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Human milk could be considered an active and complex mixture of beneficial bacteria and bioactive compounds. Since pasteurization drastically reduces the microbial content, we recently demonstrated that pasteurized donor human milk (DHM) could be inoculated with different percentages (10% and 30%) of mother's own milk (MOM) to restore the unique live microbiota, resulting in personalized milk (RM10 and RM30, respectively). Pasteurization affects not only the survival of the microbiota but also the concentration of proteins and metabolites, in this study, we performed a comparative metabolomic analysis of the RM10, RM30, MOM and DHM samples to evaluate the impact of microbial restoration on metabolite profiles, where metabolite profiles clustered into four well-defined groups. Comparative analyses of DHM and MOM metabolomes determined that over one thousand features were significantly different. In addition, significant changes in the metabolite concentrations were observed in MOM and RM30 samples after four hours of incubation, while the concentration of metabolites in DHM remained constant, indicating that these changes are related to the microbial expansion. In summary, our analyses indicate that the metabolite profiles of DHM are significantly different from that of MOM, and the profile of MOM may be partially restored in DHM through microbial expansion.Pterostilbene (PTE) is a natural sterbenoid contained in blueberries that has an antioxidant effect. In contrast, PTE also generates oxidative stress in cancer cells and provides an antitumor effect. buy Ruxotemitide Here, we examined the potential mechanism of this contrasting effect of PTE using three gastrointestinal cancer cell lines, namely CT26, HT29, and MKN74. PTE showed a dose-dependent inhibition of cell proliferation, sphere-forming ability, and stem cell marker expression in all three cell lines. Furthermore, the cells treated with PTE showed an increase in mitochondrial membrane potential and an increase in mitochondrial oxidative stress and lipid peroxide. Upon concurrent treatment with vitamin E, N-acetyl-L-cysteine, and PTE, the PTE-induced mitochondrial oxidative stress and growth inhibition were suppressed. These findings indicate that PTE induces oxidative stress in cancer cells, suppresses stemness, and inhibits proliferation. These antitumor effects of PTE are considered to be useful in cancer treatment.Natural products, particularly those extracted from plants, have been used as therapy for different diseases for thousands of years. The first written records on the plants used in natural medicine, referred to as "medicinal plants", go back to about 2600 BC. A thorough and complete understanding of medicinal plants encompasses a multiplex of overlapping and integrated sciences such as botany, pharmacognosy, chemistry, enzymology and genetics. Psophocarpus tetragonolobus, a member of Fabaceae family also called winged bean, is a perennial herbaceous plant characterized by its tuberous roots and its winged pod twinning and a perennial legume rich in proteins, oils, vitamins and carbohydrates. Besides nutrients, winged bean also contains bioactive compounds that have therapeutic activities like anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive, antibacterial, antifungal, antiproliferative and cytotoxic activity, a few of which already been reported. This plant can also be used as a medicinal plant for future benefits. With this concept in mind, the present review is designed to shed the light on the interests in the various phytochemicals and pharmacological pharmacognostical aspects of Psophocarpus tetragonolobus.

Drug utilization of analgesics in a private healthcare setting is useful to examine their prescribing patterns, especially the newer injectable cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 inhibitors (coxibs).

To evaluate the utilization of coxibs and traditional nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (tNSAIDs) indicated for postoperative orthopaedic pain control using defined daily dose (DDD) and ratio of use density to use rate (UD/UR).

A retrospective drug utilization review (DUR) of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) at an inpatient department of a private teaching hospital in Seremban, Malaysia was conducted. Patients' demographic characteristics, medications prescribed, clinical lab results, visual analogue scale (VAS) pain scores and length of hospital stay were documented. Orthopaedic surgeries, namely arthroscopy, reconstructive, and fracture fixation, were included. Stratified random sampling was used to select patients. Data were collected through patients' medical records. The DDD per 100 admissions and Ds for postoperative orthopaedic pain control.T cell function is determined by transcriptional networks that are regulated by epigenetic programming via posttranslational modifications (PTMs) to histone proteins and DNA. Bottom-up mass spectrometry (MS) can identify histone PTMs, whereas intact protein analysis by MS can detect species missed by bottom-up approaches. We used a novel approach of online two-dimensional liquid chromatography-tandem MS with high-resolution reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RPLC), alternating electron transfer dissociation (ETD) and collision-induced dissociation (CID) on precursor ions to maximize fragmentation of uniquely modified species. The first online RPLC separation sorted histone families, then RPLC or weak cation exchange hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (WCX-HILIC) separated species heavily clad in PTMs. Tentative identifications were assigned by matching proteoform masses to predicted theoretical masses that were verified with tandem MS. We used this innovative approach for histone-intact protein PTM mapping (HiPTMap) to identify and quantify proteoforms purified from CD8 T cells after in vivo influenza infection. Activation significantly altered PTMs following influenza infection, histone maps changed as T cells migrated to the site of infection, and T cells responding to secondary infections had significantly more transcription enhancing modifications. Thus, HiPTMap identified and quantified proteoforms and determined changes in CD8 T cell histone PTMs over the course of infection.The leading cause of death in pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is right ventricular (RV) failure (RVF). Reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been suggested to play a role in the development of RV hypertrophy (RVH) and the transition to RVF. The hydrogen peroxide-generating protein p66shc has been associated with left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy but its role in RVH is unclear. The purpose of this study was to determine whether genetic deletion of p66shc affects the development and/or progression of RVH and RVF in the pulmonary artery banding (PAB) model of RV pressure overload. The impact of p66shc on mitochondrial ROS formation, RV cardiomyocyte function, as well as on RV morphology and function were studied three weeks after PAB or sham operation. PAB in wild type mice did not affect mitochondrial ROS production or RV cardiomyocyte function, but induced RVH and impaired cardiac function. Genetic deletion of p66shc did also not alter basal mitochondrial ROS production or RV cardiomyocyte function, but impaired RV cardiomyocyte shortening was observed following PAB. The development of RVH and RVF following PAB was not affected by p66shc deletion. Thus, our data suggest that p66shc-derived ROS are not involved in the development and progression of RVH or RVF in PAH.Monosomy-3 in uveal melanoma (UM) cells increases the risk of fatal metastases. The gene encoding the low-affinity glucose transporter GLUT2 resides on chromosome 3q26.2. Here, we analyzed the expression of the glucose transporters GLUT1, GLUT2, and GLUT3 with regard to the histological and clinical factors by performing immunohistochemistry on the primary tumors of n = 33 UM patients. UMs with monosomy-3 exhibited a 57% lower immunoreactivity for GLUT2 and a 1.8×-fold higher ratio of GLUT1 to total GLUT1-3. The combined levels of GLUT1-3 proteins were reduced in the irradiated but not the non-irradiated tumors with monosomy-3. GLUT3 expression was stronger in the irradiated samples with disomy-3 versus monosomy-3, but the ratio of the GLUT3 isoform to total GLUT1-3 did not differ with regard to the monosomy-3 status in the irradiated or non-irradiated subgroups. Systemic metastases were associated with the presence of monosomy-3 in the primary and circulating tumor cells as well as a higher GLUT1 ratio. Upregulation of the high-affinity glucose transporter GLUT1 possibly as a compensation for the low-affinity isoform GLUT2 may be enhancing the basal glucose uptake in the UM cells with monosomy-3. Prevention of hyperglycemia might, therefore, be a valuable approach to delay the lethal UM metastases.The benefits of daily-living physical activity are clear. Nonetheless, the relationship between physical activity levels and motor subtypes of Parkinson's disease (PD), i.e., tremor dominant (TD) and postural instability gait difficulty (PIGD), have not been well-studied. It is also unclear if patient perspectives and motor symptom severity are related to objective, sensor-based assessment of daily-living activity in those subtypes. To address these questions, total daily-living physical activity was quantified in 73 patients with PD and 29 healthy controls using a 3D-accelerometer worn on the lower back for at least three days. We found that individuals with the PIGD subtype were significantly less active than healthy older adults (p = 0.007), unlike individuals with the TD subtype. Among the PIGD subtype, higher daily physical activity was negatively associated with more severe ON bradykinesia (rS = -0.499, p = 0.002), motor symptoms (higher ON MDS-UPDRS (Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale motor examination)-III scores), gait difficulties (rS = -0.502, p = 0.002), motor complications (rS = 0.466, p = 0.004), and balance (rS = 0.519, p = 0.001). In contrast, among the TD subtype, disease-related characteristics were not related to daily-living physical activity. Intriguingly, physical activity was not related to self-report of ADL difficulties (scores of the MDS-UPDRS Parts I or II) in both motor subtypes. These findings highlight the importance of objective daily-living physical activity monitoring and suggest that self-report does not necessarily reflect objective physical activity levels. Furthermore, the results point to important differences in factors related to physical activity in PD motor subtypes, setting the stage for personalized treatment programs.Membrane technology is a simple and energy-conservative separation option that is considered to be a green alternative for CO2 capture processes. However, commercially available membranes still face challenges regarding water and chemical resistance. In this study, the effect of water and organic contaminants in the feed stream on the CO2/CH4 separation performance is evaluated as a function of the hydrophilic and permselective features of the top layer of the membrane. The membranes were a commercial hydrophobic membrane with a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) top layer (Sulzer Chemtech) and a hydrophilic flat composite membrane with a hydrophilic [emim][ac] ionic liquid-chitosan (IL-CS) thin layer on a commercial polyethersulfone (PES) support developed in our laboratory. Both membranes were immersed in NaOH 1M solutions and washed thoroughly before characterization. The CO2 permeance was similar for both NaOH-treated membranes in the whole range of feed concentration (up to 250 GPU). The presence of water vapor and organic impurities of the feed gas largely affects the gas permeance through the hydrophobic PDMS membrane, while the behavior of the hydrophilic IL-CS/PES membranes is scarcely affected.

Autoři článku: Therkelsendempsey2578 (Albert Kondrup)