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Infiltrative margins were seen exclusively in the LMS group (n=1), with the remaining LMS cases showing lobulate or rounded smooth margins similar to BDL or LV. A high T2W signal <25% was seen exclusively in the BDL group (n=8). The presence of concomitant necrosis and haemorrhage was seen exclusively in the LMS group (n=2). Quantitative MRI had good inter-reader correlation but was not significantly different between the LMS, BDL, and LV groups.

LMS, BDL, and LV may have overlapping features on multiparametric MRI making differentiation difficult.

LMS, BDL, and LV may have overlapping features on multiparametric MRI making differentiation difficult.The counts of confirmed cases and deaths in isolated SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks follow the Gompertz growth function for locations of very different sizes. This lack of dependence on region size leads us to hypothesize that virus spread depends on the universal properties of the network of social interactions. We test this hypothesis by simulating the propagation of a virus on networks of different topologies or connectivities. Our main finding is that we can reproduce the Gompertz growth observed for many early outbreaks with a simple virus spread model on a scale-free network, in which nodes with many more neighbors than average are common. Nodes that have very many neighbors are infected early in the outbreak and then spread the infection very rapidly. When these nodes are no longer infectious, the remaining nodes that have most neighbors take over and continue to spread the infection. In this way, the rate of spread is fastest at the very start and slows down immediately. Geometrically we see that the "surface" of the epidemic, the number of susceptible nodes in contact with the infected nodes, starts to rapidly decrease very early in the epidemic and as soon as the larger nodes have been infected. In our simulation, the speed and impact of an outbreak depend on three parameters the average number of contacts each node makes, the probability of being infected by a neighbor, and the probability of recovery. Intelligent interventions to reduce the impact of future outbreaks need to focus on these critical parameters in order to minimize economic and social collateral damage.

The study aimed to assess the prevalence of poor sleep health outcomes and examine the associations between experiences of discrimination and the sleep health outcomes among lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) adults in Korea.

The study used data from Rainbow Connection Project I, a nationwide cross-sectional survey of Korean LGB adults, conducted via online in 2016.

Participants were asked about experiences of anti-LGB discrimination and discrimination based on other characteristics (ie, gender, age, place of origin, nationality/race, religion, appearance including height and weight, disability status, and other) in the past 12 months. Using the responses, the participants were categorized into 4 groups those who experienced (1) none, (2) only anti-LGB discrimination, (3) only other types of discrimination, and (4) both anti-LGB and other types of discrimination. Past-week sleep quality, unrestful sleep, and long sleep latency were included as sleep health outcomes.

Of the 2192 participants, 740 (33.8%) had poor sleep quality, 1211 (55.2%) had unrestful sleep, and 681 (31.1%) had long sleep latency in the past week. Participants who experienced both anti-LGB and other types of discrimination had 1.65 times (95% confidence interval [CI]=1.38-1.98), 1.30 times (95% CI=1.16-1.45), and 1.58 times (95% CI=1.31-1.90) higher prevalence of poor sleep quality, unrestful sleep, and long sleep latency, respectively, compared to those without any experiences of discrimination.

Experiencing discrimination may deprive Korean LGB adults of good quality sleep. Interventions that seek to prevent discrimination are needed to promote sleep health among Korean LGB individuals.

Experiencing discrimination may deprive Korean LGB adults of good quality sleep. Interventions that seek to prevent discrimination are needed to promote sleep health among Korean LGB individuals.In thoracic surgery, optimized pain control is crucial to prevent dysfunction in cardiorespiratory mechanics. Tubastatin A Epidural anesthesia (EA) and paravertebral block (PVB) are the most popular techniques for analgesia. Unintended intrapleural insertion of an epidural catheter is a rare complication. Our report presents a case of a patient submitted to pulmonary tumor resection by video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS). There was difficulty in epidural insertion related to patient's obesity, but after general anesthesia induction, no additional intravenous analgesia was needed after epidural injection. Surgery required conversion to thoracotomy, with intrapleural identification of epidural catheter. At the end of surgery, surgeons reoriented catheter to paravertebral space, with leak absence confirmation after local anesthetic injection through the catheter. In postoperative period, pain control was efficient, with no complications. It was a successful case that shows that when we find unexpected complications, we can look for alternative solutions to give our patient the best treatment.High-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) is a ventilatory modality widely used in neonatal intensive care units. Its main indication is restrictive lung pathology with difficult gas exchange using conventional mechanical ventilation (CMV). Patients receiving CMV require high intensity care, and immature lungs can be at risk for barotrauma and volutrauma. The few studies that have explored the use of HFOV in the operating room are mainly limited to HFVO during congenital diaphragmatic hernia repair. Limited experience of this ventilatory method in the operating room may be a disadvantage for the anesthesiologist. However, it is important to remember the benefits of this technique as a lung protection strategy. We report two cases of neonatal pulmonary hypoplasia of different etiology in which good oxygenation and ventilation was achieved with intraoperative HFOV.Surgery on the hip joint is very common. Improving pain management has been and is one of the fundamental pillars to optimize the functional recovery of patients. To do this, we must design a multimodal anesthetic-analgesic plan that covers the entire perioperative period. Peripheral nerve blocks and fascial blocks are an important component of multimodal analgesic strategies. Traditional blocks have moderate efficacy, prolonged motor impairment, and increased risk of falls. As an alternative, capsular blocks ("ileopsoas plane block" or "IPB" and pericapsular nerve group block or "PENG block") have recently been described that aim to avoid motor impairment while maintaining optimal analgesic efficacy. The objective of this review is to describe the new capsular blocks and to analyze whether they allow to improve postoperative analgesia and promote functional recovery with fewer complications, based on the innervation of the hip. To do this, a bibliographic review was carried out in the PubMed, Embase and Cochrane Library databases from January 2018 to June 2020.

To explore the feasibility of the preoperative prediction of pathological central lymph node metastasis (CLNM) status in patients with negative clinical lymph node (cN0) papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) using a computed tomography (CT) radiomics signature.

A total of 97 PTC cN0 nodules with CLNM pathology data (pN0, with CLNM, n=59; pN1, without CLNM, n=38) in 85 patients were divided into a training set (n=69) and a validation set (n=28). For each lesion, 321 radiomic features were extracted from nonenhanced, arterial and venous phase CT images. Minimum redundancy and maximum relevance and the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator were used to find the most important features with which to develop a radiomics signature in the training set. The performance of the radiomics signature was evaluated by receiver operating characteristic curves, calibration curves and decision curve analysis .

Three nonzero the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator coefficient features were selected for radiomics signature construction. The radiomics signature for distinguishing the pN0 and pN1 groups achieved areas under the curve of 0.79 (95% CI 0.67, 0.91) in the training set and 0.77 (95% CI 0.55, 0.99) in the validation set. The calibration curves demonstrated good agreement between the radiomics score-predicted probability and the pathological results in the two sets (p= 0.399, p=0.191). The decision curve analysis curves showed that the model was clinically useful.

This radiomic signature could be helpful to predict CLNM status in cN0 PTC patients.

This radiomic signature could be helpful to predict CLNM status in cN0 PTC patients.

This research examines the prevalence and occurrence of intraoperative vascular injuries in abdominal or pelvic neuroblastomas. It also investigates the correlations between preoperative radiographic vascular involvement on computed tomography (CT) and intraoperative vascular injuries in abdominal or pelvic neuroblastomas.

This study enrolled 297 patients with abdominal or pelvic neuroblastomas. The relationships between neuroblastomas and adjacent arteries on preoperative CT were categorized as no contact, contact (less than 50% of vessel circumference involved), partial encasement (less than 100% of vessel circumference involved), and total encasement (100% of vessel circumference involved). Similarly, the relationships between neuroblastomas and adjacent veins on preoperative CT were categorized as no compression, flattened with a visible lumen, and flattened with an invisible lumen. Furthermore, the correlations between preoperative radiographic vascular involvement of neuroblastomas and intraoperativ abdominal or pelvic neuroblastomas. Importantly, intraoperative injuries to veins may occur even if the veins are flattened with a visible lumen.

Approximately half of patients with high-risk HER2-positive early-stage breast cancer (ESBC) do not have pathologic complete response (pCR) after neoadjuvant therapy. The residual burden of disease among this population has not been previously quantified.

We used decision-modeling techniques to simulate recurrence, progression from locoregional to distant cancer, breast cancer-related mortality, and mortality from other causes over a 10-year period in a hypothetical cohort. We derived progression probabilities primarily from the KATHERINE trial of T-DM1 (ado-trastuzumab emtansine) and mortality outcomes from the published literature. Modeled outcomes included recurrences, breast cancer deaths, deaths from other causes, direct medical costs, and costs due to lost productivity. To estimate the residual disease burden, we compared outcomes from a cohort of patients treated with T-DM1 versus a hypothetical cohort with no disease recurrence.

We estimated that 9,300 people would experience incident high-risk idual disease burden in this population.

Breast cancer, an emerging global challenge, is evidenced by recent studies of miRNAs involvement in DNA repair gene variants (MRE11, RAD50, and NBN as checkpoint sensor genes (CSG) - MRN-CSG). The identification of various mutations in MRN-CSG and their interactions with miRNAs is still not understood. The emerging studies of miR-2909 involvement in other cancers led us to explore its role as molecular mechanistic marker in breast cancer.

The genomic and proteomic data of MRN-CSG of breast cancer patients (8426 samples) was evaluated to identify the mutation types linked with the patient's survival rate. Additionally, molecular, 3D-structural and functional analysis was performed to identify miR-2909 as regulator of MRN-CSG.

The genomic and proteomic data analysis shows genetic alterations with majority of missense mutations [RAD50 (0.7%), MRE11 (1.5%), and NBN (11%)], though with highest MRE11 mRNA expression in invasive ductal breast carcinoma as compared to other breast cancer types. The Kaplan-Meier survival curves suggest higher survival rate for unaltered groups as compared to the altered group.

Autoři článku: Toddahmed8113 (Bertelsen Schaefer)