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The results demonstrate that the controlling effect of DBS on AD can be efficient by appropriately tuning the key parameters of DBS including amplitude A, period P and duration D. This work highlights the critical role of thalamus stimulation for brain disease, and provides a theoretical basis for future experimental and clinical studies in treating AD.Intertemporal choice involves the evaluation of future rewards and reflects behavioral impulsivity. After choosing a delayed reward in an intertemporal choice, a behavioral agent waits for, receives, and then consumes the reward. The current study focused on the consumption of the delayed reward and examined the neural mechanisms of behavioral impulsivity. In humans consuming delayed real liquid rewards in an intertemporal choice, the ventral striatum (VS) showed differential activity between anterior (aVS) and posterior (pVS) regions depending on the degree of behavioral impulsivity. Additionally, impulsive individuals showed activity in the anterior prefrontal cortex (aPFC). An analysis of task-related effective connectivity based on psychophysiological interaction (PPI) revealed that PPI was robust from the aPFC to pVS, but not in the opposite direction. On the other hand, strong bidirectional PPIs were observed between the aVS and pVS, but PPIs from the pVS to aVS were enhanced in impulsive individuals. These results suggest that behavioral impulsivity is reflected in aPFC-VS mechanisms during the consumption of delayed real liquid rewards.Stressful events experienced during early life are associated with increased vulnerability of developing psychopathology in adulthood. In the present study, we exposed 9-day-old Wistar rats to 24 h maternal deprivation (MD) with the aim to investigate the impact of early life stress (ELS) on morphological, biochemical, and functional aspects of the prefrontal cortex (PFC), a brain region particularly sensitive to stress. We found that in the superficial medial orbital cortex (MO), young adult male rats had reduced density of GAD67 and CCK immunopositive cells, while the rostral part of the ventral lateral orbital cortex (roVLO) showed a decrease in the density of GAD67 immunopositive cells in both superficial and deep layers. In addition, the superficial rostral part of area 1 of the cingulate cortex (roCg1) and deep prelimbic cortex (PrL) was also affected by MD indicated by the reduction in PV immunopositive cellular density. Furthermore, MD induced upregulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), while it did not affect the overall expression of Iba1 in neonatal or young adult PFC as measured by Western blot, however, microglial activation in young adult MD rats was detected immunohistochemically in deep layers of MO and infralimbic cortex (IL). Interestingly, when young adult male rats were subjected to a behavioral flexibility test in a T-maze, MD rats showed a subtle impairment in T-maze reversal learning indicating a mildly affected PFC function. Taken together, our findings demonstrated that MD reduced the density of interneurons and induced microglial activation, in particular, PFC areas at young adulthood, and could alter synaptic plasticity accompanied by PFC dysfunction.The brain has the ability to reconstruct neural structures and functions to compensate for the brain lesions caused by stroke, although it is highly limited in primates including humans. Animal studies in which experimental lesions were induced in the brain have contributed to the current understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying functional recovery. Here, I have highlighted recent advances in non-human primate models using primate species such as macaques and marmosets, most of which have been developed to study the mechanisms underlying the recovery of motor functions after stroke. Cortical lesion models have been used to investigate motor recovery after lesions to the cortical areas involved in movements of specific body parts. Models of a focal stroke at the posterior internal capsule have also been developed to bridge the gap between the knowledge obtained by cortical lesion models and the development of intervention strategies because the severity and outcome of motor deficits depend on the degree of lesions to the region. This review will also introduce other stroke models designed to study the plastic changes associated with development and recovery from cognitive and sensory impairments. Although further validation and careful interpretation are required, considering the differences between non-human primate brains and human brains, studies using brain-lesioned non-human primates offer promise for improving translational outcomes.At the end of the first larval stage, the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans developing in harsh environmental conditions is able to choose an alternative developmental path called the dauer diapause. Dauer larvae exhibit different physiology and behaviors from non-dauer larvae. Using focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM), we volumetrically reconstructed the anterior sensory apparatus of C. elegans dauer larvae with unprecedented precision. We provide a detailed description of some neurons, focusing on structural details that were unknown or unresolved by previously published studies. They include the following (1) dauer-specific branches of the IL2 sensory neurons project into the periphery of anterior sensilla and motor or putative sensory neurons at the sub-lateral cords; (2) ciliated endings of URX sensory neurons are supported by both ILso and AMso socket cells near the amphid openings; (3) variability in amphid sensory dendrites among dauers; and (4) somatic RIP interneurons maintain their projection into the pharyngeal nervous system. CP-690550 Our results support the notion that dauer larvae structurally expand their sensory system to facilitate searching for more favorable environments.The wide diversity of cortical inhibitory neuron types populating the cortex allows the assembly of diverse microcircuits and endows these circuits with different computational properties. Thus, characterizing neuronal diversity is fundamental to describe the building blocks of cortical microcircuits and probe their function. To this purpose, the mouse has emerged as a powerful tool to genetically label and manipulate specific inhibitory cell-types in the mammalian brain. Among these cell-types, the parvalbumin-expressing interneuron type (PV-INs) is perhaps the most characterized. Several mouse lines have been generated to target PV-INs. Among these mouse lines, the PV-IRES-Cre lines is the most widely used and demonstrated a high specificity and efficiency in targeting PV-INs in different cortical areas. However, a characterization of the performance across cortical regions is still missing. Here we show that the PV-IRES-Cre mouse line labels only a fraction of PV immunoreactive neurons in perirhinal cortex and other association areas. Our results point to a yet uncharacterized diversity within the PV-INs and emphasize the need to characterize these tools in specific cortical areas.Neurovascular coupling, the process by which neuronal activity elicits increases in the local blood supply, is impaired in stroke patients in brain regions outside the infarct. Such impairment may contribute to neurological deterioration over time, but its mechanism is unknown. Using the middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) model of stroke, we show that neuronal activity-evoked capillary dilation is reduced by ∼75% in the intact cortical tissue outside the infarct border. This decrease in capillary responsiveness was not explained by a decrease in local neuronal activity or a loss of vascular contractility. Inhibiting synthesis of the vasoconstrictive molecule 20-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (20-HETE), either by inhibiting its synthetic enzyme CYP450 ω-hydroxylases or by increasing nitric oxide (NO), which is a natural inhibitor of ω-hydroxylases, rescued activity-evoked capillary dilation. The capillary dilation unmasked by inhibiting 20-HETE was dependent on PGE2 activation of endoperoxide 4 (EP4) receptors, a vasodilatory pathway previously identified in healthy animals. Cortical 20-HETE levels were increased following MCAO, in agreement with data from stroke patients. Inhibition of ω-hydroxylases normalized 20-HETE levels in vivo and increased cerebral blood flow in the peri-infarct cortex. These data identify 20-HETE-dependent vasoconstriction as a mechanism underlying capillary neurovascular coupling impairment after stroke. Our results suggest that the brain's energy supply may be significantly reduced after stroke in regions previously believed to be asymptomatic and that ω-hydroxylase inhibition may restore healthy neurovascular coupling post-stroke.Hair cell (HC) regeneration is a promising therapy for permanent sensorineural hearing loss caused by HC loss in mammals. Atoh1 has been shown to convert supporting cells (SCs) to HCs in neonatal cochleae; its combinations with other factors can improve the efficiency of HC regeneration. To identify additional transcription factors for efficient Atoh1-mediated HC regeneration, here we optimized the electroporation procedure for explant culture of neonatal mouse organs of Corti and tested multiple transcription factors, Six2, Ikzf2, Lbh, Arid3b, Hmg20 a, Tub, Sall1, and Znf532, for their potential to promote Atoh1-mediated conversion of SCs to HCs. These transcription factors are expressed highly in HCs but differentially compared to the converted HCs based on previous studies, and are also potential co-reprograming factors for Atoh1-mediated SC-to-HC conversion by literature review. P0.5 cochlear explants were electroporated with these transcription factors alone or jointly with Atoh1. We found that Sox2+ progenitors concentrated within the lateral greater epithelial ridge (GER) can be electroporated efficiently with minimal HC damage. Atoh1 ectopic expression promoted HC regeneration in Sox2+ lateral GER cells. link2 Transcription factors Tub and Znf532, but not the other six tested, promoted the HC regeneration mediated by Atoh1, consistent with previous studies that Isl1 promotes Atoh1-mediated HC conversionex vivo and in vivo and that both Tub and Znf532 are downstream targets of Isl1. Thus, our studies revealed an optimized electroporation method that can transfect the Sox2+ lateral GER cells efficiently with minimal damage to the endogenous HCs. Our results also demonstrate the importance of the Isl1/Tub/Znf532 pathway in promoting Atoh1-mediated HC regeneration.Introduction Movement disorders can be common, persistent, and debilitating sequelae of severe traumatic brain injury. Post-traumatic movement disorders are usually complex in nature, involving multiple phenomenological manifestations, and can be difficult to control with medical management alone. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has been used to treat these challenging cases, but distorted brain anatomy secondary to trauma can complicate effective targeting. In such cases, use of diffusion tractography imaging and inpatient testing with externalized DBS leads can be beneficial in optimizing outcomes. Case Description We present the case of a 42-year-old man with severe, disabling post-traumatic tremor who underwent bilateral, dual target DBS to the globus pallidus internus (GPi) and a combined ventral intermediate nucleus of the thalamus (Vim)/dentato-rubro-thalamic tracts (DRTT) target. DRTT fiber tracts were reconstructed preoperatively to assist in surgical targeting given the patient's distorted anatomy. link3 Externalization and survey of the four leads extra-operatively with inpatient testing allowed for internalization of the leads that demonstrated benefit.

Autoři článku: Tonnesenbeasley4172 (Johansen Floyd)