unwanted compounds, and as biosensors or biodetection tools for quantifying various agents of interest. Many flavin-dependent enzymes are also prime targets for drug development. Based on their reaction mechanisms, they can be classified into five categories oxidase, dehydrogenase, monooxygenase, reductase, and redox neutral flavin-dependent enzymes. In this chapter, the general properties of flavin-dependent enzymes and the nature of their chemical reactions are discussed, along with their practical applications.Deep brain stimulation is a promising therapeutic approach for patients with treatment-resistant obsessive-compulsive disorder, a condition linked to abnormalities in corticobasal ganglia networks. Effective targets are placed in one of four subcortical areas with the goal of capturing prefrontal, anterior cingulate, and basal ganglia connections linked to the limbic system. These include the anterior limb of the internal capsule, the ventral striatum, the subthalamic nucleus, and a midbrain target. The goal of this review is to examine these 4 targets with respect to the similarities and differences of their connections. Following a review of the connections for each target based on anatomic studies in nonhuman primates, we examine the accuracy of diffusion magnetic resonance imaging tractography to replicate those connections in nonhuman primates, before evaluating the connections in the human brain based on diffusion magnetic resonance imaging tractography. Results demonstrate that the four targets generally involve similar connections, all of which are part of the internal capsule. Nonetheless, some connections are unique to each site. Delineating the similarities and differences across targets is a critical step for evaluating and comparing the effectiveness of each and how circuits contribute to the therapeutic outcome. It also underscores the importance that the terminology used for each target accurately reflects its position and its anatomic connections, so as to enable comparisons across clinical studies and for basic scientists to probe mechanisms underlying deep brain stimulation.Protein composition is restricted by the genetic code to a relatively small number of natural amino acids. Similarly, the known three-dimensional structures adopt a limited number of protein folds. However, proteins exert a large variety of functions and show a remarkable ability for regulation and immediate response to intracellular and extracellular stimuli. To some degree, the wide variability of protein function can be attributed to the post-translational modifications. Post-translational modifications have been observed in all kingdoms of life and give to proteins a significant degree of chemical and consequently functional and structural diversity. Their importance is partly reflected in the large number of genes dedicated to their regulation. So far, hundreds of post-translational modifications have been observed while it is believed that many more are to be discovered along with the technological advances in sequencing, proteomics, mass spectrometry and structural biology. Indeed, the number of studies which report novel post translational modifications is getting larger supporting the notion that their space is still largely unexplored. In this review we explore the impact of post-translational modifications on protein structure and function with emphasis on catalytic activity regulation. We present examples of proteins and protein families whose catalytic activity is substantially affected by the presence of post translational modifications and we describe the molecular basis which underlies the regulation of the protein function through these modifications. When available, we also summarize the current state of knowledge on the mechanisms which introduce these modifications to protein sites.Dihydropyrimidinase catalyzes the reversible hydrolytic ring opening of dihydrouracil and dihydrothymine to N-carbamoyl-β-alanine and N-carbamyl-β-aminoisobutyrate, respectively. Dihydropyrimidinase from microorganisms is normally known as hydantoinase because of its role as a biocatalyst in the synthesis of d- and l-amino acids for the industrial production of antibiotic precursors and its broad substrate specificity. Dihydropyrimidinase belongs to the cyclic amidohydrolase family, which also includes imidase, allantoinase, and dihydroorotase. Although these metal-dependent enzymes share low levels of amino acid sequence homology, they possess similar active site architectures and may use a similar mechanism for catalysis. By contrast, the five human dihydropyrimidinase-related proteins possess high amino acid sequence identity and are structurally homologous to dihydropyrimidinase, but they are neuronal proteins with no dihydropyrimidinase activity. In this chapter, we summarize and discuss current knowledge and the recent advances on the structure, catalytic mechanism, and inhibition of dihydropyrimidinase.Enzymes are dynamic in nature and understanding their activity depends on exploring their overall structural fluctuation as well as transformation at the active site in free state as well as turnover conditions. In this chapter, the application of several different spectroscopy techniques viz. single molecule spectroscopy, ultrafast spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy in the context of enzyme dynamics and catalysis are discussed. The importance of such studies are significant in the understanding of new discoveries of drugs, cure for some lethal diseases, gene modification as well as in industrial applications.Cytochromes P450 (P450s) are a large superfamily of heme-containing monooxygenases. selleckchem P450s are found in all Kingdoms of life and exhibit incredible diversity, both at sequence level and also on a biochemical basis. In the majority of cases, P450s can be assigned into one of ten classes based on their associated redox partners, domain architecture and cellular localization. Prokaryotic P450s now represent a large diverse collection of annotated/known enzymes, of which many have great potential biocatalytic potential. The self-sufficient P450 classes (Class VII/VIII) have been explored significantly over the past decade, with many annotated and biochemically characterized members. It is clear that the prokaryotic P450 world is expanding rapidly, as the number of published genomes and metagenome studies increases, and more P450 families are identified and annotated (CYP families).Protein phosphatase 1 is a major Ser/Thr protein phosphatase activity in eukaryotic cells. link2 It is composed of a catalytic polypeptide (PP1C), with little substrate specificity, that interacts with a large variety of proteins of diverse structure (regulatory subunits). The diversity of holoenzymes that can be formed explain the multiplicity of cellular functions under the control of this phosphatase. In quite a few cases, regulatory subunits have an inhibitory role, downregulating the activity of the phosphatase. In this chapter we shall introduce PP1C and review the most relevant families of PP1C regulatory subunits, with particular emphasis in describing the structural basis for their interaction.There is a growing interest to study and address neglected tropical diseases (NTD). To this end, in silico methods can serve as the bridge that connects academy and industry, encouraging the development of future treatments against these diseases. This chapter discusses current challenges in the development of new therapies, available computational methods and successful cases in computer-aided design with particular focus on human trypanosomiasis. Novel targets are also discussed. link3 As a case study, we identify amentoflavone as a potential inhibitor of TcSir2rp3 (sirtuine) from Trypanosoma cruzi (20.03 μM) with a workflow that integrates chemoinformatic approaches, molecular modeling, and theoretical affinity calculations, as well as in vitro assays.Significant advances have been made toward discovering allosteric inhibitors for challenging drug targets such as the Ras family of membrane-associated signaling proteins. Malfunction of Ras proteins due to somatic mutations is associated with up to a quarter of all human cancers. Computational techniques have played critical roles in identifying and characterizing allosteric ligand-binding sites on these proteins, and to screen ligand libraries against those sites. These efforts, combined with a wide range of biophysical, structural, biochemical and cell biological experiments, are beginning to yield promising inhibitors to treat malignancies associated with mutated Ras proteins. In this chapter, we discuss some of these developments and how the lessons learned from Ras might be applied to similar other challenging drug targets.Epigenetics was coined almost 70 years ago for the description of heritable phenotype without altering DNA sequences. Research on the field has uncovered significant roles of such mechanisms, that account for the biogenesis of several diseases. Further studies have led the way for drug development which targets epi-enzymes, mainly for cancer treatment. Of the numerous epi-targets involved with histone acetylation, bromodomains have captured the spotlight of drug discovery focused on novel therapies. However, due to high sequence identity, the development of potent and selective inhibitors poses a significant challenge. Herein, we discuss recent computational developments on BET inhibitors and other methods that may be applied for drug discovery in general. As a proof-of-concept, we discuss a virtual screening to identify novel BET inhibitors based on coumarin derivatives. From public data, we identified putative structure-activity relationships of coumarin scaffold and propose R-group modifications for BET selectivity. Results showed that the optimization and design of novel coumarins could be further explored.With the increase of the need to use more sustainable processes for the industry in our society, the modeling of enzymes has become crucial to fully comprehend their mechanism of action and use this knowledge to enhance and design their properties. A lot of methods to study enzymes computationally exist and they have been classified on sequence-based, structure-based, and the more new artificial intelligence-based ones. Albeit the abundance of methods to help predict the function of an enzyme, molecular modeling is crucial when trying to understand the enzyme mechanism, as they aim to correlate atomistic information with experimental data. Among them, methods that simulate the system dynamics at a molecular mechanics level of theory (classical force fields) have shown to offer a comprehensive study. In this book chapter, we will analyze these techniques, emphasizing the importance of precise modeling of enzyme-substrate interactions. In the end, a brief explanation of the transference of the information from research studies to the industry is given accompanied with two examples of family enzymes where their modeling has helped their exploitation.

Autoři článku: Turanolsson1881 (Bloom Guerra)