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To confirm the influence of the glycoside cluster effect, a low-density lectin substrate was tested, and the results evidenced that the characteristic size of the molecules determines a threshold for the cluster density. The calculated detection limit and dissociation constants were 3.5 μM and 40.2 μM, respectively. Considering those results, the evaluation of the affinities toward the receptors depends on the cluster density and then, it should be designed for mimicking the biological samples.Organ on chip (OoC) devices represent the cutting edge of biotechnologies, combining advanced cell and tissue culture with microengineering. OoC is accelerating innovation in the life sciences and has the potential to revolutionise many fields including biomedical research, drug development and chemical risk assessment. In order to gain acceptance by end-users of OoC based methods and the data derived from them, and to establish OoC approaches as credible alternatives to animal testing, OoC devices need to go through an extensive qualification process. In this context, standardisation can play a key role in ensuring proper characterisation of individual devices, benchmarking against appropriate reference elements and aiding efficient communication among stakeholders. The development of standards for OoC will address several important issues such as basic terminology, device classification, and technical and biological performance. An analysis of technical and biological aspects related to OoC is presented here to identify standardisation areas specific for OoC, focusing on needs and opportunities. About 90 standards are already available from related fields including microtechnologies, medical devices and in vitro cell culture, laying the basis for future work in the OoC domain. Finally, two priority areas for OoC are identified that could be addressed with standards, namely, characterisation of small molecule absorption and measurement of microfluidic parameters.We study the interaction between one aptamer and its analyte (the MnSOD protein) by the combination of surface-enhanced Raman scattering and multivariate statistical analysis. We observe the aptamer structure and its evolution during the interaction under different experimental conditions (in air or in buffer). Through the spectral treatment by principal component analysis of a large set of SERS data, we were able to probe the aptamer conformations and orientations relative to the surface assuming that the in-plane nucleoside modes are selectively enhanced. selleck chemicals llc We demonstrate that the aptamer orientation and thus its flexibility rely strongly on the presence of a spacer of 15 thymines and on the experimental conditions with the aptamer lying on the surface in air and standing in the buffer. We reveal for the first time that the interaction with MnSOD induces a large loss of flexibility and freezes the aptamer structure in a single conformation.The application of phosphorene and graphane in different photoelectric devices and energy reserves has attracted wide attention. Here, we investigated the Raman spectra, phonon dispersion and vibration modes of four phosphorene monolayer polymorphs and four graphane allotropes with the corresponding crystal structures to analyze the structure correlation between them. Based on the "three identical, one divergent" pattern found in the sp3 hybrid atomic orbitals of phosphorene and graphane, four new graphane conformers with different hydrogenation modes named γδ-G, αγ-G, βγ-G and αδ-G are successfully predicted. Among these four new graphane conformers, βγ-G has the lowest binding energy, which is only 0.02 eV per atom higher than β-G, the most stable one among all graphane theoretically predicted. This means that βγ-G may co-exist with β-G during the experimental synthesis of graphane, which can be distinguished from the side views with threefold structures for βγ-G and twofold structures for β-G. All the new graphane conformers are direct-band-gap semiconductors with band gaps more than 3 eV, which indicate their great potential in optoelectronic devices. Furthermore, three of them exhibit in-plane negative Poisson's ratios under tensile deformation.Herein, density functional theory (DFT) calculations were performed to elucidate the mechanism of the reversible single atom size conversion between [Au10(DMPP)4(C6H11C[triple bond, length as m-dash]C)]3+ and [Au9(DMPP)4]3+ (DMPP is 2,2'-bis-(dimethylphosphino)-1,1'-biphenyl, the simplified, theoretical model of the experimentally used 2,2'-bis-(diphenylphosphino)-1,1'-binaphthyl). The presence of a unique alkyne group is pivotal to the nucleophilic attack of the phosphine ligand on the electron-deficient Au10 core. After that, a formal ligand exchange and facile 1,2-P (of the diphosphine ligand) transfer occur to generate the Au9 cluster product. By contrast, the absence of the alkyne group results in a relatively electron-rich Au9 core, and thus an electrophilic attack of the Au(alkyne) complex on the most electron-rich metal sites occurs first. After that, the Au(alkyne) migration on the cluster surface, 1,2-P transfer and core-reconstruction occur successively to generate the thermodynamically highly stable Au10 cluster product.Some organic contaminants, including the persistent organic pollutants (POPs), have achieved global distribution through long range atmospheric transport (LRAT). Regulatory efforts, monitoring programs and modelling studies address the LRAT of POPs on national, continental (e.g. Europe) and/or global scales. Whereas national and continental-scale models require estimates of the input of globally dispersed chemicals from outside of the model domain, existing global-scale models either have relatively coarse spatial resolution or are so computationally demanding that it limits their usefulness. Here we introduce the Nested Exposure Model (NEM), which is a multimedia fate and transport model that is global in scale yet can achieve high spatial resolution of a user-defined target region without huge computational demands. Evaluating NEM by comparing model predictions for PCB-153 in air with measurements at nine long-term monitoring sites of the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) reveals that nested simulations at a resolution of 1°× 1° yield results within a factor of 1.5 of observations at sites in northern Europe. At this resolution, the model attributes more than 90% of the atmospheric burden within any of the grid cells containing an EMEP site to advective atmospheric transport from elsewhere. Deteriorating model performance with decreasing resolution (15°× 15°, 5°× 5° and 1°× 1°), manifested by overestimation of concentrations across most of northern Europe by more than a factor of 3, illustrates the effect of numerical diffusion. Finally, we apply the model to demonstrate how the choice of spatial resolution affect predictions of atmospheric deposition to the Baltic Sea. While we envisage that NEM may be used for a wide range of applications in the future, further evaluation will be required to delineate the boundaries of applicability towards chemicals with divergent fate properties as well as in environmental media other than air.α-Synuclein (α-syn) is a hallmark protein of Parkinson's disease (PD). The aggregation process of α-syn has been heavily associated with the pathogenesis of PD. With the exponentially growing number of potential therapeutic compounds that can inhibit the aggregation of α-syn, there is now a significant demand for a high-throughput analysis system. Herein, a novel flow injection analysis system with an electrochemical biosensor as the detector was developed to study the interaction of a well-described antioxidant and amyloid inhibitor, pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) with α-synuclein peptides. Screen-printed gold electrodes (SPEs) were modified using heptapeptides from α-syn wild-type (WT) and mutants such as lysine knock-out (ETEE) and E46K. Affinity binding events between these peptides and PQQ were analyzed by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and further confirmed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS), and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. HPLC and LC/MS results revealed that PQQ formed a stable complex with α-syn. NMR results confirmed that the α-syn-PQQ complex was formed via a Schiff base formation-like process. In addition, results showed that lysine residues influenced the binding event, in which the presence of an extra lysine stabilized the α-syn-PQQ complex, and the absence of a lysine significantly decreased the interaction of α-syn with PQQ. Therefore, we concluded that EIS is a promising technique for the evaluation of the interaction between PQQ-based amyloid inhibitors and α-syn. The electrochemical flow injection analysis assembly provided a rapid and low-cost drug discovery platform for the evaluation of small molecule-protein interactions.In this study, the immunomodulatory effect of sea buckthorn (SBT) pulp oil was elucidated in immunosuppressed Balb/c mice induced by cyclophosphamide (CTX). The results showed that SBT pulp oil could reverse the decreasing trend of body weight, thymus/spleen index and hematological parameters induced by CTX. Compared with immunosuppressive mice induced by CTX, SBT pulp oil could enhance NK cytotoxicity, macrophage phagocytosis, and T lymphocyte proliferation, and regulate the proportion of T cell subsets in mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN), and promote the production of secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA), IFN-γ, IL-2, IL-4, IL-12 and TNF-α in the intestines. In addition, SBT pulp oil can promote the production of short fatty acids (SCFAs), increase the diversity of gut microbiota, improve the composition of intestinal flora, increase the abundance of Alistipes, Bacteroides, Anaerotruncus, Lactobacillus, ASF356, and Roseburia, while decreasing the abundance of Mucispirillum, Anaeroplasma, Pelagibacterium, Brevundimonas, Ochrobactrum, Acinetobacter, Ruminiclostridium, Blautia, Ruminiclostridium, Oscillibacter, and Faecalibaculum. This study shows that SBT pulp oil can regulate the diversity and composition of intestinal microflora in CTX-induced immunosuppressive Balb/c mice, thus enhancing the intestinal mucosa and systemic immune response. The results can provide a basis for understanding the function of SBT pulp oil and its application as a new probiotic and immunomodulator.Taking a composite of a nanomaterial and a signal molecule as a substrate material can provide a label-free electrochemical platform. Besides, the nanomaterial with a high catalytic activity towards the signal molecule can improve the sensitivity of the platform. Herein, a thionine functionalized Fe-N-C nanocomposite was employed as the substrate. Firstly, the electrocatalytic activity of Fe-N-C towards the electroreduction of thionine was explored. Then, an immobilization-free and label-free electrochemical platform for the determination of microRNA-21 based on Fe-N-C-thionine/Fe3O4@AuNPs was constructed. A magnetic glassy carbon electrode (MGCE) was used to keep the magnetic Fe-N-C-thionine/Fe3O4@AuNPs modified onto the surface of the MGCE. Fe-N-C and Fe3O4 nanoparticles can co-catalyze the electroreduction of thionine and a strong electrochemical reduction signal of thionine could be realized in the differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) test. Also, a catalytic hairpin assembly (CHA) reaction was utilized to enhance the sensitivity of the developed electrochemical biosensor.

Autoři článku: Trueray3210 (Nymand Mcpherson)