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This study showed no additional benefit of combining the two interventions than the individual intervention.

we recommend implementing either household water disinfection using sodium hypochlorite or household handwashing with hand hygiene promotion independently at large scale to vulnerable population to reduce diarrheal morbidity.

we recommend implementing either household water disinfection using sodium hypochlorite or household handwashing with hand hygiene promotion independently at large scale to vulnerable population to reduce diarrheal morbidity.

despite large investments in maternal health services in the world, postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) remains a major cause of maternal mortality. Misoprostol is the most available, accessible, and affordable uterotonic agent in the management of the third stage of labor and has been found to be effective in PPH prevention in low-income countries. This study, therefore, assessed the influence of nursing interventions improving midwives´ awareness of misoprostol use in the management of PPH at selected health facilities.

we conducted a quasi-experimental study in two secondary health institutions in Ondo State. A total of 68 midwives, who consented to participate, were randomly distributed into experimental and control groups respectively. A questionnaire was administered for obtaining information about participants´ knowledge and use of misoprostol in the management of PPH. Midwives in the intervention group were trained using the adapted Pathfinder International Teaching Package on the use of misoprostol in thhe use of misoprostol in PPH prevention.

analysis of the prevalence of malaria infection in health facilities is crucial for transmission dynamics and implementing evidence-based control strategies. The study was to determine a five-year pattern of malaria infection in Shewarobit, Northcentral Ethiopia.

institutional based retrospective study was carried out to determine the prevalence of malaria infection from a five-year examination of malaria cases at Shewarobit Health Center, Ethiopia. The directory of all malaria cases reported between 2013-2017 was carefully examined and recorded. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 20.0 and the results were presented in tables and figures.

the results confirmed a total of 33,932 malaria suspects were diagnosed using microscopy over the last 5 years, of which 4705 (13.9%) were positive for malaria infection. Out of 4705 positive individuals, 3074 (65.3%) were males and 1631 (34.7%) were females. Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium falciparum, and mixed infection (both species) accounted for 44.8%, 44.1%, and 7.1% of the confirmed cases, respectively.

the study demonstrated that malaria infection is a public health concern in the study area, and Plasmodium vivax was the predominant species. Thus, the district health bureau and other concerned stakeholders should strengthen evidence-based intervention of malaria control strategies to eliminate malaria infection.

the study demonstrated that malaria infection is a public health concern in the study area, and Plasmodium vivax was the predominant species. Thus, the district health bureau and other concerned stakeholders should strengthen evidence-based intervention of malaria control strategies to eliminate malaria infection.The rising burden of multiple myeloma in Kenya has not been met by a commensurate effort for control. selleckchem Patients and practitioners struggle with unavailability and unaffordability of diagnostics, drugs and stem cell transplant leading to presentation at advanced stages and under-treatment with increased morbidities and mortality. A concerted effort among stakeholders is urgently needed to develop strategies for myeloma control. The scarcity of providers also carries grave consequences for Kenyan patients. The Academic Model Providing Access To Healthcare (AMPATH) multiple myeloma program organized the Inaugural Virtual Multiple Myeloma Congress to achieve both interactive specialist instruction and stakeholder engagement. Expert presenters and panellists from diverse disciplines were invited to offer in-depth presentations on myeloma care and case studies from panellists´ practice were used to contextualize learning points and form a basis for generating debate on the challenges facing providers and opportunities for care improvement. An audience of health professionals offering care to myeloma patients was invited. The underlying principle of recommendations developed during the congress was collaboration among in-country and international practitioners, researchers and policy experts from private and public sector. This partnership of stakeholders bears the potential of pooling scarce resources and for collective advocacy towards better patient care.

cervical cancer (CaCx) is the second most common malignancy in women world-wide. Precancer screening aided by visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) is an early diagnosis method used to detect the lesions that are high indicators of cancer in women. cervical cancer is more prevalent in the developing world affecting mainly women in the reproductive age group and is the commonest cancer among Zambian women. Therefore, the study aimed to determine the prevalence and factors associated with a positive VIA at Livingstone Teaching Hospital (LTH).

this was a cross-sectional study conducted at LTH among 329 women from Livingstone district aged 18 and above, who were coming for routine cervical cancer screening using VIA between 2019 and 2020. Demographic and clinical data were collected from the CaCx clinic. A positive VIA (precancerous cervical lesions) and cervical cancer were the primary and secondary outcome variables. A positive VIA was defined by presence of a dense ulcerative acetowhite area in the transource limited settings.

the study showed that precancerous cervical lesions are common among our study participants and it was influenced by alcohol consumption and HIV status. There is therefore need to enhance the screening programs using VIA in order to identify cancerous lesions at an early stage for early intervention in resource limited settings.

the aim of this study was to identify factors associated with genital prolapse in the gynecology and obstetrics service of Saint Joseph hospital of Kinshasa.

this was a retrospective case-control study conducted from 148 medical files of patients admitted in the gynecology and obstetrics service of Saint Joseph hospital from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2017. It was based on the non-probabilistic sampling of suitability for cases selection. The T-student test, Chi-test and logistic regression were used in statistical analyses.

five factors independently associated with genital prolapse were identifying obesity with BMI≥30Kg/m

(OR 3.770, 95% CI 1.040-9.250; p=0.001), menopause (OR 1.910, 95% CI 1.090-10.930; p=0.001), fœtal macrosomia (OR 4.290, 95% CI 3.320-5.550; p=0.000), vaginal delivery (OR 2.070, 95% CI 1.010-5.210; p=0.006) and perineal tears (OR 1.510, 95% CI 1.250-1.910; p=0.000).

these factors independently associated with genital prolapse can be used for screening of high-risk women in gynecological and obstetrical consultations in order to improve the treatment of genital prolapse in our milieu.

these factors independently associated with genital prolapse can be used for screening of high-risk women in gynecological and obstetrical consultations in order to improve the treatment of genital prolapse in our milieu.

despite improved life expectancy for people living with HIV (PLWH), aging, comorbidities, and associated drug treatment increase the risk for drug therapy problems (DTPs). We assessed pharmacists´ identification and resolution of DTPs among PLWH.

a prospective study was conducted among PLWH aged ≥10 years (N=100) in a Nigerian HIV clinic. Trained pharmacists delivered a six-step intervention that included the establishment of patient-provider relationship, gathering and validation of patient´s data, identification of DTPs, intervention, outcome identification, and documentation. Descriptive statistics were used to examine data collected via a pharmaceutical care assessment tool.

in all, 215 DTPs were identified and classified as unnecessary drug therapy [27.4% (n=59)], non-adherence [21.9% (n=47)], needs additional drug therapy [16.7% (n=36)], adverse drug reaction [(14.0% (n=30)], wrong drug [(10.7% (n=23)], and dosage variation [n=20 (9.3%)]. Within each DTP class, the most common cause was addiction/recreational drug use [39.0% (n=23)], drug product not available [63.8% (n=30)], untreated condition(s) [61.1% (n=22)], undesirable effects [66.7% (n=20)], condition refractory to drug [34.8% (n=8)], and drug interaction [45.0% (n=9)], respectively. The most common interventions were medication information/recommendation to patients/prescribers (30.4%) and initiation of drug therapy (22.2%). Six-month resolution rate was 90% (n=194) with the most common outcomes being improvement in patient adherence [23.6% (n=50)], addition of a drug [18.9% (n=40)], and reduction in drug overuse [15.6% (n=33)].

pharmacists´ intervention resulted in 90% resolution of detected DTPs, implying that pharmacists are crucial in improving antiretroviral treatment outcomes.

pharmacists´ intervention resulted in 90% resolution of detected DTPs, implying that pharmacists are crucial in improving antiretroviral treatment outcomes.

the focus of antiretroviral therapy (ART) in Zambia has been on HIV-1. However, some patients are infected with HIV-2 or both. HIV-2 is resistant to non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs), drugs used for HIV-1. Therefore, this study sought to determine the seroprevalence of HIV-2 or dual infection in HIV infected individuals and compare the treatment outcomes associated with HIV subtype in patients taking NNRTI-based first line cART at the University Teaching Hospitals (UTH).

this was a cross- sectional study, we collected data from the Virological Impact of Switching from Efavirenz and Nevirapine based first-line cART regimens to Dolutegravir (VISEND) study being conducted at UTH. Ninety six individuals were included in the study. Descriptive and inferential statistics were performed. Logistic regression was used to assess the relationship between treatment outcomes and HIV type.

the proportion of HIV 1 and 2 co-infected patients was 5.2% (95% CI 2%-12%). The mean age was 46 years ± 2 years with 60 (62.5%) being females. The median viral load was 1.3 log 10 copies/ml, IQR 0-1.7 log 10 copies/ml and the median absolute CD4+ T cell count increased from 231 to 463 cells/mm

(p < 0.001) after being on cART for one year or more. The study did not report any associations between treatment outcomes and HIV type (p > 0.05).

there is a small proportion of patients that are HIV 1 and 2 co-infected but are on an NNRTI-based cART regimen, drugs that are not active against HIV-2. This, however, does not seem to significantly affect the patient´s virological or immunological treatment outcome.

there is a small proportion of patients that are HIV 1 and 2 co-infected but are on an NNRTI-based cART regimen, drugs that are not active against HIV-2. This, however, does not seem to significantly affect the patient´s virological or immunological treatment outcome.

Autoři článku: Therkildsenfrederiksen4518 (Adair Wilkins)