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Membrane filtration is an attractive process in water and wastewater treatment, but largely restricted by membrane fouling. In this study, the membrane fouling issue is addressed by developing polyethersulfone (PES)-based mixed matrix membranes (MMMs) with the incorporation of hydrophilic nanoparticles as an additive. Ultrafiltration MMMs were successfully fabricated by incorporating different loadings of halloysite nanotube-ferrihydrates (HNT-HFO) into a polyethersulfone (PES) matrix and their performance was evaluated for the separation of bovine serum albumin (BSA) solution and oil/water emulsion. The results show that wettability is endowed to the membrane by introducing the additive aided by the presence of abundant -OH groups from the HFO. The loading of additive also leads to more heterogeneous surface morphology and higher pure water fluxes (516.33-640.82 L/m2h) more than twice that of the pristine membrane as reference (34.69 L/m2h) without affecting the rejection. The MMMs also provide much enhanced antifouling properties. The filtration results indicate that the flux recovery ratio of the modified membrane reached 100% by washing with only distilled water and a total flux recovery ratio of >98% ± 0.0471 for HNT-HFO-loaded membranes in comparison with 59% ± 0.0169 for pristine PES membrane.The search of valuable natural compounds should be directed towards alternative vegetal resources, and to the re-discovery of underutilized plants. Belonging to the Plantaginaceae family, the hoary plantain (Plantago media L.) represents one of the lesser studied species from the Plantago genus. The literature study revealed the under-utilization of the hoary plantain, a surprising aspect, considering its widespread. If the composition of Plantago media L. is rather well established, its applications are not nearly studied as for other Plantago species. The goal of the present paper is to summarize the findings regarding the applications of P. media, and, having as starting point the applications of related species, to propose new emerging areas of research, such as the biomedical applications validation through in vivo assays, and the evaluation of its potential towards industrial applications (i.e., development of food or personal care products), pisciculture or zootechny, phytoremediation and other environmental protection applications, or in the nanotechnology area (materials phytosynthesis). The present work constitutes not only a brief presentation of this plant's present and potential applications, but also an invitation to research groups world-wide to explore the available vegetal resources.Ionic liquids have attracted the attention of the industry and research community as versatile solvents with unique properties, such as ionic conductivity, low volatility, high solubility of gases and vapors, thermal stability, and the possibility to combine anions and cations to yield an almost endless list of different structures. These features open perspectives for numerous applications, such as the reaction medium for chemical synthesis, electrolytes for batteries, solvent for gas sorption processes, and also membranes for gas separation. In the search for better-performing membrane materials and membranes for gas and vapor separation, ionic liquids have been investigated extensively in the last decade and a half. This review gives a complete overview of the main developments in the field of ionic liquid membranes since their first introduction. It covers all different materials, membrane types, their preparation, pure and mixed gas transport properties, and examples of potential gas separation applications. Special systems will also be discussed, including facilitated transport membranes and mixed matrix membranes. The main strengths and weaknesses of the different membrane types will be discussed, subdividing them into supported ionic liquid membranes (SILMs), poly(ionic liquids) or polymerized ionic liquids (PILs), polymer/ionic liquid blends (physically or chemically cross-linked 'ion-gels'), and PIL/IL blends. Since membrane processes are advancing as an energy-efficient alternative to traditional separation processes, having shown promising results for complex new separation challenges like carbon capture as well, they may be the key to developing a more sustainable future society. In this light, this review presents the state-of-the-art of ionic liquid membranes, to analyze their potential in the gas separation processes of the future.When forces are applied to matter, the distribution of mass changes. Similarly, when an electric field is applied to matter with charge, the distribution of charge changes. The change in the distribution of charge (when a local electric field is applied) might in general be called the induced charge. When the change in charge is simply related to the applied local electric field, the polarization field P is widely used to describe the induced charge. This approach does not allow electrical measurements (in themselves) to determine the structure of the polarization fields. Many polarization fields will produce the same electrical forces because only the divergence of polarization enters Maxwell's first equation, relating charge and electric forces and field. The curl of any function can be added to a polarization field P without changing the electric field at all. The divergence of the curl is always zero. Additional information is needed to specify the curl and thus the structure of the P field. When the struhe induced charge is fundamentally current dependent. Gating currents involve substantial changes in structure and so need to be computed from a combination of electrodynamics and mechanics because everything charged interacts with everything charged as well as most things mechanical. It may be useful to separate the classical polarization field as a component of the total induced charge, as it is in biophysics. When nothing is known about polarization, it is necessary to use an approximate representation of polarization with a dielectric constant that is a single real positive number. This approximation allows important results in some cases, e.g., design of integrated circuits in silicon semiconductors, but can be seriously misleading in other cases, e.g., ionic solutions.Estimating the depth of image and egomotion of agent are important for autonomous and robot in understanding the surrounding environment and avoiding collision. Most existing unsupervised methods estimate depth and camera egomotion by minimizing photometric error between adjacent frames. However, the photometric consistency sometimes does not meet the real situation, such as brightness change, moving objects and occlusion. To reduce the influence of brightness change, we propose a feature pyramid matching loss (FPML) which captures the trainable feature error between a current and the adjacent frames and therefore it is more robust than photometric error. In addition, we propose the occlusion-aware mask (OAM) network which can indicate occlusion according to change of masks to improve estimation accuracy of depth and camera pose. The experimental results verify that the proposed unsupervised approach is highly competitive against the state-of-the-art methods, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Specifically, our method reduces absolute relative error (Abs Rel) by 0.017-0.088.The by-products generated from the processing of fruits and vegetables (F&V) largely are underutilized and discarded as organic waste. These organic wastes that include seeds, pulp, skin, rinds, etc., are potential sources of bioactive compounds that have health imparting benefits. The recovery of bioactive compounds from agro-waste by recycling them to generate functional food products is of increasing interest. However, the sensitivity of these compounds to external factors restricts their utility and bioavailability. In this regard, the current review analyses various emerging technologies for the extraction of bioactives from organic wastes. The review mainly aims to discuss the basic principle of extraction for extraction techniques viz. supercritical fluid extraction, subcritical water extraction, ultrasonic-assisted extraction, microwave-assisted extraction, and pulsed electric field extraction. It provides insights into the strengths of microencapsulation techniques adopted for protecting sensitive compounds. Additionally, it outlines the possible functional food products that could be developed by utilizing components of agricultural by-products. The valorization of wastes can be an effective driver for accomplishing food security goals.Angiogenesis pathway genes show substantial genetic variability causing inter-individual differences in responses to anti-angiogenic drugs. We examined 20 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 13 of these genes to predict tumour response and clinical outcome measured as progression free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) in 57 patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) given bevacizumab plus chemotherapy. SNPs were detected (iPLEX® Assay) in genomic DNA extracted from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tumour specimens. The variant allele CD39 rs11188513 was associated with a good tumour response (p = 0.024). Patients homozygous for the wild-type allele FGF2 rs1960669 showed a median PFS of 10.95 months versus 5.44 months for those with at least one variant allele-A (HR 3.30; 95% CI 1.52-7.14; p = 0.001). Patients homozygous for wild-type MMP9 rs2236416 and rs2274755 showed a median PFS of 9.48 months versus 6 and 6.62 months, respectively, for those with at least one variant allele (p = 0.022, p = 0.043, respectively). OS was also lengthened to 30.92 months (p = 0.034) in carriers of wild-type ANGPT1 rs2445365 versus 22.07 months for those carrying at least one variant allele-A. These gene variants were able to predict clinical outcome and tumour response in mCRC patients given bevacizumab-based therapy.We investigated effects of molecular hydrogen (H2) supplementation on acid-base status, pulmonary gas exchange responses, and local muscle oxygenation during incremental exercise. Eighteen healthy, trained subjects in a randomized, double-blind, crossover design received H2-rich calcium powder (HCP) (1500 mg/day, containing 2.544 µg/day of H2) or H2-depleted placebo (1500 mg/day) for three consecutive days. They performed cycling incremental exercise starting at 20-watt work rate, increasing by 20 watts/2 min until exhaustion. Breath-by-breath pulmonary ventilation (V˙E) and CO2 output (V˙CO2) were measured and muscle deoxygenation (deoxy[Hb + Mb]) was determined via time-resolved near-infrared spectroscopy in the vastus lateralis (VL) and rectus femoris (RF). Blood gases' pH, lactate, and bicarbonate (HCO3-) concentrations were measured at rest and 120-, 200-, and 240-watt work rates. At rest, the HCP group had significantly lower V˙E, V˙CO2, and higher HCO3-, partial pressures of CO2 (PCO2) versus placebo. During exercise, a significant pH decrease and greater HCO3- continued until 240-watt workload in HCP. The V˙E was significantly lower in HCP versus placebo, but HCP did not affect the gas exchange status of V˙CO2 or oxygen uptake (V˙O2). HCP increased absolute values of deoxy[Hb + Mb] at the RF but not VL. Thus, HCP-induced hypoventilation would lead to lower pH and secondarily impaired balance between O2 delivery and utilization in the local RF during exercise, suggesting that HCP supplementation, which increases the at-rest antioxidant potential, affects the lower ventilation and pH status during incremental exercise. HPC induced a significantly lower O2 delivery/utilization ratio in the RF but not the VL, which may be because these regions possess inherently different vascular/metabolic control properties, perhaps related to fiber-type composition.

Autoři článku: Traviswalter5225 (Dalby Bullard)