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of uterine involvement in endometriosis. This might indicate that many uterine endometriosis cases are still hidden from view, possibly demonstrating an "iceberg phenomenon".COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for multiple sclerosis patients. Disease-modifying therapies can influence the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines. RNA, DNA, protein, and inactivated vaccines are likely safe for multiple sclerosis patients. A few incidences of central demyelination were reported with viral vector vaccines, but their benefits likely outweigh their risks if alternatives are unavailable. Live-attenuated vaccines should be avoided whenever possible in treated patients. Interferon-beta, glatiramer acetate, teriflunomide, fumarates, and natalizumab are not expected to impact vaccine efficacy, while cell-depleting agents (ocrelizumab, rituximab, ofatumumab, alemtuzumab, and cladribine) and sphingosine-1-phosphate modulators will likely attenuate vaccine responses. Coordinating vaccine timing with dosing regimens for some therapies may optimize vaccine efficacy.Fluoxetine is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, which also has an immunomodulatory effect. We investigated the effects of fluoxetine and serotonin (5-HT) on the pro-inflammatory Th17- and Th1-cells in 30 patients with relapsing-remitting MS and 20 healthy subjects. Fluoxetine and 5-HT suppressed IL-17, IFN-γ and GM-CSF production by stimulated СD4+ T-cells in both groups. Blockade of 5-HT2B-receptors decreased the inhibitory effect of fluoxetine on cytokine production in MS patients. Finally, 5-HT2B-receptor activation inhibits IL-17, IFN-γ and GM-CSF production in both groups. These data suggest an anti-inflammatory role for fluoxetine in MS, which could be mediated by the activation of 5-HT2B-receptors.

The COVID-19 pandemic forced consultation-liaison psychiatrists to adapt to unprecedented circumstances. The Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry (ACLP) recognized the need and opportunity to assess its response and convened a task force in mid-2020 to review the lessons learned from the initial experience of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The aim of the study was to summarize experience and make recommendations to the ACLP Board of Directors about potential ACLP directions related to current and future pandemic response.

In August-November 2020, the task force reviewed local experiences, ACLP list-serv contributions, and the published literature and generated recommendations for ACLP actions.

Recommendations addressed telepsychiatry, hospital staff wellness, support for consultation-liaison psychiatrists, the need for additional research on psychiatric and neuropsychiatric aspects of COVID-19, and the ACLP's role in advocacy and dissemination of information. The task force report was submitted to the ACLP Board of Directors in November 2020.

As the preeminent organization of consultation-liaison psychiatrists, the ACLP can implement actions related to pandemic awareness and preparedness for the benefit of consultation-liaison psychiatrists, other health care workers, patients, and the general population.

As the preeminent organization of consultation-liaison psychiatrists, the ACLP can implement actions related to pandemic awareness and preparedness for the benefit of consultation-liaison psychiatrists, other health care workers, patients, and the general population.The specific identification and elimination of cancer cells has been a great challenge in the past few decades. In this study, the circular dichroism (CD) of cells was measured by a self-designed special system through the folate-conjugated chiral nano-sensor. A novel method was established to recognize cancer cells from normal cells according to the chirality of cells based on their CD signals. After a period of interaction between the nano-sensor and cells, the sharp weakening of CD signals was induced in cancer cells but normal cells remained unchanged. The biocompatibility of the nano-sensor was evaluated and the result showed that it exhibited significant cytotoxic activity against cancer cells while no obvious damage on normal cells. KU-55933 ATM Kinase inhibitor Notably, the research indicated that the nano-sensor may selectively cause apoptosis in cancer cells, and thus, have the potential to act as an antitumor agent.The medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) plays a vital role in the processing of emotional events. It has been shown that activation of the glutamatergic transmission in prelimbic subregion of the mPFC (PL-PFC) evoked anxiety-like behavior in rodents. We previously reported that local perfusion of a selective agonist to delta-opioid receptor (DOP), KNT-127, attenuated the veratrine-induced elevation of extracellular glutamate in the PL-PFC and anxiety-like behavior in mice. These results suggested the possibility that KNT-127 suppresses glutamate release from the presynaptic site in the PL-PFC. To examine this possibility directly, we performed whole-cell patch-clamp recording from principal neurons in the PL-PFC and examined the spontaneous and electrically-evoked excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSC)s. We found that bath application of KNT-127 significantly decreased the frequency of spontaneous and miniature EPSCs. Conversely, amplitude, rise time, and decay time of spontaneous and miniature EPSCs were not affected by bath application of KNT-127. Also, KNT-127 increased paired-pulse ratios of electrically-evoked EPSCs in the PL-PFC principal neurons tested. Further, we analyzed the firing properties of pyramidal neurons in the PL-PFC and found that KNT-127 treatment significantly reduced the number of action potentials and firing threshold. These results suggested that KNT-127 suppresses glutamatergic synaptic transmission by inhibiting glutamate release from the presynaptic site and reduces neuronal excitability in the mouse PL-PFC. We propose the possibility that these suppressing effects of KNT-127 on PL-PFC activity are part of the underlying mechanisms of its anxiolytic-like effects.The gastrointestinal tract of the human body is characterized by a highly unique oxygenation profile, where the oxygen concentration decreases toward the lower tract, not found in other organs. The epithelial cells lining the mucosa where Helicobacter pylori resides exist in a relatively low oxygen environment with a partial pressure of oxygen (pO2) below 58 mm Hg. However, the contribution of hypoxia to H. pylori-induced host immune responses remains elusive. In this study, we investigated the inflammasome activation induced by H. pylori under hypoxic, compared with normoxic, conditions. Our results indicated that the activation of caspase-1 and the subsequent secretion of IL-1β were significantly enhanced in infected macrophages under 1% oxygen, compared with those under a normal 20% oxygen concentration. The proliferation of H. pylori under aerobic conditions was 3-fold higher than under microaerophilic conditions, and the bacterial growth was more dependent on CO2 than on oxygen. Also, we observed that hypoxia-induced cytokine production as well as HIF-1α accumulation were both decreased when murine macrophages were treated with an HIF-1α inhibitor, KC7F2. Furthermore, hypoxia enhanced the phagocytosis of H. pylori in an HIF-1α-dependent manner. IL-1β production was also affected by the HIF-1α inhibitor in a mouse infection model, suggesting the important role of HIF-1α in the host defense system during infection with H. pylori. Our findings provide new insights into the intersection of low oxygen, H. pylori, and inflammation and disclosed how H. pylori under low oxygen tension can aggravate IL-1β secretion.Aspirin can efficiently inhibit the glycolysis and proliferation of cancer cells, however, the underlying mechanism is poorly understood. Here, we report that aspirin attenuates the glycolysis and proliferation of hepatoma cells through modulating the levels of lysine 2-hydroxyisobutyrylation (Khib) of enolase 1 (ENO1). We found that aspirin decreased the levels of glucose consumption and lactate production in hepatoma cells. Moreover, 4 mM aspirin reduced the activities of ENO1, a key enzyme of glycolysis, and decreased the levels of ENO1 Khib in the cells. Interestingly, we identified that 4 mM aspirin could decrease the levels of Khib on many proteins by using pan Khib antibody in the cells. Interestingly, the activities of ENO1 could be rescued by the transient overexpression of ENO1, but not by ENO1 mutant (K281R). Moreover, we identified that the C646, an inhibitor of p300 which is a writer of Khib, could reduce the levels of ENO1 Khib, resulting in the decrease of ENO1 activities. The treatment with PDTC, an inhibitor of NF-κB which is a target of aspirin, could work well as C646 in the cells. Both of aspirin and C646 (or PDTC) displayed a stronger effect than the single treatment in the system. Functionally, ENO1, but not ENO1 mutant (K281R), could rescue the aspirin-induced inhibition of proliferation of liver cancer cells in vitro, suggesting that ENO1K281 is involved in the aspirin-mediated inhibition of liver cancer. Our finding provides new insights into the mechanism by which aspirin attenuates the glycolysis and proliferation of hepatoma cells.Immune checkpoint blockade treatment is one of the most promising immunotherapies, which exhibits promising therapeutic effects on inhibition of metastasis. However, immunotherapy has little effect on pancreatic cancer, due to its extensive fibrotic matrix and immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment. Mild hyperthermia induced by photothermal therapy (PTT) has been proven to activate the immune responses in the tumor microenvironment. Herein, we designed a combine strategy of mild hyperthermia and immune checkpoint blockade (BMS-202) treatment with size-adjustable thermo- and fibrotic matrix- sensitive liposomes (HSA-BMS@CAP-ILTSL), in which BMS-202 loaded small-sized albumin nanoparticle (HSA-BMS) was encapsulated. Mild hyperthermia reduced the tumor hypoxia, relieved the interstitial pressure and increased the recruitment of endogenous immune cells in tumors. In the meantime, small-sized HSA-BMS was released from large-sized HSA-BMS@CAP-ILTSL in response to fibroblast activation protein-α (FAP-α) and near-isuppressive signals deep in the tumor), but enhanced tumor blood perfusion for infiltration of endogenous immune cells. In the two-pronged treatment, the pancreatic cancer immunotherapy significantly enhanced and the risk of cancer metastasis was reduced. Overall, the strategy provides a promising approach to increase drug accumulation and improve the anti-tumor immune activity in pancreatic cancer.

Serotonergic dysfunction may be involved in the etiology of overall neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) and agitation in patients with dementia; therefore, we aim to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis to investigate the efficacy of serotonergic antidepressants in such populations.

We systematically searched PubMed, Medline, Embase, and Cochrane Library to obtain randomized controlled trials (RCTs) from the date of their inception until December 11, 2020 to examine the effect of serotonergic antidepressants on the outcomes of interest in patients with dementia. Data were pooled using a random-effects model. Co-primary outcomes were mean changes in overall NPS and agitation as a specific symptom of NPS. Secondary outcomes were mean changes in depressive symptoms, cognition, and care burden.

Fourteen randomized controlled trials were eligible (n = 1,374; mean age = 76.8 years; mean proportion of female = 61.9 %). Serotonergic antidepressants significantly reduced the overall NPS (k = 12, n = 1276, Hedges' g = -0.

Autoři článku: Tuckertemple3070 (Kilic Malmberg)