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Stigma against patients with functional neurological disorder (FND) presents obstacles to diagnosis, treatment, and research. The lack of biomarkers and the potential for symptoms to be misunderstood, invalidated, or dismissed can leave patients, families, and healthcare professionals at a loss. Stigma exacerbates suffering and unmet needs of patients and families, and can result in poor clinical management and prolonged, repetitive use of healthcare resources. Our current understanding of stigma in FND comes from surveys documenting frustration experienced by providers and distressing healthcare interactions experienced by patients. However, little is known about the origins of FND stigma, its prevalence across different healthcare contexts, its impact on patient health outcomes, and optimal methods for reduction. In this paper, we set forth a research agenda directed at better understanding the prevalence and context of stigma, clarifying its impact on patients and providers, and promoting best practices for stigma reduction.We propose a method to measure the local porosity of porous samples from scanning electron microscopy images in the backscattered electron mode. The porous samples are impregnated with a polymer resin and observed in polished cross sections. Image intensities are calibrated with intensities from pure resin and the bulk phase. The calibration model is justified with Monte Carlo simulations on perfectly homogeneous virtual samples. Uncertainties in measured porosity are given as a function of uncertainties on physical properties of the resin and the bulk phase and on measured signals. The methodology is applied to a series of heterogeneous alumina catalyst supports with varying porosities. A good agreement is found between the averaged local porosity by scanning electron microscopy and global porosity determined by mercury intrusion porosimetry. The use of local porosity statistics allowed the quantitative characterization of the porosity fluctuations of these supports that appeared to be linked with their preparation parameters.

Studies evaluating depression's role in lung cancer risk revealed contradictory findings, partly because of the small number of cases, short follow-up periods, and failure to account for key covariates including smoking exposure. We investigated the association of depressive symptoms with lung cancer risk in a large prospective cohort over 24 years while considering the role of smoking.

Women from the Nurses' Health Study completed measures of depressive symptoms, sociodemographics, and other factors including smoking in 1992 (N = 42 913). Selleckchem IBMX Depressive symptoms were also queried in 1996 and 2000, whereas regular antidepressant use and physician-diagnosed depression were collected starting in 1996. Multivariable Cox regression models estimated hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of lung cancer risk until 2016.

We identified 1009 cases of lung cancer. Women with the highest v. lowest level of depressive symptoms had an increased lung cancer risk (HRsociodemographics-adjusted = 1.62, 95% CI 1.34-1.95; HRfully-adjusted = 1.25, 95% CI 1.04-1.51). In a test of mediation, lifetime pack-years of smoking accounted for 38% of the overall association between depressive symptoms and disease risk. When stratifying by smoking status, the elevated risk was evident among former smokers but not current or never smokers; however, the interaction term suggested no meaningful differences across groups (p = 0.29). Results were similar or stronger when considering time-updated depression status (using depressive symptoms, physician diagnosis, and regular antidepressant use) and chronicity of depressive symptoms.

These findings suggest that greater depressive symptoms may contribute to lung cancer incidence, directly and indirectly via smoking habits, which accounted for over a third of the association.

These findings suggest that greater depressive symptoms may contribute to lung cancer incidence, directly and indirectly via smoking habits, which accounted for over a third of the association.

Experimental work in animals has shown that DNA methylation (DNAm), an epigenetic mechanism regulating gene expression, is influenced by typical variation in maternal care. While emerging research in humans supports a similar association, studies to date have been limited to candidate gene and cross-sectional approaches, with a focus on extreme deviations in the caregiving environment.

Here, we explored the prospective association between typical variation in maternal sensitivity and offspring epigenome-wide DNAm, in a population-based cohort of children (N = 235). Maternal sensitivity was observed when children were 3- and 4-years-old. DNAm, quantified with the Infinium 450 K array, was extracted at age 6 (whole blood). The influence of methylation quantitative trait loci (mQTLs), DNAm at birth (cord blood), and confounders (socioeconomic status, maternal psychopathology) was considered in follow-up analyses.

Genome-wide significant associations between maternal sensitivity and offspring DNAm were observed at 13 regions (p < 1.06 × 10-07), but not at single sites. Follow-up analyses indicated that associations at these regions were in part related to genetic factors, confounders, and baseline DNAm levels at birth, as evidenced by the presence of mQTLs at five regions and estimate attenuations. Robust associations with maternal sensitivity were found at four regions, annotated to ZBTB22, TAPBP, ZBTB12, and DOCK4.

These findings provide novel leads into the relationship between typical variation in maternal caregiving and offspring DNAm in humans, highlighting robust regions of associations, previously implicated in psychological and developmental problems, immune functioning, and stress responses.

These findings provide novel leads into the relationship between typical variation in maternal caregiving and offspring DNAm in humans, highlighting robust regions of associations, previously implicated in psychological and developmental problems, immune functioning, and stress responses.

Higher body mass index (BMI) has been found to predict greater antidepressant response to intravenous (IV) ketamine treatment. We evaluated the association between BMI and response to repeat-dose IV ketamine in patients with treatment-resistant depression (TRD).

Adults (N=230) with TRD received four infusions of IV ketamine at a community-based clinic. Changes in symptoms of depression (ie, Quick Inventory for Depressive Symptomatology-Self-Report 16; QIDS-SR16), suicidal ideation (SI; ie, QIDS-SR16 SI item), anxiety (ie, Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 Scale), anhedonic severity (ie, Snaith-Hamilton Pleasure Scale), and functioning (ie, Sheehan Disability Scale) following infusions were evaluated. Participants were stratified by BMI as normal (18.0-24.9kg/m2; n=72), overweight (25-29.9kg/m2; n=76), obese I (30-34.9kg/m2; n=47), or obese II (≥35.0kg/m2; n=35).

Similar antidepressant effects with repeat-dose ketamine were reported between BMI groups (P=.261). In addition, categorical partial response (P=.149), response (P=.526), and remission (P=.232) rates were similar between the four BMI groups.

The findings are limited by the observational, open-label design of this retrospective analysis. Pretreatment BMI did not predict response to IV ketamine, which was effective regardless of BMI.

The findings are limited by the observational, open-label design of this retrospective analysis. Pretreatment BMI did not predict response to IV ketamine, which was effective regardless of BMI.

Subanesthetic ketamine infusion therapy can produce fast-acting antidepressant effects in patients with major depression. How single and repeated ketamine treatment modulates the whole-brain functional connectome to affect clinical outcomes remains uncharacterized.

Data-driven whole brain functional connectivity (FC) analysis was used to identify the functional connections modified by ketamine treatment in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD). MDD patients (N = 61, mean age = 38, 19 women) completed baseline resting-state (RS) functional magnetic resonance imaging and depression symptom scales. Of these patients, n = 48 and n = 51, completed the same assessments 24 h after receiving one and four 0.5 mg/kg intravenous ketamine infusions. Healthy controls (HC) (n = 40, 24 women) completed baseline assessments with no intervention. Analysis of RS FC addressed effects of diagnosis, time, and remitter status.

Significant differences (p < 0.05, corrected) in RS FC were observed between HC and MDD a potential biomarker for ketamine treatment.Aripiprazole lauroxil (AL) is a long-acting atypical antipsychotic approved for the treatment of schizophrenia in adults. AL has five regimen options that offer three different injection intervals using four different dosage strengths. The relationship between dosage strength (milligram injected), injection interval (time between injection visits), and expected steady-state plasma aripiprazole concentrations may not be readily apparent. This article illustrates the relationship by providing visual scenarios of steady-state plasma aripiprazole concentrations for the five AL regimens. The efficacy of AL was originally demonstrated in a pivotal study of two AL regimens (approved as 441 mg monthly and 882 mg monthly). The three additional regimens (662 mg monthly, 882 mg every 6 weeks, and 1064 mg every 2 months) were approved based on pharmacokinetic bridging studies and population pharmacokinetic models. For this paper, expected steady-state concentrations for each AL regimen were derived from the published population pharmacokinetic models and compared using median values and ranges. The five labeled AL regimens differ in dosage strength and injection interval; however, model-simulated concentrations illustrate that each regimen produces steady-state plasma aripiprazole concentrations within the upper and lower bounds associated with known efficacy for AL 441 mg and 882 mg administered monthly. This visual presentation of the relationship between dosage strength of the AL injection, the interval between successive injections, and steady-state aripiprazole plasma concentrations may demonstrate for clinicians how dosage strength and injection interval can be considered in selecting the AL regimen option that best fits the clinical circumstances of the individual patient.

Socioeconomic risk factors may contribute to geographic variation in diseases, but studies are limited due to lack of large available cohorts.

A geographic analysis was performed of the association between socioeconomic risk factors and the distribution of vestibular schwannomas in adults diagnosed with sporadic vestibular schwannomas through the National Health Services in the West of Scotland from 2000 to 2015.

A total of 511 sporadic vestibular schwannomas were identified in a population of over 3.1 million. Prevalence of vestibular schwannomas were lowest in cases with good health (-0.64, 95 per cent confidence interval -0.93,-0.38; p = 0.002) and level 1 qualifications (-0.562, 95 per cent confidence interval -0.882 to -0.26; p = 0.01). However, these risk factors did not demonstrate consistent linearity of correlations. Prevalence was lower in people originating from European Union accession countries from April 2001 to March 2011 (-0.63, 95 per cent confidence interval -0.84 to -0.43; p = 0.002).

Autoři článku: Truesmed1247 (Song Moran)