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Forty-nine percent of all trials were multicenter (69% if exclusively for patients ≤18years). There was an increase in trials exclusively focused on patients with central nervous system (CNS) tumors over the study period (P≤.02). No other temporal trends were seen. The median times from first-in-adult to first-in-pediatric for monotherapy and combination trials were 5.7 and 3.3years, respectively.

The paucity of clear temporal trends highlights the need for innovation in early drug development for young people. Our analysis serves as a benchmark against which to evaluate initiatives to improve pediatric cancer drug development.

The paucity of clear temporal trends highlights the need for innovation in early drug development for young people. Our analysis serves as a benchmark against which to evaluate initiatives to improve pediatric cancer drug development.Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients with cardiac injury have an increased risk of mortality. It remains to be determined the mechanism of cardiac injury and the identification of specific conditions that affect the heart during COVID-19. We present the case of a 76-year-old woman with COVID-19 pneumonia that developed a takotsubo syndrome (TTS). Although the patient presented normal left ventricular ejection fraction and normal levels of troponin on admission, after 16 days in intensive care unit due to respiratory distress, she suddenly developed cardiogenic shock. Shock occurred few hours after a spontaneous breathing trial through her tracheostomy. Bed-side echocardiographic revealed apical ballooning promptly supporting the diagnosis of TTS. She was successfully treated with deep sedation and low dosage of epinephrine. The relevance of this case is that TTS can occur in the late phase of COVID-19. Awareness of late TTS and bed-side echocardiographic evaluation can lead to prompt identification and treatment.Stem cell therapy has potential for the treatment of degenerative meniscus injuries; however, an optimal animal model has not been established. Basic and clinical research show that synovial mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) promote meniscus repair. The purposes of this study were to create a novel meniscus injury model in microminipigs and to investigate the effectiveness of synovial MSCs on meniscus healing in this model. The posterior portion of the medial meniscus in microminipigs was punctuated 200 times with a 23G needle. Allogenic synovial MSC suspension was placed on the injury site for 10 min for transplantation. The meniscus was evaluated histologically and via sagittal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), radial MRI reconstructed in three dimensional, and T2 mapping at 1 and 8 weeks. Proteoglycan content stained with safranin-o disappeared 1 week after treatment in both the MSC and control groups but increased at 8 weeks only in the MSC group. Histological scores at 8 weeks were significantly higher in the MSC group than in the control group (n = 6). At 8 weeks, the T2 values of the MSC group were significantly closer to those of a normal meniscus than were those of the control group. see more High signal intensity areas of the MRIs and positive areas stained with picrosirius red coincided with meniscal lesions. In conclusion, we created a novel meniscus injury model in microminipigs. Evaluation via histology, MRIs, and polarized microscopy showed that transplantation of synovial MSCs improved meniscus healing.

Majority of preterm infants do well with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) as the sole respiratory management; but some require endotracheal intubation and surfactant administration. Whileintubation is needed predominantly in extremely preterm infants (<28 weeks); some of the more mature preterm infants also require it. Currently, there are no clear guidelines regarding indications for endotracheal intubation in such infants.

To understand the current practice regarding "criteria for intubation" in moderate to late preterm infants with respiratory distress.

A survey of neonatologists in Australia New Zealand Neonatal Network (ANZNN) was conducted between April and June 2019.

At least one neonatologist each from 29 of the 30 tertiary ANZNN Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs) responded to the survey. In total, 118/200 (59%) neonatologists responded. The most common criteria for intubation were CPAP = 8 cmH

O (61%), pH < 7.2 (55%), pCO

 > 70 mmHg (48%), FiO

 > 40% (40%), chest retractions (48%), more than two episodes of apnea requiring intervention (54%), and chest X-ray (CXR) showing moderate-severe hyaline membrane disease (HMD, 49%).

While there were variations in practice, nearly 50% of the neonatologists shared a common threshold with regards to the CPAP level, FiO

, blood gas parameters, and clinical and radiological findings. The results of this survey will help in designing future randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on this subject.

While there were variations in practice, nearly 50% of the neonatologists shared a common threshold with regards to the CPAP level, FiO2 , blood gas parameters, and clinical and radiological findings. The results of this survey will help in designing future randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on this subject.

Cisplatin-induced hearing loss (CIHL) is a common and debilitating toxicity for childhood cancer survivors. Understanding provider perspectives is crucial to developing otoprotection studies that are both informative and feasible. Two international trials (ACCL0431 and SIOPEL6) investigated the drug sodium thiosulfate (STS) as an otoprotectant, but definitive interpretation of the findings of these trials has been challenging. Adoption of STS has therefore been uneven, and provider perspectives on its role are unknown.

The Children's Oncology Group (COG) Cancer Control and Supportive Care Neurotoxicity Subcommittee therefore conducted a survey of providers at COG institutions to determine perspectives on pediatric otoprotection practices and research surrounding three major themes (1) prevalence of routine use of STS with cisplatin-based regimens, (2) application of audiometry to cisplatin therapy, and (3) preferred modalities for otoprotection research.

Survey respondents (45%, 44/98 surveyed institutions) were of diverse institutional sizes, practice settings, and geographical locations primarily in the United States and Canada. Overall, respondents considered CIHL an important toxicity and indicated strong enthusiasm for future studies (98%, 40/41). Results indicated that while STS was the current or planned standard of care in a minority of responding institutions (36%, 16/44), most sites were receptive to its inclusion in appropriate study designs. Application of audiometry for ototoxicity monitoring varied widely across sites. For otoprotection research, systemic agents were preferred (68%, 28/41) as compared with intratympanic approaches.

These results suggest that pediatric otoprotection trials remain of interest to providers; the emphasis of these trials should remain on systemic and not intratympanic therapy.

These results suggest that pediatric otoprotection trials remain of interest to providers; the emphasis of these trials should remain on systemic and not intratympanic therapy.Galectin-3 plays an important role in cell-cell adhesion, macrophage activation, angiogenesis, metastasis and apoptosis and is overexpressed in pancreatic cancer. We explored the importance of galectin-3 in the screening, early diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutic effect evaluation of pancreatic cancer. A time-resolved fluorescence immunoassay was performed to detect serum galectin-3 level. Serum samples were collected from healthy controls and patients with pancreatic cancer before and after different treatments, and the relationships between galectin-3 level and clinical parameters were analysed. Among the healthy controls, one individual with an abnormally high concentration of galectin-3 (9.85 μg/L) was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Compared to the pre-operative level, galectin-3 concentration significantly decreased in patients with radical excision 1 month after surgery (P less then .05), but showed no obvious change in patients who underwent palliative resection. Additionally, among patients with radical excision, carcinoma recurrence rate was significantly higher in those with increased or unchanged galectin-3 level. Retrospective analysis revealed the extraordinarily high value and high specificity of galectin-3 for predicting 3-year survival (P less then .001). Thus, galectin-3 may serve as a potential biomarker for the screening and early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer and as an independent prognostic indicator in patients with pancreatic cancer.

Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a serious mental illness with high rates of relapse and mortality. Psychiatric comorbidities are common but their impact on the prognosis is largely unknown.

The aim was to investigate the influence of psychiatric comorbidity on weight gain during treatment of AN.

A systematic search was performed in PubMed/MEDLINE, EMBASE and PsycINFO. Studies evaluating psychiatric comorbidity as a predictor for treatment outcome (weight gain) were included, however, comorbid alcohol/drug addiction was excluded from this review.

Four thousand five hundred and twenty six publications were identified from which 15 were included. The majority of the included studies had a prospective open naturalistic study design, a short-term follow-up period, and were based on small populations of primarily adolescent and adult women. Four studies indicate depression, and two obsessiveness as negative prognostic factors, whilst one study indicated moderate depression and yet another, neuroticism, as positive predictors for weight gain.

The systematic scoping review found a large number of publications whereof only a few directly described the influence of psychiatric comorbidity on weight gain in AN. Overall, studies were heterogeneous in design, purpose and outcome making comparisons difficult. Findings were divergent but depression had a negative influence on weight gain in four studies.

The systematic scoping review found a large number of publications whereof only a few directly described the influence of psychiatric comorbidity on weight gain in AN. Overall, studies were heterogeneous in design, purpose and outcome making comparisons difficult. Findings were divergent but depression had a negative influence on weight gain in four studies.

Anti-cancer drugs are approved typically on the basis of efficacy and safety as evaluated in phase III randomized trials (RCTs). Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is a direct measure of patient benefit, but is under-reported. Here we explore associations with reporting of HRQoL data in phase III RCTs in common solid tumors.

We searched to identify phase III RCTs evaluating new drugs in adults with advanced cancers that completed accrual between January 2005 and October 2016. Data on HRQoL, safety, and tolerability comprising treatment-related death, treatment discontinuation and commonly reported grade 3 or 4 adverse events (AEs) were extracted. Associations between these measures and reporting of HRQoL data were explored using logistic regression.

Of 377 phase III RCTs identified initially, 143 studies were analysed and comprised 55% positive trials and 90% industry sponsored trials. HRQoL was listed as an endpoint in 59% trials; and of these, only 65% reported HRQoL data. There were higher odds of reporting HRQoL data for positive trials (OR 2.

Autoři článku: Thorupchristian3383 (Odgaard Deal)