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Key descriptive papers spoke of the segmental lymphedema. Most recently, attention has been given to attachments of the intralymphatic CD68+ granulomas to a focal point where endothelial damage occurred, damage suggesting infectious penetration of the mucosa, necrosis of lymphatic endothelium and then granulomatous response, both inside and outside the lymphatics, of submucosa, muscularis, and subserosa. D2-40 IHC outlines the endothelium, and anti-CD68 shows the granulomas. IHC adds a valuable perspective when reviewing CD resections.There is evidence that zoo visitor presence can influence the behaviour and, in some cases, adrenal response of zoo animals, and can sometimes compromise animal welfare. In some laboratory studies, significantly more primate births have been reported on weekends, when fewer people are working there, compared with weekdays when staffing levels are at their highest. Here, we investigate whether there is evidence of a "weekend effect" on births in zoo animals as a result of visitor numbers. Unlike laboratories, zoos are typically busier with visitors on weekends than on weekdays, although staffing levels remain fairly consistent across days of the week. If zoo animal parturition is sensitive to human presence, then fewer births would be expected on weekends compared with weekdays. We tested this using birth data and visitor numbers on the entrance gate from zoo records across 16 species representing artiodactyls, perissodactyls, carnivores and primates at four British zoos, to see whether there is an association between mean daily birth rates and average visitor numbers. We predict that, if there is a visitor effect, daily births should be lower on weekends than weekdays and should correlate with mean daily visitor numbers. Results showed that births for all 16 species were randomly distributed through the week, and there was no significant decline in births on weekends. We conclude that the "weekend effect", if such a thing exists, does not appear to be a feature of zoo births, suggesting that elevated weekend visitor numbers are not sufficiently stressful to trigger delayed parturition.

To demonstrate how metaphor method can be employed in health care research, through a rainbow metaphor to conceptualise lived experiences, and represent a sense of verisimilitude, in a phenomenological study of international nurses' experiences of organ procurement procedures.

International operating room nurses are likely to form unique attitudes towards multi-organ procurement. Phenomenology is used to focus on discovering human experiences and the meanings of certain phenomena. Phenomenological writing can mediate people's reflections and actions, measure people's thoughtfulness and help people to see and show lived experiences from their lifeworlds.

Metaphor was used to interpret meanings of international operating room nurses' experiences in organ procurement surgery. The meanings were identified through a phenomenological approach informed by the work of van Manen.

A metaphor method was used to interpret and understand the lived experiences of eighteen international OR nurses recruited from nineof their experiences and the experiences of others in their team and this will assist in identifying their knowledge and professional support needs. The method demonstrates how metaphor can be applied to understand clinical nursing situations.This paper discusses research on reading disorders during the period since their classification within the overarching category of neurodevelopmental disorders (Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 53, 2012, 593). CP 43 inhibitor Following a review of the predictors of learning to read across languages, and the role of language skills as critical foundations for literacy, profiles of reading disorders are discussed and putative causal risk factors at the cognitive, biological, and environmental levels of explanation considered. Reading disorders are highly heritable and highly comorbid with disorders of language, attention, and other learning disorders, notably mathematics disorders. The home literacy environment, reflecting gene-environment correlation, is one of several factors that promote reading development and highlight an important target for intervention. The multiple deficit view of dyslexia (Cognition, 101, 2006, 385) suggests that risks accumulate to a diagnostic threshold although categorical diagnoses tend to be unstable. Implications for assessment and intervention are discussed.Children display intergroup bias in relation to gender. The present study examined whether children's self-perceived same- and other-gender similarity were related to their same- and other-gender positivity and negativity, respectively. Children aged 6-10 years (N = 149) were interviewed about their self-perceived similarity to girls and to boys and about the extent to which they thought positive and negative characteristics applied to boys and to girls. Among girls, greater self-perceived other-gender similarity was associated with more negativity towards the same gender. Similar to previous research, intergroup gender bias was more pronounced among girls, and children rated themselves as having more same- than other-gender similarity, with this pattern being more pronounced in boys. Thus, this study provides evidence suggesting that other-gender similarity is related to girls' negative attributions towards girls. It also replicates previous findings regarding gender differences in children's intergroup gender bias and gender similarity, respectively.

Australian women are less likely to participate in recommended levels of weekly physical activity compared with men. Physical activity participation rates decrease with geographical remoteness. Research suggests that a lack of social support mechanisms within the home environment may act as a barrier for rural women to engage in physical activity, along with discomfort experienced within exercise environments. The purpose of this study was to explore the social conditions that facilitate or inhibit physical activity participation amongst women from two rural South Australian communities.

A qualitative descriptive approach underpinned by a phenomenological methodological orientation was applied. Participants were recruited using a purposive sampling strategy before semi-structured interviews (N=16) were conducted and prepared for thematic analysis.

Four inter-related themes were identified support from others, time, expectations and available opportunities. Further contextual analysis revealed interwovenctivity participation and concomitantly provide the initial development of a framework for local strategic planning of health-promoting activities, and individual reflection to increase physical activity participation amongst rural women.

Local anesthesia protocols for intradetrusor onabotulinum toxin A (BoNTA) injection lack standardization. We aimed to determine if an alkalinized lidocaine solution is more effective than lidocaine only.

Patients of both genders aged 18 or above enlisted for intradetrusor BoNTA injection (idiopathic, neurogenic, and bladder pain syndrome) were included in a double-blinded randomized controlled trial after obtaining their informed consent. All participants filled a bladder diary and a urine culture was performed. Subjects were randomized 11 to Protocol A (20 ml 2% lidocaine + 10 ml 8.4% sodium bicarbonate) or Protocol B (20 ml 2% lidocaine + 10 ml 0.9% saline solution). A Numeric Rating Scale (0-10) was used to assess the level of pain immediately after the procedure (primary endpoint). Secondary endpoints included pain after 1 h, urinary tract infection, acute urinary retention, and hematuria related to the procedure.

A total of 116 patients were randomized. Baseline characteristics (age, sex, indication, and bladder diary parameters) of patients in Group A and B were similar. Pain scores at the end of the procedure were significantly lower with the alkalinized solution (Protocol A and B, respectively, 2.37 ± 0.31 vs. 4.44 ± 0.36, p < .01). No differences were observed 1 h after treatment (Protocol A and B, respectively, 0.54 ± 0.17 vs. 0.69 ± 0.19, p = .487). The only adverse event reported was mild-to-moderate self-limited hematuria in 15.4% of patients.

The use of an alkalinized lidocaine solution has proven to be significantly superior to lidocaine only as local anesthesia before intradetrusor BoNTA injection, suggesting that this may be considered a first-line option.

The use of an alkalinized lidocaine solution has proven to be significantly superior to lidocaine only as local anesthesia before intradetrusor BoNTA injection, suggesting that this may be considered a first-line option.

To translate the MISSCARE Survey into Swedish and establish its validity and reliability by evaluating its psychometric properties.

Missed nursing care is defined as any aspect of required nursing care that is omitted or delayed. The consequence of missed nursing care is a threat to patient safety. The MISSCARE Survey is an American instrument measuring missed nursing care activities (part A) and its reasons (part B).

The translation was accomplished according to World Health Organization guidelines, focusing on a culture adaptation. Acceptability, construct validity, test-retest reliability and internal consistency were analysed. The Revised Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence (SQUIRE 2.0) was used as reporting checklist.

The translation and culture adaptation needed several revisions. A total of 126 nurses answered the test and retest which showed acceptability of missing data. The factor analysis revealed a lack of fit to data for the original factorial structure in part B, while further analysis provided results suggesting a modification based on omitting six items. The internal consistency for part B and its subscales showed good results.

The MISSCARE Survey-Swedish version is a reliable and valid instrument, with good psychometric properties.

More reliable language versions of the instrument enable national and international comparisons that could be valuable for nursing managers and/or directors of nursing who are responsible for quality of care and patient safety in the strategic care planning process.

More reliable language versions of the instrument enable national and international comparisons that could be valuable for nursing managers and/or directors of nursing who are responsible for quality of care and patient safety in the strategic care planning process.

To assess primary healthcare professionals' priority for managing diabetic foot disease (DFD) over the progressive course of the condition compared to other aspects of diabetes care.

DFD affects up to 60 million people globally. Evidence suggests that comprehensive preventative footcare may reduce serious complications of DFD, such as amputation.

A cross-sectional quantitative study reported according to STROBE statement.

General Practitioners (GPs) and Credentialled Diabetes Educators (CDEs) working within Australian primary care were invited to complete an online survey, to obtain information about preventative and early intervention footcare priorities and practices. Ten GPs and 84 CDEs completed the survey.

On diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) review was identified to be one of the top three priorities of care by 57 (61%) of participants whilst at 20-year history of diabetes 73 (78%) participants indicated its priority. Foot assessments became a priority for 78% (n=73) of participants and podiatry referrals a priority for 53% (n=50) of participants only when a "foot concern" was raised.

Autoři článku: Thuesenpetty7989 (Balling Clemensen)