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RIPR-PD1 demonstrated enhanced inhibition of checkpoint blockade compared with ligand blocking by anti-PD1 antibodies, and increased therapeutic efficacy over anti-PD1 in mouse tumour models. Tofacitinib We also show that the RIPR strategy extends to other immune-receptor targets that contain activating or inhibitory ITIM, ITSM or ITAM motifs; for example, inhibition of the macrophage SIRPα 'don't eat me' signal with a SIRPα-CD45 RIPR molecule potentiates antibody-dependent cellular phagocytosis beyond that of SIRPα blockade alone. RIPR represents a general strategy for direct attenuation of signalling by kinase-activated cell-surface receptors.Cancer arises from malignant cells that exist in dynamic multilevel interactions with the host tissue. Cancer therapies aiming to directly kill cancer cells, including oncogene-targeted therapy and immune-checkpoint therapy that revives tumour-reactive cytotoxic T lymphocytes, are effective in some patients1,2, but acquired resistance frequently develops3,4. An alternative therapeutic strategy aims to rectify the host tissue pathology, including abnormalities in the vasculature that foster cancer progression5,6; however, neutralization of proangiogenic factors such as vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA) has had limited clinical benefits7,8. Here, following the finding that transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) suppresses T helper 2 (TH2)-cell-mediated cancer immunity9, we show that blocking TGF-β signalling in CD4+ T cells remodels the tumour microenvironment and restrains cancer progression. In a mouse model of breast cancer resistant to immune-checkpoint or anti-VEGF therapies10,11, inducible genetic deletion of the TGF-β receptor II (TGFBR2) in CD4+ T cells suppressed tumour growth. For pharmacological blockade, we engineered a bispecific receptor decoy by attaching the TGF-β-neutralizing TGFBR2 extracellular domain to ibalizumab, a non-immunosuppressive CD4 antibody12,13, and named it CD4 TGF-β Trap (4T-Trap). Compared with a non-targeted TGF-β-Trap, 4T-Trap selectively inhibited TH cell TGF-β signalling in tumour-draining lymph nodes, causing reorganization of tumour vasculature and cancer cell death, a process dependent on the TH2 cytokine interleukin-4 (IL-4). Notably, the 4T-Trap-induced tumour tissue hypoxia led to increased VEGFA expression. VEGF inhibition enhanced the starvation-triggered cancer cell death and amplified the antitumour effect of 4T-Trap. Thus, targeted TGF-β signalling blockade in helper T cells elicits an effective tissue-level cancer defence response that can provide a basis for therapies directed towards the cancer environment.Angelman syndrome (AS) is a severe neurodevelopmental disorder caused by a mutation or deletion of the maternally inherited UBE3A allele. In neurons, the paternally inherited UBE3A allele is silenced in cis by a long non-coding RNA called UBE3A-ATS. Here, as part of a systematic screen, we found that Cas9 can be used to activate ('unsilence') paternal Ube3a in cultured mouse and human neurons when targeted to Snord115 genes, which are small nucleolar RNAs that are clustered in the 3' region of Ube3a-ATS. A short Cas9 variant and guide RNA that target about 75 Snord115 genes were packaged into an adeno-associated virus and administered to a mouse model of AS during the embryonic and early postnatal stages, when the therapeutic benefit of restoring Ube3a is predicted to be greatest1,2. This early treatment unsilenced paternal Ube3a throughout the brain for at least 17 months and rescued anatomical and behavioural phenotypes in AS mice. Genomic integration of the adeno-associated virus vector into Cas9 target sites caused premature termination of Ube3a-ATS at the vector-derived polyA cassette, or when integrated in the reverse orientation, by transcriptional collision with the vector-derived Cas9 transcript. Our study shows that targeted genomic integration of a gene therapy vector can restore the function of paternally inherited UBE3A throughout life, providing a path towards a disease-modifying treatment for a syndromic neurodevelopmental disorder.The three-dimensional positions of atoms in protein molecules define their structure and their roles in biological processes. The more precisely atomic coordinates are determined, the more chemical information can be derived and the more mechanistic insights into protein function may be inferred. Electron cryo-microscopy (cryo-EM) single-particle analysis has yielded protein structures with increasing levels of detail in recent years1,2. However, it has proved difficult to obtain cryo-EM reconstructions with sufficient resolution to visualize individual atoms in proteins. Here we use a new electron source, energy filter and camera to obtain a 1.7 Å resolution cryo-EM reconstruction for a human membrane protein, the β3 GABAA receptor homopentamer3. Such maps allow a detailed understanding of small-molecule coordination, visualization of solvent molecules and alternative conformations for multiple amino acids, and unambiguous building of ordered acidic side chains and glycans. Applied to mouse apoferritin, our strategy led to a 1.22 Å resolution reconstruction that offers a genuine atomic-resolution view of a protein molecule using single-particle cryo-EM. Moreover, the scattering potential from many hydrogen atoms can be visualized in difference maps, allowing a direct analysis of hydrogen-bonding networks. Our technological advances, combined with further approaches to accelerate data acquisition and improve sample quality, provide a route towards routine application of cryo-EM in high-throughput screening of small molecule modulators and structure-based drug discovery.Transcription factors recognize specific genomic sequences to regulate complex gene-expression programs. Although it is well-established that transcription factors bind to specific DNA sequences using a combination of base readout and shape recognition, some fundamental aspects of protein-DNA binding remain poorly understood1,2. Many DNA-binding proteins induce changes in the structure of the DNA outside the intrinsic B-DNA envelope. However, how the energetic cost that is associated with distorting the DNA contributes to recognition has proven difficult to study, because the distorted DNA exists in low abundance in the unbound ensemble3-9. Here we use a high-throughput assay that we term SaMBA (saturation mismatch-binding assay) to investigate the role of DNA conformational penalties in transcription factor-DNA recognition. In SaMBA, mismatched base pairs are introduced to pre-induce structural distortions in the DNA that are much larger than those induced by changes in the Watson-Crick sequence. Notably, approximately 10% of mismatches increased transcription factor binding, and for each of the 22 transcription factors that were examined, at least one mismatch was found that increased the binding affinity.

Autoři článku: Truelsenmcgee2781 (Hartley Grossman)